12:40pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 1,724
Kyle sat up in a tree not far from the 'campers' who were waking up. He was trying to get his horribly tied shoe untied from the previous night. He fell backward out of the tree and landed on his back. "Ow..." he said painfully to himself.

12:42pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( I wont be here tomorrow! just saying)) Calyx woke up with a bump on her head, not noticing the collar. "Owwww...." She complained. She rubbed her hurting head. "Looks Like I fell off the bed...Owww..." She felt something on her neck..."IS THAT A FRICKEN COLLAR?!" She felt her neck and collar frantically. "nooooo!!"
12:43pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 4,310
Calintz said to Kyle who was up in the tree"aren't you going to pick one?" Taryn was mildly confused by the cat bell taht kept ringing."Calyx why do i keep hearing a cat bell?,"she asked.
12:45pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 17,364
"You have a collar!!" She pointed to Taryn's collar. "I do too!" She cried. "We've been kidnapped!" She started to cry. "I want to go home!"
12:47pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 4,310
Taryn yelped"no no no!not a collar.I wanna go home too!"Then she remembered"weren't we knoccked out with sleepy gas?"
12:49pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 17,364
"I was knocked out by falling off the bed." She rubbed the bump on her head, "Owww...." She said feeling the nod. "You were knocked out with sleeping gas." A tear ran down Calyx's cheek.
12:51pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 4,310
"do you think we're being used as slaves?" Taryn asked semi-terrified by the thought.
12:52pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 1,724
Kyle picked him self up off the ground and brushed the dirt off himself, looking at Calintz, his huge overbite with braces covering them stuck out of his mouth. "Last night, I asked if I may have the one with the bell, did I not?" he asked him curiously and tilted his head to the side.

12:53pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 17,364
"I think even worse...." She whimpered. "What if the people that caught us are.......Rapists!" More tears dropped from Calyx's eyes at the thought.... "But hopefully its not that......" ((Lolz)
12:56pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 4,310
"Naw i don't think so they're just teenagers." Taryn said with confidence. Calintz sighed"i guess it must've slipped my mind."He watched Calyx closely just incase she decided to do something crazy...their ideas were odd.They weren't rapists.
12:58pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 17,364
((Teehee)) "Why do we have collars?" She whimpered. "I've got to get out of here...." She started to crawl away. "Where am I...? I don't no i'm just gonna get away from these crazy people!"
12:59pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 1,724
Kyle looked in the girl's direction curiously but with an irritated ex pression "Did they just call us Rapists?!" he asked Calintz in shock. He couldn't believe that idea, it was gross and absurd.

1:01pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 17,364
((Lolz I love posting retarded things xDD))
1:02pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 4,310
"I guess so...but they have extremely crazy ideas." Calintz said. Taryn nodded"We could go to the forest.I know how to survive there as in,what to eat,what not to eat,what not to touch and where not to sleep."She tried to get the collar off and yelped when it zapped her.
1:04pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 17,364
"Ok!" She started at crawl towards the forest. "What? What is it?" She asked Taryn. "It did not just shock you. This is fricken retarded."
1:04pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 1,724
Kyle grinned at the sound of the collar shocking his pet of choice, it entertained and pleased him to hear not only that the collar was working but that she was trying to escape their grasp and couldn't.

1:05pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 17,364
"That nerd just laughed at you when that collar shocked you!" Calyx snapped. She heard hissing, and turned to her arm. The Coral snake was still there. "Mabye I can let the snake go....and we could run away when they are trying to get rid of the snake!" ((lolz xD))
1:06pm Jun 19 2010 (last edited on 1:07pm Jun 19 2010)
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Posts: 4,310
Taryn fled with Calyx into the forets and after a few minutes of running they were back in teh same spot again...."ugh...it's almost as if we've been put a spell on so we cant leave..."Taryn grinned"great idea!"
1:09pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 17,364
"Yea!" She hissed. "COme on we can make it!" She sounded as determined as she could be. (( Fail xD))
1:09pm Jun 19 2010 (last edited on 1:10pm Jun 19 2010)
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Posts: 1,724
Kyle heard them "I AM NOT A NERD!" he yelled at them then covered his own mouth. He didn't mean to burst out like that, he just didn't appreciate being called a 'nerd'. He wasn't a nerd, he was a wizard, a british wizard with big teeth. He was proud of what he was for reasons unknown. ((Lol))
