8:50pm Jun 19 2010
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((*Grabs book of nerd and nerdy gl*censored*es*That doesn't scare me i use dto watch twilight and i've read all of the dumb books,and look i gotted my nerd on!)) Calintz sighed"Well she atleast listens to me." Taryn began combing a cbrush through her hair and began turning it red.
8:50pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 1,724
Aiden's smile widened "Yeah, I didn't catch yours though..." he told him looking back down on him. Collin stood there for a moment then lifted his hands "Are you sure that's how you want to start things off?" he asked her. Kyle looked at her "Something wrong?" he asked her quietly.

8:51pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 4,310
Taryn smiled"no nothing at all."She was still tunring ehr hair color red.
8:52pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Calyx stared at Collin, her eyes twitching. "Well? What the hell do you want me to do?" She snapped. "Sheesh..."
8:55pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 453
Pleeese click or else he will die :(

8:56pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( No advertising please calove >:/)
8:57pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 11,785
"Eleius... Our mom was into out-there names... My little brother is Raius..." Eleius replied, lifting his hand up to his collar, fingertips brushing against the sapphire moon. "...Aiden.... What is that man going to do to my little brother?" he asked, looking up at him.
8:57pm Jun 19 2010 (last edited on 8:58pm Jun 19 2010)
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Posts: 1,724
Collin brought his hands up and sent a shock through Calyx. "I want you to tell me your name and how you connect with your owner, that kinda stuff." he said firmly. Kyle looked at her hair, then his, then back to her's, her hair was somehow turning the same color as his, he found it odd but...her hair looked georgous in his eyes, he looked away, trying not to seem like a creeper staring at her. Aiden winced at the sight of Calyx being shocked and tried not to watch it happen.He then looked at his pet and sighed "I'm not sure what he'll do...I don't know him." he said hopelessly.

8:57pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 4,310
((Cat no advertising other threads,remove it or remove yourself.))
8:59pm Jun 19 2010
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Taryn restyled it in the style i showed before...Red was one of her favorite hair colors...no not the orange red hair color,real crayola red.((I'm dyeing my hair taht color on my 18th b-day.))
9:02pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 17,364
"My name is Calyx." She hissed. "And you are an A**Hole." She snapped. "You need to stop being rude." She snapped. "Be nice and I'll cooperate." Virus hissed. I gots to help meh sissy....
9:02pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Eleius looked at his master, at a loss, then looked over at his little brother. If he actually ears and a tail, you would see them being all droopy. He sighed, looking down at the ground and he moved his hand to his earlier injuries, which still hurt. ".....I swear...if he hurts him...our touches him.....I'll...I'll...." he cut himself off, shaking his head as he inhaled deply, trying to get himself under control while Relean kept getting closer to Raius, who by this point was actually starting to cry. Relean scared him and he wanted his big brother, but Relean would never let that happen.
9:03pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( *kills Relean* All happy :D xDD))
9:06pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Nooo. I has a plottttt. A plot that wil make Eleius go all emo and be self-destructive...BUT...you can't always be happy. ouo))
9:09pm Jun 19 2010
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Aiden patted his head sympathetically "There, there...we'll get your brother back." he *censored*ured Eleius. Collin glared at her "I wouldn't shock you if you would just behave, but whatever I'll try starting things over with you, OK?" he told her and then looked a Calintz and waited for his response. Kyle looked at his pet and smiled "Why get all dressed up? Although you do look stunning..." he admitted shyly and looked at Collin, trying to hide his blushing.

9:13pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 4,310
"Well,we human girls allways dress our best,and thank you." Taryn replied with a smile. Calintz sighed"i just say you move onto someone else while i go over a few things with Calyx."
9:14pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Eleius looked at his master andnodded, giving him a small smile. "...Alright. I just hope we can do it soon...." he said, his gaze moving back over to his brother. You could tell he desperately wanted to go help out his younger brother, but also didn't want to make Aiden look like a horrible master.
9:15pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 17,364
"Sure." Calyx said to Calints not giving care. She yawned. "I diddent get any fricken sleep last night...."
9:19pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 1,724
Collin nodded "Alright then." he said then looked around. He then pointed to Kyle and Taryn "You two, come on, get up here." he commanded and motioned for them to step foward with his hand. Kyle felt his body tense up when the finger was pointed at them, he sloly stepped foward but remained silent, he wanted her to speak first, he was to nervous all the sudden. Aiden looked at Eleius' brother and his horrible, theiving master and scowled at him, Aiden wasn't very fierce though as he looked at Virus and smiled at her.

9:25pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 17,364
"Meow." Virus giggled. She woddled over to Calyx. Calyx whispered in Virus's ear, and she burst out laughing. She was about to ay it outloud, but Calyx covered her mouth. Virus slinked back to Aiden and whispered in his ear: "Calyx thinks Collin sucks cow nipples." ((xDD I had to!))