8:09pm Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 486
Could you save me the letter A please? I don't have enough time to type the bio today, but I will soon.....
"If the king doesn't move, then his subjects won't follow."-Code Geass
"Um, Ryuzaki?"
"I'm a corpse."
"I have become a corpse. I cannot answer. I am dead."-DNAN:LABBMC
8:50pm Apr 30 2010
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:U Damn. Now, I have to bump the other damn roleplay. >->
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
2:00pm May 2 2010
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(Sure Raven. :P Letter A saved and ready! :D And now I'm back for goooood. :3 Sorry guys, with the end of the year it sure has been hectic. xD)
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2:05pm May 2 2010
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(x3 No sweat, Taylor~ I have a huge project to do, so I understand. ...Actually... I should prolly be working on that now, orz. >3<;)
2:40pm May 2 2010 (last edited on 2:42pm May 2 2010)
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Posts: 202
Blue nodded and found yet another small smile crossing his lips. "Just like with ice-cream, it seems the mood and everything in here doesn't match either, but at the same time, there's just something giddy about it." Red nodded and looked up as C entered along with I behind him. "Oh, hi guys, want some ice-cream?" Blue offered holding up the small bowl. "It might look and sound disgusting but it's a very charming flavor." Then looked back down and began to eat it once more, using it for his excuse to think. Alright, so we've got the infamous, Ian here in the kitchen- Weak point; Nose. He is almost like L's reincarnation and looks a lot like the detective too. Very intuitive. He always knows when sh.it is about to hit the fan and is always on guard. He probably has me top on his suspension list. "Sorry for taking so long." Red apologized with an apologetic smile on his face. "Heh, I was just gonna let them finish their ice-cream if you didn't mind." He glanced at H nodded. "Am I right, H?" "We don't mind as long as none of you have a problem with Cade lighting a match do you?" Ian quickly replied keeping an eye on Blue the whole time. Red answered for his brother, himself, and H. "Of course not, feel free too!" He giggled. Ian was surprised at all the giddy mood and feeling with the dead body being only inches away in the kitchen, or how could they even be in the mood to eat with such blood strewn about on the walls. Nothing seemed to fit in this room; which actually felt kind of normal- as if this was some symbolic gesture of life and death. Haiku; Owns three pets which I could use to my advantage. Gil and Roddy; Parrots, and Kio the cat. Though I'm not going to do anything to Kio, actually he doesn't even seem close to the cat. He seems closests to Roddy... Hyper-active and loves his ice-cream. He acts playful and gay but.... Hmph. I believe it's all just an act. He can think very well I believe and I have a feeling that he too suspects me. Good friends with Red- Could I kill my own brother? Somewhat close to Ian and Cade, but not close enough. The playfulness might not be an act at times; could possibly be real and he losses track about a lot of his thoughts but when he doesn't lose track, he could be a danger. Weakness- Sugar. Least Dangerous out of the four. Until he thinks, then potential of being dangerous. Blue took another bite out of his ice-cream, knowing he was going to have to write this all down in his little black book later and figure out who needs to go first. Ian continued to watch Blue through the side of his vision and eventually after a little, found it safe enough to sit down and watch everyone as they ate and laughed about everything. He and Cade seemed like the only two out of the five in the room that were serious. Hmph.. Five... Such an off number. Of course everyone here has the potential to be a killer- there is just something about Blue that seems a little off, no matter how gentle and kind he acts or how many people consider him the nicest guy... He's off.. Blue... Your on the top my list... I hope you just try to do something else. Ian looked down toward the ground and felt a sharp pain in his nose and lifted back up twice as quickly. "Damn it." He muttered to himself. Next to analyze is Cade.... Cade I know very little about- I've gotta do some research on him using my brother. He is the second biggest threat right now. Apparently loves to light matches if Ian said was true. Weakness- I'm not really sure of yet, but I will find out. Has the potential of catching me if I'm not careful. Cade keeps to himself, but I wonder how he'll do if anyone breaks