2:25pm Jun 15 2011
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Vint gave a slight curt nod to the little owl that he could so call his apprentice, before slowly stretching open his wings, the moolight making the circles on his feathers almost glow, and he flapped harshly once for take off, still clutching the scroll shaped star map in his claws as he flew up towards the Navigation Chaw's sky studying location. He turned his head and glanced down, and blinked, knowing Ruby was soon to follow. He looked back to where he was flying, and gracefully lanched on a thick, sideways gray branch at the top of the tree. Nigh chuckled once at how focused they were on succeding, "Come on now, Don't strain yourselves little ones..." She stated, not wanting them to get too into it, and she waited for them both to settle down a bit, "You can leave the Battle claws in front of you." Seh instructed, "So you both see how heavy real battle claws are now right?" She smiled slightly. "What were going to be working on today is your wing muscles." She explained, "It's a bit of a boring exercise... but nonetheless important." She stated, remember long ago when she was a young owl... "I've gotten weights that I want you each to carry in your claws, and fly around the whole tree once, and then twice. They aren't much heavy yet, so it won't take much more work then normal flying." She had, made long ago by a blacksmith, small, but heavy condensed teardrop shapes of metal, with a loop around the top, made specifically for the purpose of getting used to having weight on you while flying. The ones she was using today weren't much heavier than an egg, but as they go on they can be as heavy as a full grown great grey, mainly made of a much denser metal. (( Will save Nyx and Dakotas post for when the guardians are close ^^ ))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
3:24pm Jun 15 2011
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Posts: 496
Ruby: I flew after Vint as he started to fly, a scroll enclosed in his mightly talons. I follow soon after, looking to the stars for guidance as I fly, following Vint with my body and mind, but not my soul and heart. I can see the great figure of Hoole as he parades the night sky, his wings almost reaching from tip to tip of the great navy blanket. The Wolf constellation Tor is also coming into view from the west, while Fenris, the other wolf constellation, is slowly slipping away. Ursa, the great Northen Bear constellation is in her usual position, looking over all the other stars in the great sky. I can't spot the Star That Never Moves, but I've never seen it before, so I wouldn't even begin to know where to look. I land beside Vint as we reach the highest place i the tree, still looking to the stars for acceptance and knowledge.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
3:40pm Jun 15 2011
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Posts: 534
(( Nyx and Dakota should see the Search and Rescue owls when they come. :D )) Rae couldn't help but feel bad for Alfie. Even though she wasn't exactly... Interested in his company, she had sympathy for him. She got up and moved by her ryb and Alfie. "I'll work with you both, I guess," she said quietly. It wasn't Rae nature, but something in her gizzard made her want to make Alfie see she was even a bit sorry. --- Pangari's gizzard sank. It was a boring task. But, she had to prove that she would make a great fighter. She tried to lighten her spirits by telling herself that everything Nigh told her to do would make her better. "Alright," she said, taking the weights.
4:35pm Jun 15 2011
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Loor set down the battle claws and took one of the weights. She smiled. She all ways thought that training was fun no matter what. Well unless it was one of those excerises where you just sat and watched. "Can't wait," she muttered to herself ecitedly. She tried to keep her wings from flaping with enthusiasm. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I bet they will be." He said. He turned his head around to see if he could spot Athena comeing backwith the colas yet. He couldn't see here but he bet that she wouldn't be too much longer.
4:56pm Jun 15 2011
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Posts: 567
Dolly sighed, "Well, here I'll get your tools." She said with another sigh, then went to her tools and got all of the tools needed. She brought them over and sat them next to the two. She started working on her own shield that she never finished.
