10:35pm Jul 24 2010
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Posts: 880
((Sure :D)) Castri stopped growling, this dog didn't seem to mind him. He sat down but kept his eyes on him. "Im Castri, do you know why everyone stays away from that forest over there?" he asked curiously as he looked at it from afar. His mother had never told him what was in there or why everyone stayed away. She just told him that it was a horrible place and that he should never go there.
10:58pm Jul 24 2010
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Posts: 12,384
"Theres a wolf in the forest," Sage answered, not going into detail about it. He glanced at the forest quickly. "It's best not to go near there," He said. ((Braindead)
11:17pm Jul 24 2010
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Posts: 5,310
[[ -raises hand- Can teh Dragon join? She is bored out of her mind. ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:26pm Jul 24 2010
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Posts: 880
((yup go ahead :D))
10:15am Jul 25 2010
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Posts: 3,141
Salomon padded out of the small dog-house that he used as shelter during the day. At night, the policeman would let him in--to keep his leg from getting stiff from the cold-- but the human left him outside all day while he was working so if Salomon needed to get out of the sun, he could retreat to his cool dog-house under the tree. He limped over to the wooden fence and pushed at one of the boards. It instantly gave way and allowed him to slide out of the gap and he half-limped, half-walked down the street as he looked for something to do.
10:22am Jul 25 2010
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Posts: 880
Shreun began to walk behind a group of people. He wagged his tail when he saw a dog, what seemed to be hurt. He walked over to him and trotted slowly next to him. "Are you okay?" he asked as he looked at his limping leg. He guessed the dog was some kind of working dog, or maybe a police dog. Either one if he was one that got to interact with humans, he was lucky.
11:08am Jul 25 2010
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Posts: 3,141
Salomon looked up when he heard a dog beside him, talking to him. He blinked. Usually street dogs avoided him or if they did talk to him, they didn't acknowledge his leg. "Oh. Yeah, I'm fine." he said, continuing to walk/limp down the sidewalk. "It's an old injury. When, if, it heals I'll be able to get back on the unit." he said. He didn't really know if this dog knew what a unit was, but if he wanted to know, Salo wouldn't mind answering.
12:17pm Jul 25 2010
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Posts: 880
Shreun tilted his head a bit as he walked next to him "the unit? so your a police dog?" he said as he smiled and wagged his tail "well anyways im Shreun" he said as he steadily wagged his tail as he moved around the people who walked by him.
5:50pm Jul 25 2010
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Posts: 880
7:50pm Jul 25 2010
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Tiki made her way through the city. The magnificent, silky fur that most Borzois would flaunt was matted and dirty and not as long as a natural Borzois’. Her neck fur, however, was rather fluffed and not as dirty as the fur on her chest or back. She didn’t look royal or majestic, she was one of the street dogs, but she held her chin up high, a challenging look in her eyes. Tiki’s stride was rather brisk, carried easily by her long, thin legs. Taking a deep breath and catching all the s cents Tiki’s ribcage expanded and were easily visible through her thin la yer of fur, if only for a moment until she resumed her brisk pace.
8:04pm Jul 25 2010
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Posts: 880
Castri puffed his chest out as he looked at the forest "well i'm not scared of a sissy wolf!" he said as smirked at the forest. His mother had told him many things about the forest though she never said anything about a wolf. He wondered if they looked as big as the dog infront of him.
8:31pm Jul 25 2010
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Posts: 12,384
Sage shook his head. "Do you even know what a wolf is?" He asked, sighing. Only a fool would go in there, Sage thought. He glanced around. Then, he walked off, stopping only to take one last look at the forest.
8:44pm Jul 25 2010
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Posts: 880
Castri frowned "no.." though when the large dog walked by he grinned up at the forest. "But i know a way to find out!" he said to himself as he jumped to his feet and began to steadily trott towards the forest, his tail up high as he did.
8:46pm Jul 25 2010
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Posts: 12,384
11:35pm Jul 25 2010
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Posts: 880
Castri took a good breath of air before he walked into the brush. He looked around as he walked around in the forest, the sunlight wasn't as bright here due to the shade from the trees that loomed over him. He gazed up at all the wildlife, and forestation. He yelped in surprise as his paw was caught in a root and he triped and fell onto the ground. "oww" He growled as he sat up and winced. He glared at the root and shook the dirt from his fur as he continued to walk, this time a bit more alert at where his paws landed. Drasku lifted his head in his den as he heard a faint yelp. He pirked his ears and listened closely. Though he heard nothing, he guessed it was his mind playing tricks on him but just to be sure he moved to the opening in the cave and layed down, his eyes soon fading to a close, though he was still awake. If something was in his territory, it would think he was asleep and would most likely attack him right then and there, if they could.
11:44pm Jul 25 2010
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Posts: 12,384
Sage looked around again, to find that Castri wasnt over there anymore. ...! he thought, before walking to the edge of forest. After hesitating for a moment, he slipped silently into the forest. Get in, get out, dont get noticed, he kept repeating this thought to himself.
11:51pm Jul 25 2010
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Posts: 880
Castri continued walking until he came apon a large rock that he almost bumped into. He went around to the other side to find a sleeping what looked like a dog. He edged a bit closer till he was about half a foot away. He layed down infront of the dog. "i wonder if this is him..well if it is he's not so big" Castri frowned at the sleeping creature, and he slipped into the cave, carefull not to wake him. He looked around in pure awe. "whoa!" he said to himself with a large smile as he looked at the cave, his voice bounced off the walls as he looked around. Drasku listened to the dog talk to himself infront of him. He felt the dog's fur brush past him as the dog went into his den. He silently rose to his feet and turned around and sat down watching the pup. The pup reminded him of what he was like as a pup. Though he was a bit surprised that the pup had came here alone.
11:55pm Jul 25 2010
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