7:10pm Aug 1 2010 (last edited on 7:24pm Aug 1 2010)
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Posts: 302
Ooc:// Sorry it's taken me a while to get around to post this. Name: Veronica or "Ve" Age: Twenty-Three Appearance(Image or detailed deion):  Personality: Bubbly and lively, Veronica loves to have fun. She is optimistic, adoring, and nothing but comp*censored*ionate. She has a strong sense of right and wrong, before deciding on what she thinks of a situation. Veronica looks at both sides of the story. Her love for people and justice drives her determination for all that is good. Veronica doesn't like to be critiqued, nor being denied that she is wrong about her opinion. In an instant, if you dare cross Veronica in the wrong term she will use force. Her honesty lies with her emotional bluntness and adventurous spirit. In the end, Veronica knows when to keep quiet about topics and when to speak. Her opinion is well organized and bounded together by gathered data. History: As a little girl, Veronica's father was always away on business. Leaving her full of questions and no one to answer. It seemed as if her mother wasn't aloud to speak of where Veronica's father was located, or maybe she didn't know. As Ve grew into her teenage years, she started understanding things better and came to the conclusion that her father was having an affair. Distraught about this newly found hypothesis, without a single thought of doubt she confronted her father. He appeared tense but soon relaxed when he figure he could not keep his job a secret from Veronica anymore. After years of wondering and tears made sense now, he was a secret agent...Once the mere words peaked Ve's ears she told him no more. The teenage girl knew what dangers awaited if he spoke of his job anymore. Veronica felt guilty, for objecting her father of cheating. Then on she was going to look at both sides of someone's story before making *censored*umptions. The weeks turned into years, Ve grew up. Intrigued by her father's job and the secrets held within it, she decided to go into a similar profession. Now the confused teenage girl, is now a mature young woman. Veronica is learning to be a Mental Psychologist, for Asylum patients...this included terrorist, murderers, rapist, and the scary people that lurk the streets. Soon after graduating Veronica's four year college, she learned about 'The Serpent' . Before heading to the third year of her 8 year cl*censored*es to be a professional, she decided to seek out this murder...

8:18pm Aug 1 2010 (last edited on 8:21pm Aug 1 2010)
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Posts: 302
Fathoming, as the days seem to drag with lengthy extensions, Veronica walked with a leisured step. Her breathing was calm, in-beat with the hustled city. Cars zoomed by, with stories of places they have been and where they would like to go. The sun hissed, it's horrid glare baked on top of the poor citizens outside. Buildings provided some-what of a thing you could call shade, though...this shade hid the non-disdain secrets that lay awake and hunted during the blinded night fall. Veronica stepped up her stride, nervousness ached at her heart...the knock was loud and wild. She knew well enough not to let it in. Wearing a top that could be described as a solid white body with a gathered v-neckline, ruched detail, with lightly padded cups, banded bottom and an exposed back zipper, it formed to Veronica's slim body with ease. Her hip/upper knee area was cloaked with a pleat tiered skirt, which was tainted with a simple black color. What pulled the look together was the double pocket bomber jacket that dazed Veronica's torso over the white multi-ruched tank. Her feet laced with comfortable white flats, the colors seemed to sooth in unity with Veronica's semi tanned skin. Her blonde hair and blue eyes were mere perks to this business/casual look. It took within the matter of around fifteen minutes to get to Veronica's destination. An apartment, it wasn't too rough but it wasn't the absolute fabulous finds either. Curiosity screeched a banshees call, moaning with rage and stubbornness. Giving a slight sigh, and breathing in a rather large breath than normal--Veronica relaxed. It wasn't as if she was going to a mysterious man's abode thinking he would know where her target was. No, this man...Jack, he was *censored*ociated with Veronica's father in some sort of matters. Whether they were really close or spoke a few sentences, Jack could be trusted...right? Walking in, her sense turned acute. Veronica followed the noise that arose to her peaked ears. A conversation, she analyzed the voices...An older man and a rather quirky girl. She stepped closer to the area where the noise cooed. "Excuse me, to my knowledge, you wouldn't happen to be Jack Clemence, would you?"

