6:43am Jul 29 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Plot: The hitman is an ellusive man that goes only by the name of the serpent, he is a dark and secluded type, afraid of nothing, not even death, in fact, he embraces it. There is also a detective who was kicked out of the police force, who will be named when i do the profile, but he was kicked out because he got too involved in the case hunting for the hitman, he now has to take it upon himself to find detectives and people who are willing to help, find, and hopefully put an end to this ellusive serial killer. rules: 1) No godmodding 2) No Powerplaying 3) No taking over the Roleplay storyline. 4) post the words 'He strikes in the dark' as an application for joining.
Bio skeleton: Name: Age: Appearance(Image or detailed deion): Personallity: History:
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8:04am Jul 29 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Name: Jack clemence(AKA our detective buddy) Age: 27 Appearance:
Personallity: Jack is the best kind of detective, immoral, he does not care about what he has to do to solve his cases, or the consequences his actions my bring, but only catching the man he's after, he wants to kill this 'serpent' more than anything. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ((I'll do the Serpent a bio when I get around to bringing him into it.))
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5:07am Jul 30 2010
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Posts: 2,378
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7:05am Jul 30 2010
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Posts: 1,597
(('He strikes in the dark' May I join? With a guy who knows the Serpent and another who will help the detective?))
7:44am Jul 30 2010
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Posts: 1,805
((He strikes in the dark. joinage? character who will help detective.))
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

9:35am Jul 30 2010
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Posts: 1,805
((i think the serial killer got the detective))
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

11:23am Jul 30 2010
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Posts: 3,291
'He strikes in the dark' Join as a girl from prison, that helps the detective to get out of prison, but is also helping the serial killer, and double-crossing them both at the same time?
4:42pm Jul 30 2010
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Posts: 3,291
6:52pm Jul 30 2010
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Posts: 302
Ooc:// 'He strikes in the dark' May I join?
7:25am Jul 31 2010
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Posts: 2,378
((You can all join as long as you're all literate. ^_^))
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10:21am Jul 31 2010
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Name: Annabell Age: 32 Appearance(Image or detailed deion):
 Personallity: She is usually calm and quiet, though the moment she is angered, she`s like a beast. Annabell normally has a very loving and motherly nature, but has a strange urge to sometimes hurt something, such as squeezing your arm too hard, hitting you for no appereant reason, ect. History: Her stange urge one day went too far after her husband left her, and the stress added to the urge, causing her to kill her own child. She`s been in prison for four years, and has now been brought out to help the detective find this serial killer that she was said to know. She knew ther serial killer before she went to jail, and is now helping him stay awat from the detective that wants to catch him. (So in other words, she`s helping/double-crossing both sides. I might make another chara later.)
1:02pm Jul 31 2010
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Posts: 3,291
10:50pm Jul 31 2010 (last edited on 5:40am Aug 3 2010)
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Posts: 1,597
Name: Jet Falcain Age: Twenty-three Appearance: Personallity: Most of the time Jet is quiet and prefers to stay away from big crowds. He would rather be alone in a room and read a book or something than be at a party. When being made fun of or in a fight, he can become fierce and attack or threaten you, althought most of the time he would just ignore you. History: Jet had lived with his father in an area where there weren't many houses around, but he left a few days after his father died from an illness. He began traveling end ended up in the area where the serial killer is. After about a week of being in this area he met the serial killer. ((This all right?)) ~~ Name: Thomas Hunter Age: Twenty-two Appearance: Personallity: Thomas is usualy kind and caring. He can be selfish and proud, but once you get to know him he can be a loyal friend. He can also be adventurous(?) but sometimes would want to just sty at home. History: Ever since he was nineteen Thomas has been living alone, and he likes it. His parents died when he was sixteen and he was forced to live with his aunt, whom he didn't like. A month after he turned nineteen he snuck out and ran away. He heard about the serial killer known as the Serpent and decided to help stop this killer.
4:42am Aug 1 2010
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Posts: 2,378
((They're both fine garcia. ^_^))
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4:58am Aug 1 2010
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Posts: 1,805
Bio skeleton: Name: Ivory Sky Age: 17 Appearance(Image or detailed deion):  Personallity: At First Glance, Ivory Is a rebellious young girl who dosn't like to take orders from anyone. She comes from a rich family background, however she does not linger on that point. Underneath Ivory is always mourning for her mothers loss, but does not show it on her surace. She does not like to attract big crowds and if she is somewhere she has never been before she will explore. Ivory also likes to see what make people tick. in a tight situation, she either uses the chains she wears on her skirt, or uses physical combat.
History: Ivory lives alone in a large house along with the maid and butler whom she show no formality and insists that they may leave at any time but they deny that fact. Her father is always away on business meetings so Ivory rarely sees him. her mother was announced dead after she went missing several years ago. She was confirmed dead when she was sent her mothers heart, which was confirmed with DNA analysis. the heart was accompanied by a letter that read "Now you know you will always have her heart."
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

