The Tribe of Lacriniti Forest (Wolf/Fox Anthro roleplay)

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6:47pm Apr 28 2014 (last edited on 9:09am Jan 1 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 605
"Welcome, young ones, to our hollows, our true stomping grounds, claimed and reclaimed through many wars.  This land is our ancestor's home and for now, we, too, shall take up residence, and if needed, arms."
Chieftain Shadow, Tribe of Senda 


Once, all forests were inhabited by wolves that could have a partly human form.  They hunted as wolves and gathered and formed tribes as their need was growing greater and greater, for times of crisis approached.  Wolves were disappearing--fast.    As tribes were formed, war broke out over territory and a great number of wolves vanished----for good.  After the war was over, and the tribe leaders realized the cost of their war, a peace treaty was formed, dividing up territory equally so each tribe would get what they needed to survive.  Peaceful years have been spent happily, and good thrives.  But unrest brews in the far parts of the forest...

Follow All Res Rules
No god-modding
No Same-Charrie Love
Up to five characters
Some Characters MUST be older than others

Current Season and coming Gathering: 
New Sprout, and in four days

Chieftain: The leader of the tribe.  Shares den with family.
Chief's Heir: Future Chieftain.  Has a small, private den.
Healer:  Heals the tribe.  Has a big den with herbal remedies and beds.
Deputy Hunter:  Leads the hunters.  Has the best bed in den.
Deputy Fighter:  leads the fighters.  Has best bed in den.
Deputy Scout:  Is the main embassador for their pack.  Leads the scouts.  Has best bed in den.
Hunters:  Provide the pack with food.  shares a big den with each other.
Fighters:  Protects the camp.  Shares a big den with each other.
Scouts:  Maintain peace with other tribes.  Shares a big den with each other
Learners:  young cubs learning about the skills and jobs in a pack.  Shares a large den with mothers.
Mothers: mothers to learners and helpers to Healer.  Shares a huge den with learners.
Elders:  Wise old members.  Has a big den.

Lacrinti--Dhevil(caaaitlin), , , , ,Etta(caaaitlin), , , , Neo(FluzzyPerson), Tinky(FluzzyPerson), Kitty(FluzzyPerson)
Senda--, ,Charlotte(Headache), Rue(WiseBlueFox01), Ayastigi(RikaTheFallen)
Lhiair--, Rose(Anya5544), Marion(Tinkytasha), , Azaran(Wolf12), , , Robin(Tinkytasha)

Bio Skeleton:
Name: the name of your character
Rank: what rank are you?
Tribe: are you  in Mapon, Senda, or Lhiair?  Lacriniti or Kaal?
Age: the age of  character
Gender: male or female?
Wolf Appearance:  do I need to?
Anthro Appearance: above
Personality:  is your character anxious or relaxed?  Sassy or sweet?
History:  You know what?  We'll rp it all out!
Relations:  Family, Crush, mate, pups.
Other: what ever else you need to say!

My Charries:
Name: Rose
Rank: Chief's Heir
Tribe: Lhiair
Age: 19 
Gender: female
Wolf Appearance:tle="Wolves Identified by Unique Howls, May Help Rare Species" data-link="" data-context="" data-similar="simg:CAESWQmYWeRmjS-jlhpFCxCwjKcIGjwKOggCEhSeFI0g9x2VFL8T7hfvGqAUlhS6Chogc7j48QT-uO2QJq5s-wBjp0fiJWhZLHIPMa9WFP-occ0MIRzJ-E1aRuMF" data-num="50" style="line-height: 1.25;">
Anthro Appearance:Twokinds Forums • View topic - Anthro Super-Soldier OOC/
Personality: wiseacre, smart, clever and friendly.  She is usually a happy person.  A great hunter, but does have the occasional temper flare.
History: ???
Relations: TBA
Other: TBA

Sorry, Closed.
Happy New Year.

FC: 0275-9333-8005 If you are looking to have a roleplaying experience that involves Pokemon and will be unique to you, check out my thing over in Roleplay Discussion!

