4:43pm Feb 24 2010
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Smirking, Omens chuckled softly. “Oh they won’t. I have certain spells placed on this bag that prevents trickery, deception, betrayal, desertion, and anything else that applies.” Grinning and slowly swinging the bag, she murmured in a low voice. “IF they do, let’s just say that Croma’s temporary unconsciousness will seem like utter heaven to those 3” To prove her point, a bronze and silver knife, resembling a giant meat cleaver slid out of her belt, twirling gracefully as Omens wielded it with an experienced hand.

4:46pm Feb 24 2010
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"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
4:48pm Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 1,446
(( LOlz))

4:53pm Feb 24 2010
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Siame rolled his eyes and started pacing again. He was convinced that, by the end of the night, there was going to be a trench beside Croma. "Just don't hurt me with that, okay? Knives sorta....creep me out, to put it best. I've had a few...bad run-ins with knives. Let's just say that sometimes, they made Croma's temper seem like no more than a rainbow." He shuddered, stopping his pacing momentarily, then continued, this time, closer to Croma.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
5:02pm Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 1,446
Staring at Siame thoughtfully, Omens demanded, “What makes you think I’d hurt you or Croma? If I harm one of you, the other’s rage will grow, and believe me, Bled carries an ARSENAL of weapons, all at easy disposal. You’ll be surprised how much he’s managed to collect. Picks, knives, swords, daggers, poisoned darts, even a handy basket of death mushrooms, you should be more scared of Bled than I. Anyways, we don’t need anymore enemies.” Grimacing, Omens stowed her blade. “But... if it pleases you, I’ll go use this instead” and with the slightest whisper of cloth being removed, Omens removed a simple hollowed out wooden reed, perfectly fitting a dart from the packet Omens removed. “These” She whispered softly, “Are the ones that the Reiflemer’s recruits use. They are pure poison. Do not, under ANY circumstance touch these from the lower handle down. They are dipped in any acidic thing. Acid, poison, placed in a room of poison gas for hours, mustard gas in a liquid form, even some phosgene and cyanogen in them, which will explode at the slightest degree of heat. Bled and I manufactured them ourselves, installing the command to not explode until it reaches the the magma hot level of Reiflem. It won’t explode here, we made sure of that but...” Omens trailed off uncertainly.

5:09pm Feb 24 2010
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Siame shook his head, stopping. "Oh no, I know you wouldn't hurt us intentionally, but..." He listened intently to the list of what Bled has, and shuddered. "Wow, that's alot." When she pulled out the dart and reed, he eyed it cautiously. "But...what?"
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
4:01pm Feb 25 2010
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Posts: 3,469
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
4:12pm Feb 25 2010
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Twisting her lip up, Omens sighed and offered an explanation. "When Bled and I first escaped, the only weapons we owned were our claws, horns, and this reed and darts. This reed with it's set of darts has a bloody history, thought we regularly switch out and remake the darts. You see... it's first act of murder has been replayed numerous times. I'll never forget it..." Omens paused and shuddered, her eyes horrified. Her voice now raspy, Omens whispered hoarsely, "It was first mis-shot, it was supposed to injure, but not kill... but the original owner shot it, and a gust of wind blew... the owner missed they're target, but murdered his own brother. At least, that's what the legend said. Our first time shooting this dart... it impaled itself into the traitor's skull, it's life vein" She murmured, eyes horrified

