9:05pm Jun 13 2011
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((Is going to post then going to bed. It's 2:00 am here [UK time].)) Alfie: "Thank you" I mutter to Vint, before fluttering off. I dive, at a less steep angle now, to the branch below where the hollow has a distinct orange glow emitting from it. 'Of course, how could I of bee so stupid?' I think as I flutter noisily to the branch. "Um--I--I'm sorry about being late and all, but this is my first day in Metals Chaw, and I didn't know where it was, so then I got lost and I was flying in circles. Then I dived to ask for help, but I dived to fast and I face planted onto the branch, but then I asked and I got help from the Navigation Chaw Ryb Vint, and he pointed me to your hollow." I say in a rush to get my excuse for being late out all in one go.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
7:46am Jun 14 2011 (last edited on 7:48am Jun 14 2011)
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Posts: 534
OOC: For the sake of the RP... St. Aggies still exists, too. XD (Because it probably doesn't.) Odil sighed thoughtfully. "We're going to the kingdom of Tyto. It's been a while since we've been there, hasn't it?" he said, turning to his students. "There was recently an attack there, so the owlets that weren't taken probably fell. And, maybe, when you two are ready, I'll take you to St. Aggies. Have you all ever heard of it?" -- Pangari flew excitedly after her mentor. Although it wasn't purposeful, her wing beats were louder than usual because of the anticipation of battle training. When she landed next to Nigh, she noticed her noisy flying. "Oops," she said. "I think I'm just excited," she explained, smiling a little out of embarrasment. -- Rae's mind was blank. She tried to beat it out of herself with words. Come on, Rae! Think! Don't make a fool of yourself! "A tool. Like a hammer of some sort," she answered. Oh, Glaux, she silently prayed. Please let it be the right answer. Then, she heard the voice of a newcomer. "Oh. So you're the owl who was late," she said, a bit of annoyance in her voice. "I'm Rae."

8:11am Jun 14 2011
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"Midna, we've been flying for AGES! Can't we stop?" Akull pleaded her friend. The young barn owl glanced back at her Snowy Owl friend. "Oh, alright." she finally gave in. They had been flying all night. Once Midna had persuaded Akull to leave the snowy mountains to persue her dream of becoming a Guardian, they had wasted no time in departing. They had now been flying for an entire night, and now the sun was rising, they decided to rest their wings. Midna spotted some trees below that looked like they would be good to rest on. She swooped down and landed. "We can rest here." Midna told her friend as she landed beside her. Akull stretched her wings. "You know, this isn't half bad after all!" Akull said cheerily. "We should've done this ages ago!" "Why didn't you start your adventure before, then?" Midna asked. But Akull was suddenly distracted. She was looking off into the distance. "Hey...look!" she cried. "Someone's coming...and they don't look too happy!"
8:35am Jun 14 2011
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Posts: 534
OOC: Suspenseful. :O Who is it?
8:48am Jun 14 2011
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Posts: 496
((Possibly my charrie Iliana? Is posting))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
8:54am Jun 14 2011
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Posts: 496
Athena: "I came from Tyto. I wonder what it'll be like going back there. I heard from some one that there also might of been a forest fire, so extra danger! We can count the Colliering and Weather Interpretation Chaw in!" I say, excited. 'I don't even remember the faintest thing about Tyto Forest, nor have I been there since I was an owlet. This adventure is going to be so exciting!' I think, barely able to contain my raging excitement. Ruby: "Wow! The center of all the other constellations? That's a pretty special star. I wonder why I haven't noticed it before." I say, not to anyone in particular. I hear the sound of flailing wings, and a large masked owl falls on his face just three talons-length away from my head. "Um, Hi, who are you?" I ask. He doesn't ask, but the look on his face is one that is terribly worried and confused. He asks Vint a question, and the flutters off when Vint points to a hollow further down. "So...when are we going?" I ask, tryign to put the fear and confusion of the Masked Owl behind me. 'He really needs to work on his flying skills, but oh well.' I think.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
9:01am Jun 14 2011
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Posts: 534
"Oh, great idea, Athena! Would you be a helpful owl and go ask them?" Odil asked, turning to her. What a smart young owl. "We could pick up coals and whatever those owls do on the way," he said, nodding.
