4:19pm Nov 25 2009
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((Rika: Aw...))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
8:35pm Nov 25 2009
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"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
8:07am Nov 26 2009
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Bled and Chronical sniffed in the air. "We sense there is a kioka and an omni. One is standing, probably watching, while the other is coming towards us. Their shield will not help us against them. WE think that they're friendly, and of no threat to us." They pronounced solemnly. "In that case, let us go greet them in joy and celebration! For they are legendary magic users and they shall help us!" Carnivores exclaimed happily. "Woah there boy. You don't know what we're up against. Bled and Chronical's senses are strong, but Omni's and Kioka's and other strong magic users can change their scent, shape, and size. Who knows if they're actually friends? WE know Ud and Fialyn are friends, but what about the others?" Omens nodded brusquely at the approaching figure.

12:29pm Nov 26 2009
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BlindMagic stopped, hearing the voices get louder. He was probably already too close, but he couldn't back down now. For pete's sake, I'm an Omni! I should be unafraid. I am one of the strongest magic users alive! But what kept him away was the scent of a Kioka. They were as strong as he, and there were other magic users, he could easily be defeated if they were hostile. RibbonDance looked up from the rock she was staring at, as Siame approached. When he was closer, she looked at him with an annoyed look. "Okay, Siame, what do you want? I have to go make sure that BlindMagic isn't getting himself into trouble, so make it quick." The ginger Roditore scuffed his foot in the dirt, and stared at the ground for a minute before looking up. "RibbonDance, is it possible for you to mess with memories?" "Forget or restore?" "Restore." The Kioka looked away uneasily. "Restoring is a little harder. The memories are there, but they are buried deep. Why?" "Croma seems to be the only one who contracted the side-affect of the sleep. Unless there is someone else coming that has too..." RibbonDance smiled. "What is it you wish her to remember? The plan...or something else?" Siame was silent for a moment, creating puffs of dirt with his foot. When he spoke, his voice was slow. "RibbonDance, your a girl--" The Kioka's voice was smooth and serious. "What gave you that idea?" "No really, listen...I told Croma...Right before the sleep...I shouldn't have..." "Spit it out, Siame!" "RibbonDance, I told her I loved her...Is that something she should remember?" The Kioka was silent. "It is up to you. You spoke the words, do you want them remembered?" Croma sat in the crater, feeling alone and ignored. Siame had left for who knows where, and she was without a fire. Siame doesn't even payy attention to my feelings. What am I to do? She was silent, the wind over the land being the only thing she could hear. I know..I shall feel toward him as he feels toward my feelings. I shall ignore him as nothing more than a partner. ((Poor Croma is so confused...)) As Valendian flew, Archeress unstrapped her bow from her back, and nothed an arrow. On a downstroke of her partner's wings, she shot it into the sky, where it exploded into a firework. It was a simple crest, but it was easier for her to signal others with. Valendian raised a bandaged paw, and shot his own into the sky, a small mummy.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
2:39pm Nov 26 2009 (last edited on 2:42pm Nov 26 2009)
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Name:Eagon Age:unknown Gender:Male Species:liyure Color:nattie Specialty: (Magic or Strength)Magic Personality: (optional)I'll rp it out Partner: (optional. Mostly with magic speciality.)You'll find out :D Crush:none Other:He's..unusual. He attacks with magic, and like an omni, he's blind but only partially so. He 'sees' with music. Name: Insanus Age:unknown Gender:Female Species:omni Color:nattie Specialty: (Magic or Strength)Magic Personality: (optional)Gentle, kind, tender, like a mother Partner: (optional. Mostly with magic speciality. Crush:none Other:travels with Eagon and Gano. Blind. Her hearing and smell is inhanced by over 1000x Name:Gano Age:Unknown Gender:male Species:kioka Color:nattie Specialty: (Magic or Strength)Magic Personality: (optional)I'll rp it out Partner: (optional. Mostly with magic speciality.)none Crush:none Other:Travels with Insanus and Eagon. All magic users with their quirks. He can.. foretell parts of the future. He's almost always cold and emo-like because of the terrifying glimmers he see's.

