The World of Pokemon

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4:31pm Jul 21 2011

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Posts: 4,685

Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<

4:49pm Jul 21 2011 (last edited on 4:49pm Jul 21 2011)

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Posts: 6,409

Raven thought through the situation. If the dig hit Garnet, it would leave him knocked out, or with very little HP left. Then, it hit her. She fished around in her pocket, digging out one of the freshly picked berries that she had gotten from a bush earlier. She tossed it to Garnet, who was still paralyzed. "Garnet, eat that Cheri Berry!"

Garnet struggled to lean down to eat the berry, but he did it just in time. "Arcanine," he said, stretching and moving around in place. The paralysis was cured. He then looked to Raven for more instructions.

"Garnet, run around the field! Confuse that Raichu!" Raven yelled, smiling. "Don't stay still whatever you do!"

Garnet did as his master said, jumping from place to place around the battle field. He looked like a blur of red, black, and cream fur, due to him being able to go so fast since he had previously used agility.

Love is all we need~


7:44pm Jul 21 2011 (last edited on 7:47pm Jul 21 2011)

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Posts: 4,685

"Jewel, stop!" Crystal said right before her Raichu popped out. "No need to attack now. Just come out, but don't waste your energy jumping." The Arcanine was cured of paralysis and was now running around, so it would be useless to attack now. And since the other girl used a berry, she might as well use one too now that she remembered. "Jewel, come over here." She bent down, pulled out a Rawst Berry from her pocket, and held it out towards Jewel, motioning for her to come and eat it. She had quite a few berries from yesterday, when she had gone berry picking. She goes berry picking quite often since she needs berries to make poffins for her Pokemon.

Jewel dug out of the hole, and seeing the berry in Crystal's hand, eagerly ran over. She snatched the berry from Crystal's hand, and popped it into her mouth. It tasted bitter, like all Rawst Berries do, but she didn't care. The battle made her slightly hungry, and eating it would not only help relieve her hunger, but it would also cure her burn. As soon as she swallowed it, she felt relief flow through her. The sting from her burn had disappeared, and she was feeling much better because of it. She thought she was feeling weak because of low HP, but it turned out to be because of her burn.

"Okay, Jewel, back on the battlefield you go," she said, smiling at her Raichu, happy that she was feeling better. She got up, and the smile soon faded. Now it was time to think of another plan. Her eyes followed the Arcanine, watching as it moved across the battlefield at an impressive speed. It was moving too fast for Jewel to attack it, and it would be risky to go near it in case it tried to attack.

"Toke-toki-priiiii!" Diamond said cheerfully, waving her little arms in the air. At first Crystal thought she was trying to cheer her on, but she soon realized it was using Metronome when she noticed the light radiating from her.

"No attacking, Diamond," Crystal said in a soft tone, gently pushing down Diamond's arms, stopping her Metronome. Normally she wouldn't speak softly, but since Diamond was just too cute and she was only a baby, Crystal had a tendacy to talk in a sweet and soothing tone to her.

Now, back to thinking of a plan. Crystal went into deep thinking, and searched her mind for a good plan. Maybe she could just wait until the Arcanine got tired? Or maybe she could switch? No, she should send out Bloodstone once Jewel faints, if she does. Crystal focused her gaze on Jewel, hoping that she might remember something if she looked at her Raichu. But that didn't help. What was she thinking?

That was when her phone rang. Crystal, a little stunned by the sudden ring of her phone, snapped out from her thinking and reached into her bag, digging through it for her phone. She pulled it out, and put it her ear. Her ex
pression wasn't very happy. "I'm in the middle of a battle, what do you want?"

"Head to the HQ for a meeting," A voice said.

"Are you crazy? You made me change plan two times already, and now you're making go back to HQ in the middle of a battle! Shut up and just leave me alone for a while. How can you expect me to do my job if you're constantly calling me and changing the plan?"

"Fine," the voice said. "But for disobeying, you're going to be punished."

"Disobeying? It's just some stupid meeting!"

"It might be just a meeting, but you're still disobeying." Then they hung up.

Crystal closed her phone and pushed it into her bag, rolling her eyes. Great. Now she was going to be punished. She hated those people. Well, it's not like she was going to let them punish her, anyways. She could just keep hiding until they find her. Then, she looked at the girl. "Okay, back to the battle now." You could tell from Crystal's ex
pression and tone that she was in a bad mood.

