6:05pm Jul 17 2010 (last edited on 6:18pm Jul 17 2010)
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From underneath the trees, we watch the sky Confusing stars for satellites I never dreamed that you'd be mine But here we are, we're here tonight
Singing, "Amen I, I'm alive" (I'm alive) Singing, "Amen I, I'm alive"
If everyone cared and nobody cried If everyone loved and nobody lied If everyone shared and swallowed their pride Then we'd see the day when nobody died
And I'm singing Amen I, Amen I, I'm alive Amen I, Amen I, Amen I (I'm alive)
And in the air the fireflies Our only light in paradise We'll show the world they were wrong And teach them all to sing along
Singing, "Amen I, I'm alive" (I'm alive) Singing, "Amen I, I'm alive"
If everyone cared and nobody cried If everyone loved and nobody lied If everyone shared and swallowed their pride Then we'd see the day when nobody died
If everyone cared and nobody cried If everyone loved and nobody lied If everyone shared and swallowed their pride Then we'd see the day when nobody died When nobody died
And as we lie beneath the stars We realize how small we are If they could love like you and me Imagine what the world could be
If everyone cared and nobody cried If everyone loved and nobody lied If everyone shared and swallowed their pride Then we'd see the day when nobody died
If everyone cared and nobody cried If everyone loved and nobody lied If everyone shared and swallowed their pride Then we'd see the day when nobody died
We'd see the day, we'd see the day (When nobody died) We'd see the day, we'd see the day (When nobody died) We'd see the day (When nobody died) Humans. We are the top of the food chain, We are Leaders, soldiers, criminals, friends, families, enimies, and citizens. But do we deserve what we have created? We have proven ourselves to be intelligent, creative, and loving. But what else are we? We burn down the forests that are keeping us alive, we steal from our friends, neighbors, and communities. We lie, we fight, we hate. Do we really deserve all of this power? With all the war that we have created, we should be at the bottom of the world. Know who deserves to be on top? Canines. They are fun-loving, kind, and have proven their bravery and loyalty throughout history. A dog will stick by his master, regardless of his wealth, staus, or power. I think we could all learn a valuable lesson from an animal that is so common, yet so extrordinary. I have learned life isnt fair, but maybe, just maybe, if it wasnt humans that were leading, maybe it would be. ~Snowy so, like mah speech? XD this is a dog rp :D to join, post your favorite part of the speach in the "other" section of the Bio, or you will be ignored. no exceptions. Res rules apply, and you must repect my wishes, as this is MY rp. your dog can be a stray, or have an owner, take your pick. the story takes place in a small town, so every house has a yard, and everyone knows everyone. Outside of this town is gently rolling hills and family owned farms. Its summer, and the weather is usually around 90 degrees ferinhieght. BIO: Name: Age: Gender: Breed: Stray or housedog? History?(optional): Personality or Themesong: Crush//Mate: Looks: Other: - my bios coming soon.

6:12pm Jul 17 2010
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Join? This is my favorite part of the speach: We are the top of the food chain, We are Leaders, soldiers, criminals, friends, families, enimies, and citizens. But do we deserve what we have created? We have proven ourselves to be intelligent, creative, and loving.
 (Banner made by Kina)
6:17pm Jul 17 2010 (last edited on 6:26pm Jul 17 2010)
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Name:Velocity{Vi} Age:young adult Gender:female Breed:German Shepherd Dog Stray or housedog?Stray History?(optional):Vi used to have a loving home, where she was pampered and cherished. She was living a life fit for a queen, until her master disappeared one day. Other humans kept coming in and out of her house, wearing dark colors and making what could only be described to a young doh as a whimpering noise. They seemed sad, and Velocity in turn felt sad. For a few days at a time, nobody would feed her. After a while, when they tried to take her way, something clicked in the two year old dogs head, her master was never coming home. So she refused to leave with these people. She loved her master and would never let another human take care of her. Personality or Themesong:If Everyone Cared~Nickelback Crush//Mate:OPEN Looks: 
Other:not really ^_^ Name:Torque Age:Young adult Gender:male Breed:American Pit Bull Terrier Stray or housedog?Stray History?(optional):born on the street, Torque learned how to be tough fast. But deep down, he always longed to have a human to call his own. He keeps up his bad-boy appearence not to scare people off, but to see who would try and reach out to him. But, the longer he acted tough and mean, the more it became who he was. Now, most people avoid him, but some still throw him food and pet him as the walk by. Those are the people he longs to love, but as time goes by, he gets less and less food, and fewer pats. And other strays keep getting more and more agressive. THe more he fights, the more it seems like there is a monster inside him, trying to break loose and take him over, and he knows that if life keeps going on the same as it is now, one day it will take over and he will become the monster he always hated, and he will never find a home. Personality or Themesong:Monster~Skillet Crush//Mate:OPEN Looks: 
Other: **more bios to come**

6:19pm Jul 17 2010
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((Sure you can join Tri ^_^))
6:20pm Jul 17 2010
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Posts: 126
I liked that first bit pretty well. :P Mind if I play along?