10:27pm Aug 1 2010
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Posts: 7,736
Anzu is-Online^^
9:12am Aug 2 2010
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10:37am Aug 2 2010
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Posts: 2,378
((Lovee, I will bring the serpent in in my next post. :-) that's when you can bring your's in, we have to build the start of the story as well as possible.))
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10:37am Aug 2 2010
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Posts: 2,378
((Hey Koga.)
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10:39am Aug 2 2010
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Posts: 3,291
(Oh, I was still wondering if my charas was accepted. XD)
10:48am Aug 2 2010
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Jack smiled as the two women approached, realising that they didn't pose too much of a threat to him, he chuckled slightly as he lossened his grip on his Colt 45. and put it back in it's holster, "I happily accept that apology, but you'd of been even more sorry if I'd have been the serpent, he does know where I live, he just chooses to mess with me rather than kill me, I think that I intrigue him." Stretching slightly, he placed his right hand in the pocket of his trenchcoat, using the left to brush the hair out of his face before placing that in the opposite pocket, "Yeah I'm Jack Clemence, pleased to meet you, I take it you're both a part of my strike-force?" He already knew they were, he could read it all by the way they held themselves, the stances they took on in such a strange apartment, but he decided to ask for politeness sake. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Serpent was on his way back to his basic flat, one room, no bathroom, he didn't tend to need to go often anyway, he had conditioned himself over the years to go as in-frequently as possible. He was lunging from rooftop to rooftop, preferring the high life to the streets, this way he wouldn't get interrupted or recognised, as few people knew his face, they could always find him if they looked hard enough if he scoured the streets. He laughed to himself as he reflected on the moments in which he had plagued the mind of Jack Clemence earlier, a mere bump, but Jack would not forget that easily. As he reached the flat, he pushed the door open, a knife ready in his hand just in case he needed it, "Oh, my fair lady?! Are you still in here?"
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11:14am Aug 2 2010
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(I`m not sure who to interact with. *thinks*)
11:16am Aug 2 2010
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Posts: 2,378
((Go for the killer, seeing as he's her main employer.))
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11:18am Aug 2 2010 (last edited on 11:25am Aug 2 2010)
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Posts: 3,291
(Nevermind. Working on post.)
11:24am Aug 2 2010
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Posts: 2,378
((It's his, it's high up and hidden away, perfect for the serpent.))
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11:30am Aug 2 2010
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Annabell sat on the floor in the corner of the hideout. What she heard the door start opening, she quickly put her hand behind and grabbed the loaded gun she had ready, but when she heard The Serpent`s voice, she smirked and let go of the gun, "Where else would I be? I`m suppost to be in prison right now, and you think I`m gonna go out there where there`s a chance I`ll be seen?" She asked with a single laugh before standing up. She bent down and picked up the gun she had had and walked over to the door, "Stole you a present." She said tossing the gun to him, "I got one for myself too, so I really don`t need that one." She said before focusing on the outside world behind him.
11:40am Aug 2 2010
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Posts: 2,378
((And now we'll wait fo the other guys.))
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11:41am Aug 2 2010
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1:56pm Aug 2 2010
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Posts: 1,805
"Well, yea. that's why I came here. M'name's Ivory... Sky." she replied, saying her second name more hesitantly. She walked over to a table in the front room placing the cleaver upon it. "Nice cleaver by the way." she joked straightening the badge on her shoulder. She peered behind Jack to see another woman. "And-er, if he tries to kill me, i will have to defend myself then wont I?" She replied sarcastically hopping up onto the table. There was little in the way of furnishings in the apartment, it made sense too. you wouldn't want to make something too extravagant when you are trying to keep your location anonymous.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

