7:06pm Aug 15 2011
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((I want to make a dragon mimi which is what Ali was supposed to be, but I am too lazy to make a deion and couldn't fine a picture...))
 <-- Click me
7:07pm Aug 15 2011
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Ooc; I think Adrian would totally fall for a bunny moreso than a dragon. lolz If you want to change her, you can. xD
hello my name is elder price
7:14pm Aug 15 2011
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((No, Ali is her brother XD))
 <-- Click me
7:18pm Aug 15 2011
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I saw the word 'P0rn' too. xDD I was all like: GFJDHGJNDKG MAI GAWD SHADWO.
7:20pm Aug 15 2011
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Ooc; OH....fail on my part, Feyth. xD;; //shot ._. Lawd, guys. It's PROM. PROM PROM PROM.
hello my name is elder price
7:27pm Aug 15 2011
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GJHDJGHDJGHJDJG. I didn't know. >:U I'm perverted.
7:52pm Aug 15 2011 (last edited on 9:37pm Aug 15 2011)
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Name: Altair Esmiro
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Looks: He is roughly 6 ft tall and is 200 lbs of muscle. Only 4% of his body weight is fat. |D As stated in my previous two sentences, he is very well built and not afraid to show it. He tends to wear short sleeves because he finds them very comfortable, and is currently wearing one that is colored red and decorated with a black dragon roaring. He wears black cargo pants that have two little strips of cloth cross-crossing in the front, attached to either side, though these black pants have a white Eastern Dragon swirling up the leg that Altair added himself. He wears a black choker that has a ruby hanging from it that has been carved into the intricate shape of a dragon and even has diamonds for eyes. He has long black hair that he keeps in a ponytail using a white hair-tie, but the strangest thing about him is his eyes. They're both totally different colors. The right is the color of honey and flecked with silver, amber, and forest green, while lined with hazel, while the left is a deep, ocean blue and flecked with gold, little bits of red, and, oddly, purple, and to top it off is lined in a striking, beautiful shade of goldenrod. His skin is lightly tanned, just enough so that he doesn't look like a vampire. And he has a black Eastern dragon tattoo curling around his left arm. He has black, curved horns that come out of his hair as well, and a pair of gold-striped wings and a gold-striped tail tipped with a spade.
Persona: Can be quite blunt, but usually puts thought into what he says beforehand so he doesn't insult anybody. Most often, is a very kind, sweet young man, but at other times he can be quite beastly. But it's difficult to push him past his limit, so most people have yet to see him snap.
Crush: Open. |D
Other: He's a ryuumimi and he's bisexual, leaning more towards other males. Name: Icy Hearts (Ice) Age: Adult .3. Gender: Female~ Looks(both what they are like as winged wolves and as humans): (WOLF) Heart is a very lean, built female with a sweet-looking face and very fluffed-out tail. She has a pair of silver-blue rubbons that wind all around her body to tie off into four red ribbons at her neck and tail-tip, but she doesn't mine much. They seem to grow with her. Floating around her are ice crystals, much like snow, at all times. Her fur is a dark reddish-pink, which, along with the snow, gave her her name of Icy Hearts. Her paws look as if they were dipped in metallic golden paint, along withthe tip of her tail. Her eyes are swirls of green, icy-blue, and bright red, mixing together in a beautiful array.On her muzzle she has three claw-scars from when she was a pup, the three scars on the single patch of lime-green fur on her entire body. She also has a pair of wings, the left angelic, the right draconic. The draconic wing is a pure white, while the angelic one is coal black with icy-blue and red-tipped feathers in an alternating pattern. (HUMAN) She has long hair the same color as her pelt and still has the ribbons wrapped around her. She has her red ears and gold-tipped red tail, the ribbons still coming off of them. Her eyes are colored the same way and her wings are the same. She often wears a long red dress that fits her very well, accentuating her curves. Her hair is curled and frames her face and her skin is pale, but not like...white. Her reddish-pink hair is tipped with metallic gold, like her paws would be. And the three claw-mark scars that were on her muzzle are now across her face, adding a threatening look to her otherwise sweet face. Crush: Open Mate: Open Other: Hates it when others stare at her scars. ((Okay so I kept the wolf part so you can compare them together. -too lazy to edit anymore lolol- Yes. I copied these from two different roleplays. xD))

8:00pm Aug 15 2011 (last edited on 8:01pm Aug 15 2011)
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Ooc; Altair is love. *-* Shall we start? Edit: Waiting for Mail to post her bios. o_o;
hello my name is elder price
8:03pm Aug 15 2011
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(( y u so sexy, Altair? ))
8:04pm Aug 15 2011 (last edited on 8:05pm Aug 15 2011)
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Ooc; LOL Zone, do you want to join or are you just going to lurk? xD And because his name is Altair. ;c
hello my name is elder price
8:14pm Aug 15 2011
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((Can I also be a winged okami-mimi? o3o And hahaha. He is indeed a rather hawt dude. ;D))
8:17pm Aug 15 2011 (last edited on 8:25pm Aug 15 2011)
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Name | Allison Carmichael Nickname(s) | Allie, Mickey | Age | Seventeen Gender | Female Species | Nekomimi Looks | 5'3 and utterly adorable. Her big, bright eyes, cherub cheeks and general cuteness make for most people's worst nightmare, since she uses her cuteness to her advantage like nobody's business. History | Hurgh, she's a girl. Her parents are nerds, and she's a nerd. That is all. | Looks |  Made for me by Puddles. Noooo stealing. SWIPER NO SWIPING! SWIPER NO SWIPING! Only... Longer, bushier tail. Like... Reeeaaaally long and bushy.