11:00pm Apr 28 2014

Normal User

Posts: 783
Name: Azaran (Az)
Rank: Deputy Fighter
Tribe: Lhiair
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Wolf Appearance:
Except with silvery dark blue eyes
Anthro Appearance:
Except silvery dark blue eyes and the same white markings shown on above wolf form
Personality: Badass, tough, cunning, rather clumsy, player, likes to joke around, brave
History: Born to a loner who left her pups (He and his sister, who was found dead) in the den of the cheiftan, Az grew up among the chieftans own cub, Rose
Relations: he has a major crush on Rose, but many other females like him
Other: small scar under left eye

Meh bootiful OC Badger <3

4:21am Apr 29 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,324
will join later! on holiday at the moment! 


5:38am Apr 29 2014

Normal User

Posts: 605
Wolf12, You're accepted!

FC: 0275-9333-8005 If you are looking to have a roleplaying experience that involves Pokemon and will be unique to you, check out my thing over in Roleplay Discussion!

7:42am Apr 29 2014 (last edited on 7:52am May 2 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 1,324

Bio Skeleton:
Name: Robin
Rank: fighter
Tribe: Lhiair
Age: 16
Gender: male
Wolf Appearance:
Anthro Appearance: ta:image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxQTEhQUEhQVFhQUFBQUFBQUGBQUFBUUFBQWFhQUFBQYHCggGBolHBQUITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMsNygtLisBCgoKDg0OGhAQGywkHCQsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLP/AABEIAMIBAwMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAABBQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAADAAIEBQYBBwj/xABGEAABAwIDAwkFAwsCBgMAAAABAAIDBBESITEFQVEGEyJhcYGRobEUMlKS0RXB8EJDU2JygqLS4eLxk7IHFiNUY8IkMzT/xAAZAQADAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAX/xAAjEQACAgICAwEBAQEBAAAAAAAAAQIREiEDMSJBURNh8KFx/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwDA12ZQYWosjk2M5rzUdZMYE8JgOS61yTAJhTm3SjcpMbbrMBjXFTKcoboV2B1igC8o41O0VbTT2Rn1CpCJ8OZVvSsCoKWZW0UuSsDQwNbZWlLGAFk4qshWdNXnRIROr5baKuFTmrLmMQuqWsjwuUtAXNJUJ01Rmq2kdkpTG3KV6EXWznq1aVVUTbBWLCt+CTRnJBklwKDtTaQhwDDiMjsLRe26/A9Q79y7r1ZmT0kCirGStxMNxcgje0jVrhuKOmAkkkkAJJJJACTSnIMz7BTJ0hpBLoUl1BbW52U1kl1ipqReNEd0SSM5JTgh2fKM17p8JRNoAAoMRWXo2LWlZdSzRX0UOkfZX+zJQTmpoZWOoiFyE2K0O03sw5LPxNu5S4iJ7ndFV981