8:30pm Jul 17 2010 (last edited on 8:30pm Jul 17 2010)
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Akila and Rodeo went outside to see the strays again. "Hey everyone."Rodeo barked. Akila padded over to them, wondering what was going on. She had never seen strays before. "Everyone, this is Akila. Just call her Aki. She's new to my family."Rodeo said.
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8:33pm Jul 17 2010
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Vi looked down at the small dogs and cocked her head to the side, "Hi Akila, I'm Velocity." she said. Skye wagged her tail, "Hey Rodeo, Nice to meet you Aki, I'm Skye, I live one a farm not far from here, but I usually walk to town when the weathers nice." she said.((im an epic fail for some reason right now XD))
8:37pm Jul 17 2010
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"Thanks. I've never been outside before. Except to go potty. I've always been in a cage, before Rodeo's family adopted me."She said.
 (Banner made by Kina)
8:46pm Jul 17 2010
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Skye shook her head, "I only go in a cage to go to the vet. And I dont like it, but I'm sure youcage was bigger than my carrier." she said. Vi laughed, "I was born in a cage, I'm the daughter of two Champion Showdogs. My Father was Shadow's Torment, and my mother was Maximum Velocity, and I was names Shadow's Velocity, but it was shortened to Velocity when my master bought me. Then, when he died, I shortened it to Vi, because it just seems wrong for a stray to have such a strange name. The only other street dog I've met with a wierd name is Tourque."
8:53pm Jul 17 2010 (last edited on 8:55pm Jul 17 2010)
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Posts: 126
(( Nope, no fence)) Sage wagged her tail, looking fondly at Akila. `Oh Rodeo, she is precious! Come on in everyone, Ill get us some biscuits.` Maxi ran out to meet the group of dogs while Sage vanished inside to raid the low cupboard. He quickly set about giving everyone a good sniffing, beginning with Skye and ending with Cobalt -whom he did not linger on for fear of being devoured whole. `Show dog, huh? Sage used to be one of those, course she`s retired now. What about your friend over there? Malamute or husky? I`m a purebred papillon myself -practically royalty.` It was obvious that he was trying to show off. Sage emerged from her dog door carrying a slightly slobbery box of dog treats and prompty set about tearing it open. So many guests at once, oh it was lovely! She caught the very end of Vi`s statement and perked her ears toward the shepherd. `Tourque? I think I might have met him once before. Seemed like a nice fellow, if a little scrawny. We shared a bowl of water while my master was in the large food store.` With a twist of her jaws the box tore wide open, spilling biscuits across the deck.

9:01pm Jul 17 2010
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Name:hades Age:7(dog years 1 human years) Gender:female Breed:rotweiler Stray or housedog? stray Personality or Themesong:she is very playful and loving for her breed. most of her kind can be very aggresive and mean but hades is very sweet. she loves to play games and hang out with other dogs. she loves living on her own. Crush//Mate:open Looks: Other:If everyone cared and nobody cried If everyone loved and nobody lied If everyone shared and swallowed their pride Then we'd see the day when nobody died
9:05pm Jul 17 2010
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((i just read hades Bio and i have to say, i disagree with the statement 'most of her kind can be very aggresive and mean' i have owned two rottwielers myself, and both were very friendly and playful, then a few of my friends have had rotties of their own, and not one had any sort of agression whatsoever XD JUST SAYIN! but your accepted ^_^))
9:06pm Jul 17 2010
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((yeah i do too. but still a lot that i have met are aggresive. so i just put that in there. :) ))
9:08pm Jul 17 2010 (last edited on 9:10pm Jul 17 2010)
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Cobalt snarled viciously at Maxi, "you do know that I can eatyou in one bite right?" he threatened. he was already a short distance away from the others, but he still felt that their were too many, too close. He glanced at the biscuits and turned away disdainfully. __ Vi laughed, "I was supposed to be a showdog, but when i was a pup, I broke my leg in a gopher hole, and when it healed, my leg wasnt as straight. You cant really see it now, bt they thought I wasnt fit to be a showdog anymore." she said, snapping up one of the buscuits. ((to each his own i guess ;D ))
9:09pm Jul 17 2010
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((where should i jump in??))
9:10pm Jul 17 2010
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((anywhere you want :D))
9:12pm Jul 17 2010
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((whats happening and where are the dogs??))
