12:39am Mar 7 2010
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Luke smiled, "you know, temptation isnt always a bad thing." his deep green eyes lit up mischeviously.
12:41am Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 9,944
"Murder's not always a bad thing too," Sarah said with a dark smile, face inching towards his only slightly. She didn't even notice she did it.
wuss poppin jimbo
12:44am Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 5,512
"huh." Luke chuckled, "Never thought of it that way." was it just him or was she moving closer? He decided it was just him. ((xDDD))
12:51am Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 9,944
((CLUELESS MUCH LUKE ?! XDD)) Sarah felt another shiver work it's way up her spine, and she couldn't help but look into his eyes one more time. Somewhere inside her, she knew what she was looking for. Any similarities between Luke and Jacob. Her hand tightened on her glove. "Do you ever think?" she said. But her heart wasn't in the sarcasm any more.
wuss poppin jimbo
12:54am Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 5,512
"well." he whispered, "I'm thinking a lot right now. Want to know what I'm thinking?" he asked, his face as serious as his voice.
12:56am Mar 7 2010
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"Maybe," Sarah whispered back. More shivers.
wuss poppin jimbo
12:58am Mar 7 2010
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"I'm thinking..." Luke trailed off, "that I REALLY want to kiss you right now, but I'm too afraid to try." his voice was barely above a whisper.
1:00am Mar 7 2010
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Sarah's heart skipped a beat. "Want to know what I'm thinking?" she whispered back.
wuss poppin jimbo
1:01am Mar 7 2010
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"Probably not." Luke answered, his voice flat.
1:04am Mar 7 2010
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"Why not?" Sarah answered, smirking. "You don't even know what I'm going to say."
wuss poppin jimbo
1:08am Mar 7 2010
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"Because..." Luke realised he had no answer, "I unno, it cant be good i guess." he shrugged.
1:10am Mar 7 2010
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"Why don't you take a chance?" She teased. "After all, we're only a centemeter apart." It was true. They were startlingly close. Jace watched with disbelief.
wuss poppin jimbo
1:15am Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 5,512
"Because I may get murdered." Luke pointed out, but, despite his better judgement, he leaned in and kissed her, suddenly realising how much taller he was. He almost laughed. Wow would Jace be pissed, but for a moment, he didnt care.
1:17am Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Jace ground his teeth together, and stormed off. _______ Sarah pulled back, and smiled. "You'll have to try harder than that, Luke." She spun around, pulled her glove on and started to walk away in one smooth movement. She paused. "and Luke?" she chuckled, turning to face him for only a second. "Get those Herpes checked out, eh?" Then she disappeared into the trees.
wuss poppin jimbo
1:22am Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Luke smirked and looked at the ground for a moment, "Damn, shoulda seen that one coming." he ran a hand through his hair and laughed quietly. Turning to look for Jace, only to see him walking away, "hey!" he yelled and ran after him, catching him quickly, "told you so." he said with a smirk.
1:23am Mar 7 2010
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"Just wait," Jace grumbled. "I'll show you." ((Get my Rmail? XD -fail-))
wuss poppin jimbo
1:25am Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((I gots ir :D)) "Uhuh." Luke laughed, "sure you will!"
1:27am Mar 7 2010
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Jace snorted. "I'll win this bet. Just you wait and see."
wuss poppin jimbo
1:30am Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 5,512
"Oh yeah, sure, I'll believe it." Luke said, "when you magicaly become me." ((*is giving Jace ideas* xDDD))
1:31am Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Something snapped in Jace's mind then. A plan. An idea. "Yeah," he chuckled, "Whatever."
wuss poppin jimbo