1:45pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 1,446
(( Foxeh hurry up! *flails* Bump again...))

1:46pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 1,446
(( Eh. Bump))

1:47pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 3,469
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
1:48pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 1,446
((Great, I'll introduce my aerix trio! >:D))

1:52pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 3,469
((Lol. Kay.))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
1:55pm Feb 7 2010 (last edited on 1:58pm Feb 7 2010)
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Posts: 1,446
Name: Daggir Age: Unknown Gender: Male Species: Aerix Color: natural (sadly ;x;) Specialty: (Magic or Strength): Magic Personality: (optional) Mysterious, like a NINJA Partner: (optional. Mostly with magic speciality.) His bro's, Daggir and Cobri Crush: Uhh... no one? Other: Is an epic, magical dagger slinging NINJA *likes ninas randomly* Name: Blayde Age:Around 5 thousand years or so Gender: Male Species:Aerix Color:Nattie Specialty: (Magic or Strength): EDIT: Strength Personality: (optional) Sly, cunning, Smurt Partner: (optional. Mostly with magic speciality.) Bro's, Blayde and Cobri Crush: Nobody Other: thief. Is thief. that's it. Name: Cobri Age: 72 years old, youngest Gender: Male Species: Aerix Color: nattie Specialty: (Magic or Strength): Strength Personality: (optional) DERANGED 8D Partner: (optional. Mostly with magic speciality.) Bro's, Blayde, Daggir Crush: Nope! Other: Deranged poisoning dude.

1:56pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 3,469
((The last two would be strength.))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
1:57pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 1,446
(( Thanks, I shall fix eet 8D))

2:01pm Feb 7 2010
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((Lemme see....)) Archeress swung her head around, catching the sounds of a fight. She started toward it, at a slowed pace, to see whether she should join in or not. Above her, she saw Valendian following in the air. Croma was still glaring at Along when the Orchid roditore answered. "Haven't ever heard of her. This is only our second mission. Our first was to make sure that no one on Relcore was alive. There was no one, so we didn't need to kill." She was almost trmbling in fear. She glanced at Unveiling, who was grudgingly accepting the Ebilia sitting on him, with a look that was frustrated beyond belief. Along sqiuirmed again. "Unveiling! Are you okay?" The ginger Meiko nodded, still frustrated. Croma glanced at Omens. "Are you done questioning her?"
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
2:09pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 1,446
Omens hesitated, then nodded curtly. "I am done. But, with your, and their consent, I will check their words with a spell to make sure they aren't lying, or lying much." Looking towards the meiko, Omens sighed, and nodded. "Get off of Unveiling. I'm sure that must be uncomfortable to you, and to that poor meiko." Chuckling, Bled scrambled off the meiko's back, until Carnivores tackled him suddenly. "Feed them this" He hissed into Bled's ear. "It'll make them squeal" Gazing at the vial, Bled felt sick. "Is.. is that a mixture of several spells, a truth spell and a j-jar of U-u-uwibami's blood?" He said, looking a bit green. "WHAT?!" Omens ran over, ignoring the roditore. "Oh Carnivores, you shouldn't have done this! Uwibami's blood, the real thing is forbidden" She hissed, looking mad, then jumping when a soft voice whispered in her ear. "Yessss it isss, I'll ssssell you a jar of it for only ssssix million tu" Whipping her head around, Omens saw three undefinable creatu, or well, to put it more exactly, CS creatu, only heard and stated in storybooks, but looking her in the eye, was an Aerix.

2:17pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 3,469
((Lol. Uwi blood.)) Along fell to the ground, pushing herself to her feet. She grimaced and rubbed her right arm, and was about to join Unveiling when Croma's staff stopped her. She glanced at the ginger Roditore. "Sleep." The Orchid Roditore slowly fell to the ground, at rest until Croma woke her with another spell. Unveiling, as soon as he was freed from under Bled, bounded over. "Wh-what have you done to her?" Croma didn't answer, only cast the spell again. She nodded firmly, then walked over to where Carnivores, Omens, and Bled were, as the ginger Meiko drifted to sleep. She was still holding her throat, and her eyes were dulled by weakness, but she was curious. When she saw an Aerix, she nearly tripped in suprise. "Is that...an Aerix?" At that point, though, Siame came skidding to a stop, panting. He stood up on his hind paws, closing his eyes. "Croma. What'd you do...now?" He looked up to see Croma's throat bleeding, and an Aerix, and shook his head. "What happened? And is that an Aerix?
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
2:27pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 1,446
(( Only kind of blood that exists. ;D)) Omens walked over and curiously examined the duo. "Not bad. Nice to meet you Siame, Chroma. Do you need someone to heal that wound? Looks pretty nasty." Bled hesitantly padded forward, and sniffed them Chroma and Siame. "Hey. And Yes, I'm pretty sure that's an Aerix, unless..." Bled swung his head and glared at Carnivores. "Did you cast a spell to make us all delusional?" Carnivores stared at Bled and chuckled. "If I did, then why am I seeing a trio of Aerix? Most magicians don't really cast spells on themselves, unless they have a death wish in mind." "Then.. who are they?" Omens stared at the trio. "We? We are the notorious trio, the Smugglers." They all hissed simultaniously, and right before all of their eyes, they each drew out the item that represented them. A dagger, a blade, and a cobra. "We are a thief, an *censored**censored*in, and a delusional poison worker, and we live to steal and to sell." They all chuckled, causing the ebilia's neck hairs to prickle. "Forgive my delusional brothers my lady, I am Daggir, I hear you need a jar of thyme to create a healing spell?" The tallest one bowed, and withdrew a jar of freshly picked thyme from his cloak.

