4:11pm Feb 10 2010
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((Either one. As long as we get back to the task at hand. And they will be back later, right?))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
4:13pm Feb 10 2010
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Posts: 3,469
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
4:17pm Feb 10 2010
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(( Yes. I'm thinking Jailbreak 8D)) Snarling, Blayde stood next to Daggir, along with Cobri. "You fool. You will regret this. Our mark is on you!" They hissed, and silently disappeared. Murmuring to Omens, Bled whispered. "I don't know about you, but I feel a bit nervous about those Aerix and their warning." "It's fine... I noticed that the Aerix were only speaking to the kioka, not everyone in general" Carnivores sauntered up, eyes smirking. "Did you notice that one of the Aerix chipped a bit of what's their faces staff? I bet you there's gonna be a bit of an explosion once whoever they are find out"

4:28pm Feb 10 2010
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Posts: 3,469
((You mean Omni? XD)) Croma watched the Aerix disappear, then turned to Along and Unveiling. "So, what should we do with them?" ((Fail post. DX))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
9:27am Feb 11 2010
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Posts: 1,446
Bled glared at them and hissed. "I say we kill them and dump them in a river somewhere. DO the world some good in destroying these fools" (( Lolz, I agree. FAIL POST *pokes post))

2:13pm Feb 11 2010
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Croma shook her head, and though the action pained her, held back the hurt, so no one would know. "No. It wouldn't do any good. Anyways, there are no rivers around here. Not any more." Her dulled eyes lit up for a moment with a spark of amusement, before fading again. "No, we mustn't kill them. At least, not yet. If they are lying, then yes, we may kill them. But if they are telling the truth, I think that we could somehow break their bonds. They could be of much use. They've come directly from Reiflem, and know who the leader is, where he is, and many other pieces of possible information we can use, and anyways, they got BlindMagic without him even knowing. Me as well. They are silent and strong, and could prove very useful indeed." Siame was in awe of Croma. Here she was, with a wound that possibly could kill her, and she was defending the Creatu that had caused it. Also, she had a point. He nodded in agreement. "I support Croma's idea. We could think of a spell to make sure they're words are true, and go from there." ((Hehe. Bled's not gonna kill Along and Unveiling that easily.))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
2:22pm Feb 11 2010
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Posts: 1,446
(( Aw durn D8)) Bled snarled and huffed, shaking his head. "If they are as strong as you say, and silent as well, then how do we know they're telling the truth? Also, if they do tell us who their leader is, how do we know if the leader is still leader once we get the chance to overthrow it? In Reilfem, it's fight or die, leaders and politicians die like flies every day. They might even know the name, possibly only a code name, a number, or some identification. Trust me, they're better off dead. If we do let them go, or even attempt to kill them, they might have the power to heal themselves. If we make them swear, and let them go, they might have ways of going around that vow. Only way we can ensure they won't lie is to do a spell, and with your fatal wound, I doubt that even your buddy Siame could do it. Anyways, truth spells cost lots of energy, and who's to say we would get it perfectly right? All this spellwork is risky. I'd suggest asking BlindMagic, Insanus, Gano, Eagon, or the other CS'ers for help with maintaining the spell"

