7:40am Aug 7 2010 (last edited on 8:14am Aug 7 2010)
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OoC: Sorry. Sure :) Edit: Done.
8:12am Aug 7 2010
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9:16am Aug 7 2010
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Jack stood, rolling the handgun around on his palm, catching it a few times in the correct shooting position, "I don't train with the gun, don't need to, I'm a crack shot, have been since I first picked up a weapon... I train my body as I use it the most, with The Serpent I'll have to rely on close combat to disable him." Jack's head dropped into his hands, and he started rubbing his forehead and eyes, m*censored*aging all of the stress out, in a vain attempt to calm down and relax, Yeah it was today that I last saw him, he barged into me and apologised with a sickly grin on his face before walking away, leaving me to realise it was him all too late." He stood, walking into the kitchen, taking out a packet of meat from the fridge and started choppong, preparing the pans and everything else necessary whilst chopping with one hand, "None of you are vegetarian I take it?!"
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9:39am Aug 7 2010
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(*Waits for something to reply to*)
11:24am Aug 7 2010
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12:35pm Aug 7 2010
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Posts: 302
Veronica chortled, the mere mention of vegetarians made her giggle. It's not that she thought they were ridiculous but memories of her closest friend and his very anti-meat parents flashed before her eyes. "I have no problem with meat." Veronica mused. Heat wavered to her body, the thick overcoat she covered herself with drew beads of sweat to the back of her neck. Removing the smothering outerwear, Veronica exposed her ammunition bag strapped around her waist and the backpack that held multiple items inside. Laying the coat on the couch, Veronica stretched out her arms and turned to face the window. The outside was hidden behind the thick curtains. ((Brain dead D: ))
4:33am Aug 8 2010 (last edited on 7:01am Aug 8 2010)
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((I think i will make an exit, once im gone, if you want later, my charrie could get killed? i dont know, but anyway, i will make a closing small statement. i will lurk a little.)) Ivory stood up. Everyone was right, she was just a child. She always tried to put on a strong front, but it was failing. "Whats the package?" asked a young ivory heading down the stairs."i do not know young miss, but i have brought it inside. "ivory picked up the paper wrapped box. it was heavy for something so small. it felt warm on the tips of her fingers. she unwrapped it to see a heart. The talk of smashing, and all the kills jack had done reminded her of the serpents actions. she ignored the new man entirely and walked out the door pausing to look at veronica, before continuing. She ran through the darkened streets lit by eerie yellow light. instead of remaining on the main road, she darted for a back alley. it was the fastest way to her house, and that way, she could visit the bench in the church graveyard dedicated to her mother.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

5:36am Aug 8 2010 (last edited on 5:39am Aug 8 2010)
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Lysander leaned back in his chair, making himself comfortable. "Non's fine with me," he said nonchalantly. He locked his hand behind his head, gazing up at the ceiling. His mind swarmed with thoughts. Of the kids, wife. Mostly the kids. Poor little tykes, he thought to himself. He couldn't get his mind off it, not since Jack mentioned it. He looked across at Veronica as she spoke. Strangely, he hadn't noticed anyone in the room Odd. And silly of him. "Hey," he said, as an opening gambit. Trying to start a conversation would get his mind off The Serpent. Besides, it would be nice to know the rest of the team. Ivory's hasty exit surprised him. "What's with her?" Lysander had gotten a glimpse of the content of the package, and it intrigued him greatly. He had no idea what it conveyed to the teenager, and he certainly did want to know. However, he held back his questions and watched her dart away.
7:00am Aug 8 2010
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Posts: 1,805
((Wolf, that was a flash back, it failed though.))
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

