2:43pm Nov 25 2009
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((I named him back before the Berrok Revamp, though. They were adorable then. x3))
2:47pm Nov 25 2009
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Posts: 3,469
((I agree there, Rika..Should I add Valendian and Archeress? I'm debating.))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
2:51pm Nov 25 2009
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Gazing suddenly at Crucifixes, both ebilia's snarled, "Who the heck are YOU?! Married couple! NOWAY!" Crouching to the ground, Bled loosed his claws, bared his dagger like teeth and snarled and hissed furiously. Omens, being so startled, hit the ground and roared in the olden tongue of the ebilias, "Conquer! Flame! Encircle!" Bled, was still crouching down, gazing warily at the ebilia and meiko. "Are you two friends or our enemies? I scent that the ebilia is a friend, or at least, not our enemy, but what about you? You are trained in magic, I can smell that, but who do you work for? Reifleim? If you are, I'm prepared and ready to annihilate you." Bled growled, bluffing only by a little bit. He knew he could stand up to a magic attack for a little while, but to completely annihilate one? He'd never tried before. What should he do?

2:53pm Nov 25 2009
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Posts: 1,446
(( I'ma go make bio's for Carnivores, Chronical, and my 4? black ebi's! :D))

2:57pm Nov 25 2009
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AutoLife heard a sudden commotion over where she had seen Omens and Bled, and rushed over, leaving Zheras to catch up. She stopped, and glanced at Crucifixes and trice, before looking at Bled and Omens, the latter muttering spells of a sort, the former tensed to attack. She heard Bled's question about loyalties, and interuppted. "If I may have a word, why would Reiflem have people here? its a wasteland, and they don't even know of our existance. They think that they completely destroyed all life on Relcore. So before you go accusing people, think things through." Her bony tail curled around her back left leg. At this point, Zheras had caught up, and she laid a hand on AutoLife's back, causing the amber Ebilia to look at her, her eyes calm and bright. "AutoLife, this is not your fight."
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
3:07pm Nov 25 2009
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Name: Valendian Age: Unknown. But Adult Gender: Male Species: Meiko Color: Black Specialty: Magic Personality: You'll see. Partner: Archeress Crush: None Other: Wears white bandages around the bottom half of his forelegs. 
Name: Archeress Age: Unknown. Adult Gender: Female Species: Roditore Color: Amber Specialty: Strength Personality: You'll see Partner: Valendian Crush: None Other: Carries around a large bow--almost as tall as herself. Also rides on Valendian's back when travelling quickly. Wears leather gloves on her front paws, though they have holes instead of fingers, for her claws, to prevent injury while shooting arrows.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
3:11pm Nov 25 2009
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Posts: 1,446
"You don't understand, The Reifleimers have been hunting us even before they attacked Relcore. WE must be cautious and ask everyone we meet. Omens thinks most of you are okay creatu, but she can't sense you or you." Bled pointed at Zheras and Crucifixes. "If we can't trust anyone, then we will not leave any witnesses behind. We're not criminals, nor are we cold-blooded killers. But we will harm those who we feel will harm us. Life is short. Short enough to not think every single thing through. Why should we waste our time pondering like old men and women when we could live another hour, or another day?" Bled asked cooly. "Bled.. Bled.. calm down. You're temper is heating up my magic. I think Zheras is okay, but Crucifixes.. well I can't sense his intentions. They all may very well be kind. WE'll leave" Omens murmured, both to Bled and to Zheras, AutoLife, Crucifixes, and Trice. "WE'll go. but I swear, if you tell ANYONE you've seen us. Then I will not restrain Bled anymore."

3:11pm Nov 25 2009
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Crucifixes growled, pinning back his ears. "I wouldn't question my loyalties if I were you. Do I smell like I've lived on Reiflem recently?" he huffed. "My name is Crucifixes and I am indeed trained in the way of magic. Just because I'm a Meiko doesn't mean I'm against you." Trice sighed, then looked to the Ebilias. "Let him go. I've been traveling with him for a while. Believe me, he's not a threat to you. He's gone on and on about wanting to be able to attack those on Reiflem for a while now," he explained, looking over at the silver Meiko, who seemed not at all pleased to have been cut off from fixing his scarf, which fell off by the time Trice had finished explaining. Crucifixes snorted at the opposing Ebilias before leaning down to pick his scarf off fo the ground, lightly shaking it to remove the dust. "Do you have any idea how difficult it is to put tis on without hands?" he hissed, going to work on rplacing it as he muttered a few words of magic under his breath, along with a few curses each time he failed to fix the scarf and it fell to the ground once more. Trice sighed once more, then moved oer to aid the Meiko in replacing his scarf. "My name is Trice, by the way. I'm more of a fighter than a magical creatu, but I'm also pretty laid back...s...yeah." He shrugged, maneuvering his bony tail to fix Crucifixes's scarf. ((...Yey. .w.))

