The Wammy House Killer. (More detail's on the inside. xD)

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4:10pm May 12 2010 (last edited on 4:44pm May 12 2010)

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Posts: 202

Red found himself giggling at poor H who seemed to be trying to hold back his country accent. And then found himself glancing at Cade curiously. "French?" Red muttered looking slightly awed by the sudden thought. French was always a cool language but it was to normal for him to learn. He wanted something exotic like Romanian, actually he felt as if he was from Romania at times, but then again Blue said that they were German born- It t'was always a confusing process when it EVER involved HIS family. Though Red shook the thoughts of his family's hidden past and allowed the happiness to overflow out of him, and instantly he was face to face with H- His best friend- Once more. His bubbling excitement seemed to awaken the smexy accent of his yet again as he talked unknowingly in the gentle and romantic language that seemed very luring and addicting. "Oh, da da! roci Halo şosete ta, omule! Eu am la spre total de acord cu tine acolo! " He giggled before continuing on with his unknowingly strange commit about it; just now realizing that he was about to purposely speak in Romanian. "Mai ales cu sânge şi gore! Eu pot doar imagina acum ...." He sighed with longing as he continued. His eyes suddenly blazed like a fire- which actually made him appear quiet sexy indeed as his voice got hoarse and he began to actually sound as if he really was from Romania. "Sânge peste tot! Îmi place când străinii sânge în cele din urmă saraci la picioarele tale, dar ador CHACE mai apoi totul combinat! Hehe ... CHACE ... În urma după săraca sau ascuns în spatele acesteia şi de sacrificare l ... Se trimite frisoane până coloanei vertebrale mea când am auzit navele inamice în ascuns şi focul criticat de arme şi needlers ca se duc sălbatice! Si sa nu uitam străinilor mare .. Heheheh! Sefii .. Atât de mult distractiv fac acest lucru mă iubeşti o provocare bun! Ahh; La ori am dori ca am putut au plecat în armată-ya stii? Ca să fie un soldat ... Am folosit pentru a vis despre a fi în mijlocul câmpului de luptă, atunci când am fost tineri şi am putut auzi ţipetele de aproape enm şi mirosul sângelui vărsat de aceştia în privinţa groun la picioarele mele. Aş putea gust aproape un gust dulce-amar de victorie pe limba mea şi am putut vedea tunuri, lunetisti, şi un teren pustiu înainte de mine cu echipa mea langa mine, ca vom rula mai departe în luptă jumătate de enmeys Slane!" Lust had built up in his voice and now he seemed to be locked in between daydreaming and relaty when he paused and then blushed a rather deep blush as he unknowing continued and finished his Romainain rant. "Eheh ... Dar asta t'was mult timp în urmă ... Acum, eu sunt nevinovat că pot fi şi eu chiar nu se bucure prea mult. De fapt Văzând-sânge fratii mei mi-a speriat. N-am ştiut, ar putea exista gushi atât de mult." He giggled the innocent blush still lingering on his features, though he seemed to recover back to his own self quickly. "Dar cum am spus de-a lungul timpului în urmă ... Acum, eu chiar nu le place ideea de a voilance şi de moarte şi de aceea am fost dornic atunci când au vrut ca eu să adere la Casa Wammy. Deşi ..." His eyes lit up one last time and they seemed to glow a fiery red. "Nu ma deranjeaza o lupta buna pentru jocuri video, la toate!" He finished his eyes going back to normal once more as he continued to laugh and giggle, still not realizing that he had spoken in his laungage.

Blue watched that fire light up in his brothers eyes and wondered what exactly was the unknown cause from such a fiery vengeance. He wanted to know though, what exactly was the thing that edged his brother on so much- and what his brother had said. His Romanian was quiet confusing and Blue couldn’t keep up with it. Sure he was trained to know such a language but he really couldn’t tell by how fast his brother was speaking. Though whatever he was speaking about really seemed to interest him and he wanted to know what it was. It continued eating Blue alive as he continued to think about it. He simply adored how well everyone was getting along and it made him happy to see how much they all were trusting each other. Now all he had to do was get in between those two bonds and learn each valuable secret and turn it against them all so that way they would stay out if they ever found out about him being the killer. Blue stayed quiet as he listened to the rest of them, acting like a shadow in the darkness, hoping that something would slip up.