Back to thinking of a plan, hopefully without interruptions this time. Okay, she definitely wasn't going to switch or just wait until the Arcanine tired out, because if the Arcanine was active, it might take quite a while. And since Arcanine was moving around quickly, she couldn't use a physical attack on it. She could Thunderbolt, though. It wasn't the best plan, actually, not even a plan, but it would do. But to make sure she hits the Arcanine, the thunderbolt should shoot it all directions. "Jewel, thunderbolt in all directions!"

Jewel gave a quick nod, and squeezed her body muscles, releasing electricity in all directions. The thunderbolt was powerful enough that it shot across most of the battlefield, so there was barely anywhere to hide from it. Jewel wanted to please Crystal, especially since Crystal wasn't in a good mood and she wanted to cheer her up, so she made sure to make it as powerful as she could.

Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<

8:57pm Jul 22 2011

Normal User

Posts: 4,685

Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<

10:55am Jul 24 2011

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Posts: 2,052

"You take the first move, Becky!" Becky's mother called.

"Okay!" Becky replied. "Nala, use Hone Claws!" Nala did as instructed, and soon her attack and accuracy stats had risen.

"Not a bad strategy, raising your stats like that." Becky's mother observed. "Alomomola, use Hydro Pump!"

"Alomoooooooooola!" Alomomola cried as it launched the powerful Hydro Pump attack.

"Dodge it, Nala!" Becky ordered. "And thenuse Night Slash!" Nala managed to dodge the Hydro Pump and retaliated with her powerful move.

"Alomomola, use Protect!" Becky's mother commanded her Pokemon. Just before  Night Slash could hit Alomomola, it enveloped itself in a brilliant forcefield. Of course, it sustained no damage at all. Nala leapt back, with a look of confusion on her face.

"But how...?" Becky wondered. But before she could give Nala another command, her mother gave Alomomola a command first.

"Use Aqua Jet!" she commanded. Alomomola shot forward, veiled in water. Nala had no time to dodge before it was hit. Becky's precious Liepard had fainted. 

"Oh my gosh..." Becky gasped. "Alomomola must be STRONG..." She recalled Nala and watched as her mother fed Alomomola a poffin as a reward. 

"Perhaps I have a chance of winning this after all!" Becky's mother laughed as she recalled her Pokemon.

"Dream on, Mum. Dream on." Becky grinned. She watched as her mother sent out her next Pokemon...and gasped. Her mother had sent out a Pokemon that Becky had only heard of in stories. Even she didn't believe in it...and now here one was, right before her.

"Is that what I think it is?" Becky asked. Her mother smiled.

"Yes it is." she said. "Say hello to Entei!"

"ENTEIIIII!" Entei let out a terrifying roar. Becky gulped. Her next Pokemon was at a type disadvantage against this Legendary Pokemon. But Becky knew that she had to try her best. And that was exactly what she did.

"Go, Blade!" Becky summoned her powerful Bisharp. 

"Looks like I really will win!" Becky's mother laughed. One thing was for sure, this would be a battle to remember.

((Sorry for being so long. And I thought it would be okay if Becky's mmother owned a Legendary Pokemon...sorry if it's not...))

Adopt one today!

3:51pm Jul 24 2011

Normal User

Posts: 4,685

Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<

8:52pm Jul 30 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,016

((I'M BACK! My camp was really fun but lacked all internet access. *Sighs*Oh well. Lets see... What should happen now...))

Colette, realizing the sieriousness((SPP?)) of the situation, quickly pulled out Jelly's pokeball. "Jelly go!" She whispered in case someone was listening and Jelly appeared in front of Colette. "Jelly, this is going to be difficult. But I need you to transform into this Jewel. Okay?" Coette asked and Jelly nodded.

Jelly focused on to the jewel and started to transform. Transforming into non-living objects tired him out quicker and made him restless.So, he was surprised by how easily it was to take the jewel's shape. He smoothly transformed into a perfect replica.

Colette clapped when Jelly finished and put Jelly onto Dusk's back. "Now fly and make as much noise as you can to attract whoever's after you. I'll take the real one and head off quietly in the other direction, okay?" Colette asked already slipping the jewel into her trainer bag.

I've made up a new candy! CHOCOBARS! There's a weirdo in every bite! Also with or without but usually with Nuts. Currently:Offline D: I'M BACK!!!!!

11:26am Aug 1 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,016

I've made up a new candy! CHOCOBARS! There's a weirdo in every bite! Also with or without but usually with Nuts. Currently:Offline D: I'M BACK!!!!!

11:23am Aug 2 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,016
((*Sigh* Bumpers.))

I've made up a new candy! CHOCOBARS! There's a weirdo in every bite! Also with or without but usually with Nuts. Currently:Offline D: I'M BACK!!!!!
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