The World of Japal

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10:54am Aug 18 2011

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Posts: 7,283
"So, by you thinking it's cool, does that mean you accept our request?"
Ethan asked while looking deeply into her eyes. He noticed how she wiped her hand, though didn't react offensively to it. 

Vanya felt her cheeks redenning as Kasey kept his gaze in her direction. Why was he staring at her like that? She couldn't help but like it. She waited anxiously for Paige's answer, but kept her eyes back on Kasey. 
Paradise did a little giggle at Nyy, and did a slow nod.
"Yeah, I guess they are."
She said quietly with a little bit of a sad tone. She used to have a major crush on Kasey, which only made her mood a little down on how he was looking at Vanya. [ Thought I'd make a twist...]

A shiver went down Lance's back - though it was a pleasurable one - and he smiled at Jenna. He would have responded to Ethan, just in case he was making Paige feel uncomfortable, but he was too mesmorized with Jenna. 
Was all he could say to her.  

Back from hiatus. Open to more roleplays!

3:04pm Aug 20 2011

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Posts: 5,578

Paige looked at the rest of the group before looking back to Ethan and noding, "Sure." was he simple reply. "So uh...what exactly do we do now?" Paige wasn't sure about anything here but that was a good place to start she thought. She noticed how Ethan was looking at her anf felt strangly happy that some one was looking at her like that. No! You don't like him! He's a weird creepy goat dude that once you save you will naver see him again! Paige said to herself although something in the back of her mind was telling her that she wasn't ever going to leave.

Jenna looked away from Lance momentaraly as she spoke to the others, "Well you need tyo start training right away." Jenna said as if it were that obvious. Jenna looked back to Lance and gave him a flirty wave before submerging her self in the water and swiming down the stream a little untill the stream was hidden behind a tree. After a few monets Jenna came out from behind the couple tree waring knee length pink plaid shorts and a salmon colored tank top underneath a dark pink zip up hoodie. Her flipers were gone and were replaced with legs. She was a bit wobbly and as she steped closer to the group and more out of the trees she stumbled a bit but took hold of Lance's shoulder. "We all ready to go then?" she asked steadying herself enough so that she didn't have to hold onto Lance anymore. "You don't say much do you?" Jenna said quietly to Lance a small smile on her lips.

Kasey could see that Vanya's cheekcs were getting red so he looked away from her hoping that he wasn't making her uncomfortable. He looked over at Jenna and nodded that he was ready. His palms were slightly sweaty as he couldn't help but think of how beatiful Vanya looked. Then he remembered Paradice. He felt bad since he knew that she liked him. It was kind of obvious since Kasey didn't talk much and spent most of his time observing. The way she looked at him. The way she blushed when he was close to her. He didn't feel the same way about he though but he couldn't help but feel bad for her.

Nyy looked at Paradice after she answered with such a quiet voice. Then he saw how she looked at Kasey and frowned a bit, "Oh." was all he said as he let one of his hands on to her shoulder as he tryed to comfort her. "You can find some one better." He said. He had watched plenty of human movies in his life time and he found that in many o them if something like this happened that what the girls friend allways seemed to say.


6:38pm Aug 20 2011

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Posts: 5,578


4:59pm Aug 21 2011

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Posts: 5,578

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