9:28am Jun 14 2011
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Posts: 496
Athena: "I don't know about the coals, as that is kind of their job, but I'll go ask!" I say enthusiastically. I leap from the branch where Dustin and Odil stand, feeling the rhythme of the heart, and I fly. I flap hard, and silently, for there are no wave like thermals to support me now. I dive and search the branches where Gylzryb often meets his sole pupil, an emotionless owl named Xiar. I look in vain, for it is apparent that they have already left. 'Where could they--the Blacksmiths!' I think, flapping hard as I begin to fly upward, using lots of energy to fly fast and hard. I soar over owls, including Ruby and Vint, then I dive, fast and swift, slicing the air with my wings. I then make my wings fans and spread them out as I reach out to grip the branch in front of the ominously glowing hollow. "Um--hi! My name is Athena, and I'm a Guardian from the Search and Rescue Chaw. Um--can I talk to Gylzryb about the forest fire in the Tyto forest?" I say, nervous, my beak trembling on nearly every other word.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
11:25am Jun 14 2011
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Posts: 2,052
((I was going to make them bump into a Pure One or something, but perhaps they could bump into someone else's character? :-D))
1:06pm Jun 14 2011
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(( Well me and Nom both have loners if you'd like to make it one of ours ^^ Buy Nom's loner is the one that's actually flying sooo XD And just a quick question... Are pure ones and st.aggies NPCs or what? )) Vint rolled his eyes, chuckling slightly at the young owl's very skittish behavior... But that was just a simple distraction, and he went right back into the lesson, "Right now..." Vint coughed once, starting again, "Were going to fly up to the highest point in the Ga'hoole tree." He put extra emphasis oh 'Highest', "Where most navigation studies are pointed towards... And I'm going to help you find out where The Star That Never Moves is located in our night sky." He hooted lightly. Nigh watched as Pangari flew down as well. Well... She didn't even have to watch, she could tell by how noisy she was. "Now now..." Nigh started, moving out on wing slightly, "Remember Pangari, a great fighter, is a silent one." She stated, almost in a way reminding her she must fly quietly, "But..." She started, turning to speak now to both Loor and Pangari, "We may need to be silent, but we also need to be strong..." She started, and carefully she leaned down and pulled off her battle claws, "Now I here, have a full grown owls Battle claws..." She explained as she placed them in front of her, "Unlike yours, which are training battle claws, They are much sharper, and much heavier." She folded er wings neatly to her sides and took a step back, "I Want you each to try one of them on and try to simply fly upwards a foot or two, just so you can see how hard it is to pick them up." She concluded, blinking her large yellow eyes once. Nyx sighed loudly, "Well now I'm stuck with you says who?" she said in a warning tone. "Says me, Because good luck getting far without me following you." Dakota stated, and nodded his head sternly once. Nyx rolled her eyes, "I don't want to have to take care off a stupi-" She started, but cut off. "D-do you smell something.. funny?" She asked, turning her head forward now, alert. Dakota blinked, "n-no..." He started, turning his head to face backwards slowly. His eyes widened in shock, "Look out!" He screeched, flying off the branch and snatching Nyx in his claws faster than the bl ink of an eye, pulling her out of the way of a terried looking great grey that was flying blind, headed straight for her. his other owl was flying so quickly and frantically, because all the forest behind was ablaze, the burning orange glow unmistakable. Dakota flapped madly, and flew over the tree tops, hopefully out of the way of the on coming flames, still grasping little Nyx in his talons. "Put me down!" Nyx demanded, kicking her long skinny legs frantically, as if it was affecting Dakota in anyway, which it wasn't. "I can fly on my own you big grey butt! Let.. me... go!" She seemed extremely mad. "No! Your gonna get hurt!" Dakota continued flying, trying to out pace the speedy fire. "And you should be a little more thankful! I just practically saved your tail feathers!" He yelled down at the little Barn owl. He coughed once loudly... The fire may be a little bit behind them, But the thick smoke was everywhere..
