7:45pm Apr 15 2010
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Sarah smirked, already wanting to hug him again. "I dunno. Is it a legit apology?" Her attention was drawn away from Luke as someone screamed behind her. She spun around, and looked straight at Charlotte, shock spreading across her face. "...... CHARLOTTE?!" Charlotte screamed in joy when she saw her sister, considering flinging herself at her until she saw her right hand was ungloved. "Sarah!" she shreiked, running up to her, hoping her friends were on her heels. "Oh my god it's really you!" She glared at Luke.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:49pm Apr 15 2010
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Rev and Jacoby glanced at each other, and then back at Charlotte, and Jacoby chuckled, "Well she sounds happy." He stated, smiling as they walked behind her, not wanting to gallop over like Charlotte had(XD). "So your the famous Sarah that your sister always talks about?" Reverend asked, grinning slightly.
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
7:51pm Apr 15 2010
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Luke raised his eyesbrows at Charolette, "what's with the dirty look? I'm not hurting anyone!" he glanced back at Sarah, "a little help here?" He shut off the engine to his car((its pulled over kinda xD)) and considered getting out, but didnt.
7:54pm Apr 15 2010
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Charlotte ignored Luke, and turned her eyes on Sarah; her sudden joy faded. "So your little silver-haired boyfriend pretty much raped me outside my friend's house," she said sharply. "And now I see you with this guy... What have you been up to Sarah?" She was standing between Rev and JAcoby, arms brushing against theirs. Sarah sighed, and looked at Luke in despair. "It's a long story."
wuss poppin jimbo
7:57pm Apr 15 2010
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Jacoby scratched the back of his head lightly, "And who are you?" He asked, looking at Luke. Reverend turned his head to look at Sarah once again, after throwing a curious glance at Luke, "I think we have time." He stated
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
7:58pm Apr 15 2010
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"This guy!" Luke protested, getting out to the car, "hey now! I am the one who let Sarah stay at my place when she had no place to go! I stuck up for her when Jace used her. And I tried to apologize for my mistakes when you showed up, so I deserve more than, This guy." He said angrily.
8:06pm Apr 15 2010
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Charlotte glanced at Sarah, startled. "... USED you?!" she gasped, eyes wide. "Is there something you want to tell me, Sarah?" Her eyes flashed. Sarah ground her teeth together, considering smacking Luke upside the head. "Look, I can't do anything without my glove, or you-know-what will happen." She glanced at Jacoby and REverend out of the corner of her eye. "They know," Charlotte said with a sigh. She turned to Rev. "Can they come inside, so they can explain what the hell is going on?" she chuckled weakly. "I mean, it's your house."
wuss poppin jimbo
8:09pm Apr 15 2010
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Luke rolled his eyes, "I dont think I want to go in! You guys seem a little crazy if you ask me!" He complained.
8:10pm Apr 15 2010 (last edited on 8:11pm Apr 15 2010)
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Reverend chuckled slightly, "Yeah, sure, i don't mind." He stated, "We had a damn party there last night so, y'know..." He was about say something more but stopped, "I'm just gonna stop talking." He stated, chuckling, but then he glanced at Luke again, " i know i'm crazy, silly." He joked Jacoby blinked at Sarah, remembering that her power was turning things to gold as well, "yeah, we know, i've got the same..." Problem... "Power." He muttered the last word.
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
8:14pm Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Charlotte could feel the tension building. "Anyways... Let's all go inside, shall we?" She spun around on her heel and stormed into Reverend's house, a little flustered with her sister and her disgusting behaviours. Sarah followed her sister in silence, resisting the urge to grab Luke's hand. She glanced at Jacoby. "Interesting..." She glanced at her hand, and then ducked in the door, careful not to touch anything.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:18pm Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 1,985
Reverend nodded at Charlotte, "Good idea...' He muttered, walking towards his house after the too. "You coming?" Jacoby asked, looking at Luke again as the three disappeared through the door.
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
8:18pm Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Luke walked into the house, silently slipping his arm around Sarah waist and pulling her close, "I don't think your sister likes me to much." he whispered in her ear.
8:23pm Apr 15 2010
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Sarah chuckled weakly. "I think she just as better judgement than I do," she said softly, warmth spreading through her. "Not drop my waist before she goes through the roof." _________ Charlotte flopped onto a chair, and glared at Luke and Sarah, then looked at JAcoby and Reverend with unreadable eyes. Her attention turned back to her sister. "Now. Tell me what happened; beginning to end." _________ A sudden buzzing rang through Josh's ears, and he picked up his blackberry in confusion. He flushed a light pink when he saw what Sarah's message was. Then he glanced up at Scourge. "Think I can walk?"
wuss poppin jimbo
8:26pm Apr 15 2010 (last edited on 8:28pm Apr 15 2010)
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"But I dont want to!" Luke complained, letting go of Sarahs Waist reluctantly and stepping away, leaning against a wall and watching Sarah, to see how much she would tell Charolette.
8:32pm Apr 15 2010
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Sarah chewed the inside of her mouth the whole while that she told her story. From top to bottom; she left nothing out. By the time she was done, she was blushing a lot. Charlotte was too stunned to say anything.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:35pm Apr 15 2010
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Luke sighed, "so now you know, so are we cool or are you still pissed at me for no reason?"
8:38pm Apr 15 2010
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Charlotte finally gained her voice back. She squeezed Jacoby's hand in one hand, and Reverend's in the other gently. Her eyes were still wide. "....I don't know what to say." Sarah stared at her feet.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:01pm Apr 15 2010
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Luke walked over to Sarah and put his hands on her shoulders. He smiled weakly, "wow siters have no secrets do they?" he said, trying to lighten the mood a little.
6:29pm Apr 16 2010
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Sarah smirked wryly. "Shut your trap, Luke," She looked at her sister. "And do you want to tell me what you're doing alone with two guys?" She raised one eyebrow. Charlotte paled, and sighed. "I guess I could of seen that coming.." She blinked, and explained to her sister in detail about everything; meeting Jacoby, Reverend, and about the whole mess she was in between them. But she left out the purple horse.
wuss poppin jimbo
10:22pm Apr 16 2010
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(( Bump. ))
wuss poppin jimbo