5:45am Aug 1 2010
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Posts: 2,378
((I'll start us off...)) Jack was walking back to his apartment, where - he hoped - the ones who had agreed to help him would be, so he strolled at a leisurely pace, not wanting to arrive to early and seem to eager. Oh, Jack, you've met the killer and barely escaped with your life, do you seriously want to persue this angle, after he killed your brother the way he did? Jack thought to himself, pushing the pesimitic thoughts to the back ofhis mind as he continued to walk, hands in his pockets, long black hair covering the majority of his face. a tall, dark skinned man bumped into Jack and almost knocked him from his feet, quickly supporting Jack and helping him gain his balance before apologising, "I'm sorry sir, please forgive me." Jack's eyes narrowed slightly, he was sure he could recognise this man, but he disregarded these thoughts and patted him on the shoulder, "It's fine man, I should have been watching where I was going, I was too absorbed in my thoughts." As Jack continued he got a memory flashback and instantly remembered where he had seen the man, it was the kiler, turning and running in the direction he had came from, his hand immediately went to the holster he kept hidden on the inside of his jacket, throwing himself behind a bin, he peeked around the corener, seeing that the killer was nowhere in sight, he must have dissapeared, "Damn, now he's messing with me." He put the gun back into it's brown leather holster and turned, walking towards the apartment once again. upon reaching his door, he went for the key he kept on his inside pocket, always careful about pick-pockets, frowning slightly, he saw that the door was slightly ajar, moving his hand from one side of his trenchcoat to the other, he drew his weapon, aiming it with his right hand, supporting with his left, he pushed the door open with his foot, walking gingerly into the room, scanning it for potential dangers, "Hello?! Are you guys in here? I know I said make yourself at home but I didn't say to leave the door open."
((This is where you guys that know Jack can come in, I'll create the killer profile now.))
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5:54am Aug 1 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Name: The Serpent ((His true name will come in time.)) Age: Nobody knows, he seems ageless, as he has been killing for many years, yet the detective always notes him as young-loking. Appearance:
((The best picture that was taken of him.)) Personallity and History: The serpent is a stone cold murderer, he has no emotions and he does not fear anything, not even death, in fact he embraces it, giving him the ability to be scared of nothing, as here is not anything that can bring him to what he is afraid of. He has no past, nobody knows what happened before he began killing, he just seemed to appear. Itis believe he has many children to different women, but nothing has been proved as he has never left DNA, only a small piece of paper with an intriquitely designed snake on - His calling card.
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9:47am Aug 1 2010
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Posts: 3,291
(What about me?)
11:07am Aug 1 2010 (last edited on 3:42am Aug 2 2010)
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Posts: 1,805
Ivory was in the kitchen. She was sitting on a granite topped counter with a cleaver in hand. why anyone in an apartment could want a cleaver was a mystery in its self. Ivory had been there for around ten minuets. she was board at home, despite the vast opening hall and hidden pas$age ways leading to the panic room. she had found this apartment much more interesting. besides, she had agreed to take down the mas$ murderer who was presumably the one to have taken her mothers life. She hopped down off the counter, cleaver in hand when she heard the front door open. she stealthily crept to a shadowed wall and peered round it. there was a man equipped with a hand gun mounted with his other hand, his bangs draping across his eye line. Ivory was intrigued by this man. he posed more of a threat than the others who had entered earlier, although, for a girl carrying a cleaver was rather threatening in itself. Ivory revealed herself from the wall at ease when she heard what he had to say. "Oh, err, sorry about that." she replied removing her fringe from her face with the cleaver gripped hand.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

6:02pm Aug 1 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,805
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat
