2:04am Mar 28 2013
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Posts: 698
Will scanned the area for Shadow, careful to keep his fangs from popping out in anxiety. He noticed Sam's reaction to Shadow's scent and gave her a grin which few people could entice from him. "Relax. Remember? It's called manners when you meet someone new." He said, as Shadow came into view. "There you are." He said as a greeting, his grin still half on his face. To Sam he said, "Be nice. This is Shadow."
11:25am Mar 28 2013
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Posts: 1,188
Sam loosened her muscles and stared at Will. "great." she mumbled. Her head swung round once again in the direction of the stranger. She finally came into sight. "Perfect. A demonic idiot." She spat sharply.
4:45pm Mar 28 2013
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Posts: 9,781
Shadow turned into her normal form as she heard the greeting and said to William,"Hello. You had me worried,I began to think the worst had happened." Then she heard the comment from the female werewolf and said sharply back,"Watch what your sayin' about me. I didn't do anything to you and you don't see me bein' a jerk to you. With that she looked at William and asked,"Why must you be around her? She doesn't even know what you are,does she? You don't belong with them! Her poor sense of smell hasn't even picked up what you are either,has it?"
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
4:57pm Mar 28 2013
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Posts: 698
Will raised an eyebrow at Sam, suppressing a grin. "Temper temper." He chided as the grin broke through. Turning back to Shadow he bristled slightly. "I've known Sam longer than I've known you, and she's never pryed." He said, one fist clenching slightly as he gritted his teeth before quietly saying. "I don't mind if I don't belong with them, but at least I have a home there."
5:50pm Mar 28 2013
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Shadow sighed and said,her voice slightly quiet,"I'm sorry,but she got my anger issues kicking in. You know I don't think when I'm mad. You've know me long enough to know that." She then looked at the other girl and apologized,"Now,I'm sorry. I know you don't like my kind,but you don't have to be so harsh about me just coming up and not saying a word." Her eyes seemed glazed over,though,as a thought hit her mind and she zoned out a bit.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
12:27pm Mar 29 2013
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Posts: 1,188
Sam had her fists clenched again. "Weak sense of smell? You're asking for it..." She mumbled. She ignored the apology and breathed heavily. The mix said she had anger issues. Well, she was gonna see what a real anger issue was. Sam walked backwards and turned around. If she transformed out of anger, she would hurt a friend of Wills... but thoughts weren't enough. she, in a flash, grew fur and doubled in size. there in her place was a snarling, giant wolf. She could get angered so easily, and it was a life long problem that she had had to suffer for so long. Her autumn phase coat slightly glittered. she stared at the mix, teeth bared and eyes flashing furiously. her limbs were full of power and her brain was full of the urge to run, but the fact that she was Wills friend made her pause.
5:09pm Mar 29 2013
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Posts: 22
5:24pm Mar 29 2013 (last edited on 5:32pm Mar 29 2013)
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Posts: 22
Name: Tide
Age: 20 and he'll stay 20 because of his vampire side.
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire
Rank In Group/Pack: Leader's Assistant
Personality: Tide is never serious about anything unless it threatens his lover or group, he is very romantic and flirty. Tide is a very flexible warrior. He is very selfish and he really likes himself.
Looks: Tide is a handsome young man he has tall black hair and pale skin due to being a vampire. He has a very muscular body.
History: His parents and siblings died suddenly when he was young, Tide doesn't even remember their names or anything about his past.
Other: A sudden accident happened when Tide was born and he had a special gift of shape shifting into this alluring female that is very flexible in war. Tide always has a large bow unless he is the woman.
