12:36pm Nov 21 2009
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Posts: 1,446
(( I'll click. But.. I wanna join the private poke RP! Our last one failed.. epicly))

12:45pm Nov 21 2009
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Posts: 3,469
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
12:49pm Nov 21 2009
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Posts: 11,785
((Yus. We totally should. But I'll still be on like...very very rarely. Andandand... If I join, I'll be my silver Meiko, Crucifixes, and my new cream Ebilia, Trice. *thanks housesangels*))
12:58pm Nov 21 2009
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Posts: 3,469
((Kay. And I am used to rare appearances, Rika.))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
1:16pm Nov 21 2009
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Posts: 1,446
(( I'm a regular :D I like to be there when the drama starts))

1:23pm Nov 21 2009
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Posts: 3,469
((Fluffles! Post!))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
1:25pm Nov 21 2009
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Posts: 1,446
(( What!? I have to start!?))

1:35pm Nov 21 2009
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Posts: 3,469
((Fluffeh: I posted my intro.))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
1:46pm Nov 21 2009
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Posts: 1,446
(( I knew dat XD)) Omens blinked drowsily as she awoke. She had suffered minor wounds, in other words, non-fatal. Looking around for Bled, Omens chanced upon a dead soldier. Reiflem or Relcore she did not care for Omens was starving. Leaning down. she crunched upon the flesh of the dead. Bled, still in dream land was being burned. Dang, this fire is HOT. I wish Omens would stop this.. OMENS! Where is she? Where am I?! Is this hell?

2:07pm Nov 21 2009 (last edited on 2:08pm Nov 21 2009)
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Posts: 3,469
Croma waited as Siame stood, and joined her. She turned a slight red and his tail brushed hers, and his strong voice rang out, an echo in the empty cavern. "Are you okay, Croma?" She nodded. "Yes." She started again for the door, barely noticing as Siame muttered a word under his breathe, and his staff lit up, making it brighter in the cavern. She reached the door, and noticed it was locked. Her legs were shaky, and when Siame joined her, she felt as if her legs would give out. She was always like this around Siame, but never this weak. Never before was she so tired, or even so hungry. How long have I been asleep? Siame laid the ruy of his staff on the door handle, and uttered a single word. "Unlock." The door swung outward on unheard hinges, and Siame started forward, Croma hesitating. "Siame...why are we down here? Why am I so weak? What's going on?" He turned around, his voice deep. Croma shuddered as he spoke. She wondered how he was oblivious to her crush on him. She had fallen head over tail for him, and even risked her life for him many times, and he was oblivious. "You don't remember? hm...They said it might happen. We have been asleep, for how long, I am unsure. But the people of Relcore, our owners, knew that we were mages, and sealed us down here, at the start of the war, in the case that the war turned badly. They were to wake us when the war was over, and if it didn't end soon, we would wake at some random time, they couldn't predict when. But they said that a side affect was not remembering the things that happened right before we slept. Like the telling of the plan." Another thought flashed across his mind. And what I said to you.... He turned around, to start up the tunnel. She forgot it. I was hoping she hadn't. Croma hurried after him, almost falling in her weakness. "I do vaguely remember what happened before we slept. About the plan.."
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
2:35pm Nov 21 2009
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Posts: 1,446
Blinking Omens muttered something under her breath. A small light appeared, floating in front of her, showing a plain door. Wishing desperately that Bled was there, she pushed open the door. There lay Bled, panting and snarling on the floor. "Bled!" Omens whimpered, and rushing towards him, she placed a paw on his pulse. Too fast. Much too fast. "Hang on Bled, just hang on." Muttering an ancient spell, Omens felt Bled's pulse slow, then continue normally at a steady rate. "Whew, that's better" She murmured. Bled mumbled, and sighed for a second, then blinked himself into reality. "wh-where am I? Omens, why are you here?" Bled murmured, not even realizing he was awake. "Ah, sleeping beauty wakes again" Omens smirked nudging Bled to his feet. "Come one lazy, we've got some payback to give" Side by side, both ebilia's kicked open the door, and walked through

