The World of Pokemon

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3:59pm Jul 9 2011

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Crystal ignored Spoons. "I really didn't have a goal. I just wanted to travel, I guess," Crystal said, shrugging. That actually was the reason she started her journey, but she ended up being part of some evil group because they made her do it. She wanted to tell Colette the truth, her secret, since she felt like it was eating away at her, but she held back. Why tell Colette? There's nothing she can do about it. Sure, she could go to the HQ and battle them or something, but there's no way they were going to free Crystal without a really good reason. And unfortunately, there wasn't. Well, at least in their opinion.

"Chuuuuu," Jewel complained. (Translation: But you're obviously going to be faster since you turned into a water type). "Chu chu chu." (Translation: I'll race you if you turn into something that isn't water type.)

Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<

4:20pm Jul 9 2011

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Posts: 1,016

((How long do you think Crystal's secret should last? I think it should last for a while.))

Spoons sighed. Intimidating people was sooo much harder then what everyone thinks it is. He sat their absorbing what he could and trying to think. This girl is in a heap of trouble for sure, but she won't tell Colette and he can't tell her since she made him promise. He sighed again wondering how this vicious cycle will end.

Colette nodded and stared at a pecuialar black dot in the sky. "I went out because no one wanted me too. 'Wait untill your older', 'You need to grow a little more'. and 'There's nothing wrong with being a late starter'. Everyone kept telling me what to do. I got tired of it and left. My parents still think that I'm crazy, but I myself think they're even more crazy. What a strange speck in the sky." She stated shading her eyes to get a closer look. "I've never seen anything that shape."

Jelly sighed and looked around some more trying to find a nonwater-type pokemon. She spotted a Mareep lounging in the shade across the lake. He quickly transformed and said, "Reep! Reep reep!" (Translation: Got one! Is this better?)

((Tried to add Kate's char into this conversation. EPIC FAIL. DX))

I've made up a new candy! CHOCOBARS! There's a weirdo in every bite! Also with or without but usually with Nuts. Currently:Offline D: I'M BACK!!!!!

4:24pm Jul 9 2011

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Posts: 2,721

Sunlight filtered through the canopy of trees above, shimmering down on a certain Ranger, his partner, and a young normal- type Pokemon.  No matter how much Sid urged the Togepi to leave, she refused, sidling up to whom she thought was her new trainer.

But he couldn't keep her, and it was clear she wasn't leaving.  Dusk seemed to shoot a harsh glare at the young Togepi, warning that he was Sid's one and only partner, and that wasn't changing.  The ranger ignored the Murkrow, leaning in towards his new little friend.  "We'll find you a trainer, no worries."  He patted her gently on the head, recieving a broad grin in return.

Gripped tightly by his faithful partner, the 'speck' glided about the skies in search of possible trainers.  His partner brought him down at a lake where two girls and their Pokemon seemed to be enjoying the weather.  His eyes widened in realization when he recognized the blonde one.

"Hello.  Hope I'm not a disturbance."  He cooed in a warm tone.  "Thanks for the help with the fire earlier."  Dusk didn't leave Sidney's side, red eyes cautiously surveying the landscape.  Togepi, on the other hand, had ended up in his arms, chanting small fragments of its name in a song- like rhythm.

I\'m back.

5:03pm Jul 9 2011 (last edited on 5:08pm Jul 9 2011)

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Posts: 4,685

((Choco, maybe once the day is over and it's nighttime Crystal will go do her job and someone will catch her? I dunno. :P

I tend to center my posts if they have a few paragrapsh, just so everyone knows. I know, that was random. xD))

Crystal watched as a ranger landed near them. He seemed to be speaking to Colette and not her so she figured she wouldn't have to answer. Why answer if he wasn't talking to her? But if she didn't say anything would that make things suspicious? What if he found out that she was part of villainous group? The last thing Crystal would want is some ranger trying to get in the way. Truth is, she actually wants someone to stop her so she wouldn't have to do her job, but if she didn't complete her mission, they would punish her real bad.

Finally, Crystal decided she would say something and try to shoo him away. But how? She tried to think of things to say that would shoo him away (it rhymes lol xD), but when she really thought about it, that might upset Colette, and she doubted it would shoo him away, especially if he was on some sort of mission.