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
2:24pm Jun 14 2011
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Posts: 496
((Scourge, I'm guessing that Nyx and Dakota are in the Tyto Forest? Good job at keeping track of things then!)) Ruby: I felt my eyes widen as he told me that we were going to the highest point in the tree. 'Only the best Navigation Chaw Guardian's get to go to the very higest point!' I think, my emotions beyond words. "Yes! Th-that sounds like a good plan." I stutter out, my beak not quite sure what to do. I wait for Vint's indication that we are going to fly. He usually sets off first anyway, and it is considered polite and respectful to let him lead. I wait.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
2:49pm Jun 14 2011
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Posts: 567
Dolly smiled at Rae, "Of course you need the hammer, great job." She said and walked over to her tools then stopped and stood up straight. Dolly was a sweet, gentle, and mothering owl, but when it came to these kind of things she would be a bit strict. "It's alright, just remember where it is. I don't want anymore tardyness, okay sweetie?" She lightened up and smiled, "Alright, you may call me Dolly. Now go grab some coal and Rae will get you started with the sheilds, and don't feel bad if you forget something Rae I'll be watching." She patted Rae softly on her back with her wing. Xiar landed by Dolly, and waited for his ryb to speak. There was no way that Xiar was going to ask for anything when his ryb was around to do it for him. He looked at Dolly and her two students interested, then hopped behind his ryb.
2:56pm Jun 14 2011
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Posts: 496
Alfie: I say, still nervous, my feathers plastered against my body, "Yes, of course. You can count on it. So, Rae, what do I do once I've got the coal?" I feel about as calm as a wolf looking for acceptance into a pack. I grab a random piece of coal, one I know to be called a sizzler, for the way that they sizzle when placed in water. I wait for Rae to answer, and I look over the work that she's already done, admiring her skill and talent. 'I doubt I'll ever be as good as her. I wasn't even meant to be in this chaw anyway. I wish I was still in Search and Rescue.' I think.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
5:26pm Jun 14 2011
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Posts: 5,578
Loor noded to her Ryb and took off her battle claws and helmet. She put on one of the large battle claws. They were extremly over sized for her but she was told to try to fly up wards so that was what she was going to do. She could allready tell that they were heavvy so she braced herself. She flaped her wings up and down as hard and fast as she could. She got up in the air maybe half a foot or so but couldn't stay there long. She plumeted to the tree branch again. She scowled at herself and tried again. She flaped harder and faster but got nothing better than the first time. She took in a deep breath and tried once more. She wasn't the type to give 'till she got what she wanted and this was no exception. She fell again but wasn't about to give up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Yes I've heard of that place." He said his smile unwavering. He was so excited to go to that place. He had heard so many interesting and facinating things about that area. He flaped his wings and hovered over the branch before landing again. "I can't wait." He squwacked. It was quite clear that he was ready to go and verey excited to as well.
