1:31pm Apr 1 2013
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Posts: 1,188
Sam stood confused. How had the man turned into a girl, and how did he/she not know that Will was a mix too? She growled loudly as she was called a filthy dog, and would not let the strange creature get away with it. Sam ran after it and pushed it to the floor, securing it down with large paws. "Say... That... Again!" she shouted in a furious bark.
1:45pm Apr 1 2013 (last edited on 1:45pm Apr 1 2013)
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Posts: 22
Tide shouted and said:"dont touch me you filthy dog." and he kicked Sam repetitively until she let go, and he got an arrow out of his quiver and aimed it right on her head, took a deep breathe then he took the bow down and let go, sat down depressingly and said:" I never had real friends they always say iam rude and selfish and very nosy." Iam sorry Sam can you help me?
4:28pm Apr 1 2013
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Posts: 1,188
Sam was just ready to bite the creatures head clean off, when se herself was pushed off by its pure strength. She braced for impact when an arrow was aimed at her head, but her eyes widened when the bow was lowered. "how am I supposed to help?!?!" She shouted, surprised, and still angry.
(we should wait on wulfey and spirit)
8:43pm Apr 1 2013
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Posts: 9,781
(Lets wait on Wulfey.)
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
12:23am Apr 2 2013
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Posts: 698
Will looked over at Shadow, and breathed in, as if to say something. But he stopped. How is it, that of all the people in the world, I get stuck with the two with anger issues? He thought to himself before being yanked into reality as Sam was knocked over. After the vampire asked for help, which Sam seemed too angry to give, Will cocked his head. A red haze masked his sight as he picked the vampire up and threw him against a tree. He was so fed up of this messed up world and had just wanted to see what it was like to have Shadow be accepted.
7:10am Apr 2 2013
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Posts: 9,781
(Elmo,glad I wasn't the only one to fall for that.)
Shadow had stopped a ways off and turned into her normal form,stretching out her fingers,annoyed by the fact she had been attacked and yelled at so much in one day. Then she hopped up into a tree on vampire territory and started to head back,jumping tree to tree with agility she hadn't used for awhile,on her search for the vampire she had caught the scent of on the arrow.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
9:13am Apr 2 2013 (last edited on 9:15am Apr 2 2013)
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Posts: 1,188
(ha! I did think about it for a bit, being April fools day and all, but went ahead and clicked the link. I simply laughed when the big April fools sign came up!)
Sam stood sharply and watched as Will threw the vampire creature up against a tree. He seemed to have to use almost no power, well, he was a superstrong immortal vampire were-wolf cross breed. Sams ears were fully alert and facing forwards.
11:32am Apr 2 2013 (last edited on 11:32am Apr 2 2013)
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Posts: 22
Tide felt soo.... tired that he couldn't move a limb, so he tried to remove an arrow and threw it on Sam and threw another arrow and another one too. Tide turned into Banshee jumped high and with her diamond sword and stabbed Sam on the back and she hit it so hard that sam fell on the ground.
4:39pm Apr 2 2013
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Posts: 1,188
Sam snorted as an arrow was thrown at her, because it simply bounced off her rough skin like it had hit a rock. But then came the unexpected surprise. A strange numbness attacked her back. She had been stabbed. Pain had not come yet, though. It was like a pack of jackals- circling, and getting closer and closer to its victim... Until they went in for the torturous kill. Pain flooded in like waves coming up onto a seashore, only that they were waves of blood. Sams limbs could no longer stand and they collapsed, weakened by the attack. She lay there, half drenched in her own Blood, wide eyes and hard breathing. "W... Will..." She whispered wheesily.
7:51am Apr 3 2013
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Posts: 22
Tide felt sorry for Sam and she couldn't heal herself unless she has a vampire side so, He bit her on the neck and released vampire blood into her. Sam didn't turn into a vampire but she healed from her wounds.
11:46pm Apr 3 2013
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Posts: 698
Will rushed to Sam's side, and was about to bite her, or get bandages when the one who had caused her harm stepped in front of him. Big mistake. Letting loose a loud wolf growl, which would let both Shadow and Sam know he was angry, he leaped onto the Vampire, switching into a wolf and lashing out at him with vampire strength in a wolfs body.
7:14am Apr 4 2013
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Posts: 9,781
Shadow heard her friend's growl and thought,'That can't be good." Luckily she was at the branch above them so she turned into her wolf form and jumped. As she fell she moved herself to where she could land on the ground beside the fight.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
8:14am Apr 4 2013
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Posts: 22
Tide saw that he was surrounded so he decided to back down and said:" 2 on 1, now thats not fair. You know i was trying to help That female wolf." Luckily Tide's blood dropped on her mood when he was beside her, so she healed completely and stood up.
5:08am Apr 5 2013
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Posts: 1,188
Sam closed her eyes tight and howled slightly when she was bitten. It was nasty, to be bitten by one of her natural enemies, but felt some sense of relief as the pain faded and her strength gathered. She stood immediately, feeling the urge to rip the vampires head off, but had to thank it by spearing its life. Her eyes were over flowing with hatred. The jump of Will onto the vampire was blurry, after being stabbed and bitten... And all that chaos.
8:00am Apr 5 2013
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Posts: 22
Tide saw the hatred in Sam's eyes, but stopped fighting and shouted:" just stop fighting i felt sorry for you, you were about to die and leave this planet for good and that's what i wanted, but i decided to be a gentleman and help you." with a small grin.