8:53pm Apr 30 2010
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Josh paled when he saw her, obviously pissed beyond words, and looked away. He kept his eyes on Scourge. Sarah looked at her feet. "Take a seat," she muttered.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:58pm Apr 30 2010
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Amy sat down shakily, "you have no idea how thankful I am that you let me in, I dont know what would have happened if he caught me." She shuddered at the thought.
9:00pm Apr 30 2010
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Sarah nodded, and glanced down at her bare hand for a moment. "Ugh, yeah. Sure; no problem. What's your name? I'm Sarah." Her eyes were fathomless as she glanced at Luke for less than a second.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:11pm Apr 30 2010
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Amy forced a smile, "I'm Amy. Nice to meet you." she said. She looked over to a Breathtaking blonde boy standing off on his own.((XD)) She caught him looking at Sarah warmly, and guessed they were dating, that or he just really like her((lol)), but she couldnt help but stare. He seemed flawless, from the thick blonde hair, to the bright green eyes, and the muscular build. Luke felt Amy's gaze on him, but ignored her. He looked away from Sarah and looked down at the floor.
9:15pm Apr 30 2010
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Sarah bristled, jealousy prickling her skin. So, this Amy chick was after her almost-boyfriend already? Ho. "Anyways," she spat sharply at the girl. "What happened to you?" Her tone was brisk.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:20pm Apr 30 2010
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Amy snapped back to attention, "well, my ex-boyfriend just decided he wanted me back. But he had been abusive for most of out relationship, so I didnt want him back, and he tried to force me to go with him, so I kicked him and ran, and I guess, here I am." she said, not wanting to get very deep into her past relationship with Jason. ((shes not a ho! what wold you do ifyou walked into a house and saw a super how blonde guy standing there XD)) Luke grinned for a second, so Sarah was a bit of the jealous type. He found that.........kind of sexy((XD))
9:24pm Apr 30 2010
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( SEXY? xDDD lmfao. ) Sarah rolled her eyes, "Story of my life, hun. Boo-hoo. Bad break-up; nobody cares." she glared at her with sizzling blue eyes. "But, good for you that you kicked him; good that the woman has some power." She added quietly as she stared at the ceiling. "Anyways, so are you like...a hippy or something?" She chuckled weakly. "Not to be rude; you just look like it." But she did want to be rude; she wanted Amy to leave.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:29pm Apr 30 2010
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((XD totally necessary)) Ame chuckled, ignoring Sarahs's nasty comments about breakups, "I guess I kind of am. I was raised mostly by myself, my parents were a little crazy." she said with a shrug, "so yeah, I guess I'm a hippie. I'm all for Peace man." she laughed((*does peace sign with hands*))
9:41pm Apr 30 2010
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( Sarah's a possesive biotch sometimes. o3o ) Sarah narrowed her eyes. "So why'd you show up here? Couldn't take a slap in the face without having to run away and hide?" Her voice was icy as she remembered what Jace had done to her. She almost wanted to tell her. But she wasn't spilling out her life story to some ho-bag hippie. She rolled her eyes, leaning back in her seat, and stared at the ceiling. Hostility flew through the air like bullets.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:46pm Apr 30 2010
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Amy shrugged, "Violence isnt my thing. Make love, not war and all you know? Kicking him was only to get away, and this was the first house with the lights on." she glanced back to Luke, who had looked up and was watching Sarah again. ____ Luke walked quietly over to Sarah, "calm down Sarah, I'm not going to forget you just because some cute little blonde walked through the door." he whispered in her ear, to quiet ofr anyone else to hear, "Bythe way Amy, I'm Luke." he smiled warmly.
9:52pm Apr 30 2010
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Sarah made a gagging noise, and completely ignored him. Because he would do that; that was a total Luek move. He even admitted she was cute, which kinda pissed her off. Her eyes narrowed into slits as she got to her feet. "I'll be back," she muttered, almost dangerously. She stalked out of the room, hands clenched into fists as she imagined turning Amy to gold. So wrong, but so tempting. Sarah grabbed an apple from the kitchen and started to chew on it.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:59pm Apr 30 2010
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((g2g maybe be back later))
5:34pm May 1 2010
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Luke chuckled, "I'd say don't mind Sarah, but she'd probably slap me. Or worse. You can never tell with her." he teased gently.
5:38pm May 1 2010
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( -sarah glares at Luke- ) Sarah ate her apple in silence, calming herself down. She reminded herself patiently that she wasn't going to die if Luke dated Amy. In fact, it was what was best; because she was moving away.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:44pm May 1 2010
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((Luke*rolls eyes* has sarah not leaned anything? XD)) Amy watched Sarah cautiously. Obviously, Luke was hers, and Sarah didnt like that Amy had been watching him. She blushed slightly and looked down at the floor. ((Snowy- I'm Awesome! Luke-no your not Dude dont lie! Snowy-Im awesome! driving round in my moms ride! Amy-LOL))
5:49pm May 1 2010
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( .... Spear wanted me to tell you that she quit Res. o3o; I'm not sure if you heard already, or what, but she told me to pas s the message on. o3o; ) Sarah called to Josh in a hushed voice, "So, when are you making me that...glove?" Her eyes flickered to Amy; she had no clue if the stupid girl would catch on or not. Josh rolled his eyes, wincing as he moved, and pulled out his vial of liquid. "I have all I need." He turned to Luke, "Have any old clothing, scrap material or something I can use?" He reached into the other pocket and pulled out a needle and thread. Sarah muttered something about Josh being 'slow and useless when they were dating'. She blushed a little when her mind wandered over the memories, but she shoved it off. They hadn't done anything; just kissed a lot. And besides, she didn't like Josh like that anymore. She liked Luke. <3
wuss poppin jimbo
5:52pm May 1 2010
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Posts: 5,512
(( i noticed, she sent me 2 mil tu!!!!)) Luke shrugged, "Not on my, all I've got now is my clothes and my keys. You can use my shirt if you want." he said, glancing at Sarah with a grin.
5:57pm May 1 2010
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((XDDDDD I just looked at my notebook and saw that one of my guy friends wrote on it! its VERY perverted, do you want to here it?))
5:57pm May 1 2010
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( Same. o3o -stares at- I wanna spend it D:< But I can't! D:< ) Josh rolled his eyes. "People like you really bother me, you know." He tugged off his own shirt instead, wincing as it brushed against his bullet wound. "Got scissors?" he asked absentmindedly as he set the shirt on the table. It was black; perfect, because black was Sarah's favourite colour. Sarah smiled back at Luke weakly, then turned red as a tomato as Josh took off his shirt. He and Luke had the same muscular, handsome torso. Only difference was Josh's had a bloody hole in his. She picked at her apple. Josh said quietly to Sarah, "You always used to blush like that all the time when we were..." He trailed off, noticing the vibes sent between Luke and Sarah. New boyfriend? Interesting "Nevermind." he muttered, looking at the vial for a moment. Sarah's eyes got a little wider, but she didn't take them off of the apple. She stiffened and waited for the room to start getting chaotic. Of course Josh couldn't keep his mouth shut; he never could.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:57pm May 1 2010
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Posts: 9,944
( I do want to hear it! :D )
wuss poppin jimbo