Plot: A bunch of stray dogs, many kinds, run freely around a small middle sized town near a forest where a large male wolf lives. A rumor had gone around the streets saying that a few dogs had gone in the forest looking for the wolf, and hadn't come out. The dogs in the streets began to think that the wolf had killed and eaten them, and none have gone in since.
Rules:1. No shapeshifters, wings, powers, some special colors but keep them pretty normal. 2. Anyone may join, just post bio. 3. Please try not to drop out if you join, just ask and i'll help you catch up. 4. Try not to post one-liners, at least 3 lines, but if you have writers block i understand. 5. Have as many characters as you can handle. 6. There can only be one wolf sorry and also no hybrids with wolf in them :/. 7. You can be a stray or a house dog. 8. Have fun! :D.
My Characters
Breed:Husky/German Shep.
Stray/House: He's a stray.
Other: His mother gave birth to him on the streets, he was the only pup that she had, and she quickly hid him from humans. He was raised to think of humans as horrible people who make dog's their slaves and watch them fight. His mother died by being hit by a car, and now he is on his own.
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Age:Young Adult
Stray/Home:He's a stray
Other: He thinks of humans as interesting, and fun to be around. He wishes he could be a house dog, and finds house dogs lucky. He doesn't like to be on his own so he goes out near the sidewalk where the humans walk around, hoping he will be able to find a good home.
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Stray/Home: His home is in a large forest at the edge of a nearby town. He has a den that he had been born in. His den is a large rock, with a crack in it, just barely big enough for him to fit through, but it opens up into a large cave, in which he sleeps in.
Other: His size is what makes most dogs run off, or keep away from the edge of town, he towers over many dogs of all kinds, including a great dane. He wears cloths and a harness close to that of a sled dog, due to a human who had captured him and put him in dog fights. He had escaped but was unable to take off the things that he wears now.
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