“French huh?” I whispered and smiled gently. “Eh bien aujourd'hui, c'est votre jour de chance mon ami..” He laughed softly and then eagerly continued. “Je parle français aussi bien. Un peu de toute façon, je ne suis pas si courant. Je suis surtout parle couramment l'italien et japonais, mais je travaille sur mon français et, apparemment, j'ai besoin d'apprendre un peu roumain et en allemand sur le côté! He paused and then giggled. “I hope I’m pronouncing all this right.” He spoke in regular English before continuing on once more with the slightly slow and broken French. “Eh bien, en tout cas, Merci. L'observation des oiseaux n'est pas très amusant quand tu es seul, d'ailleurs, vous semblez un peu plus calme alors R et H et B, vous pouvez tout simplement pas confiance .. Et honnêtement, vous en fait la première personne que j'ai confiance ca ... Merci d'être là ... Et pour m'aider avec mon nez.” He paused once more as if in deep thought before slowly rattling on and trying to finish up his own statement. A small blush forming on his own cheeks- very unusual behavior for him which really ticked him off that he was showing it so freely. “Je devine des thats la raison pour laquelle je ne peux vous faire confiance si bien ... Je vous dois une, je vraiment .. Et je trouverai someway pour en faire u pour vous. Promise.” He glanced down toward the ground- his mind in a rut. Usually he’d be thinking or trying to figure out what Red had said and at the same time keep his eye out own Blue- but his mind seemed jumbled and effected when he was around C for long periods of time. Why? He couldn’t tell you.



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4:13pm May 12 2010

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( R's a creep. O_o When was he in the army? )

Beautiful Sunset
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.


4:24pm May 12 2010

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(Psh~ You guys make me jealous what with your knowing other languages completely. I just know enough to barely get by in German and Japanese -speaking, not writting. o3o- And I fail so hard at Russian right now, it's not funny. Dx

Es ist viel besser als meiner, mine freund! xD *tackleglomps* There. >w<)



4:27pm May 12 2010

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Posts: 6,511
( ono Uh. I see? -doesn't know what to say- )

Beautiful Sunset
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.


4:51pm May 12 2010 (last edited on 4:52pm May 12 2010)

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Posts: 1,294

Haiku found himself staring at Red, head a little clouded.


The red head paused a moment to clear his throat and grinned good naturedly at R, cheeks a unoticebly light shade of pink. Okay. Yeah. It was cute. He could admit that much to himself, at least. But, dude, anyone speaking another language is cute, so it wasn't just R. He felt his manly pride return a bit more with that thought and relaxed. Good.

"You do know that I have no idea what you just said, right? I mean, as cool as you speaking Romanian is, I don't understand a lick of it. You sounded really... pas.sionate *insert mind blush here* about whatever it was, though."

H's eyes shone in pure interest. It sure would be nice to know what Red was talking about! Whatever it was, it must be something he really cares about if it got the other this excited. 

(Ugh... short responce! Dx)



4:51pm May 12 2010 (last edited on 4:51pm May 12 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,294
(Wow. My first ever double post. o3o;)




4:56pm May 12 2010 (last edited on 4:57pm May 12 2010)

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Posts: 202

(Ha! I learned all these by myself, and thank you Hiara. <3 I'm jsut happeh that I'm finally done. D: It took me FOREVER man! Anyway now; the Translations;

 Red- Romanian- Oh yes yes! Halo rocks your socks, man! I have to totally agree with you there!

Red- Romanian- Especially with blood and gore! Now I can only imagine...