2:32pm Feb 7 2010 (last edited on 2:35pm Feb 7 2010)
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Posts: 3,469
Croma shook her head. "I am fine. Not a fatal wound. Anyways, I know a bit of healing, should it get too bad." Siame stood slightly behind her, almost protectivly, watching the three Aerix's carefully. "How have you come here? I don't recall seeing you before..." He glanced over at Croma, worry filling his gaze. His eyes softened, but he was still well wary of the three Aerixs. ((Oh, and its Croma, not Chroma. XD))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
3:28pm Feb 8 2010
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Posts: 1,446
The youngest Aerix shrugged. "Well well well, looks like we have an uninformed creatu here. Shall we tell Siame boys?" Cobri asked, his snake bobbing it's head. "Sure!" Both of the other Aerixes chorused. "Well Siame, everyone should know that Aerix are extremely powerful. And since Daggir here can cast rudimentary magic, we can make ourselves virtually undetectable. That's why we're such good thieves" Blayde winked, and tossing a sword up, he caught it skillfully, smirking. Omens watched Chroma worriedly, " Won't it get infected with all this fire and dust?" She asked, hurriedly pulling out a bottle of beeswax. "This beeswax has restoration properties, don't take chances and die in the middle of this wilderness just because you decide to tough it out" Bled advised her, looking at the bottle. Carnivores popped in, asking, "Shouldn't we scram? Like, before those nasties arrive with their nasty buddies?" "WHAT NASTIES?!" Omens shrieked, glaring at Carnivores. "You saw a REIFLIMER and didn't TELL US?!" Bled chuckled at that. "Carnivores is probably referring to the fact that those two might wake up at any moment and they might have some sort of signal that alerts the whole world that they're hurt"

4:42pm Feb 8 2010
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Posts: 3,469
Croma shook her head. "I'll tend to it in a bit. Anyways, I don't care to be made a fuss over." Refferring to the two sleeping Reiflemers, she shook her head. "The spell is connected to me. As long as I give it power, they shall sleep. Simple spell, doesn't take much energy." Siame was looking suspiciously at the three Aerixs. "That still doesn't explain how you survived. Were you part of our group, that were to be underground?" His foot was tapping impatiantly, and he drew his staff, if only just to have it in his hand. BlindMagic, who had been dusting himself off, stepped forward. He 'looked each of the three Aerixs up and down, then shook his head. "A bunch of youngsters, that's what they are. This one,"He said, looking at Blayde,"Says he's a theif. Hm. I would be able to hear him a mile off, the loud mouth he's got." Behind him, he heard Croma snicker. ((Dun worry about Croma. I have a plan for her and Siame. *snickers, then prods Siame* Don't just ignore her! You love her, right? Help her!*prods Siame again*))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
4:49pm Feb 8 2010
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Posts: 1,446
Snarling, Blayde's eyes turned an odd shade of red. "You DARE!?" He hissed, and hissing under his breath, caused odd colored fumes to encircle BlindMagic. "You'll regret messssing with Blayde, scourge of the royals" Blayde hissed, eyes widening maniacally. "These fumessss are a potent toxin to all those we Aerix set upon. I am ssssafe as I am an Aerix. You however.." Blayde hissed, "Will lose your life!" Omens, ignoring the skirmish, blinked worriedly at Croma. "Are you sure, if you get to tired, you can always p*censored* the spell to me, I could hold the spell until you regain your strength." She said, sincerity ringing in every word. ( Don't worry about Ganos, Insanus, and Eagon, I've got a plan)

5:39pm Feb 8 2010
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Posts: 3,469
BlindMagic merely muttered a spell under his breath. He chuckled. "There are two things you are missing. One, I am an Omni. I have heightened hearing. Two." He chuckled again. "I am a skilled mage. The spell I just cast...filters the air around me. Airborne toxins cannot affect me. You'll have to try better. Now, if you excuse me...." He walked around the three Aerixs. "I have a partner to return to." He started into a paced run, still listening for any danger. Croma nodded. "I will. But I have plenty of energy left." She looked down, trying to not show her exhaustion, her eyes being the one way. She was out of shape. Being asleep for so long had weakened her body. Now she had to get used to exerting herself more. ((Hey, could we hurry up and get this Aerix problem resolved? My plan can't come in until Unveiling and Along are dealt with.))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
9:23am Feb 9 2010
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Posts: 1,446
((Would you like suffocation of toxins, murder, robbing, or excessive bleeding? My aerix trio can do all three. 8D))

8:05pm Feb 9 2010
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Posts: 3,469
((XD. I mean, so we can return our attention to Unveiling and Along. XD))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
11:12am Feb 10 2010
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Posts: 1,446
(( Dramatic or no? I can make them take a nice chunk out of Bled and poof, or they can glare at the kioka and disappear with haunting words))