That's when she noticed his Togepi. She widened her eyes a bit and stared at it for a few seconds. It was so... cute. She could've stared at it all day. Wait! That was it! She could say something about the Togepi. Maybe she could try and see if she could keep it. Crystal nearly smirked when she thought about getting him to let her keep it. Another wonderful Pokemon on her team. She wiped the smirk off her face, and looked at the Ranger, smiling so that she wouldn't seem evil and not worthy of the cute little Togepi.

"Where'd you get that Togepi?" She tried not to sound mean or odd in any way. If he didn't trust her, there was no way she could get the Togepi. She might be part of an evil group and her cold personality might make her seem like she'd hurt the Togepi, but she would never hurt any Pokemon. The group she's in forced her to do so plenty of times, but most of the time she managed to avoid it. They punished her badly, but she'd rather get punished then hurt Pokemon.

Jewel nodded. "Chu chu chu," she said. (Translation: Okay, that's better. Now we can race.)

Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<

6:03pm Jul 9 2011

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Posts: 1,016

((I got to go! That could work Sarya. By the way you guys can continue like my char isn't there. I don't want to hold up the rp!))

I've made up a new candy! CHOCOBARS! There's a weirdo in every bite! Also with or without but usually with Nuts. Currently:Offline D: I'M BACK!!!!!

8:33pm Jul 9 2011 (last edited on 8:34pm Jul 9 2011)

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Posts: 2,721

Sidney's attention turned to the other girl, who seemed to be eyeing his little friend.  Maybe he'd found a trainer who could raise it, just maybe.  He couldn't have her for much longer, anyway, as it was a fact he'd be called for a mission sooner or later.  With his rookie performance, it was more likely to be later.

"Togepi here-"  He began to explain "Was trapped in a forest fire.  But she doesn't want to return to the wild, it seems, and I myself can't have more than one partner Pokemon."  He sighed, glancing down at the cheerful normal- type.  "I wish I could keep her, but it's my job to protect Pokemon, not raise them.  If only I'd become a breeder."

He didn't want to rush, that was until he got a call on his styler.  "Sorry, I gotta take this."  He couldn't ignore a call from HQ, whether he was engaged in previous conversation or not.  He took a few steps in the other direction, putting the device near his ear as if a cell- phone.

"Sidney?  We need you to investigate a mysterious blue orb washed up on the coastline.  Out."  Before he could even say a word, he'd been assigned a mission.  Apologetically, he turned to the girl he'd been talking to, knowing he'd have to wrap things up.

"If you want this Togepi, I'm sure she'd be glad to be with a trainer.  She knows the moves Metronome and Mirrow Move, as far as I know."  Gingerly, the petite Pokemon was placed on the ground, where she waddled towards the female trainer whilst uttering a friendly 'Toke-... Prrrii!'  "See, I think she likes you."  Sid grinned, encouraging her to accept the normal- type.

((Could I possibly do the classic Manaphy egg mission?  Thanks in advance ^.^)) 

I\'m back.

11:02pm Jul 9 2011 (last edited on 11:03pm Jul 9 2011)

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Posts: 4,685

((Kate, sure. ;D))

"I really can keep her? Thanks," Crystal said, smiling. "I promise I'll take good care of her." She bent down and scooped up the little Togepi. "I think I'll call you.... Diamond." The Togepi looked up at Crystal. "Toge-priiii!" It chirped happily.

"Chu chu chu (I'll be back)," Jewel said quickly to Jelly, before rushing off to meet the new member of Crystal's team. Bloodstone was already by Crystal, and so was Sapphire. Ruby fluttered over. They all stared at Diamond, and examined her.

"Meet my other Pokemon," Crystal said to Diamond, smiling. "Don't worry, they're friendly." She placed Diamond down gently, and the little Pokemon waddled over to Crystal's other Pokemon, eager to meet them.

"Chu!" Jewel greeted, and playfully poked Diamond with her tail. Diamond seemed more interested in meeting the other Pokemon than playing with her, though. "Chu," Jewel muttered unhappily, and then ran off to play with Jelly again. "Chu! (I'm back!)"

Sapphire, who happened to be a bit wary of new Pokemon, examined Diamond for a while. When she finally decided that Diamond was safe, she greeted Diamond with a friendly, "Eon."