2:59pm Nov 26 2009
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Posts: 1,446
"Gano, can you See anything? Besides the usual I mean" Eagon asked in his wonderous musical voice. "Jeez Eagon, stop asking me. This has been the 15th time in this half hour." Gano muttered. "Boys, I can hear something up above. Do you think they'll give us shelter? I can't care for Eagon in his half blind state." Insanus called cheerfully, twisting her head around to look at them. "I'm not that sick Insanus!" Eagon cried, "It's only because of that dang nuclear war Reifleim had with Relcore, that caused it. "Well, maybe we could find that albino ebilia that keep haunting my dreams and visions" Gano muttered. Gaping, the liyure and the omni stared at him. "What!? and you've never even TOLD us!?" Both yelped, sounding hilariously in harmony. "Why should I? Eagon's been pestering me about it for so long I even forgot about it. And you Insanus, never asked me." Gano replied, sounding bored. "Do you think we're safe?" came Insanus' frightened question after a moment of awkward silence. "Of course we're safe Insanus! All three of the legendary creatu together! No one can defeat us!" Eagon replied happily. "At least, unless another creatu skilled in magic decides to attack us" came Gano's on time, gloomy reply. "Stop being so gloomy Gano! You're giving out terrible music waves" grouched Eagon, who was listening to his 'music'. "You don't have to listen to it you know. Idiot" muttered Gano. "Boys! I hear some creatu argue'ing and I sense many magic users down there!" Called Insanus, nodding her head down. "Well, thank goodness. I can get this idiot liyure off my back" grumbled Gano, who like Insanus knew how to 'fly' across short distances. "I spy something! I don't' think they're dangerous, their song's come across as peaceful songs, with the exception of that rose ebilia with a scar and that albino ebilia over there" Eagon informed Insanus, pointing a paw down, so Gano could see. gano stiffened in shock. "Albino.. Ebilia? and a crescent scar'd Ebilia? Impossible! You must be mistaken. They are not the ones we're looking for. I can hear plenty of creatu talking. Might there be a magic user that could at least temporarily restore your sight?" Gano hissed, images flashing through his mind. Dead father. Dead mother. Ebilia's. Albino and one that looked blood red with many scars. Prison. Near death. Explosions. Magic. Cruel laughter taunting the scar'd one. Hatred. Power. Disgust Feelings and memory's flooded Gano's head

3:07pm Nov 26 2009
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BlindMagic shuddered as three more magic users neared. They were flocking like flies to honey. He glanced up, unseeingly, and wished RibbonDance were with him. They might all have been mas.sing to attack, they might all be Reiflem spies. He might as well be dead meat.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
9:10am Nov 27 2009
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Landing gracefully, Insanus placed her paws on the ground ((do omni's have paws?!)) and stood near BlindMagic. "Hello there. Who might you be? Are you a spellcaster? For my companion Eagon has been injured from the nuclear attack and we must help him urgently" Insanus asked urgently, smelling fear and pain roll off of Eagon every second. "Hurry up Insanus! Eagon feels funny" Gano called urgently. "Please sir! Help us!" Insanus pleaded. "I know you're against Reiflem! We are too! Please sir! Our friend is dying!" She whimpered. "Insan-Insanus. I-I HELP! I can't s-s-see! The.. the robbers! The fire! It's burning me!" Eagon screamed, then let loose an excruciatingly painful roar. "Hurry omni! Do you know if there is a healer nearby!?" Gano hissed. "Please!" Insanus plead.

12:58pm Nov 27 2009
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BlindMagic turned to the other Omni as she landed. He listened to her calmly, then nodded. "I can help, but only to ease the pain. My partner is the one who could do stronger healing." He strongly willed RibbonDance to be there, but he moved toward the Liyure, whom he had located by its voice and roar. As he moved closer, he raised his paw, and sent up his crest, a plain Omni paw, as RibbonDance wasn't around to add her's to his. "She should be here soon." He held his paw over Eagon's eyes and muttered a few words undr his breath. Words of painlessness, cooling, and healing. But being blind, he had no idea of what words to use to restore sight. RibbonDance looked up as her partner's crest emerged in the sky. She glanced at Siame, murmuring an apology, and started off, galloping toward BlindMagic's crest. Valendian felt a strong gathering of magic, and saw a crest fly up into the sky. He lowered to the ground, and Archeress jumped from his back, landing on her four feet, and started running immedeatly. Valendian pulled ahead, and lifted higher, to reach the crest quickly. He used updrafts and thermals when his wings tired, but still kept them flapping. He looked down to see two Omnis, a Kioka, and a Liyure. This was the source of the strong magic he had felt.He circled above, waiting for Archeress, holding his two bandaged forlegs up by his chest, his paws together, whispering words of speed and light paws.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
7:18pm Nov 27 2009
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Panting, Eagon winced and murmured unintelligible words. "No.. no! why.. the fire...the pain.. the ice.. it's going out" He murmured sleepily, and p*censored*ed out. "EAGON?! Insanus screamed, totally losing her cool turned around and bit Gano's hoof. This would've been normal for Gano and Eagon, but Insanus was different. She almost NEVER lost her cool like that. And in all the time she's traveled with them, Insanus had never bit or even hurt anything. "Insanus, it's all right. Eagon's not dead. H-he's.. sleeping! He just p*censored*ed out. It's going to be FINE insanus! Don't freak out on me okay!?" Gano yelped, totally confused. This could've went a whole lot better He thought, and immediately saw some others coming. "Let's hope it's friendly company, because I can't take them all on" Was his re*censored*uring.. or was it? mutter to Insanus. Bled and Omens twitched their ears. "Did you hear that?" He whispered to Omens. "Someones in pain" Omens murmured back. "Should we go.. you know? Help them?" He asked. "Come on, remember that elderly liyure back in our young days? He helped us. Now it's our time to help one of his kind." was Omens, for once, non-smart aleck answer. Together, they took to their wings and flew, calling apologies to the group below. "OI!" Chronical roared. "Where are YOU two going!?" Carnivores called after them. "We're going to repay a favor!" Omens called, her voice carrying quite far down to them. "Goodbye Bro! Nice seeing ya!" Bled called as he raced giddily towards the noise

