8:35pm Jul 3 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( Do we have atleast 3 warriors, 1 leader, 1 healer, 1 breeder, 1 omega, and Lead breeders filled in each pack? ))
8:42pm Jul 3 2011 (last edited on 8:43pm Jul 3 2011)
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Posts: 6,165
(( Err. No.
Both packs have: ((Editing))
8:55pm Jul 3 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( Well if we get the Lead breeders and a few omegas, then we can start. ))
8:59pm Jul 3 2011
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Posts: 6,165
(( Awww D; Why we need them? Tell ya what, when they are super needed, Angel will make them. Because it doesn't look like anyone else is going to join.))
9:02pm Jul 3 2011 (last edited on 9:04pm Jul 3 2011)
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Posts: 3,934
((Bastain can be a lead breeder since he's not down for guard D:))
9:07pm Jul 3 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( Great. :DD I guess we can start now. There will be pups and they will take up most of the spots. xDD ))
9:17pm Jul 3 2011
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Posts: 3,934
((fien xD))
10:44pm Jul 3 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Yay, starteth? o3o ]]
10:47pm Jul 3 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( Thank you for voulenteering to start, NomNoms. :D ))
10:58pm Jul 3 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[... ihu :c ]] Ketu strolled out of his den, watching as the wolves of Dawn pack started to slowly wake up. He was pleased with his pack. The pups would surely come soon, along with perhaps a few swift females and strong males from the Dusk Pack. He wasn't too happy with the pack's expectations, though. Ketu had already sat through one mating season without choosing a female as his mate, and the pack was obviously expecting one this year. --- Ailyn dozed on her usual sunning rock, as usual. She didn't flinch when Ketu came out of his den. The pack's Alpha was used to her lazy attitude. Mating season would come soon... Ailyn didn't feel like picking out a mate yet. Perhaps next time... She thought as she rolled over onto her back to stare at the blue skies. --- Marra trotted back to the Dawn Pack territory, tossing a bit of hare to her friend, Ailyn. "Thought you would be hungry this morning." Marra called with a wolfish smile. She sat near the center of the camp, watching as the other wolves continued their daily pack life. --- "Wake up, Vasark!" Roelm called, nosing his brother awake. "Is it morning already?" Vasark moaned, stumbling onto his paws. Roelm nodded, then proceeded to push his brother out of the den. "Come on, Vasark! I need some wolf to help me guard Dusk Pack!" Roelm said cheerfully. Vasark snorted. "But mating season is coming, and the tensions between the packs are low." He replied. Roelm shrugged. "I still have guard duty." --- Cerise walked over to Taro, her ears flattened and tail low in submission. "Taro..." She began. "Will you announce the hunting duties soon? I'm sure the wolves of Dusk Pack are itching for something to do."

11:56am Jul 4 2011 (last edited on 1:11pm Jul 4 2011)
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Posts: 3,950
(I will edit in your wolfeh, then, Silveh. Sorry I didn't see it D8 And Dawn Pack has no lead breeder, Beta, or Healer. O.o And neither pack has any Omegas.) Sierra stretched to get her muscles up and running. Only a while ago had she woken up. The female was still tired, but didn't think much of it. Of course she'd always feel normal in a little while. But the same thought hit her once more this morning: It's mating season. Alas, Sierra didn't really have anybody to like, let alone love, and nobody would like her. So what's the point? Maying season will just have to carry on like a normal season for her. --- Sola pranced out of her den happily and fully awake. Mating season had come by, and she hoped someone would at least like her back. This time of year always brought a tingle to her. The air was always so full of love and there were new, fun puppies coming along! Oh, how she loved it. --- Ryku laid down near the entrance of the pack site. He was a guard. Although things were not quite tense, anything could happen. So he was still on duty twenty-four/seven. Growling lowly, he was always in sort of a bad mood. Especially in mating season. Everybody was always so lovey-dovey and crap. And all of those stupid annoying puppies. They always seemed to bother him the most, when Ryku only wanted to be left alone. Anyways, he had been single and alone for a long time, and that was apparently how it was going to stay. Anyways, others can't really tell his mate-grumpiness from his regular emotions very well. To them, it looks like he's just like he always is, pretty much. --- Riker lounged in the middle of their camp, soaking up the sun while it was there. When winter came around, all of this would be gone, sadly. The wonderful Spring air was refreshing and calm as he breathed it in. Wait.. it's Spring. That means mating season! Calyx would be his this time... maybe. If some other wolf got to her before him.. that'd be disastrous. After all, she was in Dawn Pack and he was in Dusk Pack. True, he snuck over almost every night, but it would be hard to uphold a relationship that way.. Unless Calyx came over to Dusk Pack! But... the chances of her leaving her pack were slim. And Riker didn't really want to leave his Beta position in Dusk Pack, either.. Oh, what complications.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
2:16pm Jul 4 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( Healer and Beta are very important, so I guess they will be NPCs right now. :3 )) Cakyx woke to heavy paws stomping on her chest. She rolled over and coughed. "God, Calyx, I thought you'd never wake!" Came Kohaku's playful voice. Most would misterprit him as a large pup, by the way he acted. But he surely was an adult! The big teddy bear wagged his tail. "Can't you smell it?" He asked. "Mating season it here! All the fun pups to play with, love in the air, seeing new pack members--" Calyx nipped his chest a little to harshly. The male took a step back, his tail drooping. "Calyx, what was that for?" He asked. "For nearly choking me!" Szhe wheezed. "Oh, sorry." He said awkwardly. "It was the only way to wake you up. Oh, now I remember." Calyx looked up at him. "Remember what?" Kohaku stared to walk out of the dn. "That you slept in and haven't met your quota in squirrels." Calyx ran out of her den, passing Kohaku. How could she had slept in late?! It'll take all day to hunt enough food for breakfast! --- Cinder let out a yawn. Half of his body lay outside his den. It satisfied the need to sun his fur and keep cool. The young adult never went anywhere much, and his job was pretty easy. But this year was short on pups...He hoped he wouldn't have to 'help'. He had only got the job to pretty much lay around, because pups were always plenty. And thank goodness it was mating season! He surely wouldn't have to step up his game and actually do his work as a breeder. He scanned all the she-wolves in the pack. He was very picky. Not once had he chosen a mate yet. And it was going to stay like that. Starfrost was sitting on a low branch, her tail drooping and ears flat against her head. she crossed her paws and layed her head on them as she swung her tail in a bored fashion. She knew no one, except for Cinder, but he rarely did much, let alone talk to her. Mabye I'll be traded back to my pack, she thought happily. But she shook her head, it was very unlikely. She fluttered her bladed wings, making a few loe screeching sounds.
