There's just to much {Warrior Cats} THat Time Cannot Erase

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10:04am Mar 29 2010

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"Fine," grumble Leafsong, stepping away from the kittens, "They're all yours. Have fun with the devils," she called out cheekily as she left the nursery.

Echostar sighed, taking in a deep breath, "Times are changing..." she murmured before going back into her den, shaking her head sadly.


10:08am Mar 29 2010

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"Hey!" Snowdrift called, "no! I just wanted to play!" She complained.


Feralwind watched Adderstrike warily from across camp, waiting for his brother to lash out at him in anger.


Swiftdash padded up to Echostar with a purr, "Hi there Echostar!" she smiled, "how are you?" she was in a bubbly mood after catching the rabbits and was all smiles.


10:10am Mar 29 2010

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Echostar swung her head around, "I fear...something's off, I can feel it!" she said suddenly her eyes wide with fear.


10:12am Mar 29 2010

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Swiftdash shrugged. "it feels like any other day to me."((gotta go....))


4:46pm Mar 29 2010

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Posts: 6,165

Applekit and Starkit tackled Snowdrift.

" Just to clear it up, me and Starkit are 5 moons" Applekit said proudly. " And Angelkit is only 2 moons"

Angelkit followed Leafsong. " mama, mama!" she mewed. OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

4:54pm Mar 29 2010

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Snowdrift was knocked over by the kits, "well, I am 20 moons, and I think im getting too old!" she complained teasingly.


4:59pm Mar 29 2010

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Starkit laughed. " So, we don't know alot. But we can tell you about our past if ya like" she mewed.

Applekit bounced on  Snowdrift's head. OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

5:05pm Mar 29 2010

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"oh do tell." Snowdrift purred, using her paw to bat at Applekit playfully.


5:09pm Mar 29 2010

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Applekit sat on Snowdrift's head and swayed slowly. " Mew" she mewed.

Starkit took in a deep breath. " We were born in a clan called Starclan and our mother was a warrior. She was attacked by the leader because he was supposed to mate with her. But, she didn't. Applekit was born first, I was second. But Angelkit didn't arrive ontil two months for some reason. Anyway, we were separeted ferom our mother, and we met a tom cat. He said he'd known our mother and that he'd lead us there, but he took our lucky charms and left us here." Stakit said. OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

5:12pm Mar 29 2010

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Snowdrift tilted her head, "how were you born in StarClan? It is a clan for the deceased sould of our warrior ancestors." She lay down, tilting her head so Applekit fell between her paws.


5:17pm Mar 29 2010

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Starkit shrugged. " I 'unno. Thats where the gentlecat told us that we were from" she mewed.

Applekit smiled, playing with Snowdrift's fur. OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

5:18pm Mar 29 2010 (last edited on 5:18pm Mar 29 2010)

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Snowdrift thought for a minute, "hmm, di this cat happen to tell you his name? Was it Timberfall?" She asked.


5:28pm Mar 29 2010

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Starkit shrugged. " I think it was, but I'm not sure." she meqwed. OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

5:46pm Mar 29 2010

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Snowdrift nodded, "Timberfall was a very bad cat. He broke the Warrior Code many times, and swore his revenge. He told us that he would come back, with others like him, lawless, brutal cats, and wreak havoc on StrikeClan for all the 'wrong' we had done to him. We all thought him crazy, and that he was going to die in the forest, but lately, some cats have thought they spotted ihm in the trees, watching camp."


5:49pm Mar 29 2010

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Starkit's eyes widened. " What did he look like?" she asked. OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

5:55pm Mar 29 2010

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Snowdrift thought for a moment, it had been moons since she had last seen Timberfall, "he was a plain tawny cat, with no markings, but he had one jet black paw, and a brown marking on his forehead that resembled a leaf." she said, "and his tail was white tipped."


6:29pm Mar 29 2010

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Leafsong purred as Angelkit followed her, "Let's get you back toSnowdrift where you can't get into trouble," she mewed as she herded the small kit back into the nursery.


7:31pm Mar 29 2010

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Starkit nodded." Yup, thats the one!" she meowed.

Angel shook her head no. " I wanna stay wiff you, mama." she said smiling. OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

7:49pm Mar 29 2010

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Leafsong shook her head gently, "I'm not your mother. One of the queens will take care fo you."


7:55pm Mar 29 2010

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Angelkit frowned. " But i want yous!" she cried. " I wove yous" Angelkit's eyes filled with tiny tears. OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.
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