5:26pm Jun 15 2011
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((Hey I just thought I should tell you that i'm going to be leaving in about a hour and a half and i'm going to my friends mountain house (they don't have internet) for five days. Just thought I should give you a heads up))
5:28pm Jun 15 2011
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Posts: 567
((I hope you have fun! :3))
5:29pm Jun 15 2011
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Posts: 5,578
((Thanks Turtle I hope I do too  tle="Laughing" />))
6:19pm Jun 15 2011
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Posts: 496
Athena: I nod quickly to Gylzryb and Xiar, before flying off into the night, which was now fully on, as the last strips of golden daylight have gone finally to rest and to wait for their turn to come again in a day a new. I fly fast and silent, quickly spotting Dustin and Odil, still standing where we met. I land, spreading out my wings and flapping hard, and I begin. "Ryb Gylzryb of the Colliering and Weather Interpretation Chaw tells me that he and his Apprentice Guardian Xiar are going to gather the information on the coals that they need to gather from the Blacksmith and Ryb of Metal's Chaw Dolly, and then they'd be glad to fly along side us. So a definite yes." I say, formally, yet I like to include everyone's full ti tle. It makes me sound professional. Alfie: I take the tools that Dolly hands me, and shuffle over to a spot in the Hollow, when Rae comes back over to me and offers to help. "Sure! That would be great! I'm always getting these tools mixed up! And I'm sorry about being late earlier. You see, I was supposed to be in Search and Rescue Chaw, but I brokemy wing when I was an owlet, and now it pains me when I fly, so I've been banned from flying from the tree, and they put me her, in Metal's Chaw. I didn't know where it was, you see?" I say, immediately regretting the words. 'Now I've brought her into my problems! Now she'll hate me even more than she already does! Stupid Alfie! Why can't you keep you mouthy beak shut?!' I think to myself, angry and feeling tempermental.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
6:32pm Jun 15 2011 (last edited on 3:54am Jun 16 2011)
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Posts: 496
Gylzryb: I watch as the young Guardian Athena flies away, and then turn my attention back onto Dolly and the matter of coals. "Knock-knock!" I say, feeling flirtatious, although I've never had an mouse-tail more of feelings toward Dolly other than she's my good friend. "I've come about the matter of coals? You've been leaving rather obvious clues as to the fact that you need some more." I say, remembering the various clues, which included notes in my hollow with the words, 'Coal', 'Dolly', and 'Colliering' on them. "So I've come to ask what ones you need. I know how you hate it when I bring back the wrong ones, but there's a Forest Fire in the Tyto Forest, which looks large enough to hold all of the types of coals and embers." I say, my beak grinning from side to side of my face. ((Sorry, I posted and then I remember Gylzryb, and I was like "Oh no! I've forgotten again!".)) Hanella: I watch the various comings and leavings of the owls who saunter ever so gracefully (although some, not so silently) above. None of them, even pass a fair word about news to me. It's always been like this, but somehow, I get longings, wishing I could have deeper relationships with the tennants that I care so deeply for. I only have small chats with the other nest-maid snakes, and occasionally the confused Alfie, but none of them share a bt of interesting news beyond the Tree. If it weren't for my painful longings and my urge to find more, I would of almost never of known about the Pure One's and the threat that they posed. You see, I heard a rather interesting tid-bit of information from a passing Albatross who was on his way to see Gylzryb about some Forest Fire, and needed to ask me for directions to Gylzryb's hollow. The talkative birds rarely have nything interesting to say at all, but this one did. He told me that, 'If it weren't for the Pure One's, I'd be flying at any time of day now!'. I questioned the matter upon Alfie when we crossed paths a few days later, and I manipulated him (although I hated doing so) into giving me an answer. Yes, the Pure One's are back, and they're back with a vegeance. ((Might as well post with Honey. Good luck on your trip Dartmith!))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
3:10am Jun 16 2011
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Posts: 2,052
"Midna, stop!" Akull cried out of desperation. But her friend did not hear her. The young barn owl once again flew at Iliana, but Iliana merely ducked out of the way. "Your combat skills are no match for mine!" she laughed. She darted behind Midna and attacked. Midna screeched in pain as she felt Iliana's talons digging into her. "No...this can't be..." she whispered. "This is what happened to......my mother before she..." But suddenly there was an almighty scream from behind her and suddenly the talons were off her. Midna turned around to see that Akull had tackled Iliana. "I might not be the brightest owl..." Akull cried out. "...but when you mess with my friend, that's when I get mad!" Iliana quickly recovered. She glared angrily at the pair of owls. Then, much to their surprise, she laughed again. "Well, I suppose you might be a little more efficient than I thought!" Iliana said. "But I'm going now. You're not worth my time." She was about to fly off when she seemed to remember something. "Oh, one more thing..." she said. "...if you REALLY want to be a Guardian, then I suggest you change course. You were flying in the wrong direction all along. Bye!" And with another laugh, Iliana turned and flew off into the distance. Akull glanced at Midna. "Are you okay?" Akull asked her friend. Midna groaned. "I'll live." Midna said. She gave her friend a sheepish look. "But...we were flying the wrong way the whole time..." The two owls looked at each other, then burst out laughing. "Come on." Akull said. "We should rest. Then we'll set off again...in the right direction this time!"

