11:12pm Jul 17 2010
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Cobalt glanced at Maxi, "smalles rebbit I've ever seen." he snorted, then he turned his gaze to Sage, "I doubt you could make me." he growled. Then he yawned and lay down with his head on his paws, "and I find it very comfortable here. So I think Ill stay." he said, curling his lip in a wolfy grin.
11:21pm Jul 17 2010 (last edited on 11:24pm Jul 17 2010)
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Posts: 126
Sage growled low in her throat. "You would do well to leave now Cobalt. You are no gentleman, and are no longer welcome in my home." Sage knew she couldn't take a fighting dog larger than herself in a straight fight, but now that intimidation had failed she could do nothing but back it up with an agressive stance. He insulted her friends and now he threatened her territory and her master by proximity. She would not take such an insult, even if it meant being torn to pieces.
11:31pm Jul 17 2010
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Cobalt rose slowly to his feet, taking his sweet time, "now listen here, I will leave, but, I suggest you get a muzzle for the rat. I may be no gentleman, but I at least am smart enough to not pick a fight a dog whos paw is the same size as my entire body." he said, turning and padding away silently. __ Vi shook her head, "hes always grumpy like that. But I guess you cant blame him, he was raised a fighting dog, and..."her voice trailed off, then got real quiet, "he ended up having to kill his own brother." she whispered, then shuddered. Skye shook her head, "why didnt he just leave?" "He couldnt," Vi said, "his 'master' kept him on a tight leash, because of his size and skill, but his manster was a crazy man and would beat all the dogs there for the fun of it. It was all Cobalt really knew, then one day, he just snapped. it wasnt long after he killed his brother, he saw a wild dog and realised that he didnt have to live like that. He ended up attacking his master, then running away." she said with a shrig. It was Skye turn to shudder, "I can't imagine my master hitting me, let alone me attacking him! But then again, I have had life really good." she said with a sigh.

11:43pm Jul 17 2010 (last edited on 11:47pm Jul 17 2010)
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Posts: 126
Sage stared Cobalt down in silence until he was well out of sight, then let out a soft whuff of breath and sat down, shaking. That had to have been the most idiotic thing she had ever done...but she had done her duty, and she knew that her master would be pleased. "Pffft, who peed on his hydrant?" Maxi asked, trying to seem as nonchallant about the situation as possible as he moved to sit between Vi and Skye. He hushed up quickly as the shepherd explained, his ears drooping. "Man, that's a rough path to walk If I ever heard'a one. Hey, my humans might not always have been around, but at least they never hit me or anything. I just don't get where crazy humans like that come from." Sage listened quietly as Vi explained everything, her head hanging low. "If all that is true, then why did he walk away just now? He knew that he could kill me."
3:41pm Jul 18 2010
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6:55pm Jul 18 2010
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((ummmm Maxi and Cobalt argued, and now cobalt left XD)) Vi shook her head, "killing is what he knows, and is good at, but ever since he ran from his humans, he tried to not fight anymore, but hes not to good at making friends, since he was a fighting dog, he was taught to not make friends 'cause he might have to fight them. I kinda feel bad, I'm the closest thing to a friend he has. And I've only seen him fight once, and it was to save me. Thats how we met. I was barely full grown, and a huge mastiff attacked me because I was in his territory. Cobalt came out of nowhere and saved my life. So now I try and keep him out of trouble, and he backs me up whenever I need it." She shrugged, "most dogs that are willing to fight get scared off just by his presence. He is kinda scary." she said. Skye sighed, "poor guy. Its no wonder hes so aggressive." she said, mostly to herself.
8:26pm Jul 18 2010
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8:29pm Jul 18 2010
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((ummm. well, Torque is alone, napping by the road in front of a reaturant, Cobalt just got in an arguent with Mexi nd Sage, but walked away, and then Velocity explained why obalt is the way he is. and thats about it ^_^))
8:33pm Jul 18 2010
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Akila wasn't used to other dogs yet. She had a confused look on her face.
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8:42pm Jul 18 2010
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Sky smiled warmly at Aki, "you can talk to us you know, we dont bite...." she trailed off thoughtfully, "wait nope, thats a lie." she teased gently.
9:26pm Jul 18 2010
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Posts: 126
Sage smiled weakly, giving her tail a little wag. "What say we all go for a little walk by the railroad tracks? I think we could all use the exercise." Maxi gave her a stranger look. "Eh, the track might be a nice little walk for you freckles, but the gr*censored* out there's taller than I am." Sage looked down at her friend and tilted her head slightly. "Hmmm, yeah that's right isn't it? Alright then, does anyone else have a suggestion?"
9:34pm Jul 18 2010
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Skye wagged her tail, "how about we go to my farm!" she suggested happily, theres a ton of open space, and plenty of cats to chase!" she barked. She stood up and looked in the direction of her farm, "its only a few miled that rirection!" she said.
3:50pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 12,418
"I've never been to a farm."Akila said. Rodeo looked at her. "I was born on a farm. That's why they named me Rodeo."He said.
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4:50pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Skye smiled, "born and raised on a farm." she said, "I was named Skye because of my eyes." she said, "from the moment they opened, they were a brilliant Sky blue, and have stayed that way. Most of my siblings have brown eyes now, but mine have stayed blue, even after five full years of life." she said.
4:50pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 12,418
"Wow."Akila said.
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