Vanilla Twilight- Owl City
The stars lean down to kiss you
And I lie awake and miss you
Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere
'Cause I'll doze off safe and soundly
But I'll miss your arms around me
I'd send a postcard to you, dear
'Cause I wish you were here
I'll watch the night turn light-blue
But it's not the same without you
Because it takes two to whisper quietly
The silence isn't so bad
'Til I look at my hands and feel sad
'Cause the spaces between my fingers
Are right where yours fit perfectly
I'll find repose in new ways
Though I haven't slept in two days
'Cause cold nostalgia
Chills me to the bone
But drenched in vanilla twilight
I'll sit on the front porch all night
Waist-deep in thought because
When I think of you I don't feel so alone
I don't feel so alone, I don't feel so alone
As many times as I bl
I'll think of you tonight
I'll think of you tonight
When violet eyes get brighter
And heavy wings grow lighter
I'll taste the sky and feel alive again
And I'll forget the world that I knew
But I swear I won't forget you
Oh, if my voice could reach
Back through the past
I'd whisper in your ear
Oh darling, I wish you were here
1. I am owner of this thread. I will make sxome one CO-Owner andhe or she will have as much power as I do.
2. Be literate.
3. Do not join then never post.
4. Do not join just to bash my rp.
5. Do not argue or fight in OOC.
6. I don't care how many characers you have, as long as you keep them active.
7. Sorry, but no loners....
8. Please don't up and leave because of it, but I do supposrt Same-Gender-Couples... So please feel free to have your character Bi.Gay/Lesian if you want to... If youdon't like it, then simply put it in your bio....
11. If you'd like to join, please post your bio and "The story continues to unfold... Yet I wonder, will this be the final chapter?" DO NOT ASK to join, if you do, you WILL BE ignored.
**I will fill these in when I get the chance to, for now, just ollow the normal rules....**
Family in Pride?>
It has been seven years since Kiara and Kovu have been together.... Sadly, the outlands have not emptied out after Zira died... Now it is her daughter.... yes, Zira had a daughter that no one knew about....
Now that daughter is raising four young lions to take back the pridelands and avenge Zira's death....
But there is light in this dark hour... Kiara and Kovu have given birth to four young lions as well....
And yet time has started to change them... Kiara and Kovu n long will take in the new outsiders... Even though Kovu was one.....
Will history repeat it's self or will one of the pride parish for ever?
((Simba, Nola, Zazu, Rafiku, Timon and Pumba are not here...))
Kiara> Wolfwinx
Kovu> Krillacreat
Female Cub 1- Ignition> Krillacreat
Male Cub 2- Lunari> Wolfwinx
Female Cub 3- Whisper> Snowywerewolf57
Male Cub 4->
Female Cub 5- Shetani> GothicNekomimi666
-Other Pridelanders-
Vitani> Open
Steel> GothicNekomimi666
Aquinnah> Wolfwonx
Lanza> wolfwinx
Zira's Daughter- Sarana> Feret
Male Cub 1- Asita>Wolfwinx
Female Cub 2- Selene> GothicNekomimi666
Male Cub 3- > Open
Female Cub 4- > Open
Male Cub 5- > Open
-Other Outlanders-
Fang> GothicNekomimi666
Dawn- Snoweywerewolf57
Spikedhart- Spikedsoul
Name> Fang
Age> Adult
Gender> male
Pride> Outlanders
Family in Pride?> None
Mate> Open
Crush> Open
Other> N/A
Name> Selene
Age> Cub, will grow in the rp.
Gender> female
Pride> Outlander
Family in Pride?> Zira's Daughter and her other brothers and other sister.
Mate> Open
Crush> Open
Other> N/A
Name> Shetani
Age> Cub, will grow in the rp.
Gender> female
Pride> Pridlanders
Family in Pride?> Kovu, Kiara and the other three cubs.
Mate> open
Crush> open
Other> N/A
Name> Steel
Age> adult
Gender> male
Pride> pridelanders
Family in Pride?>
Mate> open
Crush> open
Other> N/A