10:29am Nov 28 2009
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RibbonDance slowed as she heard a yell, then picked up her pace, even faster than before. She saw BlindMagic, as well as another Omni, a Kioka, and on the Kioka's back, a Liyure. She slowed to a canter, then a trot, and finally, a walk as she reached her partner. "Okay, BlindMagic, what's going on?" "The Liyure seems to have lost his sight during the neuclear explosions, and I cast some spells to ease his pain, knowing I couldn't restore his sight." The last of his words were faint, meant for RibbonDance only to hear. Her reply was strong. "I'll try my best to help him. But I can't promise much more than partial sight." She glanced up at two approaching Ebilias.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
10:31am Nov 28 2009
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((Also, remember that Valendian is circling above Eagon, Gano, Insanus, BlindMagic, and now, RibbonDance, and soon, Omens and Bled.))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
11:38am Nov 28 2009
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Posts: 1,446
((o3o like vultures.. Don't eat them!)) Insanus calmed down, then her breathing become heavier. "Who.. who's arriving!? I.. I can't tell!" She whimpered, her heart pounding. Glaring mistrustfully, Gano sat next to Insanus and began re*censored*uring her. "It's all right. It's a kioka, she's going to help Eagon. Two ebilia's are arriving. One has strong magic. The other has a pure heart. I cannot see them, but I can hear their wings gliding, their pants. Hold on Insanus, everything's gonna be alright." He murmured, staring upwards. "Hurry, we need all the help we can get" He murmured, not seeing Valendian. "I see them! Hurry Bled! This is no time for your lazy side to come out!" Omens screamed. "I smell fear! And sickness! Let's go Omens!" Bled in return roared back. Descending, Omens swooped down and quickly did a neat somersault and ran to Eagon. "Okay, what happened? Why is he sick? Is he blind!? I didn't think liyures were born blind!" She asked. "No offense intended" Bled murmured to the omni's.

3:19pm Nov 28 2009
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BlindMagic raised his head, turning toward them, as if he could see. "No offense taken." He turned back as RibbonDance held her hooves over Eagon's closed eyes, much like what BlindMagic had done earlier. He sent what strength he could spare to her, and was unsuprised when his legs became shaky. He laid down, his head raised and alert still. He suddenly snapped his head up, hearing the flap of wings above. RibbonDance felt the extra energy flood her, and muttered three words. "Repair. Regain. Sight." They were the same three words she had tried to convince BlindMagic to let her use, once she had become strong enough. But he had refused. Valendian saw the Omni look up at him, and felt chills creep through his bones, though he knew it couldn't see him. He felt Archeress nearing, and muttered words of warning, in the language of Meikos, and hoped she could feel the magic. Archeress felt a sudden sense of danger, and skidded, turning around. Up ahead, she saw two Ebilias, two Omnis, two Kiokas, and a Liyure. She glanced up to see Valendian circling, obviously not wanting to land for any particular reason.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
2:49pm Nov 29 2009
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Roaring in pain, Eagon shook his head. "I-Insanus? I stil can't see! IT's dark.. I can't sense the music anymore" he whimpered. "Where'd you go Insanus!? INSANUS!? Gano! Help! I can't hear Insanus! I can't hear her music! Please! Make it stop!" he screamed, flailing. Shocked, Insanus couldn't talked. So much pain and fear was blinding her. She couldn't find her tongue. "INSANUS! knock it off! Answer him! can't you see he's in trouble! SPEAK!" Gano lightly whacked Insanus' cheek.

7:12pm Nov 29 2009
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RibbonDance stepped back, confused. "But..It should have restored his sight..." She cursed, turning around, and paced for a few moments, thinking. BlindMagic lifted his head to 'watch' her, and calmy replied after a few moments. "Eagon..Am I correct? Would you rather possibly have sight, or definantly still have the ability to hear music? I am positive that RibbonDance can restore that. Sight...I am unsure. Not unless she gets more power. I have lent all that I can."
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
4:49pm Nov 30 2009
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Posts: 3,469
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
7:18pm Dec 1 2009
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Posts: 694
((Ok, I am so sorry. I couldnt get on much, but when I did, I couldnt find the thread.)) Sekime was growing tired, but kept flying through the tunnels, Starcatcher on his back. She was bleeding from a wound on her left hind leg and side. She needed help fast. Sekime knew he could not help her now, as he was weakened, so he decided his only hope was to send up his crest for help and risk alerting enemies. He whispered. "Crest, two in one" and his crest and Starcatchers were sent up, a fang in front of a cresent moon, and a shining black star. They were his only hope to find someone else in this wastland, and save Starcatcher.
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
2:51pm Dec 2 2009
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Posts: 694
I get a bit confused with all the names. Anyone have a sugesstion?
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
5:36pm Dec 2 2009 (last edited on 7:39pm Dec 2 2009)
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Posts: 694
Bumpity bump bump bump...
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D