him open and gets him to become closer with him. I guess his weakness could be getting to know others- the less people that knows him the better though.. Maybe I could find someway to use this to my advantage as well. Another bite as Blue moved on to the next person in his head, ignoring what his brother was blabbing on about. Red felt odd in the silence of the room so he quickly blurted out some random stupid question. "Ok, so I know this is random and all but tell me, what's your favorite animal out of this whooole world and why?" Red asked and then quickly followed it up with an answer. "Mine is the Bat 'cause it's amazing how they keep on going and going at night, filling up on Fruit and/or surviving off only blood and still manage to live. And it's pretty awesome how they can get the right to sleep all day too." Red giggled. "Mine is the Fox." Blue replied, knowing well if he didn't it would be strange. "Because it's cunning and quick and knows everything about the woods, so that way when it's being chased on a hunt it knows exactly where to go and hide and be safe, tricking the dogs and the hunters about where to go, leading them in the wrong direction." Red tilted his head curiously at his brothers response- but he noticed that Blue had went back to eating his Ice-cream. "Mine is the Wolf." Ian interrupted and took a little bit before he answered. "Because the Wolf is Loyal to his pack and would do anything to protect it even if that meant sacrificing their life. Also- because they're solitary creatures that like to be left alone and is very active at night where they can use that smart head of theres and hunt much easily with the darkness covering there every track. It's brilliant how strong their sense of sight, hearing, and smell are." Finally there is my brother- Red. I don't believe he would be pushed to do anything even if he found out I was the killer. But I still have to take precautions and not let him find out. The only issue is H who might be talking him into believing that I am the killer. Red only seems to trust H at the moment- I can't let him get close to I or C. I know what his weakness is, it's very simple and that's his emotions. Poor boy gets emotional very fast depending on what it is, but the real question- Could I actually ever bring myself to murder my own brother?.... His thoughts drew away from the thought, he couldn't bare thinking about that- not yet at the least. So the main person I need to hit at the moment is Ian- But if I struck him down the others would catch suspicion about it. So he can wait. The next person would have to be C... Yes.. Cade is the next on my hit list. No one would suspect a thing since I really don't know him; and it would take him out of my side and give me a little bit more room to move. His downfall is the fact that he isn't close to anyone. I must be quick so he doesn't get close to Ian, because if he does that would be an unbeatable pair, like a queen and a rook. I need to watch my every move for it could be my last. I've got to keep a good eye on H though, in fear of his head actually thinking and me slip up and he catch it rather quickly. But Red... I've got to find some way to keep Red out of this and busy so he can't communicate with anyone else so he doesn't get close to them. I don't want him involved in this, let alone; I don't want to have to kill him... Because I honestly can't say weather I can or can't do it. Be warned Red; keep out of my business... (And t'is the end of my long post. xD Sorry for the thoughts guys; but an evil super-genius has to get his thoughts out somehow. I hope you liked them though; I thought they actually would give you a deeper perspective of Blue. :3)
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3:26pm May 2 2010 (last edited on 3:26pm May 2 2010)
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Haiku loooked up happily at the question Red posed, bowl now empty, and prepaired his typical answer. His ex pression morphed into a small scowl/pout thing after the others spoke. Great. Now he was going to sound like a copy-cat! And off of that Blue creep, too! He whined silently in his mind. "Mine's a fox, too, obviously." He gestured to the tail and ears he was wearing dramtically, "But for a totally different reason. It's personal, so I'd rather not share it. No offence, but I don't think I should mention my life before the orphanage to any of you. However, vulpines are very magestic and beautiful creatures. Very lean and silky. Whenever I see one I feel an inexplicable urge to run, but I know that if I did, I wouldn't come back, and I can't leave. I've got nowhere else that I can, or would want to, go." H stretched languidly and allowed a lop-sided grin to spread across his face. "And, besides. If I weren't here, all of you would be bored to death, and we can't have that, right?" The red head settled back in his chair, hands twitching. Well, he'd gotten his ice cream fix, but now he was feeling a bit giddy. he need to do something productive. Like smmash some zombie as.s in Left4Dead or something of the like. Maybe a bit of SSBB... (Fffff. My post feels so short now. *cries* But, I did enjoy Blue's inner-thoughts. I'm incredibly satisfied Haiku comes of as so carefree and stupid and non-threat-like~ Well, so far anyways. He might get tired of being happy all the time soon. xD)