4:22pm Feb 25 2010
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Siame shuddered. "That's not good. So, you're not completely sure that it'll hit who you want then, huh?" He was pacing at the same pace as he had been, but worry filled his steps, especially since the Aerixs had yet to arrive. And now, the fur along his spine was bristling from the story Omens had said. "Well, I'm not too sure about you using that much anymore. You can use the knive if you want, but just...be careful." He allowed a shdder to rack his body from head to tail tip as he paced.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
4:31pm Feb 25 2010
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Posts: 1,446
Frowning, Omens took out a small silver whistle and blew it, it's noise like the purring of a baby otachie. Within seconds, Bled strolled over, and dumping all his weaponry on the floor, he began to search for something to bind the 3, exceedingly foul tempered, rude, and noisy Aerix. Rummaging around for a piece of charcoal and bark, Bled began to inventory the odd weapons of war. Muttering to himself, Bled scribbled down exactly what he said, "Here's my rapier, forgot I had that, my lock picking kit, exactly 3 wire thin blades to cut open a single vein, my daggers... bandages, a couple needles, a vial for storing poisons, ouch, cut myself on spare wire.." Bled paused and gazed at his paw, cut, and healed it himself. "Back to my list... grappling hooks, basket of death mushrooms, vial full of poisons, fire crystals, hum... there's poisoned arrowheads, several herbs... ahah!" He exclaimed, and pulled out a jar of holding what seemed like nothing. "Terror potion" He explained with a self satisfied smirk. "They lie, we make them pay"

4:39pm Feb 25 2010
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Siame was staring at Bled in an open-mouthed shock by time he had finished his list. The path he had been pacing was now about an inch into the ground. "How do you carry all of that around?" Shaking off his shock, he resumed pacing. He continuously glanced at the darkening sky, then to Croma, then back to the sky, and so on and so on. Its been a while. She should have woken up by now... ((I've got a plan...))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
6:58pm Feb 25 2010
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Grinning, Bled shrugged. "I lighten my load with spells cast by Omens and me. IT's not that hard. Croma not awake yet?" Bled frowned at Omens. "Have you been so busy gossiping that you forgot to offer?" Omens flushed and shot back a snappy retort, "Just because YOU can't tell the world your story without people setting the police on you, doesn't mean I can't! Anyways, I was getting right to it." Withdrawing some herbs and a suspiciously pink mushroom, Omens wandered off to crouch near Croma. Looking up in concern, she stared at Siame. "May I? I think I can wake her... and these herbs are for strengthening, for her and for me."

8:45pm Feb 25 2010
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Siame stopped pacing and shook his head. "No. She's too proud, and the moment she found out that I let her have help, she'd get even angrier with me. But thank you for the offer. If she isn't awake by morning, then yes, no matter what her temper may be like. But for now..." He broke off as he yawned. "...We need sleep. I don't know about you guys, but even here, we need someone on watch. Otherwise, more like Along and Unveiling will come along. I offer to take first watch." ((Let him. Tis all part of meh master plan....>:D))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
3:20pm Feb 26 2010
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Posts: 1,446
(( Can I at least argue about it? D8 I enjoy arguments)) Bled shook his head violently. "No, rest. I'll take first watch. We'll need the strength of two, maybe 3 magicians to subdue those Aerix." Omens stared up at the sky, oblivious to the two, and when she spoke, her voice was soft with worry. "I wonder what happened to the 2 omni, the kiokas, and that liyure... Are they dead?"

4:25pm Feb 26 2010
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Posts: 3,469
Siame shook his head. "No, I'll take first watch, since its Croma's fault that we're in this mess and I'm her partner." He instinctivly drew his staff, as he often did when in arguements. He was not going to let the Ebilia win so easily. ((Ew. Short post.))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
5:58pm Feb 26 2010
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Posts: 1,446
(( Yeah, but what can you do? At least it's not a one-liner)) Sighing frustratedly, Bled pushed down Siame's staff. "Put that down. The surge of magic coming from that thing will attract every magic user for miles. You go do first watch then. I'll take second. Wake me okay?" Padding over to a dead tree, Bled hauled himself up, and settled himself on a branch, yawning and showing his formidable teeth. "Remember.... okay?" He murmured, and fell into a deep doze.

