9:23am Aug 3 2010
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(*waits for Serpent reply*)
10:01am Aug 3 2010
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Thomas was sitting on a chair inside the detecctive's apartment. He hadn't had a chance to introduce himself before Jack came in and started explaining about what happend to him. Thomas sat quietly and listened, his face showing slight sympathy for the detective upon mentioning about what the Serpent did to his family but the sympathy quickly disappeared. "Um, by the way," he said after Jack had finished speaking. "My names Thomas Hunter." Thomas' right leg was crossed over his left so he uncrossed them and thought for a moment. "So, how exactly are we going to start tracking down the Serpent?" He asked curiosly. He was never a really good person tracker, and he hoped he didn't sound rather foolish when he asked that question.
10:07am Aug 3 2010 (last edited on 10:13am Aug 3 2010)
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Posts: 302
A cold chill breezed through Veronica's spine. Adjusting her faux leather bomber jacket slightly, a deep sigh was released. The air p*censored*ed through her lips, softly and without alarm. The man, claiming to be Jack, though little doubt arose that he was not who he claimed to be--appeared to be relentless, for whatever happens along this story of catching 'The Serpent' he would regret little or nothing at all. Next to him, the little girl, no more than sixteen or seventeen of age. Her eyes colored by a mysterious past, Why would she want to catch a murderer...? Shouldn't she be out having fun with her friends, or drooling over boys? Lungs filled, rain pestered against the man's skin. His wife, following close behind. They searched, calling--calling a name. "Veronica!!" Drenched with every drop of water, a body...huddled together on the side of the road. The cold moaning wind hazed it's exposed skin. Shocked and terrified, the parents ran over--checking the body of any pulse. Though it was all in vain...
Erasing any signs of distress from her face, Veronica searched for a seat. Her head was spinning. Closing her shaken eyes for a moment, the time ticked to what it seemed a life-time. Veronica noticed a boy, around her age. Thomas Hunter, the name fit along all the others. Though curiosity peaked, what or rather why did he want to catch this cold-blooded killer? "This...man, how...H-how would we be able to catch him? An ex-detective, a little girl with a cleaver, Thomas--and myself...this is rather an unusual team..."

10:42am Aug 3 2010
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Jack laughed without any real cause, he had been laughing on and off since the Serpent 'Bumped' into him earlier, realising how trivial their mind games were, "We wait for his next victim to fall, he always leaves something well hidden there that he knows only I would realise... normally it's some logo written in blood on the body with his bare finger - he doesn't have fingerprints so he doesn't need to worry about leaving any. - and only I seem to notice it, seriously now, police today are useless." Jack let his laugh reside, feeling the remnants of his chukles reverberate around his rib cavity,"He'll kill soon, nodoubt about that, he kills methodically, he normally only kills for reason, but he barely goes more than a week without a fresh kill, and today's his due date... almost sounds as if he's a maternal figure about to pop." Jack's face grew serious once again as thoughts flashed in his mind, images of what he would do to the Serpent if only he could catch up with him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Serpent walked up to the woman taht had handed him the gun and run the four fingers of his right hand down the side of her face, staring into her eyes and smiling, "We've got to kill to bring our little toy detective a little bit closer, this game never tires... Anyway My Love, all i can say is thank you for the thought, but I don't tend to use guns, too much chace to leave evidence, I prefer a knife, makes the killing more personal, give you more of a chance to savour the kill."
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10:47am Aug 3 2010 (last edited on 10:48am Aug 3 2010)
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Annabell smirked and gave a single laugh, "Well, what do you have in mind for out little toy?" She asked before taking the gun back, and looking down as she tossed both guns onto the ground, "Well then maybe I should go steal you move knives." She said as she looked back into his eyes and smiled.
11:16am Aug 3 2010
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OoC: 'He strikes in the dark'. Join as a sort of inexperienced detective who helps the detective?
1:32pm Aug 3 2010
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3:03pm Aug 3 2010
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Ivory glance at the three people in the front room. She had paid no more heed to Thomas until he spoke once again. she had nodded to him when he entered the flat shortly after she had arrived herself. She ignored the term "little" that was placed upon her. it was true, she was still so very young in comparison to the adults before her, but she liked to think that most of her childhood was now behind her. "Miss Sky, there was a package at the front gate for you" A middle aged man away standing in the door way. Ivory hopped off the table. "Well, despite our age and occupational differences. I'm sure we're all feeling the same way towards this.." she paused to restrain her anger. "This beast. I'm guessing he took some-one dear to us." A single tear rolled down her cheek before she wiped it away. "She looked up to where jack was standing and smiled. "You say he has method in his killings? then i say, that is his weak point." she wasn't sure if what she had just spouted would make any sense, but it was worth a try.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