9:19pm Jul 17 2010 (last edited on 9:20pm Jul 17 2010)
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Posts: 126
((Most of them are hanging out in Sage`s backyard)) “Really?” Sage asked, obviously very enthralled by the shepherd`s statement. “You know, almost the same thing happened to me. I was hit by a car when I was younger and the veterinarian had to put a metal pin in my leg to hold it together. Can't have scarred ankles in the show ring, so I was sold to Jason.” Maxi crunched happily on a biscuit, and speaking with his mouth full chimed in. “Oh yeah yeah, me too...uh, I could'a been a show dog but uh...this one time a cat bit my ear and uh...well you know how judges are about ears.” Feeling silly, he finished chewing in silence. Sage shook her head affectionately in Maxi's direction, then turned her attention to Cobalt. “What's wrong? They're only liver snaps...mind, I don't know if there's any real liver in them but they do taste lovely. Why not try one? Oh, silly me.” She turned back to Vi. “I'm Sage, and this is my friend Maxi. I live here, but he's a bit of a wanderer.” Maxi perked up instantly. “Yep, that's me. A lone wolf out on the streets, footloose and collar free.” Sage considered mentioning that he was a bit for a drama king, but let it go for the moment.

9:32pm Jul 17 2010
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((k i'll post sometime soon))
10:20pm Jul 17 2010
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Vi laughed at Maxi's last comment, "lone wolf eh? Your starting to sound like Cobalt, he's half wolf ya' know." she said. Cobalt growled softly. "Its not like I'm jsut some wolfdog, Im a Czechoslovakian Wolfdog, I'm just as much of a purebred as the rest of you." he said. Then he glanced back at the dog treats, "I dont care what they taste like, I dont trust anything that the humans made." he snarled, "Even if you guys are eating them and are fine. Skye grabbed one of the treats and ate it in one gulp. She glanced at Cobalt nervously, Vi had said he didnt like to fight, but she had seen how terrifying he was when he was angry, and he was almost twice her size, she didnt wanna press her luck.
10:33pm Jul 17 2010 (last edited on 10:36pm Jul 17 2010)
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Sage's soft brown eyes widened slightly as it was revealed that Cobalt was part wolf, but her ex pression saddened somewhat when he refused her hospitality. Stray or not, he was just rude! "Oh come on rover, you too purebred to eat with a buncha street dogs like us?" Maxi's tone was still light and playful as he crunched up another biscuit. "Hey, I'm a wolf in spirit pretty lady." He smiled his most charming smile at Vi. "I done the human thing and I gotta admit, wild and free's the way t'be." Sage moved to sit beside Skye, and also to place herself more or less between the unsociable half-wolf and her cheerfully oblivious friend. "Skye, how are things back home?" She asked, trying to change the subject. "Those coyotes haven't been bothering you any, have they?"
10:43pm Jul 17 2010
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Skye shrugged, "no. they coyotes arent much of a problem. We only have one or two around by us, and they arent anything I cant take care of." she said with a wink. - Vi laughed, "you're a funny little dog, I'll give you that much." she said. - Cobalt snarled fircley, "you little rat, I should eat you right now. I bet you would taste better than those treats there, you think its easy living on the streets? Try raising yourself out here. With noone. And the closest thing you have to a master is a human who beats you for the joy of hearing you yelp! WHo pits you agains other dogs so you can kill them. This little town isnt the real streets, this is heaven." he said, barking his fangs.
10:53pm Jul 17 2010 (last edited on 10:53pm Jul 17 2010)
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Sage was startled by the wolf-dogs's sudden fierceness, but pulled herself together quickly and rose to place herself squarely in front of Maxi. “Well! I have never been so insulted in my entire life! Invited to share a peaceful meal and a quiet talk with dogs who want nothing more than to be your friend and you behave like some sort of vicious beast! I tell you that I would be most ashamed of myself if a member of my breed behaved so poorly! And in front of pups no less!” Sage was not a confrontational sort of dog, but this was her yard and she would have no such nonsense taking place in it. Maxi was obviously frightened by the much larger dog, but was trying very hard not to show it.
10:57pm Jul 17 2010
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Cobalt snorted, "maybe the pup should watch his mouth." he growled. "and not bite off more than he can chew." he said, sitting back down. and giving Maxi and icy stare.
11:07pm Jul 17 2010
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Maxi scowled, a tiny growl fluttering in his throat. "Oh great, the pup joke. Like I've never heard that one before. Bet it takes a lot of guts to threaten somebody the size of a rabbit." Sage nudged him with her paw. "Hush. Cobalt, if you wish to stay here a moment longer I suggest you apologize to my friends and yours, and most especially to young Akila."