Red- Romanian- Blood everywhere! I love it when foreigners finally poor blood to your feet, but then I love everything combined CHACE! Hehe ... CHASE ... Following after poor or hidden behind it and killing it ... It sends chills up my spine when I heard the hidden enemy weapons fire and needlers criticized they go wild! And do not forget big aliens .. Hehehehe! Bosses .. So much fun I do love me a good challenge! Ahh, at times I wish I could have left the army, ya know? To be a soldier ... I used to dream about being in the middle of the battlefield, when I was young and I could hear screams and smell almost enm blood shed by them on the groun at my feet. I could almost taste a bitter sweet taste of victory on my tongue and I could see the guns, snipers, and an empty field before me with my team beside me, slane enemies at our feet and their blood upon the ground before us.

Red- Romanian- Eheh ... But that t'was long ago ... Now I'm innocent and I really can not enjoy too much. Actually seeing my brothers blood scared me. I never knew there could be so much Gush.

Red- Romanian- But as I said along time ago ... Now I really do not like the idea of voilance and death and why I was happy when they wanted me to join the Wammy House. Although ...

Red- Romanian- I do not mind a good fight for video games at all!

Ian- French- Well today is your lucky day my friend ..

Ian- French- I speak French as well. A little anyway, I'm not so common. I am mostly fluent in Italian and Japanese, but I'm working on my French, and apparently I need to learn a little Romanian and German on the side!

Ian- French- Well, anyway, thank you. Bird watching is not very fun when you're alone, however, you seem a little calmer then R and H and B, you simply can not trust .. And honestly, you did the first person I trust can ... Thank you for being there ... And to help me with my nose.

Ian- French- I guess thats why I can trust you so ... I owe you one, I really .. And I'll find someway to make u for you. Promise.

 Wow a lot of translations.. xD And I'll wait on kira to respond before I du. :3)

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5:00pm May 12 2010

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Posts: 6,511

( Took me, like, a year to figure out what the hell I was saying. xDD
:U I have to use alt keys... )

Cade's eyes widened a little as I spoke, and he had to shake his head to rid himself of his dumbfounded ex
pression. Noticing the blush appearing on I's cheeks, Cade's own face turned a light, healthy-looking pink, and then he started rattling off in French.

"Je vois. Eh bien, je suppose que je suis *censored*ez chanceux pour, uh, ont trouvé quelqu'un d'autre qui parle le Français. Peut-être que je pourrais vous aider avec lui quelque temps. Je parle le Français très couramment, si vous n'avez pas remarqué." He swallowed audily. Never had he spoken so much in French before, but to himself. He continued anway. "Et, il n'y a pas besoin de me remercier, um, mon ami. Je faisais juste ce qu'on m'a dit de le faire. Et, en p*censored*ant l'observation des oiseaux avec vous me fera plaisir. Ce serait vraiment." His blush deepened. "Was I supposed to be talking in English rather than French?"

( I totally had to look up a lot of that. xDD )

Beautiful Sunset
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.


5:01pm May 12 2010

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Posts: 6,511
( Damn. :U You could have said you were going to translate it. xD )

Beautiful Sunset
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.


5:17pm May 12 2010

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Posts: 202

Ian giggled quietly and shrugged. "I understood a little bit of it." He laughed and then closed his eyes trying to remember what all he said and blushed slightly. "All i remember is the pleasant to bird watch with me part." He smiled weakly. "And it would be nice for your help- I mean.. As I said, not that fluent." He chuckled softly. "But again; your help would be greatly appreciated."

"Oh.. Whups..." R giggled and felt his blush deepen yet again. "W..Well... After we meet up with L; Take me up to your room and I'll tell you; but you have to keep it in between me, you, and the floor boards, k?" He smiled his large silly smile before turning around and having everyone once more. "Yo, enough of this language session eh? Come on! L probably thinks something has already happened to us and it's really gonna make him upset if he realized we were all in here having fun with a dead body." The whole room went dead silent again before it was full of laughter once more. Of course Ian and Blue where on top of being the perverted once for they were the ones laughing the loudest and Red came right on end rolling in the floor, holding his sides, and gasping for air, realizing how wrong yet funny that sentence sounded together.

