9:09pm Aug 7 2011
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The events that came by next pulled Paradise to a state of shock. Did that tree... Just turn into a guy? Impossible. As Paige backed up to the group, Paradise stayed close too. Feeling more secure with them bunched together. "Kasey, are you crazy?" She exclaimed. "Japal is just a fairy tale story. About... About..." She looked around, and finally said in a defeated tone while spreading her arms wide to gesture what she meant, "About this." Lancelot seemed to be staring at the guy, and finally left the group and came closer to him. "Hello." He started hesitantly as he grabbed the mans hand slowly. "I'm Lancelot - call me Lance. And these are my friends, Kasey, Paige, and Paradise." He pointed to the ones he named. Lance heard Nyy say that 'he needed their help' but chose not to respond to it. Better to get to the point. "Its... Nice to meet you to, I guess. But, I don't think we have much time for this chit chat. Would you mind explaining to us how we've gotten here? What is this place?...How do we get out?" Paradise had started to believe that this place truly was Japal, but Lance wouldn't believe such a suggestion.
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9:50pm Aug 7 2011
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"That is quite possible." Kasey said. Maybe I hit my head on a low branch when we were running through the bush. Yeah! Thats what happened! I got nocked out by a branch! Kasey said to himself. He watched as Lancelot steped over to the guy, Nyy, and introdiced the group. Paige stod up dusting the snow off of herself as she watched Lanc interact with the freaky tree guy. This was deffinatly not a normal place. Nyy shook Lancelots hand the smile on his face seemed perminant, "Well it seemes you came her through tat bush." Ny pointed to the bush that they had crawled through, "I guess Japal caled on you to come here to help out in the war. I personally love the fact that your here ad hope that since you came the war will end sooner." Nyy had a light in his eyes that only children have. And air of inoccence to him. "Nyy! Nyy? Who ae you talking too Nyy!" came an angelic voice from the other side of some bushes and a couple tree's. "Follow me I have a feeling she wants to meet you." Nyy said takinf Lanc b the hand and taking in the direction of the voice. Paige followed just to make sure that guy didn't end up murdering Lance ad Kasey followed bringing Paradice with him just because he didn't thnk that te two of them could fend for themselves. Nyy walked around the bush and waved at it, "Good morning Hazel." He said, "Morning Nyy!" relpyed the bush byt Ny kept walking untill he came too a river. IN the river, that was some how un frozen, was a red headed girl peering over the frosen bank. "Oh I see you brough friends!" She smiled to them. "I'm Jenna." she hoisted herself up onto the bank her golden fish tail still in the water though."Oh great first the tree guy and now a fish lady?" Paige said rubbing her temples. "Actually she's a mirmaid." Kasey said. Nyy waved to the lady in the water "This is Lance and thats Paradice Paige and Kasey. Odd names don't you think." He said. Jenna ignored the last part, "Well it's lovely to meet you!" she sad. She sniffed the air. "Oh! Your from...Er whats that place called!" she tried to think of the place. "Earth." Kasey piped up. "Smart isnt he!" Nyy said walking over to him and ruffling his hair. Kasey fixed his hair and looked back at the mirmaid. "Yes earth! I'm so glad your here. We eed your help as i'm sure Nyy has told you." ennas tail seemed to make small waved in the current as it flicked bit of water ono her so she didn't get dryed up.
10:02pm Aug 7 2011
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[[Should I bring in my creature charactars now? ]]
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10:03pm Aug 7 2011
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((Yeah that sounds good))
3:11pm Aug 13 2011
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4:06pm Aug 13 2011
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[[Sorry! Just give me a second to reply. ]]
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4:09pm Aug 13 2011
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((It's fine and Ok))
4:13pm Aug 13 2011
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[[Sorry. Unexpectedly, my mom just said I have to go to the mall with her! I'll make sure this is the first roleplay I reply to when I get back on. Sorry for these delays, I've been doing that to alot of people D: ]]
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4:16pm Aug 13 2011
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((It's fine I'll keep it bumped for you when you get back.))