7:26pm Feb 11 2010
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Croma was stung by the *censored*umption that she wouldn't be able to hold a spell out. She pointed her staff at Bled. "Well, if its gonna be that way, then you can just take care of that yourself, can't you? Oh wait, you aren't gifted with magic. I know CS'ers are stronger, but that doesn't mean that I'm unable to hold up. I'm just trying to save the lives of two possibly innocent Creatu. it's just my nature. But then again, I'm the only one who forgot anything, so maybe it isn't then?" Unable to keep herself any calmer, she secrued her staff to her back, then turned around and bounded off on all fours. By now, her wound, which was stil bleeding slightly, hurt her to the point of unbearability. But all of her anger from the past while filled her paws with new energy. Anger of not being able to remember, anger at Siame for not realizing her love, anger at the sun, the moon the stars, anything there was to be angry at. Siame was also hurt by Bled's words, but he controlled his anger a bit more. When Croma bounded away, he took a step after her, reaching out his free paw as if to hold her back, but he stopped, and sighed as he glanced back at the Ebilias. "Great. Now I'm going to have to find her again." He slid his staff into the leather loop strapped to his back by a sash that ran across his front, from hip to shoulder, then back, shoulder to hip. He got down on all fours, ready to run, but his attention was taken by a slight movement from Along and Unveiling. "Darnit! She's tiring herself. With that wound straining her, and the spell having sapped her strength for so long already, too much running will both kill her and wake the two Reiflemers!" He glanced at Omens. "If they wake up, ts either because she ended the spell or....If they wake up, please, do something about them. Without killing them." With that farewell, he bounded after Croma, who had a great head start. ((Leave them alone. I've got a new idea. :D))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
12:03pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 3,469
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
12:07pm Feb 12 2010
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Nodding, Omens sighed, and called out to Siame, "If they wake, I'll recast the spell. I apologize for Bled's behavior in advance. You see, Bled knows the organization of these two. In fact, he used to work for the Boss, but ran off because he couldn't bear to harm me. We both went to prison, but we both escaped miraculously. You'll have to forgive him, he's in shock. We never thought we would ever see that organization again. That's why we escaped. Please tell Chroma that. I'm terribly sorry." Bowing, Omens walked off to argue with Bled once more.

4:56pm Feb 12 2010
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Croma slowed as the anger that had driven her faded. It seemed as if she had run for hours, but in reality, it had only been a few minutes. As she stopped to rest, her sight started blurring. She blinked a few times, thinking that it may only have been sweat, but her sight blurred more. She shook her head, but her sight just faded. Suddenly dizzy, she took a few steps back, then closed her eyes, concentrating on steadying herself. She heard pawsteps, in a familiar, rushed pace, but it barely registered. She opened her eyes, focusing on a small pebble infront of her, and lifted a paw to her throat. by now, her breathing was shallow. Her thoughts were muddled and jumbled, but she still knew what was going n, even if faintly. I'm going to die. I'm going to die, and all because I was too stubborn to have my wound healed. Siame...Siame, I only wish I could have told you how I felt, even if it was obvious. I wish I hadn't been so foolish... A thought came up in her mind, but she pushed it aside. No. I've lost too much blood and energy. Trying to heal myself now would be disastrous. I'd surely die. In one desperate attempt for life, she severed her hold on the sleeping spell and sank into an unconsiousness. Siame slowed as he saw Croma, and let his mind drift to how he'd respond to her running out her in her weakened state. He thought about yelling at her, then healing her and taking her back to the others, even if he had to drag her. Yelling would quiet her, healing her would hurt her pride, and taking her back...that spoke for itself. He glanced back at Croma, to see her holding her throat and looking quite pale for a ginger Roditore. He sped up, but didn't reach her before she fell to the ground. He skidded to a stop beside her, and lightly touched a paw to her neck. There was a pulse. It was slow and feeble, but still there. Sighting in relief, he gently rolled her over, took her paw from her throat and, not bothering with his staff, held his paw over her wound. After muttering a few words, the skin and fur came back together. The magic took an unaccostomed toal on him, for he was unused to the strength required for healing. In an attepmt to save energy, he laid down beside Croma. He glanced at her with sft eyes. If I lost you, I'd never know what I'd do. He drew his staff, pointing to the sky. "Signal." His raven appeared, happy and carefree, in the sky.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
5:10pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 1,446
Feeling magic, Omens jerked her head upwards. "What... the raven? Oh no, I KNEW this would happen!" She whimpered, and looked desperately at the prisoners. Were they sleeping, or stirring? "I wish I never told Croma I could cast a sleeping spell, I can't do it!" She whispered, tears blurring her vision as she crouched there. "Hey, Omens, are you alright? I'm sorry if I hurt you." Bled murmured, crouching next to her. "It's not that Bled, it's that... I think the sleeping spell is severed. and I don't know how to do it!" She whimpered, as a fresh flow of tears dripped down her muzzle. Staring in shock, Bled was at a loss for words. Gently squeezing her arm, Bled smirked and stretched his wings. "You forget dear, I am an expert at sleeping spells" He chuckled softly and sent his mark in the sky. Everything will be all right. I will get my revenge my dear