avhGFQYwLptDCRSEKSHFR7KREpoRJgeVZ09XbJVbExzzdMRqoBcXTxLhKqaGssLKTz10rEaWk2lkotbUglVIqQEF8pKTYGhoZgrmjaCVi4ZXBXOza83SSEa61giQSqA2QkJ1PNYq8qYqLpqxvK6r/wDlwt/RtJHbIyYnvHMs+YLYNkFrkgAC5J0AG8rzLb+0mulZUWdhkklLLg3IEQijFgCRiwOIy/LXZKSxX9Igtj3beayYOjc9kjwY5LBoIPRs8seDcltzmPzfWb9fyi5qQtllllBALXh0sTbkkYbNOEOFhp8Q0VHU1wfI0vDS5mWGMAluKwwSTE21c02FiL8DnG2ltVpYGOkhiBscObnG1nMGIubvdEdOPBSrNHR6FSbdZYOaagDU3ImZ+8HnFbsIWh2dtMSNaSMJdiw72vwki7Hb9L2Odl4dHtEAAtqWAXIuRlk543SD4W/MrbZe2H47OkBjcLPfE4uNgAWv5s26QJbmLnI9RFqbRDgj2pJYfZ233lzrumkLSW4mGFsRtmS1jmggi9jmSCLX3m8oNuufMITG65aXl3RGADe8BxsCcr31OmpFrkT0S4NF4o8yK+QBUm0NqBu9RyzSCEWcqGAFFjqFm6zapJTItp9a41KmbGq9pSWYO1etJXmwo8FrpLuK7AocktypULlTWhp7JofZSIKzCq18qHziih2W81cXb0WlqbKmZKumZAWaZ1VcJkKo46soja4oCzWUpbvQaqYA5LOfaB4rraokpWBoWVCRmVdBMi4rqGItKaZTxIqWmKuILJUIcAVNpetBDgjxBJgTwRZSKFnSCrXOU7Z09iixG2pAMKjzMsUCmqcl2WoRJ2hg+UdQRSkDR742O/Yc4Yh3gYf3l5LU7VfkxxzbijZhIxYGusQzPJ2H3nZWyGS9F5XVwFHKy9nyNLYjdotKBijdcnc4A5XOWhWBoqIU/OCVgL3MbgfcubG3M4X7m5kdI64czotY8iUf6XDjcn/CKaKRxa3pOODnnQwathBu4udqLlxscr2tmVNi2HUcw10RgwTxyOs0GSZhuXMv0m3u7IGxtccLqTyLFRLIRTyRx1DqZ7TJKwyDE0xDFYEXJa3Im46JFjbLackOTVTTtc2qEU2V2SRmzzI9znSF2INDWZgBoy6ltCOStim8ejJ0FLIWAzYcbiXvAvv0Ze9sha5H9TW7V2f0nczDm0YnPDmssBmQCT0jYHsuF6FByRnsMbowbZkYjfr0Flm9u8nJaeSWWRjTE+MRiYOJbFZwON3wcCLWPE5BRHjknbRTnF9MgbBonzCMxPY4mQXEpcMNucOIFtiDcuG/MtXo9K+OnYWsuXOOJ73WL3u+JxHoMhuWN5MUuLm5Wh7Gh1hia9rZgBIXFhIFzfmzfgHK7riVDlJEzxb0P2htxxyBVYHufmocjSXK7oKQ2WdtskqaqOwVRLMQtVX0Rss1Vw2QFkM1Z4pILmLqYzyeN2asIXKujU2nK65kRCvYuKayO4USfIrKy2gRcugptlwmydEhg5PaVExorHpOIJh0aFRecThKpcR2WkUikipVIJ09s6nEZeR1isINoLPwm6lxlTQF37cp1NtBZwFEbIQigNZFU4lPgadyytDU5rU0M2SVCovKOU2RZpFUsrLFKesU0IkSxtleGOIaCLvdYXLGuHQvwJPkeKNsylY+WokDy5ji2FjDbCxsNwcgNS5z9bnxWcqK7DK0fpG2H7mIn/c1Q9m7a9mklaQ60shka4DELlrQRZvSHu8EknZ0wivzTNxHsxkckckQwOjc4twj3sYs5uEe9fhnotPRRTEh0shA3RgM/iIHkD3lUvJiruznHNOJ3uuNrYd2ADQdZzJ6rK6NUCu3hWK2zn5NvolT1ICo67bDBq7K9jYFwF/jLQcI6zYBGqJMWWoVXJtqmjkbE+VjXE2wi5tlezsIs2+4G17gb1cptijGi02g3owN1dzhfYDRvNvaS7gOkB2lRJ6LErATktBeMJOeHeBc4Qeu1r9d06KYLn5GpSBdFUzYwGZClQMDckesrQAszV7XsSptRehlttOdoCw+16kXNlzau2Sd6z9RUFyUnYBzVJKtJSUjPPmqZTlQwUeMrtkZxZbtqLBVlTLmnhya6K6ySplt2CbIuOkTjGmOCvRGzrSpEaDGEcJNjQ8tQHNKO0rrgpsdEcFPY9OMa4YkaCidSyKcyRVdMpl1kyiwEoRI81VterKkkCQFnSQq5hqbBVVNIjSNKlgT46nNOqZTZVUVwVYRjE5jDliOZ4NAu4+g7XBIErdI4CZBha0ve3MBoHRP6zjk0EZZnMHK6qq90sUzHOjBaMXuuuc7Z2IFyBfIcVuC9rGc3Cy1hfCwZm+pcTkL8XEX4rI7XHS/6ruluijN3W6za/gB3qIztnZHixjVl/yX5ZUzmGJ8gjI93nOhcHVue8H1RZHte4lj8Qva7HHwu0rzqeLM2u0ndJjc09R5zP71Eihc09HokHMNcWnedDcEZ8Rpx064zVHPLjZ6dynh5ulj5uWYVEsps0SzPJibG4vOBziAAcOdt4G9M5GbHjuJ5LFzHdFrbYMQAPOEakhxd1XF9RdYKkmkDw4Yw8EWe517NDw6w6R1I9NABbe7M21nieyJxIzc5jS++Vhc3uNVnyT3ouHG3GvZrq2uUWGtKp6racLvfZEDqMIax/aC2zkBlcx3REEp/XaakHxuPDMLJSv0S+Fr2i4q6glUdcjx1lOMpW1DXf8AkfNHbxsD5oO0HNwlzXnC0XIe0E4RqQWkaDO1s7ItWL8ZdooKpt1WyghaWPZkr3PDIy/A8sLmFmEkWOWJwOhG5AreT9Rb/wDPL3MLv9t1VGbVdmZL11PkpnAkFrgeBaQfApIoDzxr0dki0MPIaQ/nmfKfqpLeQMn6dnyO/mXW+WH0lcU/hmmvRmyhaL/kKT9M35D/ADJv/Icn6dvyH+ZRnD6V+c/hmpJkBz1rByEd+nHyH+ZFH/D5x/Pt+Q/zJrl417E+Kb9GQjkUqJy04/4eO/7gf6Z/mRYuQR/7gf6f96mXLx/Rrin8Mw0o7AtM3kKR+fHyf3I7eRFh/wDf/B/cs3yR+lril8MzDECpb6HJXcXJQDMT/wAH9ym/YlgBznV7v9yn9IlfnIxXN2KNcLTz8lQfzv8AD/cmx8jWn8+fkH8yM4i/ORk3OUqkcSVp2chmn8+fkH8ykU/I9jc+eJ/dH1RnEPzkQqKM2upccwvZWLdmtAsHX7go02yQOljPgPqpckxfnIlMhba6iCYCfWwDWsBGoLyXP8mxqk2jtkw5AYu02UOj2qZMLyALvc+37DWsGfinVxL4o4z2bLam22ND42EhjQ3otJa+SR2LEZXjpWADNDc4jrohbM2LJK0OlPNRnPBGAxz+Jd8IPaT1hZrk+MUzHPsASXOB94uLy3M9TWgL0pk4cFDjjo1crM/V8n6cgtGNhtYODnOt1ljiWu7ws/Jydl57m2FrrWOO9gGn4hmW3t7ufEaG2vrmHMtzNjYHIE7gSo9M3ANbkm7jvc46k+AFtwAG5UpaJogRcl7WxzC+8Nb95P3Kxp9jwtHSdI/tdgHgy1x23XHToL6oosZawGKMWjjY3sA8+K5JKXb/ALlma7bUcZs5/S+EAuOelwBl3qJR8q2OkbHZ4xG2JwAboeu/kni2TaRqOfcDr455dai1tGMBMQs1ws+MaMv7zmDha92+HAue9OgnLTcIDobsSswmbPWUnL9kD/1WgptrkflEd5WV2gzmv+rFbm3uDZGfC9xyc3qJOY4m/FCpdpguw6FDXwLvs9AG3H/EO8AlcWWbUJJWwwj8Mo2uA/Kb3FPO1f1mrLt5Pj9PL4orNhtH52U9pCqoff8AgXL4aJ22QPygc9yf9uD4h4qlgomAXxO77fRFFKwjNx7rJeI/L4W8e222tf1RG7abx9foqKOggJJcScgMzpmgybKpydXAcAQB6I8foeXw0n202/veqaNtsB971VBR7Np2k5AnLN5vpf6pVWyYHHERbcQ02GWinGH9Hc/iNAduM+L1TTtxh/L9Vn2cn6c7jlr0inDk9T8D8zvqnjD+iyn/AAuPttmfS35Jp20y3vG/UFWDYcQ0afF31T/s2MDTPtKMYjyZPft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data-sz="f">
Personality: Storm is a shy and secretive boy, but he can be aggressive. When he fights he is brave and strong and unfriendly. He will fight even if it means he must die. When he is home he will go into hiding. 
History: Robin killed his father by accident, his couldn't smell right then and he heard a rustle. he saw a wolf come out and pounced, killing without a fight. He regrets killing his father.
Relations: none known of
Other: nope