8:59am Jun 16 2011
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Posts: 534
(( Bye, Dartmith! :) )) A mix of feelings flooded through Rae. She didn't care that she was being yelled at by this owl. "Oh," she said weakly, her voice cracking. An imaginary pain shot through her wing. She looked over at him, seeing he hadn't started. "Which design did you pick?" she asked quietly. --- "Great!" Odil said, smiling at Athena. "I guess we should wait for them." Odil realized this might take a while, so he rapidly searched his mind for something to keep both owls busy. A question popped into his head. "How did you feel when you found out you would be in the Search and Rescue Chaw?" he asked.
9:30am Jun 16 2011
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Posts: 567
Dolly looked up and smiled. "Why, hello Gylzryb!" She smiled and hopped closer, since it seemed polite since she was pretty much on the other side of the hallow. "Ah, my little notes. Yes yes, I was just too busy and I could tell you were busy too with training Xiar here." She patted his head and smiled. "Well about the coals, I need any type you can get. Since the cold weather is passing, there have been no fires and I'm running low. And you know what no fires means, no coal." She said with a large smile. Xiar smiled at Dolly's pat. Xiar and Dolly always kept it a secret but when Xiar fell out of his tree, he decided to try flying. He was so excited about flying that he didn't notice he had gone far away from his nest. Then Dolly was flying around, looking for prey, and she found Xiar and took him in. Once Dolly became a Guardian Of Ga'Hoole, she brought in Xiar.
12:11pm Jun 16 2011
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Posts: 496
Athena: "Well, hmmm.." I say, in deep thought, "Well, I guess I was rather excited, infact I could barely contain it all! I had to go and blurt out my news to Ruby all at once! I guess I was a bit over the top, but I was really happy!". I look back up at my Ryb, thoughtfully. Alfie: I look over the design's and think. "Well, I guess I'll have to go with number seven." I say, as I have taken a particular liking to that design. "What do I do now Rae?" I say, the enthusiasm back in my voice. I feel as if Rae's warmness has enlightened me again. Iliana: I flew higher than before, so I wouldn't attract the attention of any other lunatic owls. 'It's not that I don't believe in the Guardian's, it's just, if I were them, I would of made sure that the Pure One's never came back. By the looks of it, and by ear of my few comrades, it looks like they're coming back with Revenge in mind.' I think, letting the misty clouds envelop me. 'Hang on. That's not mist! That's smoke!!' I think, feeling alarmed. I can't see any fire, but the smoke is blocking my vision making it hard to see. I feel suddenely lost on the wing, and I'm disorientated. 'Which direction am I? Where abouts am I? Ahh! This is a nightmare!' I think, flapping desperately through the gray air, with no hope in sight. Gylzryb: I watch as Dolly pats Xiar's head, ever so lightly. I know that those two go a long way back, so I don't interrupt. "Alright, we'll be heading out with Search and Rescue Chaw. See you in a couple of days!" I say, exiting the hollow with a friendly grin and a wave good bye, before taking to the wing. I fly up, and wait for Xiar to follow. ((Sorry about the length of Athena's and Alfie's replies. I'm feeling brain-dead and at a loss for muse for them. Do what you can with what you have, and I'll post more later!))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
2:31pm Jun 16 2011
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Posts: 567
"Good luck!" Dolly called after them and smiled at the two. Xiar waved bye to Dolly and flapped his wings silently and flew up after his ryb, but had to make a sudden stop or else he would of hit his ryb. "Okay let's go!" He said, very excited. (I'm brain dead >.<)
12:14am Jun 17 2011
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Posts: 1,985
(( Sorry for not posting, I will ASAP or tomorrow :o ))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
12:34pm Jun 17 2011
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Posts: 567
((Bumpity, so this board wont die :I))
7:00pm Jun 17 2011
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Posts: 534
Odil laughed. "I'm glad you were excited. It's a very important chaw." He looked up, seeing the other chaw approach. "Here they come!" --- Rae looked over. "What are you on?" She asked. Number seven was one of her favorites, two. Two herioc owls, both with battle claws...
10:23pm Jun 20 2011
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"I was happy and excited as I am about most things. I wasn't quite sure which chaw I really wanted to be in so I guess I was also releaved that I didn't have to pick my own chaw that would have been tough." He said. He turned to see the other chaw coming and was happy that they would get started soon.
3:19pm Jun 22 2011
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Posts: 496
((Bumpeth :C What happened? I thought this one wasn't going to die actually....))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.