4:33pm May 2 2010
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( Woah, woah, woah. o.o Wth. ) Cade stared at the rest as they offered ice cream, but of course, he didn't want any. Sometimes the sweetness of it got to him, and it just seemed like Blue was trying to butter them all up. He wasn't used to that, so the best thing to do would be to ignore the offers. Being grateful was definitely something he was not good at. As the others called out their favorite animals, C actually had to hold back a laugh. Haiku probably thought that the others thought he was being a copy-cat, but probably no one cared. Geniuses had better things to think about. "Mine's a mourning dove," Cade said quietly, looking down at his feet. "People think that they are owls, but they're not. They just sound like it." He paused for a second, glancing at the others.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
5:46pm May 3 2010
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Posts: 202
"Oh wow, a mourning dove... How pretty..." Ian whispered gently and glanced up at Cade. "Ive only seen one out of my whole entire life, and they sure are beautiful things... Nice choice Cade." Ian looked down blinking in confustion. It was rather odd for him to be making such gentle and considerate commits. The boy was slightly confused at himself but let it slide this once as he looked at the ears and tail of Haiku and laughed gently. "Aye, the whole Orphanage would be nothing without the life of the part here." Ian teased but realized that he was being slightly serious. H had actually brought a lot of life and happiness into the serious and dull orphanage, without H there would be no happiness- and realizing this kind of scared Ian. "Ha! Ain't that true, H!" Red wrapped a friendly arm around H's shoulder's and gave a playful and goofey smile to all the boys in the room. "Man without mah fellow H here; Aka; Mr. Sherlock Holmes in the flesh; and I being his Watson, we shall solve the case and prove to all those serious and uncaring boys and girls that WE with playfulness alike- will solve the cases without ANY issues! Team work man, Team work solves everything!" Red giggled almost as if the ice-cream had gotten him drunk. "Ain't I right H? Our team work is 'unna prove everyone here wrong!" Blue watched his playful brother unable to hold back a smile from the happiness that was polluting the air and causing even the quiet Ian to act up a little. He hadn't ever seen his brother so happy and carefree, and it made Blue very happy to see him like that; he couldn't bare of thinking of snatching away that happiness and forcing him to be sad all over again. I'm going to haff to rezink on killing H.... Blue thought miserably and sighed finishing up his last bite of ice-cream. I don't vant to make or see Red cry... Not yet, not until I haff too... His brother was actually grinning and laughing, and it really touched something on the inside of Blue to see him so happy. Zough, effen Zough I know I'm going to get caught eventually and deal wiz ze punishment.... Still... I still feel no loss vhen it comes to ze ending zat poor boys life- It vas for a waluble cause, and it vill continue to be... Zough still... Zere is just somezing about Zis heart warming site Zat sorta eats me.. Achten Bruder.... Achten Bruder... (I think Blue might be having a turn around moment! xD Maybe, it really does seem like a warm and happy scene eh? Hey guys, send me in pics of your cherries, K? I wanna draw this scene! :3 Its to adorable to p*censored* up! :D And thanks Hiara. xD I'm glad it didn't bore ya. And Kira; I'm I suppse to take that as a complement? xD Oh by the way, this second post also gives you some clue to where Blue is actually from! He sound sso sexy with his _____ Accent. >:P)
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7:46pm May 3 2010 (last edited on 7:06am May 4 2010)