Bio Skeleton:
Name: Marion
Rank: healer
Tribe: Lhiair
Age: 16
Gender: female
Wolf Appearance:
Anthro Appearance:
Personality: Marion is a sweet, kind girl. She can't stand to kill anything, not prey nor wolf. She enjoys helping other wolves though, and sometimes helps a bird. She is friendly, smart and a has a green thumb.
History: pack born
Relations: none known of
Other: nope


2:26am Apr 30 2014

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Posts: 11,785

Deputy Fighter




Wolf Appearance

Anthro Appearance:
(Ignore the collar >>)

Ayastigi is as his name suggests- a warrior.  He had another name before adopting this one, but he can not remember it, nor does he really feel the need to.

In the heat of battle he seeks to use his enemies strengths to his advantage, especially if they battle by throwing their weight around. He is lean muscle for the most part (as you can see) and he uses this to his advantage, having made sure to keep himself trained in agility as well as physical strength. He feels as though he can outwit most any opponent and is proud of his role as Deputy Fighter of his clan.

Eeeehhhhhh I hate doing these. ;C

He has severed ties witht hem and as such no longer considers himself part of his prior fmily.

Bleh c:


5:43am May 2 2014

Normal User

Posts: 605
Both accepted!

FC: 0275-9333-8005 If you are looking to have a roleplaying experience that involves Pokemon and will be unique to you, check out my thing over in Roleplay Discussion!

5:46am May 2 2014

Normal User

Posts: 605
Um, Tinkytasha, the rules say you can't have your characters in love with each other.

FC: 0275-9333-8005 If you are looking to have a roleplaying experience that involves Pokemon and will be unique to you, check out my thing over in Roleplay Discussion!

7:51am May 2 2014

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Posts: 1,324


5:37pm May 5 2014 (last edited on 4:47pm May 13 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 970

*Gasps* I'm joining!

Name: Rue
Rank: Deputy Hunter
Tribe: Senda
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Wolf Appearance:
Anthro Appearance:
Personality: Rue is quick and hasty. She doesn't likes slackers and keeps her den tidy and clean. She likes things in harmony other than disharmony. She easily swooned by smexy FEMALE wolves. (Oh yeah shes homo! <3) She can be very derpy around and pups and takes care of them in sickness and health.
History: Uhhhh,no....
Relations: *Shush*



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6:30pm May 5 2014

Normal User

Posts: 605
Accepted! And I edited the main post a bit, check it out.

FC: 0275-9333-8005 If you are looking to have a roleplaying experience that involves Pokemon and will be unique to you, check out my thing over in Roleplay Discussion!

