11:20pm May 21 2010
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Luke raised one eyebrow, "fatties?" he laughed, "well thats not me, 'cuz last time I checked, you like the sight of me with no shirt on." he taunted.
11:37am May 22 2010
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Sarah rolled her eyes and muttered "gag me now" under her breath. She said louder, with another hiccup, "So how about we go find a bedroom now?" She smiled. _______ Josh wrinkled up his nose, and downed a shot glas s. He diverted his eyes from Sarah, Scourge and Amy. The warmth of alcohol in his system was drowning out the pain from the gun shot.
wuss poppin jimbo
11:42am May 22 2010
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Luke rolled his eyes, "damn girl, you really want me don't you." he teased.((fail XD))
11:47am May 22 2010
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((XD on my profile, as my #2 favorite RP couple i have Luke& Sarah, such an epically fail-tastick couple they are a win! XD))
12:06pm May 22 2010
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(( <333 Awe. )) (( I keep meaning to add in fav. RP couples, BUT I'VE BEEN GROUNDED :D)) (( But today I got ungrounded <3 )) Sarah snorted and pressed one finger against his chest. "Shut up," she muttered with a bright grin. "Before I change my mind."
wuss poppin jimbo
12:09pm May 22 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Luke laughed, "ok, I'm sorry." ((Im soooooo fail today! im rele tired, and i feel like CRAP dang flu! XD))
12:26pm May 22 2010
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Sarah smirked rather triumphantly, and started into the hallway. "Come on!" she called over her shoulder as she walked away.
wuss poppin jimbo
12:33pm May 22 2010
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Luke got up with a sigh, he glanced at Josh, Scourge then Amy for a second each then walked down the hall after Sarah.
12:35pm May 22 2010
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Sarah opened a couple doors, but one led into a washroom, and another led into a closet. She frowned and kept looking around for a bedroom. This house was so... big.
wuss poppin jimbo
12:39pm May 22 2010
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Luke laughed, "having trouble?" he teased, slipping his arms around her waist.
1:00pm May 22 2010
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Sarah glanced up at him, heart thudding in her chest. "No," she mumbled, slipping her arms around his neck. "I think I found what I'm looking for."
wuss poppin jimbo
1:22pm May 22 2010
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Luke laughed, "oh really?" he kissed her softly, "I'm pretty sure you will always want more than you have." he teased.
1:35pm May 22 2010
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Sarah pressed herself tightly against Luke, ignoring the buzzing in the back of her head. "You're right," she mumbled against his lips. "I do want more,"
wuss poppin jimbo
1:36pm May 22 2010
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Luke tightened his grip on Sarah, "yeah thats what I thought." he murmered.((*ish braindead*XD))
1:43pm May 22 2010
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Sarah reached one hand behind her, looking for a doorknob. When she found one, she threw the door opened and started to back up, still keeping her arms around Luke and her lips pressed against his.
wuss poppin jimbo
1:51pm May 22 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Luke hoped that the romm they entered was a bedroom. He let one of his hands move up her back and unclip her bra. ((Woah! asi typed this, a bird landed on my windowsill and i totally zoned out XD))
1:56pm May 22 2010
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(( LOL. I do that all the time. :3 )) Sarah tugged at his shirt, trying to meneuver it off of his body. "Take this off, " she muttered at him, loosening her grip on him to look around the room. They were in a small, almost perfectly square room with a bed shoved in one corner.
wuss poppin jimbo
2:02pm May 22 2010
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Luke laughed and pulled off his shirt, "demanding arent we?" he teased.
2:10pm May 22 2010
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"Yup," Sarah admitted with a smile, loosening her belt with shaking fingers as she spoke. She walekd backwards towards the bed, still looking at him with unwavering eyes. She felt something spark inside of her, just looking at Luke. She wanted him; not just physically, but emotionally too. She wanted Luke to be with her. Forever.
wuss poppin jimbo
2:20pm May 22 2010
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Luke stepped forward, putting his arm back around her waist. He felt like he was on fire, or like he was electrocuted((sp? XD)).