7:46pm Nov 24 2009
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Glancing up at the sky, Bled and Omens smirked. "Well, I see BlindMagic, Ribbondance, AutoLife, Zheras, and Croma are alive" Omens chuckled. Staring at her in awe, Bled could barely conceal his gaping jaw. "What? I can remember names okay!? Unlike SOME people, I make an effort to learn them." She snapped irritably, inside squirming with pleasure at the way he stared at her. "B-b-but.. I don't recall ever MEETING them... except for AutoLife. Wasn't that one a amber ebilia" Bled asked quizzically, running with Omens. "Yep, AutoLife is an amber ebilia. Zheras is a jaaku, RibbonDance is a kioka, BlindMagic is an omni, etcetera, etcetera. Got it?!" She snickered while she ran with him. Stopping to rest their wings, both ebilia's sat, unknowingly close to Zheras and AutoLife. "Well, I hope they'll find us, cause I'm dang tired after all this running. If I'm not careful, I'll turn into a sack of bones like you!" Bled teased, nudging Omens playfully. "Who you calling a sack of bones old man!?It takes SKILL to keep my fur nice and soft!" Omens playfully snarled back. Stiffening, Bled drew back up the invisible wall around his playful demeanor and calmly snarled "I sense someone. Quick, hide" Bled murmured coldly, his scar gleaming silver in the light.

12:47pm Nov 25 2009
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Name: Crucifixes Age: Unknown, but is an adult. O: Gender: Male Species: Meiko C: Color: Silver o: Specialty: Magic, of course. :D Personality: He's very kind and generous, but can also be quite fierce and ruthless. It depends on who you are and whether or not he likes you. C: He has a bit of a quick temper, but also a quick cooldown, so as long as you don't keep it going, he'll calm down within a half-hour or so tops. And no, he's not bi-polar. x3 Partner: None at the moment. o: Crush: Nup. Other: If it's okay, he likes to wear a black and red scarf at all times, kind of like this new human-ish character I'm drawing...nd made a four-page bio for, intro included. xD; 
Name: Trice Age: Also unknown, but is a teen. Well, appears to be a teen, at least. o: Gender: Male Species: Ebilia Color: Cream~ Specialty: Strength, even though he has little muscles. xD Personality: He's very laid back and quiet a lot of the time, but can also be pretty exiteable if you know how. Just tell him there's a pile of donuts somewhere you want him to go and he's gone in a flash. :D Partner: Nup. Crush: None Other: I just got him a couple days ago. But...he's cool. And, if it's okay, he tends to wear a crucifix around his neck. Given to him by...Crucifixes himself. Luls. xD

1:07pm Nov 25 2009
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Posts: 1,446
(( Epic! :D Ebi's FTW *high fives))

1:09pm Nov 25 2009
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Posts: 11,785
((*highfives back* :D Soo...how shall I pop in, loves? C:))
1:16pm Nov 25 2009
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Posts: 1,446
(( You pop in like.. when both wake up and they spy something in the air and they figure out it's like.. a crest.. and uh.. I"m confuzzled))

1:18pm Nov 25 2009
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Posts: 11,785
((How about they find the others? o: Just like...appear. Crucifixes is magic, after all. :D))
2:02pm Nov 25 2009 (last edited on 2:03pm Nov 25 2009)
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Posts: 694
Can my two just pop in and send up thier crests too?
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
2:03pm Nov 25 2009
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Posts: 3,469
((They can do either, and their others are fine. i am debating on bringing in Valendian and Archeress, who just got dyed amber, but I already have six charries, and i have a plan for later....)) Zheras stopped, AutoLife skidding to a halt before turning round and padding back to her partner. The Jaaku was unusually aware and alert. She held her right hand at the ready, the claws lengthing slightly at the bidding of a silent spell. AutoLife tensed. "What is it?" "I hear voices, AutoLife." AutoLife looked around, low to the ground in her battle position. "Zheras, we are probably the brightest things here. There's no cover, and we're unmoving. We are the perfect target." She spotted a patch of white and dark red, and started forward, her tail brushing against the ground slightly as she crept forward. When she got closer, she straightened, and smiled to herself, recognizing the two Creatu. "Zheras, we're fine. Its only Bled and Omens."
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
2:10pm Nov 25 2009
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Posts: 3,469
((Sea: Yes))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
2:14pm Nov 25 2009
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Posts: 1,446
Sniffing the air, Bled was overly cautious. "Friend? or foe? They seem docile enough but.. you never know. It could b-" Bled's sentence was cut off when Omens, sensing something sang in a soft eerie voice,"reveal!" A brilliant light hovered over the ebilia and the jaaku. "It's okay Bled. They're friends." Omens whispered, murmuring "hide" to block the quick burst of light that revealed the two. "you IDIOT! If they were enemies, they could've seen us with the light?! You nearly costed out LIVES!" Bled snarled, his scar scrunching up, making him look terrible and cruel at the same time. Then again, Bled always looked terrible and cruel and haughty and a whole host of other things at the same time. "I knew that, that's why I used ebilia magic. Only other ebilia's can see" Omens snarled back. "What about AutoLife?! And the Reifleim ebilia's!? Don't forget, we're NOT the only ebilia's in existence you know!" Bled countered, his voice icy cold. "Only the ones with the knowledge of the old ebilia language, and they can understand it can see it. "What if-" "Shut UP bled. I'm tired of your stupid scenarios! We're gonna be perfectly FINE!" Omens snapped, interrupting Bled in his rant