5:52pm Jun 14 2011
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(( Yes they are Nom ^^ I figured maybe this could be a good way to get them to meet some guardians or something, eh? XD But can't post right now, going out to see my nana, but when I get back I'll rpely if I can ^^ ))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
3:07am Jun 15 2011
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Posts: 2,052
The new owl did indeed look like they were angry. As they swooped low over the branch where Akull and Midna were perched, Midna could have sworn that she felt the very tips of their talons brush the top of her head. The new owl doubled back and landed on the branch not too far away from them. "Who are you?" she asked, in a very fed-up tone of voice. Akull was taken aback by the newcomer. "Um, my name's Akull. And this is my friend, Midna." she said. Midna bowed her head slightly in greeting. But the newcomer just turned her back on them. "I'm Iliana." she said over her shoulder. "And what business do you have in this place, hmm?" "We're travelling." Midna said, simply. "Oh? Where too?" the owl named Iliana asked. "We're going to become Guardians." Akull said, with a hint of pride. "It's a dream of ours." "Guardians, huh?" Iliana turned once more to look directly at them. "You should just give up. You'll never make it." "Oh really?!" Midna snapped, her temper flaring. "Why can't we make it as Guardians?" Iliana laughed. "Just look at the pair of you." she said. "You're far to weak to last one minute in combat, and as for you..." She turned to Akull. "...you might be strong, but you have absolutely no brain." she concluded. Akull shifted uneasily on the branch and looked down at her talons. "Okay, so I'm not the strongest fighter, but I'm certainly not going to stand for you talking to my friend like that!" Midna screeched. She flared her wings and flexed her talons. "Midna, don't..." Akull began, but it was too late. With another screech of fury, Midna had launched herself at Iliana. Iliana simply dodged out of the way. "See? You're so pathetic!" she crowed. This made Midna even more furious. "No, Midna! Don't do it!" Akull cried after her friend. But it was too late; Iliana and Midna were already locked in combat... ((Thanks for letting me use your character, Nomenaitrel!))

6:29am Jun 15 2011
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Posts: 496
((Sure thing!))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
7:46am Jun 15 2011
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Posts: 2,052
((Now I have to think of an action-packed next part... :-D))
8:27am Jun 15 2011 (last edited on 8:29am Jun 15 2011)
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Posts: 534
(( Rae doesn't like him. Poor Alfie. He shouldn't feel bad, though. Rae is a tough nut to crack. XD )) Rae grabbed all the needed supplies. Silently, she groaned. She didn't want to work with this owl! She looked at him polietly. "Um, I'm already kind of ahead and don't want to loose my focus. It looks like Dolly is just watching. Maybe she could explain it better?" Great Glaux, please tell me this owl won't go asking questions. -- Pangari nodded excitedly. "Alright! I bet I'll be able to do it," she said, trying to encourage herself. She strapped on the claws and spread out her wings. Because she was so large, it wouldn't be too much of a challange, but that didn't mean it would be easy. She flew up a couple of inches. She made her wing beats wider, more powerful. She flew up, maybe three fourths of a foot. But, her overconfidence brought her down. "I went pretty high, don't you think? I wish I could have gone higher, though." -- Odil smiled at his enthusiatstic student. "You're very excited," he chuckled. "Tytos are very strong, well built owls. They can wear a set of battle claws pretty well and they fight like guardians. They'll be great additions to the tree," he explained.

1:03pm Jun 15 2011
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Posts: 496
Alfie: I couldn't help but feel slightly hurt by Rae's coment. "I was only asking." I say, before, shuffling over to Dolly, my feelings hurt and depressed. "So, I have a coal, what do I do now?" I say, my voice toneless and boring. I can feel my gizzard crawl up and hide in my throat, making the words sound all wrong, but I put on a happy face. 'I mustn't seem down.' I think, trying to smile without overdoing it. Gylzryb: I look at the young Barn Owl known as Athena, part of Odil's Chaw. "Well, yes, we're going to ask, me and Xiar here, are going to ask Dolly here, what coal's she needs, and then, I think if it's lright with you Xiar, we'll head out early with the Search and Rescue Chaw." I say to the over enthusiastic Owl in Battle Claws. Iliana: I fly over two owls, and I have to do a Double Take on them. I land, almost catching one of their heads. We converse, and I feel my anger and beliefs getting tied up in my words. Mixing my emotions with my gizzard never turns out well, and if I knew what was good for me, I'd shut my beak. But no, being me, the all important, always right me, I get so enraged, that I begin a fight. I'm not wearing any Battle Claws, but my wings are sstrong enough to propel me in and out of the battle. ((I kind of just had to say a bit about Iliana, even if it goes exactly by your sc ript, otherwise I'd forget about her, and the tracking Chaw Ryb is on hold until I get any owls in there. Don't worry about Alfie, I'm sure he'll get over it. ))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.