1:05am Aug 14 2011
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7:33pm Aug 14 2011
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4:18pm Aug 15 2011
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4:44pm Aug 15 2011 (last edited on 4:44pm Aug 15 2011)
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This all couldn’t be happening. First a guy named ‘Nyy’ was a tree, and then turned into a human. And, as Nyy dragged Lance along, a bush had spoken to him as if it were normal. And now, Lance was staring at a mermaid. Of course, she was beautiful and all… But that wasn’t why Lance stood with his jaw wide open as he stared at her. “A mermaid?” He whispered to himself as the two conversed. At first, he wasn’t listening, but as he realized they were talking about the group, he put his attention back to the conversation. Before Lance could respond, Paradise walked away from Kasey and closer to this… Mermaid. Jenna. “Nyy has brought this up before, but I’m pretty sure none of us have anything to help you with whatever issue is going on. “ Then, Lance added, “Were just going to be trying to find our way out.” Just as Lance and Paradise finally thought it couldn’t get stranger then the situation was already, footsteps came from behind the group. Specifically, from behind Paige. “Well, ‘ello there, Nyy!” It was Ethan, the faun. “Who do we have here?” He asked, looking at the group of humans. As his eyes became wide, he pointed to the each of them. Now understanding. “They’re the chosen ones.” He said it as more of a statement then a question. “You’re here to help Japal! Oh, we have been waiting for you for a long time!” He exclaimed as he grabbed each of their hands and shook each one vigorously
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5:09pm Aug 15 2011
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Jenna giggled at Lance and Paradice, "Oh but see thats the thing. Since Japal let you in then Japal knows you can help. Silly." she said shaking her head. "Wait your talking as if this place..." "Japal." Jenna corrected. "Sure whatever, Japal, has a mind, or feelings. But this is just a place." Paige said even though she wasn't quite sure herself. Paige heard footsteps behind her and when she heard a voice she turned around to see another guy in frotn of her. It wouldn't be so weird except for the fact that from the waist down the guy was a goat. "Oh great. Just what we need. A half sheep half guy person. You guys have any other frineds that would like to join this little tea party?" Paige wasn't sure what to think now. Should she run, scream, kick them in the shins...or fin? No. She didn't do any of that. She was too stuned to do anything but let the goat man shake her hand. Kasey let the goat man shake his hand too and afterwards rotated his arm to make sure it hadn't been dislocated. "Your a...faun right?" Kasey asked still quite nervous. "See I like him. He's smart. A bit shy though. But still smart." Nyy put his arm around Kasey as if they had been friends for ages and Kasey was too scared to do anything. Paige on the other hand handled her nervousness in a diffrent manner, "Let go of my friend." she said glaring at Nyy. "Now now Paige. Nyy was just being nice." Jenna said looking at Paige a small smile still placed on her lips. "I don't care if he's being nice this whole thing is just..." Paige searched around in her mind for the right word but the only thing she could come up with was, "weird1 This whole this is just plane weird!" Paige's hands were curled into fists but she wasn't sure if it would hurt to punch Nyy in the face since he was part tree.
"Paige. It-it's OK. I'm fine." Kasey stuttered out trying to tell Paige that she didn't need to start a fight with the guy that would probably not end well for her.
5:18pm Aug 15 2011
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[I forgot, how did we plan for the romance thing to work out? Should we do the humans together and the creatures together? Or like Nyy and Paradise, Ethan and Paige... I wanted Ethan to be like... A flirt, kind of but I couldn't remember who he was paired with D: ]]
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5:21pm Aug 15 2011
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((We didn't actually plan the pairs out. I would be OK with any pairing.))
5:30pm Aug 15 2011
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[[Maybe we could do Paige+Ethan the faun. Kasey+My elf girl. I forgot her name. Paradise+Nyy. Lance+Jenna? That alright? Pretty much each human with one of the Japal creatures. xD ]]
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5:31pm Aug 15 2011
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((Sure that sounds good.))
12:07pm Aug 16 2011
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“Now, darling, I’m not a half sheep.” Ethan said, though wasn’t acting as though he was hurt. He grabbed Paige’s hand and brought her knuckles to his lips. “But, you my dear, are quite exquisite. I am very pleased to meet you, Paige.” He said while his lips still lingered on her knuckles. Finally he let go of her hand and looked at the rest of them. Then, looked at Kasey because of his question. “Very much so, my friend. Very much so.” He said, still a smile on his face. He looked at Paradise and Lance, who seemed to be cowering about. At least Paradise was. Lance was still looking at Jenna with his jaw open in shock. “I’d close the mouth boy, or flies will come in.” He said before bringing all his attention back at Paige. “We are no harm, my dear. And, we are not weird either. In our perspective, you are the ones that are weird. Of course, we are not thinking that though. You guys are the chosen ones to help us. Why would you question such a request?” At the question, he glared at Lance. Who was the one still wanting to get out. Lance didn’t respond. Just as everything seemed to be explained, another person had came into view. The elf. “Vanya!” Ethan exclaimed as he came to her. Vanya did a shy smile to the group while putting her blonde hair behind her pointy ears. “Who are these people?” She asked, to no one in particular as she stared at the group. “The chosen ones!” She exclaimed, after realizing all by herself who they were. “You’ve come to help! Oh thank you. We need you now more then ever.”
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1:54pm Aug 16 2011
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Paige looked at Ethan while he kissed her knuckles. She wasn't sure what to do about that. She felt quite akward as he talk keeping her hand near his mouth. "Uh...thanks..." She was glad when Ethan let go of her hand and wiped her hand off on the hem of her shirt. "Sure being a chosen one seems cool and all that but...I don't know..." Kasey turned to the girl who had just entered the clearing, "What exactly are we chosen for?" He asked. He couldn't help but keep his eyes on the girl. One might think that pointed ears would make some one look like a freak but Kasey thought it made Vanya look beatiful.
Nyy could see the look in Kasey's eyes and chuckled a bit taking his arm off him and taking a small step back to stand next to Paradice, "Don't they look so cute." He whispered as he made a heart with his hands around Kasey and Vanya.
Jenna looked at Lance who's mouth was still open. She took some of the water that was surrounding her and snet it slowly in Lance's direction to gently close his mouth before it droped to the ground and slithers back into the river.