OoC: aaldfkja, I'm tryin'. xD Almost done with 'em.. I just kind of keep getting distracted. I guess my life doesn't want to be devoted entirely to roleplaying anymore, even if I'd like it to.
((woohoo! more people :D you could still join lauren, Im guessing you wanted the triyz or what ever it was... if you were a vacationer maybe myst would let you join them :D))
Wanting a banner! rmail me if you are interrested :)
I'm going to be gone for a five day trip, which ends Sunday. With any luck, I'll be able to log on, but not very frequewntly or for very long--if at all. I'll try and catch upw hen I'm back!
((dark, you know me... its just my luck that my phone died and I lost the cord... plus I know that already, *Tears fill eyes* Now there isnt anyone to punch *cough cough* I mean... Not one of my friends has the same lunch period with me, so... call my house btw if you want to reach me.))