5:07pm Apr 8 2010
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(( lol... win XD )) Jacoby tilted his head donward slightly, "If i remeber you ask me to kiss you." He stated, but rolled his eyes slightly, "But whatever... that's what i was thinking. I know you said you love the both of us but..." Reverend took a slight step back, blinking, this could get reaaaally bad. He thought to himself Scourge took a few steps towards her kitchen, and she turned back to Josh, curiousity in her tone: "do you... want me to get you anything to eat?" She asked. (Fail FAIl fail)
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
5:15pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Charlotte tightened her grip on the edge of the counter until her knuckles turned white. Her sister was wild and angry, and she was quiet and thoughtful, but they had one thing in common: They were dangerous when you pissed them off. She ground her teeth together and rolled her eyes to the ceiling. She bit back a sharp retort and fought against her growing agitation at Jacoby. It's not like she had sex with Reverend, for god's sake. She kissed him. The world was not going to crumble and nobody was going to die from this, clearly. He needed to chill the hell out. ________ Josh blinked at her, trying to clear the buzzing in his ears. "Um...sure?" he said quietly, noticing his vision was still a little blurry. He hoped it would go away.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:33pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 1,985
(( she's scarry O.O (kidding XD) but really. lol )) Scourge nodded slightly, "Uhm, do you like penut butter & jelly?" She asked after his reply, she kept thinking about how he'd kissed her before... she shivered slightly from feeling awkward, and pushed the thought off, and waited for his answer. Jacoby sighed slightly to himself, "Yeah, but... it's fine though, i'm used to it." He stated. He couldn't help but think of his slight... problem... for a moment. He rubbed his gloved hand through his hair for a moment, almost sighing as he felt the scar from the stitches along his head. (>:D)
Reverend blinked once again, "overreacting..." he muttered lightly under his breath.
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
5:41pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Josh shrugged. "Peanut butter and Jelly sounds good," he said, looking at her. He had the feeling he'd done something he'd regret, but he couldn't fathom what. He couldn't remember anything past getting out of her car. ______ Charlotte rolled her eyes, biting down on her tongue so hard it started to bleed slightly. She glanced at Reverend, and then Jacoby in turn, feeling her anger settle down. Now she was just irritated and in pain. Emotional pain. Being torn in half wasn't easy. She sighed, sinking into a chair with weak legs. She set her head in her hands and started to feel guilty, like she deserved. I AM SUCH A WH0RE.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:51pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 1,985
Reverend glanced up at Jacoby, his eyes twinkling with worry. As much as he could guess they despied one another at this moment, they both knew that Charlotte had a breaking point too. Jacoby caught Reverend's glance, and he sighed, and took a few steps toward Charlotte, putting a hand on her back, and he looked at her sympathetically, even though he knew she was getting pissed at him. He'd say something, but he couldn't come up with words. Scourge nodded once again, and slipped off into the kitchen, and quickly made 2 PB and J's, before alking back and sitting on the dryest park of the couch next to Josh's legs, and she handed him one. "I'm the fastest sandwhich maker in the universe." She said, grinning slightly.
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
6:05pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((*noms rat secretly*))
6:07pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 1,985
(( XD wth? where'd that come from, lol ))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
6:10pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Josh smirked, and took a small bite, despite the sick feeling in his stomach. Then he looked up at Scourge and said after swallowing, "I don't remember anything past getting out of your car." He added nervously, blushing a little, "Did I say or do anything I'm going to regret?" He met her eyes, truely scared stiff by the thought of saying or doing something he wasn't suppost to. _______ Charlotte restrained herself from shrugging Jacoby's hand off, and reminded herself that she'd be pretty pissed too if she was in his situation. She looked up at him and swallowed the blood in her mouth. "Would you understand if I said I'm sorry, but I'm not?" she asked nervously.
wuss poppin jimbo
6:10pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 9,944
wuss poppin jimbo
6:11pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((rats are yummy :D))
6:14pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 9,944
(( D: But posting is even yummier. NOW GIVE ME BACK MY RATS >:l -cuddles a damp and slobbery Leo and Pablo-))
wuss poppin jimbo
6:15pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 1,985
(( XD )) Jacoby blinked in surprise at Charlotte for a moment, before he nodded slightly, "I guess i would... it'd probably make me feel better anyways." Scourge took a bite of her sandwhich, and glanced at Josh in mid-chew, and swallowed nervously. "Well, you came in... and you tripped and fell, i think, and you thought you were dying, so you kissed me, and then you blacked out." Scourge said without hesitation, nodding matter-of-factly.
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
6:17pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((can't i has jut one *sniffles*))
6:38pm Apr 8 2010
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Josh paled and groaned, momentarily wishing he could disappear. He felt very stupid. _______ "Well then," she muttered. "I'm sorry, but I'm not." She glanced back down at her hands. She felt very stupid.
wuss poppin jimbo
6:42pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 1,985
Jacoby blinked, and grinned slightly for a second, "Well thanks you for be sorry, but not.' He replied. Reverend boredly started to bite his nails, wondering if they should all go out and do something. Scourge nodded, "Plus i almost punched you in the face for it." She said, and couldn't help but laugh on the inside
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
7:37pm Apr 8 2010 (last edited on 3:22pm Apr 9 2010)
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Posts: 9,944
Josh buried his face in his hands, feeling quite stupid and imbaras$ed. ______ Charlotte chewed her lip, feeling numb and broken. She felt ready to fall asleep and never wake up. Her mind wandered to her sister.
wuss poppin jimbo
3:22pm Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 9,944
wuss poppin jimbo
6:01pm Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((*doesnt know how to post* xD))
6:06pm Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 9,944
(( Waking up and talking to Sarah would be a start. xDD))
wuss poppin jimbo
8:57pm Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((SHHHHHH! *glares* Luke ish sleeping!!!!))