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( Russian. o3o What are you supposed to take as a compliment? o__O Aw, but Tay! D:> I don't have a scanner. :U I have no pictures of Cade. ) What a shame, Cade thought, blinking at I. He's only seen one mourning dove, and he's been around for a couple years now. Too bad. "Thank you," he murmured quietly, looking down at his feet again. For some reason, he was quite flattered that Ian had been impressed with his choice. After all, he never got much praise. ( Good God, what a short post. :U )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
6:28pm May 4 2010
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(I think Blue is German-made! -EveniftheaccentontheEnglishfeelsdistinctlyRussian.LikeKirasaid.- I go by the other language translation!8D Ich liebe dich, mine freunde~! <3 *huggles you both* I know a bit of German, actually. And Russian and Japanese, too~ But, I still have a lot to learn. Blue said something about respecting his brother and/or taking care of/caring about his brother, correct? I've never been totally clear on the exact meaning of 'achten'. xD And I can't draw. If you could just think of that first pic on mah profile as a boy. Same outfit same hair color, same everything. Just... male. |D And, dood. You totally inspired me to give Haiku my fail Southern-American accent! xD -whichisn'treallythatbad,justsoyouknow.It'sreallymuchlighter.xD- ) "Ch~! Don't you and I know it, I~!" Haiku laughed happily, and R's arm falling around his shoulder caused a hiccup in his chuckling. H grinned in genuine joy and wrapped an arm around the other as well. "Tha's right, mah sidekick~! We're gonna make everyone jealous with our mad detective skillz! Ya'll better be ready to take a metaphorical whoopin', ya hear? Like R here said, team work. It's the biggest thing ya got when solvin' somethin' as big as this. Murderers are dangerous, dangerous people. But when ya got a good buddy ta back ya up, nothin' can bring ya down! Except fer well placed sniper fier or a atomic bomb~!" The male playfully ruffled R's hair, snickering slightly at how it caused a few strands to stick up messily. He looked around the room and felt himself giggles slightly before swallowing it down. He couldn't help it! Seening everyone so... so... would it even by right to say relaxed with that body in the room? Yet that was the only way to describe it. Yes, everyone was relaxed and not upset; happy to some extent. And it pulled on Haiku's natural emotional being. It raised his mood from happy to so-fricking-happy-it-makes-you-feel-high-in-the-sky-amazing. And it was causing his 'hickness', as he called it, to seep through.

9:39pm May 8 2010
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(Bump. P:)
7:11pm May 10 2010 (last edited on 7:42pm May 10 2010)
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Posts: 202
(Ian knows hell of alot of Japenese and Red knows- I dunno. Blue was for the German though, but true true, Hiara! >:P He is German! >:P You said (I love you, mine friends) Right? Yay! Well guess what? Ich liebe dich auch mehr! xD No but seriously; I'll draw both based on appearance then. :3 Hope you both enjoy it! :3 When I draw it. |D And wicked, glad I inspired such a thing! >:3 And Kirra- Nothing. ;D Just kidding around! Also- T'is ok, yet again, I shall use appearance. ;3 Achten Bruder- Literally translates to; Take care brother. Anyway, I'll edit this post in a second once I get another one down. xD Give me a moment though.) The whole room grew silent as H's country accent slowly began to kick into everyone's mind. Soon Red was laughing and pitching a fit while even Ian couldn't hold back a giggle or two. His accent was just so out there from what all the 'proper' Wammy House children were used to. Red tried to smooth down his hair as he talked. "Da! Atât de adevărat, prietenul meu, atât de adevărat!" He laughed his voice thick with that Romanian accent. He found himself blushing as everyone looked at him with wonder. "Ah... Brother- How is it that I know German and you know Romanian?" Blue teased playfully. Red laughed and rubbed the back of his head. "Sorry, I guess all the excitement is starting to get to me!" He giggled; but ever taking his hand off the others shoulder. "All it takes is teamwork to get the blood flow in a rush and win the game! ESPECIALLY in Halo!" He chuckled. Ian watched both H and R and shook his head, realizing both could easily get high off life and candy. Then glanced over at the quiet Cade and nodded smiling gently. "Of course, it truly is a beautiful creature. If we ever get the chance to go bird watching sometime- mind coming with me to take a picture of it?" He whispered gently a small blush appearing on his cheeks- Something very uncharacteristic of him to do. "I mean, that'd be nice- If you don't mind..." He looked away a little embarr*censored*ed- but a little bit happy to know that he really wasn't alone.