2:14pm Nov 25 2009
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Posts: 11,785
Crucifixes sighed, looking around as he walked, the silver MEiko accompanied by the cream Abilia, Trice. The Meiko nudged his scarf with his nose to adjust it, making sure it wouldn't slip off and he wouldn't step on the part of the scarf that hung down. "You know, I wish something would happen," he murmured to his companion, swinging his head to look over at the steadily rotting feline beside him. "I'm content with the way things are," Trice said in reply, ears twitching as he flicked his fur-tipped bony tail. "I'd rather not fight if there's no need to. I'd much rather be able to curl up and rot in peace." He stretched out a bit, yawning as he did so before shaking out his fur, making his bones rattle when they hit eachother. Then he could hear voices and nudged his traveling partner. "I hear the others up ahead, Crucifixes." Crucifixes lifted his head, swieling his ears forward, then nodded to the Ebilia at his side. "Well, time to go make ourselves known." He flared out his wings and took off to get there faster, Trice right behind him. ((C:))

2:16pm Nov 25 2009
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Posts: 11,785
((I might add in Fialyn, my black Meiko. o: Or maybe my Otachie, BeautyOfFlight. Or my albino Berrok, WhiteTeddyBEar...but I'm changing his name the instant I get a name tag. If it's open, gonna name him Snow in a foreign language. Or...Maybe Nanuk. Or Ingavar. OR Thoran. *hopes those names won't be taken*))
2:18pm Nov 25 2009
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Posts: 1,446
(( I think they already are Rika ;x; I shall wait until someone bumps into Omens and Bled arguing and say, "Geez! You guys argue like an old married couple!" Or at least, wish for that to happen))

2:26pm Nov 25 2009
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Posts: 3,469
AutoLife took a step back as she felt a surge of magic. Zheras had taught her how to fell it, so when fighting, she would know when magic was used. A small growl escaped her throat, and she turned to Zheras, her voice harsh, ignoring the whole thing. "Come one, Zheras, there's no need to worry, its only Bled and Omens!" The Jaaku was hesitant. "There are others. I only know four besides you. There are eight besides you that are currently free." AutoLife sighed. "And how do you know?" The Jaaku smiled, and caught up with the Ebilia. She lowered her arm, the claws returning to their normal length. "I count the crests, and sound travels well in this wasteland. I hear the steady flap of wings, the pad of rushing paws, the sound of two Roditores talking. The two we need to see. I also hear the sound of two Ebilias arguing, just ahead. You must remember, AutoLife, that sound is muffled by barriers, of which, there are now none." AutoLife was silent, listening, and sure enough, she could hear what Zheras had heard. "You're right..I should listen to you more often." Zheras only smiled, and threw up her right arm, sending her crest into the sky. When she recived a curious glance from AutoLife, her reply was simple. "To let them know we are still on our way." She glanced up at the ghost emerging from the window.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
2:27pm Nov 25 2009
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Posts: 3,469
((Valendian is a black meiko. Spellcaster, too.))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
2:34pm Nov 25 2009
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Posts: 11,785
Crucifixes landed with the small group of other creatu, his paws thouching the ground without a sound. He shoot himself to be sure he had no dust clinging t his silver scales, then cocked his head at the Ebilis and snorted lightly. "You know, you two argue like an old married couple," he muttered, sitting down and folding his wings, looking over as Trice landed beside him, his cream pelt lightly browned by a thin la yer of dust. The Ebilia quickly shook himself aain, his rosary rattling as the beads hit eachother, slightly sharper than the sound of his bones clacking together. "Crucifixes is right, you know. We can't afford to make too much noise if there's no barrier up." He cocked his head, then looked around the small group. "What is the argument over?" Crucifixes snorted. "Probably them telling someone to only use a certain kind of magic again. If it works quickly, I say we can use any kind we need." He shrugged. "But I have no authority here, so it's not really up to me," he said to the cream Ebilia beside him, nudging his scarf back into place. ((xD Crucifixes, I love you. x3))

2:36pm Nov 25 2009
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Posts: 11,785
((Fialyn will probably test her magics if I bring her in, but WhiteTeddyBear, to be renamed when I find an open name I like, will be a fighter. If I find an open name, can I just call him that instead of WhiteTeddyBEar? owo))
2:38pm Nov 25 2009
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Posts: 3,469
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
2:39pm Nov 25 2009
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Posts: 11,785
((Thank you. He's just so fierce looking now that it's an insult to call him WhiteTeddyBEar. xD;))
2:42pm Nov 25 2009
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Posts: 3,469
((Lol. I agree))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."