Bloodstone was much bigger, and not so interested in the new Pokemon. It was tiny and cute and everything, but too tiny to play with Bloodstone. Right when Bloodstone was about to head towards the water, the Togepi cheerfully talked to Bloodstone, which surprised Bloodstone as she hadn't expected it to want anything to do with her. When she realized the tiny Pokemon wanted to play, she lifted it up with her tail and placed it on her back. Then, she took off into the air.

"Toke toke!" Diamond chirped happily, flapping its stubby little arms in the air as if it were flying. Bloodstone was careful not to fly too fast, or the Togepi might fall off. Soon, Bloodstone landed, and the Togepi appeared satisfied. Then, it walked over to meet Ruby.

"Togi?" It looked at Ruby curiously. Before Ruby could respond, it turned around and something else caught its attention. To Ruby's disappointment, it ran off to see it, forgetting all about Ruby.

"Toge toge!" Diamond stared with excitement at the rock. It was just a rock. What was so interesting about it? Crystal walked over, and smiled.

"Interested in the rock?" She smiled, and patted the Togepi on the head. She looked at the rock again, and when she looked closer, she realized it wasn't just any rock. It was a Shiny Stone. It wouldn't evolve anything yet, but Crystal picked it up and stuffed it into her bag. "Might be of use later," she said, and picked up Diamond.

Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<

12:29pm Jul 10 2011

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Posts: 4,685

Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<

5:03pm Jul 10 2011

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Posts: 4,685

Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<

8:40am Jul 11 2011

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Posts: 2,052

Becky had only just popped in to visit her mother. But of course, she ended up staying longer because her mother had just baked some cookies. When she had left, she had decided to leave Flare at the house. Her loyal Volcarona deserved the rest, and what better place for a Pokemon than Becky's mother's house? After all, her Poffins were legendary.

Now, Becky was flying through the sky on the back of her new Skarmory, Screech. She hadn't flown like that for quite some time, and she loved it. She closed her eyes and smiled in content as the wind whistled through her hair. However, Screech suddenly turned and dived downwards at an almost verticle angle. That jerked Becky out of her daydreams, alright. She clung to Screech as the Pokemon dived downwards at such a speed that, Becky was sure of, could match that of a falling meteor.

"Screech, stop!" Becky cried. "What are you doing?" In response, Screech merely glanced at Becky before cloaking itself in bright light. Becky realised that Screech was using Sky Attack again...but why? Then they hit something. Becky felt a jolt as Screech plowed into something, knocking whatever it was to the ground. Screech then proceeded to land nearby, alowing Becky to dismount, then waited, as if for more instructions. THAt was when Becky had realised what Screech had used Sky attack was Mienshao. The wounded fighting-type looked up at Becky with a confused look in her eyes.

"Mienshao..." Becky breathed. Then, she grinned. "We meet again, old friend. Alright Screech, use Steel Wing!"

"SKREEEEE!" Screech cried, flying swiftly forward with the attack. But Mienshao just stood up and dodged the attack smoothly. Confused, Screech tried the attack again.

"Mienshaaa..." Mienshao muttered, before winking at the approaching Screech. Becky's new Skarmory seemed to falter. Then it stopped it's attack and landed in front of Mienshao. It was staring into the other Pokemon's eyes. Becky realised what had done.

"Mienshao must have used Attract on Screech..." she whispered to herself. "In that case, it means that Mienshao is definately male, because Screech is a girl..." But she had no time to think about it; Mienshao launched an Aura Sphere attack at the infatuated Screech. Screech was knocked back. Luckily, it was also snapped out of it's infatuation by the force of the attack. When Becky's Skarmory got back up, it's eyes blazed with fury.

"Skraaaa..." It growled. Then, it straightened up and glared at Mienshao, challengingly. Mienshao was taken back. But not for long; soon it was ready to attack again, growling and glaring back at Screech.

"Wow, Screech must REALLY not like Mienshao..." Becky muttered. "Alright then...use Steel Wing again!" But Screech didn't listen. It flew up and used Sky attack, instead. Mienshao lept up to meet the attack with a Jump Kick. Both Pokemon were thrown back by the subsequent blast of the attacks colliding. Screech struggled to stand. Mienshao shakily got to it's feet. Then it glared at Becky. Becky stared at it. But then, quick as a flash, Mienshao had run off into the bushes again. Both Becky and Screech stared after it in disbelief.

