7:34pm Feb 27 2010
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Posts: 1,446
(( Oh my gawsh, I found this epic choker, and I found a way to incorporate it into the RP! 8D it looks like this: ___Choker_black_rose____by_Liek.jpg It's gorgeous 8D Bled shall risk his life on a game of poker to win this for Omens *nods* How suitably Bled))

8:57pm Feb 27 2010
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Posts: 3,469
Siame yawned, and climbed into the tree, on a branch just below the one that Bled had recently occupied. He dug his claws into the thick of the branch, and settled into an uneasy sleep, his mind filled with horrors of Croma falling, ever further away, and he often woke, nearly falling from the branch, only to find that instead of on the edge of a cliff, with Croma falling, her paw slipping from his as he tried to save her, he was on Relcore, in a deserted wasteland, sleeping.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
9:06pm Feb 27 2010
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Posts: 3,469
((Wow. Awesome choker. And yes, it fits Bled. I might do something vaugly similar for Siame and croma, only Croma risks her life(again) to get Siame a Book of Advanced spells or something))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
1:36pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 1,446
(( Lolz 8D Let's skip towards morning okay? I've got the scene all planned out)) Bled, eyes exhausted, stares at the morning sun rises, blanketing everything with brilliant hues of gold and orange, traces of yellow, burgundy, and ruby flashing over the dead life of the planet. Yawning, Bled starts as a large crack sounds. Omens immediately jumps over and pins down Blayde, Daggir, and Cobri with a spell. "Silence!" Bled yowled over the combined screeching, hissing, and general chaos of the encounter. Blayde glared furiously at Omens. "Give ussss the bag... We will reward you... greatly" He hissed softly. With a flurry of movement, Cobri withdraws a delicate black choker, with black roses on the side. Omens gasped, eyes riveted towards the choker. Understanding Omens weakness for pretty, but impractical things, Bled slyly blocks her view, and raises his eyebrow. "Tell you what. I'll play a game with you. Poker. If I win, you give Omens the choker, and we keep the bag. I lose, you can take the bag and my life. We tie, I hand over the bag in exchange for the choker. Deal?" He asks coldly. Grinning, The aerix reply simultaneously, "What if you cheat? How can we trussst you?" Nodding, Bled smiled. "We both conjure decks and we alternate cards in between the decks. That way, if we both cheat, it'll still be fair." With a wave, Omens conjured a deck of cards, with a delicate crescent moon on the back. Blayde waves his hand too, and a seemingly identical pack of cards appear, but inscribed with a blade. "Let ussss shuffle." Blayde and Bled smirk, and shuffle.

5:42pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 1,446
(( bump? D:))

