6:19pm Jul 2 2010
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((Rage will have to leave soon XD or get caught. )) Rage looked at a clock. 6:00 Pm. Uhou. I better go, he thought hastily, flipped the sign to closed and left his shop. Ash lurked around town. She saw someone, but didnt recognize them.
6:31pm Jul 2 2010
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/234.gif)
Posts: 12,384
((Gtg to play final fantasy. May be able to reply every now and again ^^))
6:52pm Jul 2 2010 (last edited on 6:52pm Jul 2 2010)
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/34.gif)
Posts: 4,685
((Aww... bye. D: I guess i'll go play Pokemon. :D)) Crystal glanced at Ash, and walked up to her. "I'm really Crystal, i'm just in disguise. I don't want anyone to recognize me or else they'll freak out." She whispered to Ash.
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
7:07pm Jul 2 2010
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/234.gif)
Posts: 12,384
((Im back :D)) Ash nodded. Rage walked with haste. He had to get away. Now. He could still see the sun, but he could also see the moon. His teeth began to change to wolf fangs as he walked past Ash and Crystal. He caught Crystals scent. "Look who's here? Its the half-blood." he growled, but continued walking.
10:39am Jul 3 2010
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Posts: 12,384
11:21am Jul 3 2010
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/34.gif)
Posts: 4,685
((Hello! :D)) Crystal frowned at Rage. "Leave." She said in a stern voice. She was already getting sick of dressing up as a whole different person. "I'll be right back, although it hasn't been long, i'm tired of being someone else." Crystal said as she ran back to her home and turned into her normal self. Then she ran back. "Okay, i'm back."
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
11:24am Jul 3 2010
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/234.gif)
Posts: 12,384
"I was already leaving anyway." The growing wolf fangs were making it harder to talk. He dashed off before they could find out. "How did he know?..." Ash wondered.
11:37am Jul 3 2010
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Posts: 4,685
"Ash, i'm back. Did the hair formula wear off? Is my hair still brown, or is it pink like usual?" Crystal asked. Then she looked at Rage. "You're talking weird..... and I saw fangs in your mouth. And how'd you know I was-" Then she paused. Werewolf. She thought. He's a werewolf, no wonder he could smell who I was. Crystal just smiled, and looked back at Ash and whispered, "He's a werewolf I think."
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
11:43am Jul 3 2010
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/234.gif)
Posts: 12,384
((He left already.)) "really?" Ash said. Rage was far away by now. The fangs were fully grown now. ((fail))
11:50am Jul 3 2010
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/234.gif)
Posts: 12,384
12:07pm Jul 3 2010
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Posts: 12,384
12:38pm Jul 3 2010
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/34.gif)
Posts: 4,685
((Sorry for the late post, I was eating breakfast. Oh and my post is long, and I think I made my post sound like a comedy. XD)) "Yes, he is. He had fangs, and he could sense that I was disguising." Crystal replied. After the movie was over, Diamond yawned and stretched. "Crystal no like that. She no bite." Diamond said out loud to no one. Diamond pressed a random button on the remote, and the channel changed. It was news. "This is breaking news." The reporter said. "It has been found out that someone has finally entered the dragon cave, and gave a few dragons a loving home." Diamond started squeaking and flapping her wings when she heard this. "Me one of the dragons who got a loving home!" She squeaked. "When they left, someone mysteriously got in before the wall of light reappeared, and is hurting and abusing dragons." The reporter continued. Diamond wasn't happy when she heard this, so she started to make sad noises, and squeaked a few times. "No no no! Dragons is getting hurted!" Diamond squeaked unhappily. Then she remembered about the basket, which Crystal had left lying in her dressing room. Diamond turned off the TV and went to Crystal's dressing room. She squeaked a few times as she flew up the stairs. As Shadow opened the door, he heard a few squeals and squeaks. "Hello? Anyone home?" Shadow asked, wondering if that was his imagination. "Me home. Crystals dragon." Diamond squeaked. "She gone." "Oh." Shadow said, a bit surprised that Crystal finally got a dragon.
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
12:43pm Jul 3 2010
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/234.gif)
Posts: 12,384
"Maybe... Im going to go see," Ash said, before walking in Rage's direction. Soon she had found him. "GO AWAY!" Rage yelled, now growing fur.
12:48pm Jul 3 2010 (last edited on 12:48pm Jul 3 2010)
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/34.gif)
Posts: 4,685
Crystal followed Ash, and noticed that Rage had fur. "I knew it! You're a werewolf!" She said.
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
12:53pm Jul 3 2010
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/234.gif)
Posts: 12,384
"Go away!" Rage yelled again. He shuddered. He erupted into a wolf. ((In case you forgot, this is Rage's wolf form ta:image/jpg;base64,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" border="1" alt="" ti tle="http://whitek9.deviantart.com/art/Rainbow-Wolf-109800901" width="115" height="94" align="middle" /> (Except without the rainbow fur XD)))
12:54pm Jul 3 2010
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/34.gif)
Posts: 4,685
Crystal stared at him. "Werewolf." She said before walking away.
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
12:58pm Jul 3 2010
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/234.gif)
Posts: 12,384
Well great, now the bloodsucker knows. I bet shes going to tell everyone like the chatterbox she is... Rage thought angerly. He glared at them. He seemed to say, You better not tell anyone...
1:02pm Jul 3 2010
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/34.gif)
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((Lol. Rage thinks that Crystal is a chatterbox. She isn't a chatterbox. XD)) Crystal walked away. "Ash, wanna come to the pixie garden with me to meet the pixies? They are very friendly, but a bit naughty." Crystal asked.
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
1:05pm Jul 3 2010
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/234.gif)
Posts: 12,384
((He's entitled to his own opinion, which happens to be very strong when it comes to vampires. XD)) "Sure, I guess." Ash said. Rage growled at them. The stupid bloodsucker is going to tell everyone!... He thought angerly.
1:10pm Jul 3 2010
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/34.gif)
Posts: 4,685
((Why does he hate vampires so much? o_o)) "Okay, follow me." Crystal said as she went to the pixie garden. As she entered the pixie garden, a pixie flew up to her and handed her a berry. "Thanks." Crystal said as she popped the berry into her mouth. The pixie handed Ash a berry.
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<