"When will I be able to catch Mienshao?" Becky groaned. Screech simply held it's head up high and glared after the fighting type that it had been fighting.

"Skarrreeeeee!" it said. Becky thought.

"Hmmm, if Screech's super effective attacks haven't knocked it out yet, then that means...Mienshao must be a much higher level than my Pokemon..." she whispered to herself. "If that's the case, then I need to get stronger...and FAST."

Adopt one today!

9:54am Jul 11 2011

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Posts: 2,721

"Well then, Diamond.  Looks like I'll be seeing you later."  Seeing happy Pokemon made Sidney's job as a ranger worthwhile, despite the burns and scrapes.  Not to mention young children often looked up to rangers and trainers alike.  "And that goes for you as well, miss.  Ranger- out."

And with that signature phrase his partner grasped him, whisking him away to places unknown.  T'was a good thing he wasn't afraid of heights, otherwise the view may not have looked so pleasing.  Only downside was the wind muffled the sound emitted from his styler, meaning he nearly missed a call.  Thank goodness he had Dusk, who cooed impatiently when the ringing began to irritate his sensitive ears.  Or, whatever birds have for hearing.

"Sidney- Come stop by the HQ, if you could.  It will only take a minute."  Messages were generally brief, and he rarely got a chance to respond.  But he had to be a goody- two- shoes if he wanted to climb to the ranks of Top Ranger, so he couldn't turn down even the smallest request.  "You heard, right?  Take me to the HQ, please."  He never spoke to his Murkrow in a less than friendly way, as the dark Pokemon surely wouldn't appreciate that.


At the HQ building, the confused Ranger sat in the main lobby, partner perched on a slumped shoulder.  Several painstakingly- slow minutes passed before a giddy young lady approached him, black and silver material strewn across her arms.

"Try this on- And this, and these!"  Instantly, he was drowned in an avalanch of luxurious fabric and accessories.  The impatient woman rushed him into the restroom, pacing outside the door in wait.

It was awkward changing while Sid knew there was someone directly outside the small chamber.  But he managed, using the sink mirror to get a peek at his spiffy new uniform.  An open, silver, half- sleeved jacket over a silky black tee gave way to matching knee- length cargo shorts.  Fresh black sneakers- with silver laces, of course- and a clean pair of plain white socks proudly concealed his feet.  

And there sat the finishing touch.  Just waiting for him was a stylish black paperboy hat (One with a brim, of course)  And a gleaming silver 'R' was even embroidered onto the front.  But when he placed the cap rightfully on his head, he couldn't help but think people may mistake him for a member of Team Rocket.  No matter, as it was totally worth it in his mind.


By now he was at the beach, where he was supposed to have gone prior to the delay.  The grin he wore was even larger than usual, the ranger feeling nothing short of 'cool'.  That was quickly shaken off, though, when he'd recalled his purpose here.  He had to find the mysterious blue orb.

It wasn't too hard to locate, considering it stuck out like a sore thumb against the pale tan hue of the sand.  Sidney gently lifted it into his arms, thoroughly examining it.  It was mesmerizing to look at, radiating a sea- blue glow.  A peculiar red sphere lazily drifted about the center of the oblong orb, yellow dots ringing around the red.

He could hardly pry his glare away from it to make a simple call on his styler, though he finally accomplished that.  "I have the orb.  Now, what do you want me to do with it?"  It only took about a moment and a half for a response to echo back to him.  "We're kinda busy here, so we'd like you to keep close watch over it until further notice.  Thank you.  Don't let it fall into the wrong hands, Sid.  It holds an unknown power.  I'm counting on you."  When the voice cut off, the ranger exchanged a glance with the orb, unsure of what he was getting into.

I\'m back.

11:41am Jul 12 2011 (last edited on 11:42am Jul 12 2011)

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Posts: 4,685

Ring, ring, ring! Crystal looked around, trying to find where the noise was coming from. She scanned the area, and began to worry. After scanning the area over and over a few times, she realized it was her phone. "Stupid me," Crystal muttered, and walked over to her bag. She reached into it and searched for her phone. When she finally felt her phone, she pulled it out and quickly put it to her ear, not wanting to miss the phone call as it could be something important.

"Hello?" Crystal asked.

"What do you think you're doing!?" Boomed an angry voice. "Get back to work!"

