7:28pm Apr 17 2010
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Name: Daiki Age: 17 Gender: Male Group: Kazar Rank: High-Ranking Warrior Looks: WOLF HUMAN Personality: Play it out? (He's loyal and things before acting.) Power: Fire Extra: His wings look like bat-wings, and they are pitch black. Crush: OPEN History: Unravealed Other: Alwayshas a swordhangingon one hip.
8:10pm Apr 17 2010
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8:13pm Apr 17 2010
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8:17pm Apr 17 2010
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((Now, but I am not starting))
8:23pm Apr 17 2010
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((me either))

8:46pm Apr 17 2010 (last edited on 8:47pm Apr 17 2010)
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(Seriously? I feel like I always have to start things. >.>) Ceirse ran through the forest, her paws thumping on the ground, creating a steady rythem. She could feel the gash in her shoulder ripping further because of her running. If she hadn't been as good as she was with hiding her emotions, she would be howling in pain. But showing weakness like that would be unforgivable. At least to her. She could feel warm blood streaming down her right leg. I need to go see dawn. she kept thinking. Those stupid Lukos people. (Is that good? I don't know how to start with Daiki yet.)
8:56pm Apr 17 2010
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Spirit was walking in the woods in her human form when she saw ceirse. She ran over and when she got there she looked at her "are you ok." she asked

9:01pm Apr 17 2010
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Kiru padded through the forest, her pure white wolf form ghostly in the rising mist. Her blue eyes glanced at the two wolves as she pas.sed them. "Is everything ok?" she asked coldly, wondering if the Lukos people had started to raid their forest now.
9:03pm Apr 17 2010
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Ceirse shifted into her human form, her body covered in a black cloak with a hood. The hood made it unable to see her face. "Fine." she said, with no emotion or sound of pain in her voice. Though she was obviously not fine. The cloak was darker where it had soaked up her blood. "I just need to visit Dawn for a moment."
9:07pm Apr 17 2010
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Kiru sighed, "Ceirse, I will not have a half crippled wolf working for me. Go get yourself fixed now," she snapped coldly, not feeling very sorry for the stubborn wolf. "And when you are done, come to my den," she turned and leapt stiffly into the forest, feeling angry for letting one of her prized wolves get hurt.
9:12pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 1,943
((Join, Detters?))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
9:13pm Apr 17 2010
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((Sure Flitz*huggles*))
9:23pm Apr 17 2010
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'Kiru wa, shinrin wa, ookami o korosu no heiwa o korosu' Name: Alyxander Age: 18 Gender:Male Group: Lukos Rank: Leader? -Thumps Tail- Looks: Human Wolf Personality: He's EBIL. Although doesn't look very threatening, does he. Alyx is a tidge unstable. (Read: Stark raving nuts.) Power: He controls light. Extra: He has a pair of curling hors just behind his ears, that go down to his jaw and curve up, stopping about even with his eyes. They're sharp, so I'd stay away. Crush:None History: He was expelled from the Wolfe pack after losing his mind, and was taken in by Lukos, and grew in rank and diminished in sanity as time went on. Other: He's Bi.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
9:27pm Apr 17 2010
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Ceirse shrugged, not really caring. She sprinted toward the camp, shifting to wolf form as she ran. She worked her shoulder muscle, welcoming the burning pain. Bursting into the camp, she slowed her pace, shifing back to human form. She started walking, taking pride in the fact that she was in her a.ssa.swine robe. She pulled the bow of her back and slinked gracefully toward Dawn's den, never showing any emotion.
9:54pm Apr 17 2010
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10:02pm Apr 17 2010
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Alyxander walked through the forest, spinnig around trees and singing eerily. He sang a haunting melody in another language, and it echoed creepily throughout the forest. Abruptly, the boy switched melody andlanguage. "Out to hunt some traitors, traitors to my life, kicked poor Alyx out and ate away at him, tiny worms munching inside his skull. Everyone munching, except for Father Lukos, shook out the worms, fixed all the cracks. Out to hunt the traitors, traitors to my soul." At this last word, the purple haired teenager burst into hysterical laughter for a few moments, then shook his head and muttered to himself, "Worms turn into flies." He shifted, his muscles growning and shifting, until a blue and white wolf with razor horns stood in his place. He loped through the forest, until he came to the Kazar camp. He snickered to himself, and shifted to the spiky haired boy and scrambled up a tree,, looking down at all the tiny worms not yet flies squirming around, looking for Alyx, so they could crawl inside his head and munch, munch, munch away. Alyx grabbed his head, dug his nails in. He screamed, a desprate sound that echoed around the previously peaceful camp.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
10:04pm Apr 17 2010
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((O.O i won't say a thing but. :/)) Kiru heard a piercing scream and lifted her head up in anger, "Another Lukos wolf/" she muttered to herself, shaking her head vigourusly, "I'll kill him,"
10:06pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 1,943
((I just creeped myself out. o_O))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
10:09pm Apr 17 2010
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Ceirse turned her head in the direction of the scream. "What a creep." she whispered to herself quietly. She threw downt he hood of her cloak, thinking that it would be easier to fight without I covering part of her face. "Wrong camp." she growled, before grabbing an arrow from her back and notched it on her bow. She loved being an a.ssa.ssin.
10:10pm Apr 17 2010
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((Dude, you creeped my fish out, that's how creepy it was))