5:28pm Aug 2 2010
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Posts: 302
"Indeed, I am determined to investigate and gather data on how this 'Serpent' works...I am known as Veronica, my last name is none of importance now, you can call me Ve." She gazed at the man, he seemed dark...immoral. The setting of the apartment was quaint, the sun peaked through the curtains that hid the world outside. The emotions were calm, on-edge, and rather different when Veronica compared the auras the two other characters seemed to give off. She peered over to Ivory who seemed to do the same, as she met the young girl's gaze Veronica felt a longing pull towards her heart. She remembered the time when she was only a teenager. "Veronica!" Slashed a tired, surging voice from the peaks of opaque darkness. The night was disobedient, street lights hissed and flickered. Houses were asleep, people in deep slumber--except one family. "Veronica! Where are you!?" Called the yearning voice once again. A man in his late forties hurried through the streets. Behind him, crying and clearly mentally in pain, was his wife. Tears flashed, flooding through both of their faces.
The memory took a pause, shaking the dazed look off her face she hid her emotions. Veronica was not proud of how she perceived things in her childhood. "So this killer--has there been victims that were able to get away or escaped?"

5:47pm Aug 2 2010
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Posts: 1,805
Ivory squinted when Ve's and her own gaze met. She seemed to daze off for a moment, ever so slightly, before continuing to speak. She didn't know what, but she felt a connection with her for a split second. She had Brisk blonde hair and features that resembled that of her mothers, or thats what it seemed like. if the hair was darkened and the eyes green, she saw a resemblance, although she figured that may have been due to the clouded image of her mother she had of her to begin with. she had no real image of her mother. sure there where portraits and photo's, but she was only so very young when she was taken away however old enough to recall her smile. the plesant image of her mother was soon destroyed by the thought of "Escaped victims." Her mother had her heart torn out.Ivory frowned at the floor and ran her thumb along the cleaver blade so that it drew blood. Ivory stuck the pad of the bleeding thumb in between her lips to prevent the blood from dripping. She clenched her fist to limit the blood flow. She looked up at the two young adults, all signs of her hatred of the killer gone from her face and waited for an answer.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

8:02am Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 1,597
Jet closed the door of his apartment then headed down the hall, his hands in his pockets as he looked at the ground as he walked. He had nothing to do, so he thought a little walk around wouldn't hurt. He was wearing a dark blue jacket with pockets over a white shirt and dark brown pants. Jet looked up as the stairs that led to the first floor appeared. He p*censored*ed a few people then quickly went down the stairs, greeting a quick 'hello' to the man who was about to go up the stairs. Jet hurried out of the apartment building and down the sidewalk to his right, unsure of where he was planning to go to. "But at the moment," he said to himself quietly. "Anywhere is better than my quiet apartment." He brushed some of his white colored hair away from his eyes with his hand, suddenly thinking about why he didnt bother to cut it shorter if he found his hair covering his eyes a little annoying. I can never bring myself to cut it. He thought. ((I'll do Thomas' later 'cause I got to go.))
9:09am Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Jack laughed as he walked over to his large, comfortable armchair, the leather black and the heavy buttons holding the leather on were red, he sat, his hands resting on the arm-rests, "I'm the only one to have ever escaped from The Serpent, he kills mercilessly, without a second thought, dispatching all who oppose him." Jack paused for a few moments, to mull over his words, his tongue pressed into his left cheek. "I lost my family to his inhumane rampage, I was tracking him, that was back when i was on the job, flashing my badge everywhere, digging ruthlessly for information... one of his many informants obviously heard I was digging and let him know... safe to say he wanted to send me a good message to leave off, he killed my wife, daughter and son in cold blood, and rather than deterring me it only strengthened my resolve, I dug harder than ever before, and that is when i was kicked from the police..." Again, Jack paused, not sure just why he was sharing his life story, he wasn't normally one for sentimentallity, but tonight he couldn't help it, it was pouring out of him from every oriphis, "And he just served as a goal for me to live for, otherwise I'd of just ended it all, in fact that route would have most likely been the sensible idea, but I chose to seek revenge, and after that I'm going to start anew, see what my life give me, if The Serpent doesn't decide to kill me first, but I know him, he has too much enjoyment from toying with me." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ((Post more later.))
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