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5:19pm May 12 2010

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Posts: 202
( *giggles* I wanted to surprise you- but pretty much unless I'm to lazy or forget or you just get lucky- then I'll translate it for ya. xD And H, you missed what I said about R and B. Their parents died because of enemy troops sooo R loves the thought of revenge and that's why Blue is a little messed up when it comes to justice and evil. xD)

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5:25pm May 12 2010

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( ono Oh. )

"Oh, alright... I'll try my best," he said, not sure of what else to say. When the others started cracking up, Cade stared. "I don't get it," he said, looking around the room. If someone had just made a joke, he missed it. Or, at least, he didn't get it, as he had said. I'm just an oblivious person.. he thought.

Beautiful Sunset
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.


5:50pm May 12 2010

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Posts: 1,294

(Oh. Well, I guess that makes things a little easier to understand about where Blue's coming from. And Red as well. I mean, somethin' like that's gotta put a big stain on the mind. And your soul. o3o)

Haiku felt tears running down his face. His hard laughter caused him to mildly hypervetilate, but that was fine. God, could R have made that sound any worse? That was frickn' perfect, man! *he grabbed onto the other's sleeve to steady himself so he wouldn't fall out of the chiar and took deep breaths to calm himself down.

"Geez, R. I never would have thought you were into such things." He smirked jokingly, and let go of R's shirt.

"But... seriously. You're right. It's about time we got going, huh?"

He stood up and stretched, humming happily as he did so. He was trying to ignore his mind's reaction to what the other had said. Dude, what was his problem today? He shook his head lightly and picked up his bowl to move it to the sink, smiling. And when he turned back to the others, it was back to his default grin.


6:04pm May 12 2010

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Posts: 202

(heh.. You said 'default grin.' xD but yeah, red's commit was strictly on accident until i re-read over it. xD Go me and my perverted cherries! xD)

"Oh..." Ian paused wiping small tears from his eyes. "It was the way he put it C. 'Having fun' With body... Sexual fun.. " Ian added blushing but laughing once more along with Red and Blue who began laughing once more. He did it strictly for explaining to C what they were talking about but all the while he made it a heck of a lot more funnier.

 "Haha! Enough enough, we've got to seriously go guys." Red laughed as he watched Blue pick up the empty bowls and put them in the sink as well. Then turned his attention to Ian who was standing up and stretching, popping his back. Then his attention landed on H who he could tell looked a little bit off. He quiet didn't know what it was- maybe the smile? R shrugged it off and smiled happily and then said in a sing-song voice as he began to lead the way out- "Haide, Haide, hai grabeste-te şi du-te! Grabeste-te Grăbeşte-te înainte de L afla astfel! muta Să-l şi mutaţi astfel încât să putem ajunge acolo, astfel încât L vor crede că suntem toţi echitabil joc!" He giggled didn't have to look behind him to know the others- Especially H, was following closely behind him.

( R- Romanian- Come on, Come on, let's hurry up and go! Hurry Hurry before L finds out so! Let's move it and move it so we can get there, so L will think that we're all playing fair!

Sing it almost like a song- It sounds really cool. Come on.... Come on.... Let's hurry up and go! Hurry.... Hurry... .Before L finds out so! Lets move it... And move it... So we can get there, So L will think that we're all playing fair! xD )

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6:09pm May 12 2010

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( xD Go you, then. )

Cade gave him a completely repulsed look. "How is that funny?" he asked, still looking pretty grossed out. "That's disgusting!" Of course, Cade didn't hang around normal people, and that's why he didn't know that gross was funny.

( Fail. :U )

Beautiful Sunset
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.


6:28pm May 12 2010

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Posts: 1,294

(xD Wow, Tay~ You're a bit slow, aren't cha~?)

Haiku followed closely behind R, chuckling at the other's happy sing-song sing-along. It was... nice. To know someone else that wasn't to closed off to have fun. He stepped up beside his friend and slung an arm over his shoulder, swaying side-to-side as they walked down the hall.

"You should teach me sum of that Romanian, ya know? That way I could understand what yur sayin' and we could be liek secret agents an' talk in code an' stuff!"