3:14pm Nov 25 2009
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Name: Carnivores Age:unknown Gender: male Species: ebilia Color:silver Specialty: (Magic or Strength) Both? He's like.. a jack of all trades. Personality: (optional) You'll find out Partner: (optional. Mostly with magic speciality.) Partner in crime is Chronical, a.k.a Bled's bro Crush: nah Other: just a normal silver teen ebilia Name:Chronical Age:Unknown Gender:male Species:ebilia Color:rose Specialty: (Magic or Strength)Strength Personality: (optional) You'll find out Partner: (optional. Mostly with magic speciality.) Partner in crime is Carnivores Crush:meh Other: little bro is Bled. Fiercely protective

3:21pm Nov 25 2009 (last edited on 3:26pm Nov 25 2009)
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Siame stood, digging the end of his staff into the ground. He glanced up at his fading raven, then watched as the ghost came up once more, closer. "Zheras and AutoLife are closer. But as for the others...What is taking them so long!? Signal. Summon!" At once, his crest brightened, and a raven appeared on his staff. It was the normal black, but with a white spot over its heart. It cawed once, and Siame lifted his left hand, extending a claw for it. "Geranc, go find the rest of the Creatu. We need them here." With a flick of his claw, he set the raven out on its quest. Croma was now standing beside him. He glanced at her. "Stay here. I'm going to see whether or not anyone is nearby." He had not mentioned that he had seen the bright blue pelt of RibbonDance nearby. Nor did he mention that he had told her to wait, with a flick of his tail. He turned around walked away from the slight indentation, toward where he had seen RibbonDance stop. Valendian landed, his wings like lead, and his paws like feathers. Archeress jumped from his back, and walked toward his head, which was lowered close to the ground. He glanced up at the amber Roditore, with her bright pelt and caring eyes, and wondered how they had become partners. He was black, with a purple mane and hard yellow eyes. He was the exact opposite. As if to match his pelt, he was cold hearted, cared little for anyone but himself. Archeress laid a large paw on his neck, and as he started forward, she lifted it and followed. "Valendian..You should rest." "No. If I rest now, we might never reach the others." He stopped, the white bandages on his legs gathering dust from the still air. He looked up, to see a ghost in a window, soon followed by a raven, its heart pierced by an arrow. The two were a distance apart, and both were quite a ways from Valendian.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
3:22pm Nov 25 2009
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Posts: 11,785

Name: Fialyn Age: Unknown. Adult, though. :D Gender: Female Species: Meiko Color: Black Specialty: Magic Personality: You'll see. Partner: Ud :D Crush: Open. C: Other: Has a large scar on her muzzle from the Reiflem attack and resents the Reiflem creatu for destroying her family. She has been calmed by Ud since then, however, as he is a very good Cratu to be around when one is in need of guidance. 
Name: Ud Age: Unknown. Adult, though. x3 Gender: Male Species: Kioka o: Color: Nattie until I can do something with him. P: Specialty: Magic Personality: You'll see. Partner: Fialyn Crush: None Other: His ribbons are actually black instead of the crystal blue that they should be. He also wears a red ribbon around his neck that has crystal blue swirls. It was his father's ribbon, so he keeps it with him to remind him of his father, even though he never got a chance to meet him.
3:23pm Nov 25 2009
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Flying over the ruins of Relcore, Carnivores yawned, chowing his fearsome teeth. "Wonder when we'll find the others?" He asked Chronical, who was honing in on the scent he was searching for. Bled. "I scent him.. and a female. There's hostility in the air. Let's find out what's happening." Chronical meowed curtly. "Chronical. You know that when Bled decides to have a mate.. you'll have to let him go right?" Carnivores asked softly. "Pssh, when Bled decides to mate, I'll be long dead with a long beard to boot! his temper gets in the way of everything!" Chronical chuckled fondly. "I spy them! Let's go" Shrugging, Bled sheathed his claws again and begin to straighten up. "Sorry, I've never gotten good reception with the meiko's. Always trying to eat me or cook me or trying to send me to prison. Look, sorry 'kay?" Bled mumbled. Looking up in the air, he happened to see a very familiar duo. "Broooo!" Chronical roared, and tackled Bled onto the ground, leaving a two foot dent. "Whoops, sorry 'bout that folks, hope that wasn't your home" Chronical apologized. "you stupid, bumbling idiot, Omens and Carnivores mumbled at the same time. "Who are you?Carnivores. "You must be truly stupid Carnivores, if you don't know my name." Omens replied cooly. "Look, sorry to interrupt this WONDERFUL family reunion, we've got business to do." Carnivores interrupted the two rose ebilia's, who were displaying their battle skills in a game of, 'tug on the ear of your brother'. "Chronical!" Carnivores snapped, prodding him. "Care to introduce us?" Chronical asked Omens

3:32pm Nov 25 2009
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Crucifixes took a step back, growling at the two newcomers. "You can't be so loud! There's no barrier in place!" he hissed before he simply snorted and plopped down, ears pinned back as he began to chant a spell, wanting to put a arrier in place so anyone outside of it couldn't hear them. Trice sighed, sitting down and winding his tail around his paws. "Sound travels well here. We could hear you two Ebilias arguing from a long way off." He cocked his head, watching the two newcomers. They seemed to know at least one of the Ebilias...Bled, if he remembered the name correctly. _______________ Ud sighed, his hooves never once touching the ground as he moved forward, following the sounds of conversation. "Fialyn, I can feel the presence of other Creatu trained in magic," he told his partner, the black Meiko known as Fialyn. Fialyn looked over at him, the white scar on her muzzle standing out against the black scales of her face. "I sense them too, Ud. We will soon see if they are allies or not." She took to the air, Ud following silently behind.

