6:38pm Mar 10 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((Darkness {Warrior Cats} I Beseech You? I don't remberjoining that one, or are you speaking of a different one?))
6:54pm Mar 10 2011
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Posts: 9,641
[Hmm..guess I was wrong Full. XD; Sorry bout that.]
7:17pm Mar 10 2011
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Posts: 1,009
Hm... Ill think about joining X]
 "Monsters are real. Ghosts are too. They live inside us and sometimes they win." ~Stephen King
7:18pm Mar 10 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((Hahah, you mistakey-poo, Det! X3 /can't wait for Fizzeh to get back.))
2:36am Mar 11 2011
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Posts: 1,036
Just send in your profiles guys!
Spiritstar stood and began to slowly pace, his thickset paws making deep holes in the snow. The white substance reached to just under his belly thanks to his longer, muscular legs, but it still sent a chill through his thick, black fur, and caused it to solidify at the ends; stiff with ice. Flakes hung from his long whiskers as he waited impatiently for his clan to gather. Surely they weren't all dead or looking for survivors. There had to be more.
7:13am Mar 11 2011
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Posts: 1,576
[Eh, I guess I'll stalk first? I'm sorta in 'fog', not sure of what's happening xD]
9:04am Mar 11 2011
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Posts: 2,092
Ears flat against his skull to try and drown out the memory of falling rocks and the deafening reverberation of their m*censored*ive weight plumating towards the ground, or onto a cats back, Fallenbane barly heard the call of his black leader. Snapping open his previously shut eyes, the warrior was forced to bl ink multiple times to remove ice particles that had accumulated on the surrounding fur. For a moment he thought about disobeying, ignoring Spiritstar's call to stay right where he was and perhaps, no pray, some cat would call out from under the oppressive weight. But looking over the m*censored* of boulders yet again he knew it was only wistful thinking. No cat could have hoped to survive something like this. Tail twitching slightly the ginger cat forced his numb paws to work, to move towards the living; those that could be, and had been, saved. Padding slowly towards the one or two cats who were already joining Spiritstar, Fallenbane sighed, breadth fogging his vision where it turned to mist in the frigid air. Taking his time the warrior felt that rushing would be cowardly, like he was running from the grief and death behind him. That he was truly leaving his clan mates behind for good. Once he was close enough that the colors and shapes of his leader and fellow warriors could be distinguished Fallenbane nodded in greeting before sitting down a few tail lengths away, amber eyes gazing pointedly in the distance.

10:49am Mar 11 2011
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Posts: 9,641
Leopardwind squinted her eyes against the frost wind, glad for her thickly furred gold pelt. Tail dragging over the accumulation of snow she forged against the wind and struggled over to her leader, green eyes blinking dimly. Twitching her whiskers to rid them of the gathering snow the deputy leaped over a clump of snow a few feet high and padded over to the gathering of cats. Opening her eyes a bit wider as the wind slowed its rushing torrent Leopardwind could just make out a bulky ginger form ahead of her. Ears flattened against her head she made her way towards Fallenbane and purred a soft hello, though her voice was whipped away by the wind. "Do you know if we're missing any cats?" she meowed as loudly as she could, hoping that the ginger tom heard her. She had seen no sign of Foxpaw yet but she suspected the fiery ginger she-cat was already bothering Spiritstar, hopes still not dimmed by the wretched weather and the terrible avalanche that had devastated their Clan. -- Said apprentice was in fact making her towards Spiritstar stoiclly, ginger pelt a burning brand in the middle of the snow storm. Squeaking with the effort Foxpaw clawed her way over a clump of gras.s and snow and rolled head over tail to land right beside Spiritstar, looking up at him sheepishly. "Is everycat here?" she mewed, still flat on her back by the leader's paws. It didn't really bother her unduly. After all, right now Spiritstar was a very convenient source of warmth. Purring lightly she flicked out her tongue and caught a falling snowflake, keeping her tiny blue eyes squinted shut. [Foxpaw's very...XD]