6:21pm Jul 17 2010
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((sure Litlebird :D))
6:29pm Jul 17 2010 (last edited on 6:47pm Jul 17 2010)
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Name: Rodeo {Roe}/ Akila {Aki} Age: Teen/ Young teen Gender: Male/ Female Breed: Pomeranian- Chihuahua/ Beagle Stray or housedog? Housedogs History?(optional): You'll find out/ You'll find out Personality or Themesong: Rodeo~ Garth Brooks/ Angel~ Amanda Perez Crush//Mate: Open/ Open Looks: tle="View Full Size Image" width="188" height="250" /> / tle="View Full Size Image" width="229" height="250" />((Credit to the owners of the pics)) Other: Nope/ Nope
 (Banner made by Kina)
6:33pm Jul 17 2010 (last edited on 4:51pm Jul 19 2010)
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Name:Skye Age:young adult Gender:female Breed:Border Collie Stray or housedog?Niether! shes a farm dog XD History?(optional):Born and raised as a farm dog, Skye is friendly and loyal, but protective of her family. She has been since she was a pup. Often, she will travel to town in search of things to do, so its not an uncommon sight to see her padding don the sidewalk like its her home. Personality or Themesong:If Today was your last day~Nickelback Crush//Mate:OPEN Looks: 
Other:her eyes are blue Name:Cobalt Age:adult Gender:male Breed:Czechoslovakian Wolfdog Stray or housedog?stray History?(optional):*whispers*I'd tell you but hed kill me Personality or Themesong:The Good Life~Three Days Grace Crush//Mate:*cough* As if! Looks: 
6:37pm Jul 17 2010 (last edited on 6:58pm Jul 17 2010)
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Charra List Strays: Cobalt{me} Torque{me}' Maxi{littlebird} Velocity{me} Housedogs: Skye{me} Rodeo{tribecka} Akila{tribecka} Sage{littleBird}
6:39pm Jul 17 2010 (last edited on 6:53pm Jul 17 2010)
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Posts: 126
Name: Sage Age: Adult Gender: Female Breed: Springer Spaniel Stray or housedog?: House Dog History?: Sage was born at a breeder's kennel, but a car accident left her slightly lame and unable to compete in the ring. She was sold to a young college student, and has happily become friend, pet and running companion to her. Personality or Themesong: Scarborough Fair Crush//Mate: Undecided Other: Her tail is docked, and her right forepaw does not bend at the ankle.  Name: Maxi Age: Adult Gender: Young Adult Breed: Papillon Stray or housedog?: Stray History?: Maxi got himself lost during a family picnic last year and has been making it on his own since then. He lives outdoors, but often shares the kibble and attention provided by Sage's master. Personality or Themesong: When Somebody Loved Me Crush//Mate: Looking
6:58pm Jul 17 2010
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((so should we wait for more people or start?))
6:59pm Jul 17 2010
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Posts: 126
(( I wanna plaaaaaaaaaaaay~ XD))
7:02pm Jul 17 2010
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((then you can start XD))
7:03pm Jul 17 2010
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(( Let's start it!^^))
 (Banner made by Kina)
7:12pm Jul 17 2010 (last edited on 7:15pm Jul 17 2010)
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Posts: 126
"Bye girl. Be good while I'm gone." Sage licked her master's hand by way of goodbye and he closed the front door behind him. The spaniel stared at the door for a minute or so, just to make sure he wouldn't return for another lick or two, then trotted out the the back door and through her dog gate onto the front porch to have breakfast. There, she discovered a rather fluffy vaccum cleaner munching franticly at the small bowl of kibble next to her own. "Hunting not going so well, eh? If you don't slow down you'll make yourself sick." Maxi ignored her and continued crunching, his feathered tail waving merrily behind him. Sage smiled and sat next to the papillon. "You know if you just stayed here with me you could have three square meals a day. Jordan wouldn't mind. He thinks you're adorable -and you won't have to starve for days at a time." The little dog swallowed the last of his meal and licked his chops. "Not for me freckles. You know my luck with families. Long as he's up for keeping a champion hunter like me going on his bad days though, I don't mind letting him ruffle my fur every so often." Sage chucked and began leisurely munching her own breakfast. Maxi was halfway adopted already, but there was no convincing the little dog to put down roots. She imagined he still missed his old family, even though he didn't show it, and that chosing a new home meant giving up searching for them. It was a nice day though, and with the sun rising she imagined she might get a visit from a neighbor or two.