9:19pm Feb 12 2010
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Siame saw Bled's mark go into the sky, and sighed. He held out a paw and, risking further weakening, whispered a simple word. "Message." A small raven appeared on his opened paw, and it looked at him with bright blue eyes. "Tell Bled and Omens that Croma is okay. She is unconsious, but alive. i will stay here with her until she is fit to travel, or they can come to us. Their choice." The little raven flapped its wings and started south, towards where the two Ebilias were still waiting. Along's mind felt fuzzy and her limbs wouldn't move properly. She stirred, and felt the warm mas.s of Unveiling beside her. She had control of her tail, and so she slowly sought out Unveiling's. He was awake too, for his tail met hers. She kept her eyes closed, happy to know that her best friend was still alive.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
11:56am Feb 13 2010
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Posts: 3,469
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
1:30pm Feb 13 2010
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Posts: 1,446
Gazing at the captives, Bled saw them stir, Along's tail twitching slightly, moving towards Unveiling. "They're awake. Dangit" He whispered, and stealthily creeped up until he was nearly behind them. Softly crooning, Bled murmured the old sleep spell he was taught, "Sleep, peace, everlasting rest" Bled turned the sky, hoping for some answers. Omens silently rushed toward's Bled, startling him. "The raven!" She gasped breathlessly, pupils wide. "Croma and Siame messaged us. Something's wrong! Let's go find them!"

1:41pm Feb 13 2010
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Siame stood after a while of laying down, and stretched his legs. Laying down for so long made him stiff, so he rose to his hind legs and started pacing. He was unsure of how much energy Croma had lost, as well as unsure of when she would wake. He stopped momentarily, glancing at her, then continued pacing. I could give her enough energy to wake up, then we could slowly start back toward Bled and Omens...But then I'd be barely consious, for I know not how much energy she needs. He stopped again, glancing up at the raven in the sky. Only hours ago, just after waking, it had been in pain and upset, but now, it was carefree and happy. He had changed in the few hours they had been outside. Or, He thought, It could just be because of my relief that Croma was alive. He continued to pace.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
1:46pm Feb 13 2010
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Posts: 1,446
Panting, Omens yowled at Bled "Are you SURE this is the right way?" Disbelief that Bled had caused this whole ordeal clouded her mind. "Yes! I'm positive!" He snappishly replied back, the energy it required to keep the prisoners sleeping was taxing him. Finally, they stumbled upon Siame and Croma. Gently landing, their wings outstretched, Omens fairly ran towards Siame and Croma, while Bled hung back, exhausted with his spell work

1:56pm Feb 13 2010
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Posts: 3,469
Siame looked quickly at Bled before looking at Omens. "I guess you decided to come to us, then. Well, Croma's okay, she's just unconsious. i had no idea how much energy she has left, nor when she will wake up." He glanced at the sky. It was growing dark. "I think we should make a camp here, for now. If nothing else, we get a bit of well-deserved rest. But first, I think we should fetch our prisoners. It would be rude to leave them sleeping in the cold."
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
8:37pm Feb 13 2010
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Posts: 1,446
Standing up quickly, Bled turned his back on Siame. "I'll fetch them. I know how to locate my own spells easily" He muttered, gently twisting an imaginary cord in the air. "they should be coming now" He murmured, softly sighing, and placing his head between his paws. Omens however, approached Croma. "How low has she been like this? Have you tried feeding her energy from Nature? It might take the stress away from your body. It's an ancient technique I learned from my mother." Mimicking a wise woman, Omens huskily said, "Nature turns to you, and you will turn to Nature" ((Eragon plagiarism FTW XD))

8:43pm Feb 13 2010
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((Lol.)) Siame wondered why Bled had cast the spell, but shook the thought from his mind for now, and turned to Omens. "No. I didn't even know it was possible. I usually don't use healing magics and the like. Unless it can be used as attacks, I probably don't know it." He moved beside Omens, glancing at Croma quickly, and he relaxed a bit. She's safe. I need to stop worrying so much, she's fine, she's alive. Omens knows what she's talking about, anyways, even if I don't. His eyes softened slightly, then he closed his eyes and hardened his heart again. Now was not the time to go soft. His only hope was that Omens hadn't noticed.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."