2:55pm Jan 3 2010
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((I'm afraid this might be one roleplay where we have to simply work with what we have and add in parts if we don't have them. Sorry, that's about all I can think of...))
2:56pm Jan 3 2010
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((okay, but im still not sure how to do my intro, advice??))
2:58pm Jan 3 2010
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OOC: I'll ask a few Respals...
3:22pm Jan 3 2010
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((Maybe just put what Whisper is feeling or thinking during this time. *Shrugs* Better than nothing, right?))
3:25pm Jan 3 2010
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Posts: 950
((We can work on the Pridelanders for now... Until others come. ^_^ Oh, btw, the outlander cubs are a week older than the pridelander cubs...))
3:26pm Jan 3 2010
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((Spike, you can interact with Fang if you want. XD))
3:27pm Jan 3 2010
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((true enought xD)) Whisper yawned, wishing she coudl see what was around her. She mewed and tried to find her mother. ((UGH! Failpost xD)) ____ Dawn lay stretched out in the Outlands, watching the Pridelands. Her silver fur glistened in the light and she watched the water buffalo graze peacfully, wishing she could chase them. She yawned and started grooming her fur, watching out for Pridelanders the whole time.
3:43pm Jan 3 2010
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Posts: 950
"You know they're not gonna come Dawn." fang's deep voice could be heard as the male walked out of the shadows. His right ice blue eyes sent shivers down any one;s spine who looked directly into them. ~~~ Shetani meowed slightly as she crawled around on the rock floor. She bumped into her sisters and stayed close to them for warmth. ((Shetani is the run of the litter, but will grow to be one of the most skillful, not really in hunting, but in fighting.... Same with Selene.)) ~~~ Selene looked at her sleeping mother and siblings and slunk away from the den, headed towords the boarder of the two lands.
3:46pm Jan 3 2010
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((Well, here I go. They'll interact in a minute.)) "Please Heart, just tell me." Soul rubbed her head against her older brother's mane. He was sitting in the shade of a tree, looking a little upset, which was unusual for him. "It's today, isn't it? That's why you're upset?" Heart merely nodded. It was the anniversary of when their mother had died. "I'm sorry, Soul, I don't mean to be sad. But I knew her better than you." He smiled a little as she cuddled up to him. He'd practically raised her, their bond unbreakable. "For you I'll keep my heart light." He just hoped that if anyone happened to come across them they wouldn't alert the pack to his being so down.
3:51pm Jan 3 2010
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Dawn shrugged, not looking at Fang, "you never know what could happen," she said in her soft voice. Her green eyes glowed as she remembered the first time she had met the pridelanders. She blinked as te waterbuffalo noticed her, she wasnt that far away. They seemed to know that she couldnt attack them and ignored her. She wanted to chase them, but refirained.
3:58pm Jan 3 2010
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Posts: 950
"I do know, they are introducing their cubs... There fr they will be to buisey watching their cubs to are about us." Fang replied with a grin as he sat down a few feet from her.
While sneaking away, Selene came upon two of the other lions in the pride, the two of them were borhter and sister.
She said nothing, she simply stayed hiden.
4:08pm Jan 3 2010
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Dawn shrugged, "true enough, but what if, on the off chance, one is out hunting, what then?" she asked, looking over at Fang, "then we would have to run, and even then, we have nowhere to run to." she reasoned. Kovu knew his way around the outlands. He could find them if he had the desire to.
4:08pm Jan 3 2010
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"Brother, you need time to mourn," Soul said quietly. "I know that you've never had time to, taking care of me and all. Please, I want to you finally feel better." She heard him sigh and shift a little. "No one would remember the incident anyway. It's gone, I'm fine... and I think something or someone's near us," Heart said. His ears flicked, having caught the sound of something moving around.
4:15pm Jan 3 2010
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Posts: 950
When a stink bug crawled by Selene she chased after it, accidently running into Heart. "Oops... Sorry." She said after finaly catching the bug, and accidently killing it.
"We're not past the boarder, why should they come here?" Fang replied with a grin. "Besides, they don't hunt until about noon." He added with a grin.
4:20pm Jan 3 2010
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Dawn laughed and rose to her paws, stretching, "well I AM a bit hungry." she smiled mischieviously.
4:23pm Jan 3 2010
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Posts: 950
"You take left, I'll take right, we'll meet at the buffalo." Fang grinned and streatched.
4:38pm Jan 3 2010
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Heart looked down at the cub a little coldly. "Selene, isn't it? Doesn't your mother know you're out here? Why are you, anyway?" He caught a look from his sister and flattened his ears, but laid rest his tart tongue. He knew better than to go against his sister's wishes. "Selene, you shouldn't be out here alone," Soul said, sounding more gentle than her brother. "Meeting up with us doesn't count. Come on, I'll take you back," she offered, standing up and smiling.
4:59pm Jan 3 2010
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Posts: 950
"Bu mama's sleeping... And every one knows how she gets when you wake her up.... I cam out so I could practice hunting like mama said to." selene said as she looked at the other two adult lions.
5:02pm Jan 3 2010
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Dawn purred "you got it" She slunk silently toward the buffalo, off to the left side, watching for both fang and for the buffalo to spot her. Her paws tingled with anticipation and she hoped her silver and black fur wouldnt give her away in the tawny gr*censored*.
6:23pm Jan 3 2010
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"She said come out on your own?" Soul asked, a little surprised at this. She exchanged a glance with Heart, knowing that any cub hunting on their own was in danger, no matter what. "Well, if you'd like I'll teach you how to hunt, or help you practice rather." Heart snorted softly at his sister. "We all know you're good at it. If you two are going to practice then I might as well head back. I wouldn't want to get in the way." He too stood and began slinking off. He had nothing better to do than laze around anyway, and he didn't feel like helping the cub.