"I'm taking a break!"


"Okay, okay, stop yelling. I'm going."


"When do you think I am, stupid? Of course I'm going now. But only because you're such a pain to deal with. Did you take yelling classes or something?"


"Okay, I'm going now," Crystal hung up, and rolled her eyes. "I hate them."

Then, she turned around. "Sorry about that, Colette. Anyways, I really wish I could stay here longer, but I have to go now, sorry." Not even bothering to wave, Crystal grabbed her bag and got onto her Salamence. She returned all her Pokemon to their Pokeballs, and then said, "Fly to the forest."

Salamence nodded, and took off. Soon they high up in the air, with beautiful scenery below them. But it won't be pretty once Team Ebony gets their hands on it. She muttered a curse word in her frustration at having to work for them, and thats when her phone rang.

"Again?" Crystal groaned, and pulled out her phone and put it to her ear. "Hello?" she asked, her tone sounding annoyed.

"We have a new job for you. Instead of capturing us strong Pokemon, get us the mysterious blue orb that washed up on the beach."

"Fine," Crystal muttered. "You better not call me again." She hung up.

"Okay Bloodstone, to the beach," Crystal said.

Bloodstone nodded, and changed direction. Now they were heading towards the beach.

Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<

1:11pm Jul 12 2011

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Posts: 6,409
((Wow... Thanks for waiting on me, you guys. You went like, three pages. Care to give me a recap? My brain is fried.))

Love is all we need~


2:51pm Jul 12 2011 (last edited on 3:23pm Jul 12 2011)

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Posts: 4,685

((Sorry. And here's what's happened so far.

Crystal went swimming, and Colette saw her. At first Crystal disliked Colette, but soon she got used to her. She asked if Colette wanted to swim with her, and she said yes. Meanwhile, there was a fire in the forest. A Pokemon Ranger, Sidney, was trying to put it out, but was having some trouble. Colette went to go withdraw her Pokemon, and when running back to her gym, came across Sidney and the forest fire. She helped him out, and then after withdrawing her, ran back to Crystal. They talked for a while, and two times Colette's Alakazam read Crystal's mind. He found out that she was forced to be part of Team Ebony (a villanious group) and although she disliked it, was a villain. Then Sidney came with a female Togepi that he had rescued from the forest fire, and he gave it to Crystal. She named her Diamond. Sidney left, got a new outfit, and went to complete his new mission-- retrieve the mysterious blue orb (the Manaphy egg). He easily found it. Then, Crystal recieved a phone call. It was from Team Ebony. They wanted her to go do her job since they found out she wasn't. Crystal told Colette she had to leave, and flew to the forest. Then, she got another phone call. This time, Team Ebony wanted her to retrieve the blue orb (the same one Sidney got). Crystal changed direction and headed towards the beach where the blue orb was.

I hope that's not too confusing. ^^;)) 

Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<

3:30pm Jul 12 2011

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Posts: 6,409


After a few hours at the battle cafe, Raven was relaxing at the beach. Seraphiel was swimming leisurely in the water, when she felt something... different. A boy had taken a pokemon from the ocean. Although, the pokemon was unborn. The Milotic went over to Sidney, and curled herself around him, but left a good foot of space between herself and Sidney. Her deep blue eyes stared into Sidney's. She wanted him to put the egg back, or at least explain why he needed the egg.

Raven's eye drifted away from her three dark and fire-type pokemon, who were all boys, to her only water pokemon, Seraphiel. She spotted what seemed to be a normal boy; Sidney. He was holding a blue orb-like item, and Seraphiel seemed to want him to explain things.

Raven got to her feet, and walked towards her beautiful Milotic. She stopped beside her Milotic's head, and stroked it affectionately. "What's going on?" She asked her Milotic, but got no response. Not even a nod. Raven had always been able to sort of, 'read' her pokemon. However, Milotic's eyes were trained on Sidney and the Manaphy egg.

Love is all we need~


3:50pm Jul 12 2011 (last edited on 3:51pm Jul 12 2011)

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Posts: 4,685

((I'm going to make one more response, and then wait for Kate.))

Before going to the beach, Crystal stopped by an area where no one could see her. She changed into her regular clothes, and then went back on her Salamence. Bloodstone, knowing where she wanted to go, immediately took off towards the beach. Soon they were hovering above the beach Crystal needed to go. 