7:12pm Jul 17 2010 (last edited on 7:13pm Jul 17 2010)
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Posts: 126
7:19pm Jul 17 2010
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Akila layed down next to Rodeo. "So, what are we going to do now that Jessie and Annabell are gone?"She asked step- brother. Rodeo looked down at the floor. He had his ears cocked so was his neck. "I don't know, Aki."He said.
 (Banner made by Kina)
7:38pm Jul 17 2010
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Skye rand down the quiet street at a fast pace, just to feel the wind blowing through her fur. Her paws clicked on the concrete as she enjoyed her simple pleasure in life. Speed. She wasnt even paying attention when she barreled headfirst into a solid m*censored* of muscle. Cobalt spun to face Skye and snarled viciously, rasing his head up menacingly as the other dog shrunk lower and lower to the ground. Skye whined low in her throat. Cobalt bared his teeth, "what do you think your doing?" he asked, his deep voice quiet, yet terrifying. "Cobalt!" another voice called from a short distance away. A Black German Shepherd stepped into view. Her coat glistened in the morning lightand she look pround and magnificent, "its not like she purposely ran into you!" she scolded. Cobalt just growled at her. "Mind your own business Velocity. This doesnt concern you, But if you want it to, it could." he threatened, turning his head to face Vi. His fur bristled and his muscles were tense. "Bring it Cobalt, I'm not afraid of you." Velocity retorted. her voice was sharp as a razors edge. She tood a step forward and Cobalt took a step back. "you should be." he said." before turning around and slipping away in silence. He slunk to the park and lay down underneath some bushes, he's show Velocity. The other dog may be a good fighter, but he was larger and had more experience. His tail thumped with satisfaction at the thought of cutting velocity's ego down to size. - Velocity brought her attention to Skye, "hey you okay?" she asked. Skye nodded, but she was shaking too much to talk, "That was Cobalt, hes just a bully. But he really doesnt like to fight, so I don't know why he's so mean." she said, shaking her head. She sat on her haunches and scratched one ear, "I'm Velocity by the way, but you can call me Vi." Skye stood up shakily, "nice to meet you Vi." she said, growing slightly more cinfident, "I'm skye, I live on a farm not far from town." she said, nodding her head in the direction of her home. "A good ol' farm dog eh?" Vi thumped her tail on the ground, "well I'm just your regulat old stray, I come and go as I please!" she said with a laugh. __ Torque lay on a steet corner, enjoying the sunshine that beat down on his back. He yawned, revealing his shapr teeth. This is the life. he thought to himself, Fed from the back door of an Italian restraunt, then walking out front, and laying down near the door and getting patted by the people who come in. It was the closest thing to a home he had, and he had made it hsi daily routine to visit Pistachio's, a small Italian resturant in town, and getting fed, then laying out front, it had been almost two months since he picked up this routine, and since then, he went from underweight, scrany street dog, to muscular, well fed dog.

8:08pm Jul 17 2010 (last edited on 8:10pm Jul 17 2010)
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Posts: 126
"Hey, Skye!" Maxi had hopped up onto the deck seat to make himself visible from Sage's backyard. "What are you doing on this end of town? Shouldn't you be herding sheep or something?" The little dog's voice was playfully mocking, as he had met the young dog several times before. Sage's head popped up beside him, dwarfing him instantly. She had known Skye for the better part of three years, as her owner often went into the country to buy strawberries in the summer."Skye, hey! I haven't seen you in ages! Do you and your friends want a drink of water? I've got a stick of rawhide we can share." She didn't recognize the other dogs, but she was an amiable sort. Any friend of Skye's was a friend of hers.
8:27pm Jul 17 2010
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"shouldnt you be chasing your tail?" Sky teased Maxi, she wagged her tail when she saw Sage, "It has been too long hasnt it? This is Vi, I just met her. She glanced at the Shepherd, "are you thirsty?" she asked. Vi wagged her tail, "thanks, I'm parched." she barked.(haha fail XD) ((random question, is Sage's yard fenced in?))