5:34pm Mar 29 2013
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Posts: 4
5:35pm Mar 29 2013 (last edited on 6:00pm Mar 29 2013)
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Posts: 22
-when normal he looks like this:
5:53pm Mar 29 2013 (last edited on 6:07pm Mar 29 2013)
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Posts: 22
Nobody knew the banshee that was part of Tide so he turned into her and ran out of the vampire territory carefully so that he wouldn't be caught by any of the vampires watching. Banshee ran through the woods as fast as the wind but then smelt a weird smell and said:"this is what i trained for." then she spotted a black cloak walking gently in the forest, so Banshee turned back into Tide and aimed an arrow carefully on that mysterious person's leg and shoot it with an exhale. He took cover really fast and still watched that mysterious person which appeared a little to be a girl, but then he looked a little to the right and that there was a big werewolf and male beside it.
5:53pm Mar 29 2013 (last edited on 6:09pm Mar 29 2013)
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Posts: 22
6:01pm Mar 29 2013
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Posts: 698
Will's lips parted softly. He looked at Sam, then back at Shadow before closing his eyes softly. He stepped in front of Shadow, and mid-step changed. Beautiful white fur dressed his belly, shimmering and clashing with the autumn colours on his back. He barked twice, as a warning that she really shouldn't, before taking a huge risk. He padded up to Sam and faced her, nose to nose, and locked his eyes with hers.
6:04pm Mar 29 2013
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Posts: 4
Name:Mike Age:27 Gender:Male Species: Werewolf Rank In Group/Pack:Normal warrior. Personality:Mike has a really great sense of humor,but could be sometimes dramatic and sensitive.He is seldom alone. Looks:Werewolf look:He has a Muscular build and is also tall,and be careful,he has very sharp claws that could rip a stone in half! Human look:Mike is very handsome.He has dark brown hair and light blue eyes with a little scar under the right eye.In addition,he has a tanned skin. History:Mark was born in a rich family, but he wasn't very loved by his parents....And,one night,it happened.....Werewolf.This result made Mike abandon his parents and go where he belongs. Other:Mike holds a couple of axes on his back to use in tough battles.
6:06pm Mar 29 2013
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Posts: 4
6:37pm Mar 29 2013
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Posts: 4
From out of nowhere, Mike appeared with his werewolf form and a very angry gnarl.He aimed his eyes at Will and clenched his fists giving him a sign or demand of him getting away from Sam.After a minute of inactivity,Mike felt the urge to do something.so he quickly grabbed an axe and threw it at Will.
5:14am Mar 30 2013
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Posts: 1,188
(mnaim99, you need to wait till you're accepted to post an intro)
Sam growled as Will transformed and walked in front of the mix. She felt his breath on her muzzle as he stared into her eyes. He seemed robe pleading for her to stop, and it was impossible not to stop. Sam whimpered and bowed her head, though her eyes were still flaming and staring angrily. She stepped backwards with a huff and lay down. "for will..." She thought. "Don't do it..."
7:05am Apr 1 2013
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Posts: 9,781
(Both accepted,but next time,wait to be accepted before posting your intros.)
Shadow watched as William stood up for her and the strange thought left her mind in a flash. An arrow shot into her leg the moment after the thought left and she,just barely,flinched before she yanked it out and thought,'This is the best time for me to leave,if I can successfully.' With that she looked around for the one who had shot the arrow and then looked at William before saying,"Well,it was nice,almost getting killed and all,but I really must be going now." Throwing down the arrow she shifted into wolf form and began running away from the group in a flash of black and red.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
7:30am Apr 1 2013
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Posts: 1,188
Sam yelped in surprise as the arrow hit the other mix's leg in a small explosion of blood, and then she simply yanked it out. Sam growled as the mix said her final words before leaving. Her attention was no longer on the mix, but on the person that had shot the arrow. She crouched and moved her large body over the ground and towards the shooter.
9:28am Apr 1 2013
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Posts: 22
Tide transformed into Banshee and went forward and saw the werewolf crouching and coming towards him so, she said in a loud voice:" i got rid of that filthy mix." and then he transformed back into Tide and smiled as he walked towards the werewolf. He said:"hey guys why is this filthy dog here, you should go or else the arrow will pierce your head with no mercy." Tide grinned and walked back to the vampires' territory.