"Okay Salamence, land," Crystal said, and her loyal Salamence headed towards the ground, making sure to slow down when they reached the ground. But when Crystal looked around, to her disappointment, two people were already there. The Pokemon Ranger, and another girl.

"Toge-priii!" Diamond was happy to see Sidney again, but before she could run up to him, Crystal scooped her up. "Don't run away," Crystal said to Diamond, and Diamond gave one more glance at Sidney before falling asleep in Crystal's arms. When her Togepi calmed down, Crystal looked back at the two people.

"So we meet again," Crystal said, smiling at Sidney in a friendly, sweet kind of way. But her smile soon faded, replaced with eyes that meant business. "Now, hand over that Manaphy Egg you're holding," she said. "Unless you'd rather suffer."

Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<

4:16pm Jul 12 2011

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Posts: 2,721

It was a near instant that Sindey-  Totally unsuspecting-  Was encircled by a graceful and elegant species of Pokemon.  This thing wasn't wild, was it?  Thankfully, it just didn't seem fitting to belong to a Team Rocket member.  They usually carried darker, more threatening Pokemon.  Not that the ranger felt any less threatened by this Milotic.

What seemed to be the trainer approached, his arms tightening around the 'orb' just incase.  "Miss-"  He politely addressed, though before he could request to be freed another figure entered the scene.  This time, a farmiliar one.

And she wanted...  The egg?  He didn't know what to say, whether he ask 'Why?' or just say 'No.'  He couldn't run, being trapped by the water- type.

Desparate times called for desparate measures, as was said.  He eyed his partner, who seemed to smirk in response.  "Get this to the HQ, Dusk!"  And with that, he tossed the egg upward, above the Pokemon entrapment.

The dark- bird cooly flew under the egg, catching it on his feathery back.  He couldn't risk grasping it with his talons, for that could spell disaster.  He flapped frantically in the other direction, staying low and in the treeline.  That Salamence could easily fly circles around the Murkrow in the open skies, but it would be difficult  for the large dragon to weave through the dense clusters of trees.  It wasn't always bad to be little, it seemed.

The ranger, however, awaited whatever would come to him.  It appeared he rather would suffer, not like the girl would stay for a second when what she sought was now barreling clumsily through the forest. 

I\'m back.

4:31pm Jul 12 2011

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Posts: 6,409

Seraphiel watched as the egg was thrown into the air. Was this man wanting to kill the poor unborn Manaphy? Seraphiel then heard the more evil-looking girl behind her demand the manaphy egg. She uncoiled herself from around Sidney, and looked at the girl. "Tic?" she cooed questionably.

No sooner than Crystal had arrived, Raven's three boy pokemon arrived, all circling around Raven. Garnet looked at the mysterious girl and the Salamence before letting out a low, menacing growl. He was backed up by Onyx, and Zeke. They looked quite menacing, but Raven knew that Salamence weren't easily intimidated.

"What's going on here," Raven asked, reaching into her back pocket for a cigarette and a lighter. She put a cigarette into her mouth, and lit it quickly before putting the two items into her back pocket.

Love is all we need~


6:17pm Jul 12 2011 (last edited on 7:41pm Jul 12 2011)

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Posts: 4,685

"Trying to save the egg, are you?" Crystal asked, smiling darkly. She reached two hands into her bag, and pulled out two Pokeballs. She swiftly threw the Pokeballs, and out came Ruby and Sapphire, her Butterfree and Espeon. "Sapphire, ride Ruby and use your Psychic powers to lead her to the Murkrow. Ruby, follow Sapphire's directions and try and fly and fast as you can." They nodded, and proceeded to do what Crystal had commanded. Then, she looked at the girl.

"Stay out of this," she warned, her eyes going into slits. "I don't like pesky people like you who might try to stop me." She pulled out another Pokeball, and out came her Raichu, Jewel. "Jewel, keep an eye on that girl and her Milotic." Jewel nodded, and turned so that it would face the girl and her Milotic. "Chuuu," she growled, electricity bursting out of her cheeks.

Bloodstone, not affected by the pathetic Pokemon, growled back ferociously, threatening to attack. She took a step closer, and continued to growl, this time louder and more intimidating.

Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<

10:26pm Jul 12 2011

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Posts: 4,685

Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
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