2:35pm Jul 4 2011
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Angel stretched her paws. She let out a yawn and trotted outside. Angel looked around. It was a new day, and this meant new patients. Or new pups. She had already been watching a mother, almost ready to have pups. She looked around and spotted Cinder. " Oh, hello, Cinder." she said, smiling. Taro chuckled. " Alright. I'll gather the group, and we'll set out." he said, nodding to the she wolf. Hde trotted off to gather the hunters. He let out the duty howl, calling all of them. He waited by the edge of their hunting territory and looked for the other hunting members. Alyssa was still asleep. Fang rolled over lazily.
4:26pm Jul 4 2011
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Posts: 5,998
"Thanks, Taro!" Cerise barked, sitting down and waiting for the other wolves to gather. She wondered if they could meet up with the Dawn Pack... Cerise had always heard the others saying how abundant the prey was in Dawn Pack. She would be happy to be mated to a Dawn wolf if it meant that her supply of prey was assured all year round. --- Ailyn's ears twitched in annoyance when she heard loud barking. It came from Calyx and Kohaku, who were quite noisy. She wanted to groan and tell them to shut up, but Ailyn was smart. She didn't want to anger the slightly older wolves. Heck, she wasn't even that respected in the pack anyway. --- Marra rolled her eyes when she saw Fang, lolling around the camp just like Ailyn. At least her friend wasn't the only lazy wolf in the pack, but their bossy Alpha might punish both of them for not helping out. "Fang!" Marra called. "Would you like to come with me to ask Ketu for any duties today?" She asked. --- Roelm headed over to Taro, followed by a sullen Vasark. "Come on, Vasark. Act more... Alive!" Roelm said cheerfully. Vasark could only groan. He was thankful that his brother's happiness wasn't contagious. They both sat down near Cerise, nodding their greeting to the black she-wolf.

4:47pm Jul 4 2011
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Posts: 6,165
FAng looked up, hopping up out of his spot. " Oh! Uh, sure!" he said, stretching. " Sorry about that. Hard night last night." he said. Fang chuckled slightly. Some black static scritched around his paws. He shook his fur and waited for Marra. Taro nodded at the other wolves in some respect. " I think there is one more, but...I might be wrong. Are you all ready?" he asked, smiling. Angel sorted out some herbs in her den. Alyssa woke up, and started walking around the camp.
7:43am Jul 5 2011 (last edited on 9:47am Jul 5 2011)
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Posts: 5,998
[[ where is everyone ono ]] "Ready for what?" Vasark asked in a gloomy voice. "What he means is, what are we doing today?" Roelm asked Taro, once again covering for his borderline sociopathic brother. "When can we choose our mates anyway, Taro?" Roelm couldn't help but ask. He had always wanted to settle down with a she-wolf, but he couldn't go over to the rival pack if it meant leaving his brother alone. "Why so eager, Roelm?" Cerise asked in a playful voice. She wasn't like Roelm, and didn't want to find a mate at such an early age. Cerise didn't want pups yet, anyway. --- Marra rolled her eyes but didn't ask any questions. "Come on then." She said, starting to head towards Ketu who was standing, as still as stone, in the middle of their territory. "Ketu, would you like to organize the patrols, or let us do it ourselves?" She asked their Alpha.
7:15pm Jul 5 2011
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[[ bump for some slow people >:I ]]
7:16pm Jul 5 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( Where's everyone else? ))
7:32am Jul 6 2011
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[[ I dunno. Angel and I were waiting for you :c ]]
10:57am Jul 6 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( Sorry you guys. I'm grounded. I'll start RPing with you guys on Sunday, when I'm not. Sorry! Looking forward to Rp with yas. ))