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8:31pm May 10 2010
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(*shakes head slowly* Nien. Nein. Ich liebe dich auch mehr, mein freund. Aber ich verzeihe ihnen fur liegt~ <3 ;D Yay~! Drawrins! 8D) Haiku flushed, partly in embarrasment and partly due to lack of oxygen. He was laughing to hard at his own fail to breathe corrently. The sudden utterance of Romanian from his friend cause him to fall silent in awe. Okay. That sounded so much cooler than his accent. And it sounded really cu... H slamed a door on those thoughts. No. Dude, he was a chick magnet. Girl's little giggles were cute. Not foreign languages spoken by his guy friends. He grinned widely and snickered. "I got no ideah whut ya just said, buddy, but I agree with ya!" he blushed a little again and concentraited on concealing that horrid accent on his next line. "Psh~ Halo's, like, the best adrinaline rush ever! Besides... Erm. Yeah. It's awesome!" Haiku cursed himself in his mind. He was getting too comfortable. It would be very bad for him if he started talking about how much energy flowed through him while ripping the guilty apart bit by bit, their warm blood splattering everywhere and staining the ground a dark red. How he felt guiddy at the smell of salt and metal wafting from the puddles that would form. Yeah. He could just see the others seeing that as normal and not suspecting him. H berated himself a bit more before turning his full attention back on the others. (Ch~ Hollow's sadistic side is showing~ And his absolutely unwavering sense of denial. |D Sorry, btw, Taylor, if H's little crush-that's-so-not-a-crush bothers you! D8 *hugs*)

9:17pm May 10 2010
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( xD I bet it won't, Hiara. Actually, I'm almost absolutely certain it won't... ono ) C blinked at the others, and his brain recognized the language R was speaking before Blue even pointed it out. "The only other language I can speak is French..." he mumbled, looking back down and looking genuinely depressed. At Ian's question of going bird-watching, he tried a quiet smile, nodding lightly. "I'd love to go bird-watching with you, Ian." he said rather quietly, having trouble speaking. Being asked to "hang out" was not something that happened often to Cade. He was always alone, sighing at the birds or sleeping, maybe reading or pondering a difficult question. Now, he might have a chance to make a friend... And friends meant that the time he would have to spend would be spent!
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
3:38pm May 11 2010
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( I don't think it would, but, ya know, I still like to make sure~ xD *glomps Kira*)
6:30pm May 11 2010
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( Oyah. *glomped* Do you mind? D:> )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
11:20pm May 11 2010 (last edited on 11:21pm May 11 2010)
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( I don't mind at all- Just like I'm hoping Kira wouldn't mind Ian getting a little close to Cade- I mean that commit he made... *giggles* That was a little to unlike him eh? xD I shall reply tomorrow or the day after- English Exam tomorrow, been studying all day. xD And heeey, where's my tackle glomp? xD Ah... Das klang ein wenig gebrochen und ich hatte eine kleine Mühe die Worte unterscheiden. xD Aber ich habe ein wenig davon. '^ ^ Hah, vielleicht bin ich nicht so gut wie ich dachte! xD And Romanian and French, the two languages of love... xD)
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2:56pm May 12 2010
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( xD What about Italian, man? Italiana è amore! ((My mother made me learn a bunch of languages. O_o That's why I know, like, six.)) Cade's hard to get close to, but I don't mind at all. xD The reason I chose Cade was because I thought there wouldn't be much romance, so. ono )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
3:36pm May 12 2010 (last edited on 3:52pm May 12 2010)
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Posts: 202
(*laughs* Well I learned all these by myself! :3 But poor Cade; There just might be romance.. *laughs evilly* Reply coming shortly! But I know Italian as well, and I ADORE Italian. :3 I was gonna make Ian be able to speak Italian too actually instead of japenese. xD)
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4:01pm May 12 2010
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( *pets Cade* o3o ...Uh, alright. -doesn't know what to say- )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.