1:02pm Mar 11 2011
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Posts: 1,036
Spiritstar's mood had failed to improve, even when more of the StormClan cats started to appear out of the heavy, drifting snow. When the young apprentice Foxpaw came to a rolling halt by his steadied paws, his sharp yellow eyes moved quickly to cast her with a scathing glare that was made, if at all possible, more icy by the weather. "No." He replied, sharply, almost wishing he could find enjoyment or amusement in the snow that fell thickly onto his pelt. Ear flicking in evident annoyance, the tomcat turned to his Deputy, Leopardwind, who was sat a tail length or so away, yowling over the strong winds. His strong yet strangely raspy voice seemingly quietened the snowstorm as he called her over, "Leopardwind, have you checked the caves already? No cat else has been found gone to Starclan?" His meow was laced with a situational authority that was present to serve the purpose of adding strength to the rest of the clan, or at least anycat within hearing distance.
1:18pm Mar 11 2011
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Posts: 2,092
Flicking his ears forward to try and catch the words that were ripped apart by the wind, Fallenbane was forced to lean slightly closer to the deputy. But not one to like his fur brushing anothers he kept a repsectful distance. Thinking back to the collapse, the ginger tom tried to remember if he'd seen any other cat lucky enough to have escaped without life threatening injuries. None. About to answer Leopardwind he haulted mid breadth to listen to Spiritstar, straining to catch everything that was said. "I believe we are missing cats, yes." He meowed to Leopardwind's previous words. "Though I am not sure to total count yet." The very thought of going along those jagged rocks and freezing snow, searching for clanmates and only coming upon crushed corpses made his skin crawl. Taking his eyes from the leader in case of further instructions, Fallenbane set them on the caves above, praying that no others were stuck in them; trapped or hurt.
1:20pm Mar 11 2011
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Posts: 9,641
[Change Wavepelt to Leopardwind? I messed it up and took the wrong bio. lD I'll r-mail it to you ocne I've posted this. XD] Foxpaw quailed under the leader's sharp yellow gaze and rolled over, sitting up straight and licking her paw in a subdued manner. "Sorry Spiritstar," she meowed quietly, her head ducked low. Scratching the ground awkwardly she bolted upright and dashed off, bushy tail straight up in the air, waving like a banner. Padding over to Blackpaw, whose black fur stood out quite well in the white snow. Purring loudly she crept up behind him, hoping that he didn't sense her presence behind him. Foxpaw's red fur was less than useless in the white snow, almost as bad as Blackpaw's ebon fur. -- Leopardwind nodded her head numbly, padding away from Fallenbane's side as quickly as the wind allowed her. Settling down beside the leader she ducked her head and sighed, her heart failing to lift even by Foxpaw's crazy antics. "I checked all of the ones that weren't blocked by huge drifts of snow. I found Kestrelwing and Dawnrush, though I'm sure there were more. There was a lot of rocks and litter covering up the back areas of the caves." Her shoulders twitching the she-cats eyes glimmered with anger. "Spiritstar..." she began softly, turning her sad gaze to him. "Do you think StarClan is trying to tell us something? We don't have a medicine cat to solve these mysteries, but I have this nagging suspicion." Huffing with frustration Leopardwind clawed a the hard ground, lip curling upwards with the anger and sorrow she felt for her Clan and the elements that had destroyed it. Now, they were no the strongest Clan in the region, who dominated the snowy plains. Instead they had fallen prey to the very lands they had conquered and leaving seemed to be the only solution. There were too many bad memories here.

5:44pm Mar 11 2011
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Posts: 6,296
"Spiritstar would know," Thunderbird said, "leaders can read the stars just as medicine cats can, just not as well." She turned to Spiritstar. "Do you see anything?" She asked, her eyes full of worry. Because of her long fur, she could stay warm in the snow, but she wasn't sure it was the same with Blackpaw, who had very short fur. She leaned in closer to Blackpaw, hoping to warm the small, dark apprentice. "We can still stay strong!" Thunderbird yowled. "If we work together, and keep StarClan with us."
9:11pm Mar 11 2011
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Posts: 5,998
Larkflight reluctantly edged out of the warrior's den. She was one of the last to awake, as she heard many yowls and mews coming from the cats outside. Cats were crowded had surrounded Spiritstar, bombarding their leader with questions. Wishing to not take part in this, Larkflight poked her head into the apprentice's den to check on them. The only thing she could see in the thick darkness was a small, faint rise and fall of an outline of a pelt. "Wake up." Larkflight mewed, unsure of who it was. --- Coalpaw's head instantly jerked up when he heard a soft mew. "Who's there?" He called warily. Coalpaw then heard a chuckle. "Just me, Larkflight." The brown she-cat mewed back. Coalpaw flattened his ears. "I'm one of the last apprentices to awake again?" He mewed irritably. Foxpaw's nest, near his, felt cold. Larkflight nodded. "Can't upset my mentor." Coalpaw muttered, thinking about [derp Coalpaw has no mentor.]
8:36am Mar 13 2011
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Posts: 1,036
The scarred leader halted in his steps and stood on a pile of snow, presumably a covered rock, looking out over the gathered cats. "We have lost a great many of our numbers today!" His voice broke the monotony of the storm, travelling afar. "But that shall not stop us from being great again! Stormclan will fight! A new medicine cat will be appointed soon, and their apprentice. For now, we travel. We will hunt along the way until we find a suitable place to construct our new camp. May Starclan guide the clan, and every one of you here!" He turned and padded through the thick snow.
6:32pm Mar 13 2011
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Posts: 6,296
Thunderbird followed closely behind Spiritstar, as did Blackpaw, walking in Spiritstar's pawsteps so they didn't have to push down the snow themselves. Thunderbird looked up into the sky in time to see a streak of lightening, followed by a bellowing clap of thunder. Thunder, huh. She thought, thinking of her own name, Thunderbird. Blackpaw didn't notice the lightening, but nearly jumped out of his fur as the thunder sounded. His fur stood on end, and he walked faster, urging Thunderbird, who was in front of him, to go faster, too.