4:29pm Apr 19 2010
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7:13pm Apr 21 2010
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Sarah tried to ignore him, keeping her eyes on her feet. (( BUMP. )) (( Will not let this die. D: < ))
wuss poppin jimbo
8:59pm Apr 21 2010
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((im sorreh D: idk what to post! SCOURGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!))
3:14pm Apr 22 2010
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(( SCOURGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE )) (( We need yer butt up in this thread D; ))
wuss poppin jimbo
3:20pm Apr 22 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((maybe you should send an rmail??))
4:00pm Apr 22 2010
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(( rMail sent. ))
wuss poppin jimbo
3:19pm Apr 23 2010
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(( AHHH IT"S TEH MOOEH AND TEH SNOWEH! run for your lives! *hides behind a convienetly located taco* OHH! a taco! *noms on taco* Wth? XD )) Jacoby blinked up at Sarah and Luke in surprise, "Killed jace.... who in hell's name is that?" He asked, over hearing them (FIL(fail at typing fail))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
3:51pm Apr 23 2010
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Luke nsorted, "Jace was a bastard who found it fun to use people." he said, jaw tightened angrily.
7:38pm Apr 23 2010
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Sarah stiffened, but didn't respond angrily. "Doesn't matter," she said quietly. "He's gone now, thank god." Charlotte bit her lip, eyes drilling holes in Sarah's eyes. "What's wrong?" she asked abruptly. "Is there something you need to tell us...?" "Actually...Yes." There was an awkward pause. ______________ Josh looked at Scourge, and showed her the text from Sarah. "Do you know where that street is?" he asked, eyes narrowing slightly. "Because I have no clue at all."
wuss poppin jimbo
8:18pm Apr 23 2010
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Scourge shook her head, "sadly.. i don't..." She stated, "all i can think of is walk down the road until we happen upon it..." She pasued once again, "Unless you... y'know... google it or something." She finished. Jacoby dipped his head slighlty, guessing it wouldn't be a good idea to press the subject with Sarah. He glanced at Charlotte, his blue eyes glittering, and he wondered what Sarah had to tell her.
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
8:24pm Apr 23 2010
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Sarah's words came out slowly, and she struggled not to choke on them. "I'm going to get my glove," she swallowed, eyes moving from Charlotte to Jacoby to a moment only. They moved back. "and then I'm moving away from here." The last word was quiet. "Forever." Charlotte choked on her Lucky Charms, eyes wide and confused. Pain flashed through them. Once she got her breath back, she exclaimed, "But we just, finally, saw each other again! You can't be serious!" She looked at Luke; he seemed upset. Pity for him washed through her. Josh smirked, flicking on internet explorer on his Blackberry. Automatically he went to Google maps. A low whistle escaped him. "only a couple streets from here," he said. "We keep going straight, and turn right at the third street."
wuss poppin jimbo
8:37pm Apr 23 2010
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Scourge nodded, and couldn't help but chuckle at the fact he actually took her advice and googled it, "Alright, well we better head there... unless you need to get the glove first, that is." She added.
Jacoby blinked in surprise at Sarah, and turned back to Charlotte once again, and he could instantly tell she was shocked, He opened his mouth to say something, hoping he could make her feel better, ut he couldn't think of somethign to say... He ended up shifting uncomfortably, and he put an arm across Charlotte's back, blinking sympathetically at her. (lol, he fails XD)
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
8:42pm Apr 23 2010
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Luke clenched his jaw angrily when Sarah brough up, once again, that she would leave. He thought for a minute, about telling Charolette the whole truth about Jace, but that would require talking, and that wasnt something he wanted to do at the moment.
8:46pm Apr 23 2010
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Josh stiffened, and paused for a moment. No, he wouldn't dare go back to his house with Scourge. His father was there, and... He snapped out of that train of thought. "I can make one there. It's not problem." He kept his eyes on the ground as he shoved his phone in his pocket and kept walking. _______ ( He does. o3o ) Sarah struggled to find her wording. "I just need.....to move on. Away from here. I need some space. I gotta...um..." she blinked. Charlotte ignored her frostily. She felt warmth as Jacoby put his arm on her back. She said in a nearly silent voice, "You're afraid of commitment." Ice edged her words like a blade. "You always were. You don't want to stay too long, and get bogged down with jobs, and money problems, and relationships." Her eyes flickered to Luke for less than a second before she let her eyes settle on Rev and Jacoby again. Sarah was muted by shock and pain. Charlotte was right (again); Sarah was afraid of commitment. She was struck blind and numb by it. She was scared of commiting herself to Luke.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:51pm Apr 23 2010 (last edited on 8:51pm Apr 23 2010)
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((*doesnt know what to do with Luke* should i bring in another girl? maybe Amy?? *bounces up and down*))
8:57pm Apr 23 2010
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(( oh yeah eyah(wtf?) YEAH! another charrie would help you with when you have nothing to post with luke XD )) Reverend noticed Charlotted gaze at both him and Jacoby, and he smiled slightly, and glanced at Sarah, and he couldn't help but wonder if there was a depper reason she would leave. Jacoby smiled slightly at Charlotte as well, and then he blinked, "But... don't you wan to.. at least catch up with oyur sister? Even for a moment?" He asked Sarah carefully.
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
9:07pm Apr 23 2010
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(( I WILL KILL YOU >:U - Sarah Okay 8D - Me )) Sarah shook her head, feeling the sudden urge to punch something or someone. She resisted. "Not really." Her voice was quick and harsh, like a whip. "Seems she has enough company." Her eyes met Charlotte's for a moment, and all hell broke loose. Charlotte stood up, eyes flaring like fire. "Shut up!" she spat. "At least I'm still a virgin!" She considered tossing her cereal bowl at Sarah, but decided Rev wouldn't appreciate that. Sarah said back sharply, standing up as well, "You may be a virgin, but you're still a filthy ho!" She waved one hand at Reverend and Jacoby, a smile playing on her face. "Take it back," Charlotte snarled, walking around the table to approach her sister. Her hands were fists at her side. She was a foot away from her. Sarah grinned, obviously enjoying this. "Make me, little sister." Her hair spilled in golden locks down her back and shoulders, and Charlotte almost wanted to rip it out from the roots. If one, two, or three of the boys didn't step in, Charlotte was going to leap at her sister, and Sarah would turn her to gold. ____________ Josh turned right, pulling out his phone to glance at the address again. "Almost there," he muttered, smiling weakly at Scourge.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:07pm Apr 23 2010
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Name:Amy Age:17 Gender:girl Secret:she has none!! History:*too lazy* Other:shes very hippie-ish, much like teh Snoweh :D Looks: 
9:10pm Apr 23 2010
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Luke stepped between the girls, facing Sarah, "Relax!" he pleaded, green eyes soft and kind, "please? There is no need for another murder tonight."
9:16pm Apr 23 2010
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(( Amy = Ho in Sarah's eyes. Amy = Fun drama in My eyes 8D )) Luke's poor choice of words made Sarah want to slap him. But she didn't, remembering her ungloved hand. "Fine," she said quietly. "Not tonight; I'll wait to murder someone else tomorrow." She looked away from her sister, and into Luke's eyes. Her own blue eyes were a mix of confused, pas sionate emotions all jumbled together. It was a puzzle wanting to be solved.
wuss poppin jimbo