4:13pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Virus itched her head. She felt her collar. She felt its designs and some kind of stone in the middle. She shrugged and started to play with her fingers.
4:15pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 4,310
Taryn turned on her ipod and began listening to "I made out with a rockstar" by Ke$ha.
4:15pm Jun 19 2010 (last edited on 4:16pm Jun 19 2010)
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Aiden turned to them and smiled with a ':D' face "Hello boys, you're cute ones aren't cha?" he asked happily and waved his wand, making a big heart shape around both their heads and in an instant, collars appeared on both their necks, his smile widened. "I finally got my own pets!" he said, trying to contain his joy, he turned to Calintz "Thanks Calintz!" he cheered and hugged him. Kyle heard the music barely from her earbuds, he frowned. She was bored of him already "That's just great." he said, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

4:17pm Jun 19 2010 (last edited on 4:19pm Jun 19 2010)
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"You're welcome Aiden." Calintz said smileing while being hugged.He had an gorgeous perfect smile that probably made Kyle jealous.
4:18pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Virus coughed and reached in her pocket. She took out an Ipod touch, and a portable sterio. "Dude you did not bring that." Calyx giggled. Virus gave her one of her crooked smiles and nodded happily.
4:19pm Jun 19 2010 (last edited on 4:23pm Jun 19 2010)
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Taryn wasn't bored with Kyle,she just felt like listening to music."You wanna listen?" She asked removeing one ear bud and holding it out she was now listening to"meet me half way" by Black eyed peas.
4:21pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 17,364
"Sure." Calyx smiled. Calyx scooted ovver to Taryn and put in the one ear bud. Virus smiled and looked down at her Ipod touch. She went on the internet and to Youtube. She looked up Fred and started to laugh.
4:22pm Jun 19 2010 (last edited on 4:23pm Jun 19 2010)
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((The thing about Calintz' smile made me lol XD)) Kyle looked at her curiously then he looked at Calintz who was still smiling, he clenched his teeth in jelousy and looked the other direction. Aiden walked over to his two brother pets and smiled at them "So...what's your names?" he asked them happily.

4:23pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 453
Syra gets bored and calls her crow Macco and wispers somthing, he caws and flys over and grabs the ipod and flys over her head cawing with the ipod in his claws...
Pleeese click or else he will die :(

4:24pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 17,364
"Give it back!" Virus roared. She jumped up, grabbed the bird and slammed it into the ground taking her Ipod back. She hissed. "Sissy were having chicken for dinner~"
4:24pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 4,310
Taryn pulled a slingshot out of ehr pocket and loaded it with a large rock and shot it at Macco and it dropped teh ipod.She caught it and went back to listening with Calyx.
4:26pm Jun 19 2010
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((Lolz whose Ipod are you talking about catlova?))
4:26pm Jun 19 2010 (last edited on 4:28pm Jun 19 2010)
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The brothers blinked and lifted their hands to their collrs, tracing the identical tribal patterns. Their collar colors were reversed, however. Eleius's collar was black with bright red tribals, while Raius had a red collarwith deep black tribals. But they both had a shimmering sapphire in the shape of a moon on the front. Odd. "I'm Eleius," said the older of the two, then looked down at his younger brother. "And ths is my little brother Raius," he added, patting the slightly shorter male's head, earning a small glare. He grinned. Ha. Hahaha. ((OuO))
4:28pm Jun 19 2010
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Kyle looked at the girls for a moment then got up and dusted himself off. He walked over to his fellow wizards and looked at them "So what do we do now, guys?" he asked Aiden smiled at his pets "Do you like them?" he asked eagerly. "I picked them out myself and I figured brothers should have matching collars." he told them happily.

4:29pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 453
Syra yelled "OUCH! WHAT THE HECK?" She grabs her neck and pulls out her wand and heals her self and the crow at the same time, "Control your pet please!"
Pleeese click or else he will die :(

4:30pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 11,785
"They are...interesting...but why are we wearing collars...?" Eleius asked, looking up at Aiden with a confused look. What on earth was going on here...?
4:30pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 4,310
Calintz said"We could sign them up for obediance school and enter them in a pet show."
4:32pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 453
"OHH can we that would be fun... I could me a judge!!!!" She smiles
Pleeese click or else he will die :(

4:33pm Jun 19 2010 (last edited on 4:33pm Jun 19 2010)
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((Who will be the obedience trainer .w. ?)) Kyle nodded "Yeah that would be fun, they do need some obedience training...." he said. He then looked at the pets they owned, they did need training. Aiden smiled "Well," he began "You two are me pets" he said smiling and then he turned to Kyle "And my boys don't need obedience training! They're good boys!" he said happily turning back to his pets.

4:33pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 17,364
"I ain't going to no Obedience School." Calyx hissed. Virus wobbled over to Aiden and asked, "Can I have some food please?" Nicely.