9:29pm Feb 26 2010
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Posts: 3,469
Siame just looked after Bled in shock, then shook his head and turned to Omens. "I'm sure they're okay. After all, they are powerful spellcasters. I have a feeling, though, that there are others that we have yet to know of around here." He glanced around, almost feeling the magic of another nearby. Valendian circled above the four Creatu. He had been circling for hours, but Archeress had been steadily feeding him energy. He had been debating on introducing himself, but had decided against it. He finally decided to land, and angled away, toward where Archeress was. He decended quickly, and landed beside his partner, near a mile away from the other Creatu. He layed down, and closed his eyes, quickly falling asleep. Archeress strung her bow, understanding his weariness, and decided to keep watch. ((Gar. We need to hurry this up to nighttime, with Siame being the only one awake. :D I have an idea that's been boiling for ages! Before the Aerixs came in...before Croma went unconsious. :D))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
10:44am Feb 27 2010
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Posts: 1,446
(( I'll just skip to Omens watch then?))

4:05pm Feb 27 2010
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Posts: 3,469
((Nu! Just...later! Ima skip to like, near 11 PM ish. Siame is awake, sitting next to Croma, and has somehow started a fire(dun ask me how))) Siame sat watching the flames crackle as he used a claw to hollow some wood out. It had taken quite a bit to start the fire, since most of the wood around here was already burnt, but he could keep it going now, and was busying himself with carving a small model canoe. A howl was heard in the distance, but he dismissed the sound as his imagination, and returned to carving, though he set his staff in his lap. He turned his head quickly as Croma shifted to her side, and his ears lifted slightly. He had been hoping for her to wake from unconsiousness, but she hd yet to. In fact, now was the first time she had moved since he had found her. He set his carving down and moved his staff, then walked on all fours over to his partner. From how she was breathing steadily, he could tell that she was consious, though now asleep. "Took you long enough. I don't know what I would have done if you had died. There are no more like you. You are a one of a kind, my second half. Most people think me odd for even becoming your partner, but... No one thinks me odd because i love you. Well, only Omens knows, but..." He turned away from her sleeping form. "You aren't even listening. You're fast asleep. I'm talking to myself again...I really am insane..." He broke off as he yawned. "Wow. I am tired. Time to wake Bled." He grabbed his staff and carving, then walked over to wake the Ebilia. Croma opened her eyes, which were bright with tears. He really does care about me. Darn, I'm so stupid! I should have seen it. Memories flooded to the forefront of her mind. Siame trelling her that he had something to show her, and taking her to a beautiful glade. He said he had grown all of the flowers by hand. She pointed one out, saying that she had never seen that kind before, and he looked away. He said that he has grown that one magically, and named it after her. When she asked why, he said it was because he loved her. Croma felt her anger and joy all mixed into one, anger at Siame for not telling her until now, and joy because he had loved her, and it had confused her, and she had dragged her claws across his back, and he had only winced, ashamed now. Croma forced the horrible memories away, tears staining the dirt beneath her. What did I do? I hurt him, and then, I didn't even remember what he had said to me... She sighed softly, and closed her eyes, falling to sleep very quickly. ((Eh. Siame can wake Bled as an NPC. XD I'm too lazy to type it. XD))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
6:09pm Feb 27 2010
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Posts: 1,446
Opening a bleary eye as Siame woke him, Bled stretched and yawned, leaping silently from the tree to take Siame's place at the fire. Blinking the sleep from his eyes, Bled stared morosely at Omens, who was sleeping heavily. "You should sleep" He murmured softly, tear glazing his eyes. "I'll take your watch too Omens. You say I don't care... but don't I?" he whispered towards Omens, who obviously didn't hear him. Blinking to keep the tears out of his eyes, Bled withdrew a small silver chain, with a small full moon with 3 slashes in it attached. Gazing sadly at the fire, Bled withdrew his lock- picking kit and started cleaning it, not wanting it to rust. A good warrior always cares for their weapons He recalled Omens' favorite rebuke to him. In his mind's eye, he recalled that moment when they first met. It was in a smuggler's bar, outlaws everywhere haggling and cursing. He was surprised when he noticed the pretty albino iluvu walk in, *censored*uming she was in the wrong place, Bled had walked over and blinked at her and asked her if she was lost. He was so startled when she glared at him and told him she was to meet a certain Bled, of the Gore family... Then the explosions came and Bled and Omens ran for their lives, only to land themselves in jail.....
