They Are Our Enemy. [OPEN ROLEPLAY]

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12:34am Aug 14 2011 (last edited on 12:34am Aug 14 2011)

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Posts: 356


12:34am Aug 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 356
Yes, you may join Melo.


12:41am Aug 14 2011

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Posts: 5,310


-checks time-


Ah shizz... I'm going to go to bed. Getting tired and I can't think when I am tired.... G'night all!

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


1:05am Aug 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 257

I'll join too! 

Name: Doumoto Ichigo
Age: 17
Gender: Girl
 Weapon of Choice: Shotgun

Personality: She's the 'Bright and Bubbly' type.
When she's scared she screams louder than any

tuba o
r trumpet and she can break glass with her scream.
 History: She has survived an attack by a wild, blonde Berrok.

She has seen a

 glimpse of light at Atquat
i and is searching for it. Her pet is Autizora, a Black Tesuri, He is the only thing that she had to protect her when she was a 

baby. She was given a memorabillia from them and still glares at i
t the way she did many years ago. She always carries the memorabillia of her parents in her pocket since they died. 


1:27am Aug 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 239
Is it okay if I join? Sounds fun but Ive never done one of these b4))

♥your the PEANUT to my BUTTER ,♥ ♥your the STAR to my BURST,♥ ♥your the M to my M,♥ ♥your the POP to my TART,♥ ♥your the MILKY to my WAY,♥ ♥your the MILK to my DUDS,♥ ♥your the ICE to my CREAM,♥ ♥your the SWEET to my TART,♥

7:52am Aug 14 2011 (last edited on 7:52am Aug 14 2011)

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Posts: 815
Kiseki Lumina Tamiya
Weapon of Choice:


Kiseki's a quiet girl, but she is a loyal friend. Although she always wears a smile, there's something about her not quite... the same.

Breeze said it was okay that I give her a Kioka. =)


7:53am Aug 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 356

Melo, I hate to be the roleplay police, but a tuba and trumpet are kind of low pitched, so the fact that she can scream louder than those is not that great a feat...

What do you mean by, "She has seen a glimpse of light at Atquati and is searching for it."? I'm afraid I can't let you include this into the roleplay if it's going to interfere with the storyline.  This roleplay is pretty straightforward with no sub-plots.


7:56am Aug 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 815

||I was going to mention that about the tuba and trumpet lol.

It's okay if I join right.||


7:57am Aug 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 356
Yes dudes, I gave Feni permission ;)


7:57am Aug 14 2011

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Posts: 356



...just kidding. JOIN :D 


8:02am Aug 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 257
Sigh* it's not a sub-plot.It's history.And the instruments were supposed to be the highest string on a harp and the highest pitch on a flute.oh well, I'll change it on Friday. I gtg fo school.

8:10am Aug 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 815

||Before you say anything, Breeze gave me permission to do this.



You don't argue with the board master. You either listen or leave and find another rp. There are plenty of others out there, and you can even make your own.

We're trying to correct you to help improve your RPing. As is said in the first post, we're looking for realistic characters, not ones who turn into mermaids (although I understand you fixed that).


And what is this about a glimpse of Atquati? You can just say that you liked to explore Atquati or something. The way you're describing it sounds like a sub-plot which is not needed, kay?||


9:17am Aug 14 2011

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Posts: 1,062

 -returns even though she said she was never going to-

Lol now I can actually read it. -couldn't because the page was stretched-


And... Lauf will always be the cutest thing ever. ...What else was I going to say.


...o__o I don't remember.


I'll come troll you guys when I do.


4:11pm Aug 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5
 Is this ok Breeze?
Name: Allora Soulbreather
Gender: Female

Appearance (include picture if you want): Allora stands five foot seven. She has blonde hair that is slightly longer than shoulder length, with black streaks running down throughout. Her eyes are emerald in color. She wears black leggings with black boots, and a long flowy green top, almost like a dress. She wears a golden chain with one emerald pendant at the end at all times.
Personality: Allora loves adventure. Since the death of her parents when she was 14, she has lived alone with naught but the help of her own and her parents' orphaned creatu. She is independant, and untrusting. But if you become close enough to her to obtain her trust, she is a fearless friend. She can move quickly and quietly with ease, and dislikes fighting her enemies face to face. She would much rather prefer a sneak attack. (think about a ninja) :)
History: When Allora was 14, her parents were killed in an attack by a pack of wild vogar. Several of her parents creatu on their ranch were also killed and taken away, mostly those on the west side. The creatu killed were all baby veram, including a blonde baby named Smacabo that belonged to Allora. Since that attack, Allora has felt a strong hatred for vogar, and a strong attatchment to veram. Allora cried for days, and the creatu on the ranch every day would comfort her. Her mother's baby ebilia would snuggle with her every night, and her father's pack of Zenirix would watch over her. One day, an iluvu from the ranch rolled a veram egg into the den, and in front of Allora's eyes hatched a natural veram. Allora immediatly loved this veram will all her heart and named it Faaris. She felt a purpose in life. She wrote a letter to her grandparents giving them her parents house, and she sold nearly all of the creatu on the ranch. All except for Faaris, her mother's ebilia Aenema, and her father's calico mirabilis Ico. She has since moved to the woods of Relcore, where she finds and cares for abandoned veram. Her veram Faaris has been died indigo, and she lives in peace.
Other: Keeps Faaris, Ico, and Aenema by her side at all times. Nurishes and cares for abandoned creatu, especially veram.

4:49pm Aug 14 2011 (last edited on 4:49pm Aug 14 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 5

i think it worked.. i hope


4:53pm Aug 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 52

Breeze, can I join? I hope my characters fine.

Name: Nicole Chinara 

Age: 18 

Gender: Female

Weapon of choice: dagger

Appearence: Long brown hair, deep blue eyes

Personality: the quiet type, very independant.

History: Ofphaned at the age of 5. 3 years after her parents died, she encoutered Liyure, but everybody says she was imagining things since she was so young.

Other: Her closet Creatu is a Calico Sirleon named Callie.



10:54pm Aug 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 356
Ice, you may join.


12:43am Aug 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 356
Kay, I don't know when I'll start this...


1:25am Aug 19 2011 (last edited on 1:26am Aug 19 2011)

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Posts: 778


Name: Abigail (Abby) Grey
Age: Nineteen
Gender: Female
Weapon Of Choice: Knife
Abby has black hair instead, an electric sort of blue eye color, and not those clothes. Just some blue shirt, black jeans and denim jacket. and some nikes. Oh yes and much shorter hair.
Personality: Abby is mostly a tom-boy. She has a nasty attitude towards most people. Abigail is very cautious about her friends. She can be quite nasty when angry. Although , sometimes she is sweet. It isn't really likely though. Really, she is the "Get out of my way or I'll kill you" type of person. Very independent.
History: ...

Other: Not my image <3

"If you had a chance to change your fate, would you?"- Disney Pixars Brave

5:50pm Sep 3 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5
breeze, when is this roleplay happening??
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