H let his arm fall to his side and stuck his hands in his pockets, still smiling, although it seemed a bit more forced now. What he wouldn't do to just go to his room, play some mindless video games, and collapse into bed and sleep through the night (no dreams) so he could try and work through this wahtever-it-was that was making his thoughts go all fuzzy (sort of like they were now)and made him feel kinda flippity (see what he meant?). He mentally sighed. Maybe L's speech or whatever would ditract him a bit.



6:30pm May 12 2010

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Posts: 6,511
( Oh. o.o I forgot to mention that he followed the rest...without saying anything after that.
Just pretend I did. .o. )

Beautiful Sunset
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.


9:11pm May 12 2010

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Posts: 202

(it's ok. ;3 And yeah, only tonight, but once I figured it out I busted out laughing and got sugar filled cup of lemonade, lemonade- all over my laptop, along with the giant bowl of chocolate ice cream I was eating and the chair flipped over knocking into my tray full of cheese cake and other chocolate and goodies and spilled them all over the floor. Including the open jar of strawberry jam! xD So I've been cleaning up that mess this whole time. xD *has a LOT of L and B like tendencies* xD)

 "Yeah, Yeah, sure, sure!" R giggled happily and found himself wrapping his arm around H and drawing him close so that they were able to walk together arm in arm. "OK, so first off... 'Haide, Haide, hai grabeste-te şi du-te, Means; Come on, Come on, let's hurry up and go. The next vurse is, Grabeste-te Grăbeşte-te înainte de L afla astfel. Which means; Hurry Hurry before L finds out so." He paused and smiled his actual real smile that was innocent and childish. "Sounds catchy right?" He hummed the rhythm before finishing it. "And the final line is; muta Să-l şi mutaţi astfel încât să putem ajunge acolo, astfel încât L vor crede că suntem toţi echitabil joc! Which means in English; Let's move it and move it so we can get there, so L will think that we're all playing fair!" He smiled and gave him a playful little head rub and laughed gently. "I'll teach you the rest of the words when we get up to your bedroom." R blushed realizing how perverted that sounded but didn't say anything about it at all.

Ian shook his head and didn't say anything after it. "It's... It's nothing... Just forget it..." Ian said quietly and whispered gently. He smiled and laughed softly and shook his head. "It's nothing... I'm sorry... That was uncalled for."

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3:33pm May 13 2010

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Posts: 6,511

( WTF.
All those sweets!? Dude, if I had all that next to me, everytime someone in my family came by they'd be like, "Fattie." or "Fatas.s." :U Wth, man. Wth.
Lol, R. o3o Lol.
Teach him how to do a lipstick lullaby, LOL. -head's in the gutter- )

Cade blinked at Ian, still clearly confused. He looked down at his feet as they walked, then looked back up at I after about three seconds. "You don't have to apologize," he said in a rather small voice. "I get that I didn't understand the joke...or whatever it was. But, it's not your place to apologize. Um, maybe," He cleared his throat. "I think I should be apologizing...? I'm not quite sure,"

Beautiful Sunset
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.


4:55pm May 13 2010 (last edited on 8:48pm May 13 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,294

(.... ;~; I wish could eat all that. But my mom has this goal. We're supposed to both lose ten pounds by the end of the month. That means no sweets except tea and strawberry shortcake. .3. (Which is delicious, so it's not that bad~ xD)

xD Lipstick lullaby~ ...I think that is now one of my favorite lines in history, Kira~ *laughs* <3)

Haiku laughed a bit and tryed to fix his har. C'mon! It was messy enough as is! A slight blush spread across his face when R reminded him of their plans to meet in his bedroom (*insert internal mind kicking here*).

"Okay. So it's like... Hide, hide, hi grabist-te si dutay~ Grabist-te, grabist-te inanete de L afla astfell~ M-Muta... Muta... Sal? Si mutatie astfell...Uhm..."

H's blush deepened when he realized he couldn't remember the rest of the words. Not to mention the parts he did remember sounded nothing like they should. And this is why he sucked in languages  The red head chuckled at his own fail and turned a bright smile towards Red. 

"I guess I'll need a lot of practice, huh?"

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