9:23am Aug 8 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Jack finished the cooking extremely quickly, having the heat up high to get it all done, dishing it out onto plates and balancing them all on his arms and hands, he walked back into the main room and handed a plate to everyone who would take one, "Eat up quickly, The Serpent just killed again, we're going to the church... he killed the priest that confirmed me." Jack was a little peeved to say the least, he had grown up with that priest, as being an orphan brought a lot of religious signifigance, he had been in and out of the church in-between several crimes he committed without a second thought, "That priest might have gone off the tracks over the past few years... but that's no reason to kill him... The Serpent's gone too far this time, hopefully we'll be able to find him and blow through the top of his skull a few dozen times..." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Serpent, content with his kill and marker, turned and walked through the door, looking at the woman that was waiting for him, "You really didn't have to wait, nobody is here apart from the homeless, and they'd just loot the body rather than let the police know, but yes, there was a heart monitor on the priest, probably one of Jack's tricks, we had better get out of here before he shows up." He then began to jog through the corridor leading to the front door of the church, wanting to get back to his dank, dark apartment and close himself off from the world as that is the only real chance he gets to think about and relish the memories of his kills.
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9:29am Aug 8 2010
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Annabell nodded and ran after him. She thought about what he said, would the homeless really just care about taking the dead priest's things instead of the fact that he was dead. She shook her head, and hoped she never died around the homeless, or died at all. She smiled at her own thought, living forever. Everyone said it was impossible, but they had never tried to live forever, to be able to lt the blood drain from your body from various wounds, and still have your heart beating. She soon broke from her thoughts after she almost ran into The Serpet, but stopped just inches away. She sighed and began to focus again, they had to get out of there, and fast.
11:24am Aug 8 2010
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Posts: 302
Staring down at the meat, Veronica's stomach managed to flip. Time escaped her before the realized the younger man that was friends with Jack had spoken to her. "O-oh, hello. I'm Veronica. I work as a Mental Institution's Psychotherapist--or at least, training to become one." She still had five to six years of school left, Veronica hoped catching The Serpent and cracking into his demented, opaque, and morbid mind would speed up the process. After cutting the meat into relativity small pieces and eating a few as so, she peered from her plate. Ivory...Veronica muttered in her thoughts, the young girl with talents and brains to offer the world of business, was here. Then in the spur of the moment, Ivory jolted out the door--not without taking a swift gaze at Veronica. I hope she didn't go after The Serpent all alone! After taking another minuscule bite of the hot meat, Veronica looked to Jack. Hoping he would give some lead or instruction on how we would arrive to the location of the murder.

8:22am Aug 9 2010 (last edited on 8:22am Aug 9 2010)
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Jack finished what he was going to eat of the meat, before dumping the plate in the kitchen, kicking an armchair so it rolled into something in the wall that flew upwards and into Jack's hand, "Ah, my baby." He then grabbed the handle of the thing and pulled a katana from the sheath, practising a few moves with it before throwing both the sword and katana up into eachother, sheathing the sword. Jack caught it as it was falling and put it into the loop on his combats, leaving it to dangle there seemingly harmlessly, "We'd better get going to that church, we're finding the Serpent today... and if any of you catches him, save him for me." Jack then shoved his hands in the pockets of his trenchcoat and walked out of the apartment and down the stairs, getting in the front seat of his black van, waiting for the rest of his strikeforce to get in. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Serpent got to the back door of the church, twist kicking it sharply, knocking it off it's hinges, "We wait here... see if Jack's smart enough to find us."
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10:15am Aug 9 2010
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"What?!" Annabell sqeaked, "Why? You know he'll come. Are you just trying to make this more thrilling or something?" She backed up and started walking in circles, and rubbing her temples to calm herself down. Soon she stopped and gave a sigh, "What are you gonna do if we can't get away? Yo know he's getting backup, that's why I got out of prison." She said, but stopped after she started getting upset again. Things again came rushing into her head. She soon started rubbing her temples again as the thoughts soon gave her a headache.
7:59am Aug 10 2010
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8:26am Aug 10 2010
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Lysander nibbled the meat, seemingly contemplating something. He toyed a little, then, at Jack's word, gulped down the rest. Rising, he felt for his weapons, which included a revolver, the 45. and a hunting crop. He wasn't the person who would carry much weaponry, but he would have if he were informed of their mission earlier. "Nice to meet you, Veronica. I'm Lysander, Sandy for short." he said as he checked the revolver. Lysander knew she had probably caught his name when he and Jack talked, but mentioned it anyway. Swiftly, he followed Jack to his vehicle, and climbed in with him. "How did you know?" he asked, acting nonchalant. "What does our man have against the priest?"
8:31am Aug 10 2010
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Jack shoved the keys in the ignition and, on his twist, the engine flared into life, roaring like a lion looking for it's prey, "He has nothing against the priest other than he's MY priest... or he used to, I lost allr eligion when Dee died... but I have a heart monitor implanted in everyone I know who is, or ever was, clsoe to me, I was wathcing the monitors when I saw the priest's cut out."
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8:39am Aug 10 2010
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(*Waits for Serpent*)
8:55am Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 2,378
((Plays drums whilst waiting for other characters.))
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9:08am Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 3,291
(I'm waiting for you to reply to Annabell's flip out.)