9:15am Nov 22 2009
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Posts: 3,469
AutoLife growled as she fumbled to undo the lock with a claw. Zheras had yet to wake, and she was anxious to get out. She glanced back at her partner, who was now yawning, and getting up. The ghostly form moved beside the Ebilia, then laid a hand on the door. "Open." The door swung outward, and Zheras gestured for AutoLife to lead. The Amber Ebilia huffed and started up the tunnel. Croma followed Siame as he emerged from the tunnel, into the open light. He helped Croma up, and they sat next to the trapdoor, their eyes closed. She laid on her back, enjoying fresh air once again. Siame, however, had opened his eyes, and was watching the stars above. I told I felt the same...and she forgot..Maybe its just because of the sleep. Or maybe... He glanced at his partner. Maybe it wasn't important enough. Maybe I'm not important enough. His thoughts were suddenly interupted by Croma sitting up, and looking around. "Uhm. Siame...I think Relcore lost." She saw nothing but bare ground, no trees, no gras.s, not even a shrub. No water, no buildings. Just wasteland.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
1:06pm Nov 22 2009
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Posts: 1,446
Gazing at the wasteland of Relcore, Bled snarled under his breath. "Darn, I guess Relcore lost. Or is has the prophecy lied?" He questioned a paler than normal, if that was possible Omens. "No.. it's still intact.. It never lies. But... I think Relcore got in the way of the prophecy.. Which one it is, I'm not sure." Omens breathed silently. There was not even a breeze to stir the dust. Why is it so difficult to run away from your fate? They wondered. "I wonder if there's even anyone alive in this place. Should we go back to Reiflem? We will still be outcasts wherever we go, but at least there'll be PEOPLE and creatu here." Bled asked Omens. "NO! I will not go back! I will not be the source of hideous amusements! I will not go back!" She cried, clearly scared. "It's okay Omens! It was only an idea! Calm down!" Bled said worriedly and cautiously licked her ear. "Wonder where IS everyone. Nobody could have wiped out the entire population of Relcore"

1:17pm Nov 22 2009
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Posts: 3,469
Siame stood and started forward, and Croma ran to catch up. "Where are you going?" "To find the others. You don't remember, but there were other that slept as well." Croma was confused. "Why weren't they with us?" "In case Reiflem found one cavern, they wouldn't kill us all, and ensure they're win." Croma was silent for a moment. She stopped, and Siame halted as well, a few paces ahead of her, and looked back. "Will I ever remember what I forgot? I mean, I'm probably annoying you with questions, and I need to know the plan.." Siame looked away, then shrugged, and started forward again. He stopped after a while, and raised his staff. "Signal." The ruby glowed, and it sent up a bright light, like a firework, that stayed in the sky. It was Siame's personal crest, a raven with an arrow pierced through its heart. "I can only hope that AutoLife, Zheras, Bled, and Omens are the only ones who see this."
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
1:23pm Nov 22 2009
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Posts: 694
Yes, sorry, I forgot to post that Refliem is winning the war and Scria is basicly untouched
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
1:33pm Nov 22 2009 (last edited on 1:35pm Nov 22 2009)
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Posts: 694

Name: Starcharger Age: Not sure Gender: Female Species:Zenirix Color: Black Specialty: Magic Personality: You'll see Partner: Sekime Crush: None now Other: Bright green eyes
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
1:51pm Nov 22 2009
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Posts: 1,446
Sobbing softly with her head on Bled's shoulder Omens felt a mysterious charge of power arising. "Q-quick b-b-bled, on the g-g-round!" She cried softly and pushed onto the floor. "What is it Omens? Is it Reiflem again?" Bled asked, his lips lifting to bare his fangs. "No, i-i sense a sudden rise of magic. It could be Reiflem's magicians I suppose.." Omens trailed off and cautiously looked at the sky. Gasping, she nudged Bled roughly. "What Omens?!" He snapped. the day was to much for him. He couldn't help it. He waited for her rude remark but was surprised to hear none. He rolled his eyes then gaped. There, in the sky was a raven with an arrow through it's heart. "What is it?!" He hissed, tensing as he asked Omens. Smirking, Omens got up and started walking towards the crest. "Follow me. It's that roditore's crest." "What the heck are you talking about Omens!? For all we know, it could be a trap!" Bled snarled, pushing her backwards. Snapping at him, Omens sniggered. "For all YOU know my dear Bled. I'm a magic user. And this is no trick. Now follow me"

3:06pm Nov 22 2009
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Posts: 3,469
 Name: BlindMagic Age: Unknown Gender: Male Species: Omni Color: Ntural Specialty: Magic Personality: You'll see Partner: RibbonDance Crush: None Other: Senses magic rather than sees it. 
Name: RibbonDance Age: Unknown Gender: Female Species: Kioka Color: Natural Specialty: Magic Personality: You'll see. Partner: BlindMagic Crush: None Other: None ~~~ Siame nodded in satisfaction at the signal in the sky, then turned to Croma. She had sat on the ground, staring at the dirt. "Siame..Its cold. There's no warmth, though by the position of the stars, it should be mid-summer. And there's no wood for fire." He sat behind, and they leaned against each other, back to back, like they had long before this whole war. They had been partners for years, since their hatching. "We'll find a way to stay warm. When the other four join us, we'll find a way. And I don't quite remember, but I think there was another pair, and they were highly skilled at magic. Perhaps skilled enough to conjure up a fire that burns on nothing." Croma smiled at this. It was near impossible, she knew. RibbonDance floated impatiently at the top of the tunnel. The sides were steep, and BlindMagic was having trouble. "Help." When she uttered the word, a spirit-like form appeared beside her, a copy of herself, only a lighter color. It floated down, and below BlindMagic, and helped him up, then disappeared in a puff of light blue smoke. The Omni straightened up , and walked forward, toward the floating Kioka. "Thank you, but..couldn't you have helped?" RibbonDance shrugged. "Too tight a space, I guess-" She stopped when BlindMagic jerked his head up, alert and aware. She floated forward, eager. "Where's the magic? Where's the source? What's the type?" "The magic is to the east, right above its source. it is a signal. Perhaps the Roditores..what were their names again?" The Kioka uttered three words under her breath. "Siame and Croma." Her eyes were bright as she looked to the sky, now sensing the magic. She saw the raven, an arrow through its heart, and nodded. "Come on, BlindMagic, Siame is beckoning!" She started off north, in a floating gallop, with BlindMagic at her heels. AutoLife looked up, and saw the raven, not even a mile south. Zheras pulled herself from the tunnel, and stood. AutoLife started toward the signal, and Zheras hurried to catch up, her voice curious. "Where are we going?" AutoLife cleared a crater with a jump, then continued on without breaking stride, before answering. "The signal. Siame is awake. I wonder why Croma didn't send off the signal. It was her job. Well, at least it was her partner."
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
3:26pm Nov 22 2009
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Posts: 1,446
"I wonder if we should let them know we're coming" mused Omens and they glided effortlessly across the barren wasteland. Landing, Bled chuckled. "I can't wait to practice what that dumb Reiflem teacher taught me. Magic indeed! I can't conjure an apple, but I'm pretty sure I can project my crest, no matter how faint it might be, into the sky." Omens stares at Bled in surprise. "You can do magic?" she asked, insultingly surprised. "Pssh, I'm more of a fighting guy, but back in that terrible place, I had a teacher who never failed to emphasize I was the worst in the cl*censored*. I could never conjure up a fire, an apple, fruit, nor egg. I couldn't transport myself, or turn myself invisible. Only thing I had a knack for was hiding, fighting, messing around with the students, and convincing people to part with their money. The thing is, that dumb teacher was so insultingly surprised when I could project my crest onto any surface the best." Bled told her as he stared, in hopes of finding something to munch on. "I never knew. Hum, can you still remember how to project it? And, what are we gonna eat? I'm not stupid enough to believe YOU can track down or conjure up a toasting hot meal in this wasteland." She snapped. "Well, I can't do that, but I have a.. what do you call it? Certain gift, small as it might be with the elements." Bled snarled back, tensions rising. "Whatever, come one, let's project our insignia's. Murmuring in the ancient ebilia tongue, both snarled at the very climax of their spell and roared together, "Sign!"The word echoed around the wasteland, but in the sky, a curved crescent moon with a ribbon intwined with it, and a full moon with a three clawed slash appeared, side by side. "Huff, let's hope our enemies don't know it's us." Bled muttered. Inside though, his mind was reeling. I never knew our crest's were so alike.. Is this a sign? BRAIN! shut up! It's no sign! It's just a coincidence okay!? Dude, I'm mental, I'm arguing at my head..

1:55pm Nov 23 2009
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Posts: 3,469
Siame sighed. "Maybe you should send up your crest, to let them know we are both alive and well." Croma nodded. She was looking at Siame's crest. She knew that a Creatu's crest would change with their personality, but she remembered nothing that could have been big enough to change his crest. She remembered it as a proud deer, with large antlers, and every reason of pride. She stood up, and held up her staff. "Signal." A light shot up from her sapphire, exactly like Siame's earlier, and formed a raven, who appeared crestfallen and alone. Croma didn't even notice the similarity of the two as she sat back down. She glanced up at the moons that had appeard only moments ago, and Siame spoke without the question asked. "Bled and Omens. They're fine. They are obviously on their way." RibbonDance stopped as she saw two moons, very similar, appear in the sky. BlindMagic stopped beside her, alert due to the high amount of magic. RibbonDance smiled. "So, BlindMagic, should we send ours up aswell? The two newer ones are Bled's and Omen's." She looked up again as another raven joined the first. "Croma is also safe." The Omni nodded, then raised a paw toward the sky. The Kioka raised a hoof. "Signal." The single word was said simultaniously, and a great Omni paw shone in the sky, BlindMagic's part, and a ribbon wrapped itself around it, RibbonDance's part. This was their combined crest. It was said that when partners became very close, their crests depended on the other, and they would join, much like Blindmagic's and RibbonDance's. AutoLife looked up as two moons were shot into the sky, then a raven, then an Omni paw wrapped in a ribbon. "Our turn, Zheras." She raised her paw, and uttered the spell, aware of Zheras raising a clawed hand and doing the same. AutoLife's appeared first, a dull orange jack-o-lanturn with flames erupting from the mouth, nose, and eyes. Zheras's followed soon after, a ghost coming through a window. They exchanged glances, and both laughed at the potential fright of the two crests, and continued on toward the two ravens.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."