6:44pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 3,469
Siame looked at Bled carefully, unsure of his chances of sucess, before turning away. He had heard very little about Bled's gambling skills, but he was sure he was good. Croma opened her eyes again, then stretched, yawning widely. The dirt beolow her was wet with tears, and she hurriedly rubbed her paw over it to obscure it. She stood up on her hind legs, stretching her back, twisting and turning, when suddenly, she was pinned to the ground. Siame stood on all fours above her, his paws pinning her arms down. His fury was plain in his eyes. "You're insane! You could have died! And did you think about me? Or Omens?" Croma averted her gaze, upset and guilty now. Her voice was raspy as she spoke, but it cleared with use. "I'm sorry, Siame. Its just, when I get offended...." She broke off, anger suddenly flaring n her. She kicked Siame in the gut, and he landed only a foot or two away. Croma stood up, drawing her staff. "Who healed me? You know I'd rather heal myself!" Siame stood up, drawing his staff as well. "It was me! And if I hadn't, you would have died, but I guess that you wouldn't have cared, so long as your filthy pride was untainted! So, what? I should have let you die? Left you here to perish?" He turned and started walking away, but Croma barked quickly. "Siame! You coward! Get back here and finish what you started!" He turned halfway, then slid his staff back onto his back, then bounded away on all fours. Croma, in her anger, just turned her back. ((Wow. Long post of anger. Poor Croma. Knowing what she knows, it must have killed her.))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
6:44pm Mar 2 2010
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Posts: 1,446
Several hours later, Bled and Blayde took a short break, pausing when both could not take the continuous tying anymore. Calling a break, Bled and Blayde sat down, wiping sweat from their eyes.Sighing, Bled grinned at Blayde, who grinned back. “I’m positive you’re cheating” Blayde chuckled, and stretched, taking a sip of healing water. Grinning, Bled shot back playfully, “If I was cheating, you most certainly were too!” Both guys mock glared at each other, then dissolved into laughter. “Let’s stop poker, we’ll solve this with a simple game of rock-paper-scissors.” Blayde suggested, winking. Bled, raising his eyebrows, replied, “Well, if you insist...” Both chanted together. “Rock, paper, scissors... SHOOT!” Bled’s paw was contorted into a rock, while Blayde had scissors. “Dangit!” Blayde complained, and shook his head like a berrok ridding itself of irksome flies. “Well, you win. Here” He sighed, and tossed Bled a small bag. Bled, catching it with surprise, asked, “What is this? I only bet on the single choker.” EYes widening, Blayde grinned, apparently amused. “ Yeah... but here, listen to me, women are scarcely pleased with one. We can’t sell these chokers anyways, the blooming duchess we ‘borrowed’ them from would have our heads. Fortunately for you, she dislikes ebilia’s with a P*censored*ION. Even place her in the same room with ONE ebilia, she’ll leave immediately, so I think you’re quite safe” Glancing at the bag, Bled pulled one out, this one with a black lace chain, but in the center was a red ruby with a silver dragon engraved in the center. Omens, witnessing the argument between Croma and Siame, decided against stepping in. If people helped others get over fights, no relationship would be established between the 2. Best let them work it out alone. Besides, why did Bled risk his life for a trinket...? I never thought he’d want something owned by the girl I thought was my friend, but she wasn’t.... Was it for me? Do I mean that much to him? How did he know I have a p*censored*ion for chokers? Omens mind was in a frenzy, as her thoughts strayed towards Bled, chokers, and the Duchess.

5:42pm Mar 3 2010
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Posts: 3,469
Croma huffed, and glanced back. Seeing that Siame was out of sight, she relaxed, and her eyes now shone with tears. Turning to Omens, she shook her head. "What have I done? He's my best friend, and..." Her voice trailed off. She picked up the sentence again with a whisper. "He was just trying to protect me. He didn't mean to hurt my pride...." Tears ran down her cheeks as she realized what she had done. "Oh my gosh....this is bad. What have I wrought? I've broken a relationship forged over years of companionship...He tried to tell me before, could never show it, and when he finally did...." The last sentence was a hoarse whisper, strangeled by tears now.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
4:22pm Mar 4 2010
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Posts: 3,469
((bumpers. I have an idea...It'll require Siame being gone for a while, but it might finally push the group towards Scria. And I might drop my other characters. No=thing really going on. I'll keep RibbonDance and BlindMagic if you keep Insanus, and the others.))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
6:36pm Mar 4 2010
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Posts: 1,446
(( I'll keep them... if I can find a way to get them back o3o)) Omens, smiling sadly, gently patted Croma's back. "IF he truly loves you, he'll come back. IF your relationship is as close as you say, nothing will break that. Let him have a guy talk. I'll talk to Bled about it. He might help him.. He understands what you 2 have been through, seeing as both of us have been through several years of arguments." Sighing, Omens blinked back tears as she watched Bled smile and banter with Blayde. "What is that fool doing? Why's he holding that bag...?" Omens trailed off gasping. "No way! He won!? Bled is the absolute WORST gambler ever! The only way he could've won is by Rock Paper Scissors! How did he win the poker game?!" She whispered hoarsely