3:36pm Nov 25 2009
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AutoLife shifted, her tail swishing impatiantly. "I don't like to be left out. Especially with introductions. I like to know people." Zheras meanwhile, was watching the sky. She had seen Siame's brightened crest, and as she looked down, a raven flew toward her, stopping and hovering infront of her.She held up a claw, and it landed on the offered perch. It cleared its throat, and spoke in a small voice. "Siame wants all who have emerged from the underground caverns to come below his crest, and meet him there. If I might add, he is quite impatient." Zheras nodded, and the raven flew alot, and started flying west. She turned to the small group that had formed. "Uhm, if I may interupt, Siame wants all who were in the underground caverns to come and see him, below his crest. I think that may mean all of us?"
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
3:41pm Nov 25 2009
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Posts: 1,446
"It's no big deal, I've already constructed a temporary sound blocker around us." Omens murmured softly. "Only a really powerful creatu trained in magic can hear us. I forgot to put one around us when we arrived. I've forgotten how noisy Bled and his relations are" Omens glared at Chronical, who was innocently licking his tail. "Are you serious? What are the exceptions to that rule?" Carnivores asked Omens, surprised. "Well, a rare creatu, like a kioka or an omni can hear us or another ebilia trained in the way of my magic. It doesn't really depend on strength really. I can light a fire, no problem. The real challenge is to keep your aim strong. If casting a spell, I've got to keep my will steady. So if I were to make fire from nothing, I can't think about wetness or dampness. I've got to concentrate on flame, heat, burning." Omens replied coldly. "Watch out Carnivores! She'll bite!" Chronical laughed, apparently in good humor. "Shut up Bro. I'm guessing that two kioka's are listening somewhere" Bled snarled. "Oh yeah? where?" Chronical sneered. "Probably over there. I can smell their scent"

3:48pm Nov 25 2009 (last edited on 3:57pm Nov 25 2009)
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BlindMagic padded on, while RibbonDance waited for Siame. She had been told to stop, not him. So he broke into a run, alert for sounds. He heard a conversation nearby, and picked up his pace, knowing that his only barriers were craters and canyons. But he'd sense the empty space before he reached it. As he neared the sound of voices, he felt magic, and figured that someone was trying to keep others from hearing. He smiled. That'd be hard with him around. He stopped, about 5 yards away, not sure how large the group was, and not wanting to get into much trouble. His senses only told him so much, but he could feel that there were four magic users.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
3:50pm Nov 25 2009
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Posts: 3,469
((Does Rika know how to answer Rmails?XD))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
4:04pm Nov 25 2009
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Posts: 11,785
((Rika is busybusybusy. .w.)) Ud arrived just before Fialyn did, both creatu settling down gently. Well, Ud's hooves never touched the ground, but you get my point. Fialyn stepped forward forst, bowing her head respectfully. "My name is Fialyn. I am a Meiko trained in the ways of magic. This," she gestured to Ud, "is my partner, Ud. He, too, is trained in magic." Ud lowered his head, stretching one leg forward to bow. "We are of no threat to you." Crucifixes, having finished with his spell, looked over at the new Kioka and the black Meiko, bowing his head in return. "Welcome," he told them, voice smoother han it had been earlier, proving his temper cooled very rapidly. Trice blinked at the newcomers, then cocked his head, blinking his glowing eyes. "Well...we have Creatu popping up everywhere, don't we?"
4:12pm Nov 25 2009
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Posts: 11,785
((Gotta go. Bai.))
4:19pm Nov 25 2009
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((Rika: Then I will reply here. Its up to you.)) BlindMagic felt the entrance of two more magic users, one being a Kioka. He inhaled deeply, then started forward. He knew that if he got into a fight, he would be able to hold out long enough to make an escape. Valendian looked up as a raven flew toawrd him, and landed on his snout. Its voice was small, but it showed no fear. "Siame wants all who have emerged from the underground caverns to come below his crest, and meet him there. If I might add, he is quite impatient." With that, the raven diasappeared in a small puff of feathers. As Valendian shook the feathers from his snout, Archeress pondered its words. "Siame? Who's Siame?" Valendian again glanced at the raven crest, and continued forward. "I have a feeling I know who. Get back on my back." "But Valendian, you're still--" "Archeress, would you rather I leave you here?" Without another word, she sat upon his back. He spread his wings, and lifted them, then surged them downward, just as he jumped. He lifted into the sky, then caught an air current, and rode it toward the raven crest.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."