4:58pm Aug 3 2010
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4:59pm Aug 3 2010
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8:33pm Aug 3 2010 (last edited on 10:17pm Aug 3 2010)
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Posts: 302
Veronica drifted her head back amused, "Maybe we should start referring to him as 'Mother' or other terms that due with having a set time." The three strangers peered uninterested, it would be as so until this killer struck. She adjusted her sitting position and quickly recovered her pose. The apartment's light swayed as the sun dawned on the elongated day. Clouds dispersed allowing the rays of light to peak over the city once more before the blinded night fall dazed upon the busy streets. He was out there, somewhere--watching us, waiting for him to make his move. Veronica placed her thumb against her bottom lip and clenched her fist, deep thoughts rose about how this man was able to discard all ties with his past. Maybe his killings were people he *censored*ociated with, if this was true...maybe just maybe--there was hope on breaking into this murderer's mind.
10:17pm Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 302
Ooc:// Buummppp
8:23am Aug 4 2010
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(Bump )`: )
8:37am Aug 4 2010
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Ivory remained silent as the hours past, and day drifted into night. the street lights flickered on outside and created an eerie yellow glow in the window. despite the four strangers in the room all having "Murderer" as the topic, there was nothing to talk about. SHe thought about speaking out, but wasn't sure if she would just get shunned away, it was a tense topic even for her. Ivory had made her way into a corner beside the table. she found it much comfier, but also safer. she new it would show some form of incompetence on her part, but if she got dismissed, she would deny them that and continue in the group.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

9:39am Aug 4 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Jack's head remained downwards, facing the floor of the apartment, taking it all in, every word uttered that vibrated through the air to his ears, filing it all away for future reference. He remained stationary for many munites until his head snapped up, "The kill's going to be tonight... and no, he doesn't not have 'method' in his killings, he kills methodically, which means without emotion or any real effort, he can kill easily." Jack stood up, slipping his trenchcoat off, revealing the plain black cotten shirt he was wearing, the material tight on his body, to give free movement, the base of the shirt tucked in tight to his combat trousers, so it didn't get in his way. As he waslked over to the punchbag in the corner of the room, he rolled his sleeves up, before beginning to pound at the bag with a flurry of punches and kicks, fighting in a style only he knew, something he ahd fashioned from the five different styles he knew. Jack's hands flew to his back, pulling to fighting sticks from two small black leather sheaths he had strapped to his back, allowing them to fly through the air and pound the bag,"Keep talking... I need something to sort through whilst I'm training, I have an extremely busy mind, must keep it working, or I'll fall into a vice, and that's the least you all need right now. I've made myself into a weapon, and you won't be able to do that if I'm drunk or high." ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The serpent chuckled, a deep, menacing chuckle, one only produced by one without a soul, "His priest, he isn't a righteous man, not with what he does to the children in that church, he deserves the death i will give him, if I have any remnants of a soul let it be damned ot the heavens, the devil may have my flesh, as I do not care for what I can do after this life." He then twirled the knife he had in his hand and caught it by the tip, letting it fly through the air and into a picture of the priest, hitting dead centre in his forehead, "A man of the cloth dies tonight, and oh I am so looking forward to finishing this merry jaunt."
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9:49am Aug 4 2010
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"You`re leaving me here again?" She asked, her ex pression looking sad, but her eyes staying their normal emotionless way, "It`s so boring here alone, but you have to do what you have to do." She said with a shrug, "This will actually a quie sweet kill. A kill of two sides, helping children, and playing with our toy." She said with a single laugh.
10:01am Aug 4 2010
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The Serpent handed the woman that was stood with him a box of hair dye and a pair of hair scissors, "Change your appearance, you're coming with me, I'm going to teach you how to kill like a true a.ssa.ssin, the only way to kill without getting caught, it may take some times for you to grasp it, but then we will be twice as efficient, both leaving kills for Jack to observe, giving us ample opportunity to play with him before killing him." he then took out a belt of throwing knives, beckoning for the woman to change her appearance, "Go, I'll keep bust whilst you're at work." he then began to draw the knives one by one, hurling them into the forehead and face of the photo that was hung up on the wall, each one hitting it's mark with deathly accuracy.
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10:09am Aug 4 2010
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Posts: 3,291
Annabell sighed and reluctantly took the box and scissors, then saddly went tho change her hair. (New hair color(Goes to just under her shouders): http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj23/angel-de-guarda/People/HAIR.jpg ) After a few minutes she walked back over and spun in a circle, "My beautiful brown hair is gone." She said before giving a laugh of partial sadness that she didn`t have her normal hair. She soon found a shard of glas.s and looked at her hair in the reflection, "It doesn`t look the same at all." She said before looking back at him, and then over at the picture.
11:43am Aug 4 2010
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He Strikes in the Dark Name Lysander Haynes Age 24 Appearance Personality Lysander is, unlike most detectives, easy-going and laid-back, but is often rebellious and bubbly when hot on a scent. He is sarcastic, slightly pas.sive, and appears to most as a strange character who does not always show much emotion. However, deep inside, he is compas.sionate and affectionate, to humans and animals alike. Perhaps it was his past that made him so. A will to protect people, an impatience with criminals, and a sort of reserved personality. History Lysander was born to a family who hadn't much to live on. His father had remarried a few months after his birth, and his mother sure had no idea how to be one. He stayed with his grandparents most of the time, wondering when his mother would come home. She was always late, often never coming home for days on end. When he was four, his mother died, and his uncle took him in. When he grew up, he became an FBI agent, as was his childhood dream.
11:58am Aug 4 2010
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Posts: 2,378
(Awesome Bio and history, he should be Jack's best friend, as they're pretty much opposites, have him come into the apartment and let on to Jack and all that, as if he doesn't need to say much 'cause he know's him well... please. ^_^) ((I'll post tomorrow, gotta go out for now.))
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