5:26pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 9,944
(( lol . <3 )) Limefeather shrugged. "It's not so hard, because I, unlike other she-cats, can't spend all my energy on other things," she added quietly. "And cats." She padded towards the border, where the nettle was, without another word.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:27pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Adderstrike shrugged, "In case you havent noticed, I dont have friends, I'm not the friends 'type'." he shrugged, "its still a lot to remeber."
5:32pm Mar 30 2010
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Limefeather shrugged silently, trying to pick out the sharp smell of nettle over the bitter smell and taste of the burdock in her mouth. Finally she came to the little green plant, and waved her tail to signal Adderstrike.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:33pm Mar 30 2010 (last edited on 5:33pm Mar 30 2010)
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Adderstrike set down the dock leaf and looked at the Nettle plant, "what does nettle seed do?" he asked.
5:49pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 9,944
"If I remember correctly," she mewed. "It's for countering poison." She blinked, and shook some of the seeds onto Adderstrike's dock leaf.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:55pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 5,512
"I see." he picked up the leaf, "so we need yarrow too?" he half-asked, "where is that?"
5:57pm Mar 30 2010
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Limefeather blinked. "It's almost right outside of camp," she said, "So we can drop these off and then pick up the yarrow." She stiffled a yawn. "Then you can go off to your warrior duties or whatever it is you do."
wuss poppin jimbo
5:16pm Mar 31 2010
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Adderstrike shrugged, "I don't do much." he said with a small smile, "just bring in a little prey now and then. I never go on the patrols, I'm never welcome on them."
5:18pm Mar 31 2010
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Limefeather twitched her ears sympathetically, but didn't say anything to that; there was nothing much that she could say. She padded into the camp entrance quietly, a shiver running up her spine when Adderstrike's fur brushed against hers, but she shoved the feeling off as quickly as it came. I am a medicine cat!
wuss poppin jimbo
5:24pm Mar 31 2010
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Adderstrike padded to Limefeather's den, setting down the bundle of herbs he carried and glanced around Limefeather's den, "wow, I've never actually been in here."
5:29pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Limefeather shrugged, setting the herbs in their proper places. "Not many cats have," she said simply, tail flicking across the floor. She stiffled a yawn and stood back up, turning to him. "Let's go find that yarrow now."
wuss poppin jimbo
5:37pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Adderstrike nodded, suprised by how much he had been talking, how odd. He blinked trying to remember what yarrow smelled like, but found he couldnt, but he knew what it tasted like, and what it did.
5:47pm Mar 31 2010 (last edited on 5:47pm Mar 31 2010)
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((my computer dislikes me....))
7:01pm Mar 31 2010
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Starkit shrugged.
2:51pm Apr 2 2010
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5:10pm Apr 2 2010
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Limefeather stood up and brushed past him, tail flicking under his chin before she exited the camp. She listened for his footsteps behind her.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:17pm Apr 2 2010
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Starkit and Applekit spotted Limefeather, they smiled evily and crept up behind her. " Mew" Applekit whispered.
5:19pm Apr 2 2010
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Limefeather glanced at the kits scornfully. "You shouldn't wander," she said gently. Her green eyes narrowed affectionately.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:20pm Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Starkit tilted her head. " Huh?" she asked.
9:05pm Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Snowdrift laughed, "I'm sorry Limefeather, I will take them back to the nursery!" she purred, snatching up Starkit, "You must stay at the nursery okay?" she told the kit. ____ Adderstrike padded after Limefeather, whiskers twitching in amusement at the kits.