6:04am May 6 2014

Normal User

Posts: 605
Alright, time to start up the roleplay!
Rose blinked her eyes open as the rising sun came.  Her gray fur positively glowed in the dimness of the den.  She could see the pine trees above the cavern, a dark green color shadowing the water.  She sighed.
"Another perfect day," she whispered to no one in particular.  Rose padded out of the den, a rabbit cloak around her.  Her gemstone bracelet jangled as she walked over to the fighters' den.  She slapped her tail on the stone and barked, "Az!  It's morning!"

FC: 0275-9333-8005 If you are looking to have a roleplaying experience that involves Pokemon and will be unique to you, check out my thing over in Roleplay Discussion!

7:41am May 6 2014

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Posts: 783
Groaning and uncurling himself, Az woke to the sound of Rose's voice. Stretching and arching his back to get up, he padded through the moss covered entranced and over to Rose. He nuzzled her fur sleepily, blue eyes still half shut with sleep, and noted with a small grin that her misty grey fur seemed to glow in the dawn's light. "Why do you always have to wake me up so early?" the young deputy fighter groaned, grinning and sarcastic.

Meh bootiful OC Badger <3

8:03am May 6 2014

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Posts: 605
"Because it's fun!"  Rose joked, laughing at the question that had asked and answered many times over.  She studied Az's messy black and white fur.  Then she took a sniff in the air.  Doe.  Despite her wanting to chase after it, she knew that if it was hunted now, the other deer would run away.  Rose searched her brain for a topic to bring up.  Finally she found something.  "Say, the gathering is coming in a few days.  Wanna go check out the newly appointed place?  I hear it's surrounded by rocks!"

FC: 0275-9333-8005 If you are looking to have a roleplaying experience that involves Pokemon and will be unique to you, check out my thing over in Roleplay Discussion!

8:09am May 6 2014

Normal User

Posts: 783
Smelling the doe as well, and showing the same sort of reluctant restraint as Rose, Az nodded, glad to bring his mind off of a topic that it always seemed to stray to. Rose. She was so pretty, with her grey fur and beautiful sparkling eyes. Shaking his head to try to kick the thoughts out, he nodded enthusiastically at Rose to answer her question. "Do you know where it is?"

Meh bootiful OC Badger <3

8:16am May 6 2014

Normal User

Posts: 605
"No.  I was hoping you did," Rose noted.  She changed into her human form.  "Maybe we'll have better luck in this form?" she asked. Her rabbit skin cloak seemed to have elongated and morphed into a long sleeved shirt with a pair of leggings, and a long brown-gray cloak trailing on the ground.  Rose grinned a happy grin and started running toward the woods, her gray hair streaming behind her.

FC: 0275-9333-8005 If you are looking to have a roleplaying experience that involves Pokemon and will be unique to you, check out my thing over in Roleplay Discussion!

8:22am May 6 2014 (last edited on 8:22am May 6 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 783
Az shifted as well, his black and white pelt giving him an unzipped black and white leather jacket that showed his abs (like in his anthro pic) and dark grey jeans. He sprinted after her, longer legs catching up quickly, and pointed up towards eagle hill. "Let's go up there, I bet we'll be able to see the place from way up top," Az told her.

Meh bootiful OC Badger <3

8:29am May 6 2014

Normal User

Posts: 605
"Okay!  How about a race?  Whoever gets there first has the other one hunt a squirrel as a snack," Rose said, her brown eyes glowing in the sunlight.

FC: 0275-9333-8005 If you are looking to have a roleplaying experience that involves Pokemon and will be unique to you, check out my thing over in Roleplay Discussion!

8:44am May 6 2014

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Posts: 783
"On my mark. Get set. Go!" Az said, bounding forwards and crashing through the underbrush. Shifting into his wolf form midstride, he scooped a squirrel up in his jaws and sprinted to the top of the hill. Rose was right beside him, and as laughed as he dropped the squirrel. "You owe me one."

Meh bootiful OC Badger <3

8:46am May 6 2014

Normal User

Posts: 605
Hey, I have to run, I'm going swimming.

FC: 0275-9333-8005 If you are looking to have a roleplaying experience that involves Pokemon and will be unique to you, check out my thing over in Roleplay Discussion!
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