4:53pm May 4 2010
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Sarah grabbed it again, smirking. "Really? Well, so do I. So beat it," she tugged it away from him, laughing lightly, and took a long drink from it, draining it almost half empty. She set it on the table, blinking a few times. "I forgot," she mumbled. "I'm not very immune to alcohol." She was starting to form a heachache, and her vision was starting to get a little blurred. "My bad."
wuss poppin jimbo
4:54pm May 4 2010
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Josh grinned, and took another sip. "It's fine." He glanced at Amy. "What're you drinking?"
wuss poppin jimbo
4:59pm May 4 2010 (last edited on 5:00pm May 4 2010)
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Posts: 5,512
Luke laughed, "its called being a lightweight sweetheart." he teased, snatching the bottle. ___ Amy shrugged, "just a little tequila." she said, grinning sheepishly. "You know what they say!" Luke taunted, "One tquila, two tequila three teqila FLOOR!" he laughed.
5:00pm May 4 2010
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5:01pm May 4 2010
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((DUDE! speaking of tequila, my big bro mitch has hazel eyes, but when he drinks tequila, they turn blue! its so cool! XD mine turn green *snoweh has aqua blue eyes*))
5:13pm May 4 2010
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Posts: 9,944
(( I wouldn't know; but my mum said my eyes started to turn gray when I had a little bit too much wine at that wedding in Newfoundland... xDD -has blue eyes- )) Sarah rolled her eyes, smiling, and grabbed a second bottle of something off of the table. It looked like whiskey, but she wasn't sure. ______ Josh nodded, smirking. He took a swig, licking his lips a little. "Nice,"
wuss poppin jimbo
5:16pm May 4 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((LOL snoweh had too much wine at a 4th Of July party once. I decided it was time to catch the frogthat was making so much damned noise lol i g2g ttyl))
6:25pm May 4 2010
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Luke raised his eyesbrow at Sarah, "isnt Whiskey a little too stron for you Sarah? Don't want you to have any regrets today now do we." he painted out, taking the whiskey and setting at back on the table. Amy blushed, "yeah, but its about all I drink." she took a sip and felt the warmth spread through her body. Luke slammed a fist on the table, "DUDE! we need to have some music and take some shots!" he said with a laugh, "I havent been to a good party since Cali! I'm sure Amy has some fun friends." he pointed out.
6:51pm May 4 2010
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Sarah snorted, and picked the whiskey back up. "If I'm going to get drunk, I'm at least gonna get drunk quickly." She rolled her eyes and took a swig. She didn't like the taste, but warmth spread through her, making her feel kind of tingly. Josh chuckled, and stood up. He was a little wobbly, but he could walk. "I'm not too bad. Perhaps I'll go hunt down some music. Amy, grab the shots?" He chuckled, and started to wander into the other room. He paused in the doorway. "This...." He was confused. "I went to a party here a couple of days ago. This house; I'm positive. Except it was...formal."
wuss poppin jimbo
9:23am May 5 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Luke laughed, "this will be fun! Hye Josh, what kind of music do you listen to?" he called. ___ Amy grabbed as many bottles of liquor as she could hold. She Followed Josh quietly.
9:33am May 5 2010
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((Sorry for poofing yesterday, freak storm. there were funnel clouds only a few miles from my house, so I wend outside to watch them :D))
3:11pm May 5 2010
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(( I just had to ride my bike home... And it was a thunderstorm outside. :c I look like a drowned rat. )) Josh walked into the other room with a shrug, and looked around for something that played music. His eyes narrowed in on a black, slee-looking radio. He scooped in up and ignored the sharp pain that flared through his stomach. He looked at Amy. "Think this'll do?" Sarah set the whiskey down and moan softly, tilting her head back to look at the ceiling. she glanced sideways at Luke, making it obvious she was slightly tipsy already. "Come here," she mumbled.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:40pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((you rat is kinda drowned in my mouth XD)) Luke grinned, "what?" he asked, taking a step closer. __ Amy set down the botles and looked at the radio, "lets find out, turn it on." ((hey wait! isnt Josh still shirtless? XD))
6:04pm May 5 2010
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6:05pm May 5 2010
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(( Mhmmm 8D -drools at his schmexiness- )) (( >:C Gimmie rat. )) Sarah huffed, sitting up straight with ltitle effort. "Closer," she muttered again, smiling up at him. Her eyes were oddly focused for someone under the influence. Josh smirked, pressed a red button on the top of the radio. It flicked on, revealing that it was on station 98.7. It blared a song that sounded like something froma band known as Faber Drive. It switched it off again. "It works."
wuss poppin jimbo
6:09pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((Mkay *hands over wet rat* :D *cough cough* lukes hotter *cough*)) Luke laughed, "how close if close." he asked, standin directly in front of her and pulling her to her feet. "sweet." Amy smiled, "now we have music, alcohol, and all we need is some cool people to hang with, or it can just be us." she said with a shrug.
6:29pm May 5 2010
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(( I'm not into blondes. xD I like the tall, dark and handsome types <3 )) (( And yay 8D -steals Leo and shoves in cage- <3 )) Sarah took a small step towards him, placing her hands on his chest. "Close enough," she said, grinning. She leaned up in her tiptoes so she was eye-level with Luke. "Hi there," she mumbled, eyes focusing on his. __________ Josh nodded. "Just us sounds nice." He flushed and added, "Well, just Scourge and I. Plus you, Sarah and Luke." He gripped the radio and walked into the other room, ignoring the small trickle of warmth leaking down his bare stomach. Blood, he thought. Oh well.
wuss poppin jimbo
6:33pm May 5 2010
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Luke laughed, "Hi, have we met?" he teased, a broad grin on his face. ((Poor luke, must he always have to be the responsible one XD)) Amy nodded, "are you sure you dont want to go to the hospital now?" she asked.
6:41pm May 5 2010
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(( Yes. :D Sarah doesn't like being drunk; she just likes using that as an excuse. )) Josh shook his head. "I'd like to wait for Scourge." He frowned. "She's been in the washroom a while. Think she's okay...?" He shrugged and set the radio on the table near a bottle of beer. Sarah smirked. "I dunno; is this familiar?" She leaned against him and pressed her lips against his. His breath tasted like alcohol, but she doubted hers' was much better.
wuss poppin jimbo
6:46pm May 5 2010
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Luke was shocked that she actually kissed him, but he guessed it was the alcohol. He pushed her back, "Hmmm. I cant say it is. Last time, I was the one who kissed you." he teased. __ Amy shrugged, "I Hope so." ((XD where is scourge??))