6:44pm Mar 4 2010
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Posts: 3,469
Croma shook her head. "No. He will come back when he wants to. Don't have Bled bother him." When Omens made a comment about Bled winning, she glanced up, drying her tears quickly. At Omens' comment of Bled's poker 'skills' she smiled. "Cheating, probably."
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
6:48pm Mar 4 2010
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Posts: 1,446
Smiling, Omens grinned. "I wonder how you cheat at poker?" She mused, raising an eyebrow. "Well, at least he wasn't taking a math test for that choker, he might as well just slit his throat. I asked him the purpose of 4, and he told me there's no point unless you like squares!" Shaking her head, Omens sighed, "No, I am glad he won. I just wish he didn't attach such prices to the deal"

7:00pm Mar 4 2010
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Posts: 3,469
Croma put a hand on Omens' shoulder, smiling at her math remark. "Well, the risk is behind us. For now, let us just be happy that he has won." She glanced back in the direction that Siame had run, and drooped slightly, her eyes shining with unshed tears. Please, be safe, Siame. I should have just let her die. With the thanks I got, it would have been better. Siame was thinking with the rhythm of his running.His back arched with every step, and anger fueled his headlong rush. He had not looked back since he had started his run, nor had he thought of anyything but running, but when he saw his destination ahead, his mind had wandered. He slowed, then eventually stopped, stepping a few steps on his hind legs as he rose while momentum still carried him forward. Before him was the Portal Nexus. A three sided pyramid, it had one side for every one of the other three planets. It survived. It actually survived. He put a hand on the edge between Reiflem and Atquati, then walked around to the other side. Scria. I believe that's where they were. Yes, it is. He reached into his coat's pocket and pulled out a light blue ribbon, softer than silk. He had obtained it from a friend with his dying breath, and Siame had treasured the Kioka ribbon since. I'll show Croma how much I care. I couldn't get her anything to prove my love last time, but I can now. With that thought, he stepped throught the portal, into Scria. ((Dun dun duuuuuuun. XD Let's hurry the other up, but not rush them. Kay? I need a black female Ebilia before I can go much further with Siame.))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
7:06pm Mar 4 2010
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Posts: 1,446
(( do you need to keep it? I can lend you Filora if you need it temporarily))

7:07pm Mar 4 2010
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Posts: 3,469
((Eh. I'd rather keep. I want to tag a name to it, and that way, I could also use it in other RPs.))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
7:20pm Mar 4 2010
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Posts: 1,446
(( Lolz, then you'll have to buy it then D8. Shall I interrogate Siame with this here convenient Chronical?))

7:22pm Mar 4 2010
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Posts: 3,469
((Perhaps. I may buy, but I am broke, owing 300k of my 305k, for arts. And he can interrogate him, and perhaps even accompany him, but he can't stop him.))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
8:00pm Mar 5 2010
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Posts: 3,469
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
8:13pm Mar 5 2010
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Posts: 1,446
Chronical, on his latest expedition glided gently on eddies of wind. "Wonder who's trudging out here in this weather" He murmured as he squinted as a roditore walked across to the Portal Nexus. Eyes widening, Chronical went into a fast dive and pulled up in front of Siame. "What are you doing here?! Were's Croma!? Did you abandon her so easily just because she was too proud to admit she needed help?!" Chronical roared, eyes narrowing into small slits. "Why did you leave?! Are you too much of a coward to explain to her what she means to you!? Are you going to let some PRIDE get in your way!?" Lowering his voice to a dangerous rasp, Chronical, still floating hissed, "Or are you too much of a coward to let her know?"

8:41pm Mar 5 2010
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Posts: 3,469
Siame bared his teeth in a silent growl. "Don't you ever say that I was too cowardly to tell her how i felt! I have scars on my back from last time i told her, and i don't want a repeat. So...I'm going to do something different this time. Last time...last time, she was in a bad mood, so I won't let that happen again. Also..." He shook his head, waving off the thought. "Nevermind. It's a bit private." He glanced at Chronical for a second before continuing onto the clouds of Scria. "Well, you've already bothered me. Come with me. It's wartime, and no Creatu is safe alone."
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."