Other | Sings. Aaaaaall the time. ------------ Name | Jacon ApWynne Nickname(s) | Jake, Apple, Winnie Age | Seventeen Gender | Male Species | Red panda... mimi? Looks | Height: Tall. Like, 6'4 tall. As for coloring andwhat not... Look at my reference pictures. That is all I have to say on that. History | Blargh. He was raised in the area. Next door to Allie. They are like siblings, or 'siamese dorks' as their classmates commonly and lovingly refer to them. | Looks | 
 Only, you know, more human... ish. I CAN'T HELP THAT MY CHARACTERS ARE FURRIES! TTATT Basically, fair skin with red hair and amber eyes. In case you can't put two and two together, or try to put two and two together, only to get twenty two.
Other | Maybe a teensy bit bi-curious,
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8:21pm Aug 15 2011
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ooc:// Rika, how did I know I would love your man?
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8:25pm Aug 15 2011
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((Hehehe. ^^; I've used him multiple times actually. |D But yeah, thanks for all the loving for Altair. |D His nickname shall be Tai. o3o Or Tire. XD))
8:26pm Aug 15 2011
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[[...why do Jakes pictures look so funny to me... I just love the faces he pulls...]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
8:44pm Aug 15 2011
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ooc:// Jake is a sweety, really. I love him so much. /huggles Jakey-wakey-woo
Alliecat is offline. (◕‿◕✿) and also (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚’✿,。・:*:❀・゚’❁
9:01pm Aug 15 2011
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Ooc; Sure you can, Rika. :o Accepted, everyone o____o
hello my name is elder price
9:37pm Aug 15 2011
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((I added her. c:))
11:02pm Aug 15 2011 (last edited on 11:41pm Aug 15 2011)
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Ooc; Mail can post a bio any time, but I wanted to post my intro. <3 "Rhodes, give it back," Irissa said, green eyes flashing as she grabbed for her pen which was snatched just out of reach. The boy before her stuck his tongue out, his own eyes light as he watched her huff indignantly and reach farther for the writing utensil. "I'm going to murder you," the girl growled, black tail flicking crossly as she reached to grab it again. "And sticking out your tongue like that is childish," she muttered as he gracefully dropped the pen into her hand. Adrian smoothed down Irissa's hair and tickled her behind her black ears. Iris gave an appreciative purr, sarcastic at that, before pulling away from him. "Lighten up, Iris," Adrian said with a chuckle. He leaned back against the bark of a willow tree, glancing about as he did so. More students walked around the campus, most playing around and having fun. Some were more dutiful, pieces of paper strung to tails when their hands were full, or eyes hasty as they strode across the campus. "You going to prom, Iris?" he asked Iris who was now scribbling in a black leather notebook. He yanked gently on her tail to grab her attention and almost caught a bite to the arm in the process. "Easy there, wildcat," he said as he pulled his arm back. "Why, Rhodes? You plan on asking me?" she asked sarcastically as she tossed a crumpled piece of paper at his head. "And what if I did?" he asked playfully, winking as he did so. "Actually, you're a pretty mean p.ussy cat. I leave you to scare the pants off some other guy," he said cheerily and Iris rolled her eyes. "I'm just too good for you," she mused and Adrian laughed. "What about you, Adri? You asking anyone?" she asked and Adrian shrugged. "I dunno, Iris. I'm not really interested in anyone," he said with a small frown. He closed his eyes as he craned his neck back against the bark of the tree again. Iris kept scribbling in her notebook, the scratch familiar to Adrian's ears and his fox ears swiveled toward the sound, face serene as he listened to that and the goingons of campus.
hello my name is elder price
11:29pm Aug 15 2011
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[[Also, I notice I'm the only person with one charrie. ._.' That ok?]] Athena was sat up in a tree, enjoying the cool shade afforded by the foliage over her head. Her legs were dangling over the either side of a thick, stout branch, and her back was pressed up against a wide trunk, oblivious to the creepers that some girls screamed about. She flicked through her book, finally done. She'd just finished the last of her books, but the library was closed for today. Bored, she dug around in the bag next to her, pulling out a small notepad and a pencil. This one was new, and the pages were blank and fresh. They weren't lined, something she was pleased with. Opening it up, she began drawing. A lithe, muscular body, shaped like that of a tiger. Short, coarse looking fur. A long tail, fur melting seamlessly into scales, ending in a snake head which appeared to be leaping out of the page. Cruel fangs adorn an open mouth, tongue visible within. Its neck is raised, its head facing upwards in a royal stance, yet it appears to be roaring at the same time. Sighing, Athena finishes her drawing, shading and all, before closing the book and slipping it in her bag. Glancing at her watch, she groaned. Well, that killed about ten minutes. Resting her head against the tree, she closed her eyes and decided to take a mid-day nap, trying her best to ignore all the babbling and giggling about the Prom. She wasn't going, and wouldn't be asked anyway. Before she could doze off, she heard a noise from below her and glanced down to see a young cat-eared girl, and a boy whos ears looked kind of like a foxes, sat against a different tree. Both were babbling on about the prom. She shook her head and tried to sleep again. How she hated that damn prom.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