5:42pm Feb 3 2011
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((Introduction)) Several large dragons hovered above the sky. They were covered in silver armor. They seemed at ease, yet tense. Something was about to happen. However, these dragons weren’t exactly normal. They were shifters. Dragon shifters to be exact. When they hovered slowly, they tilted downwards and spiraled towards the ground at a break-neck pace. When they were about ten feet from the ground, they leveled out, soaring towards another group of dragons. They were at war. One large dragon dug his m*censored*ive claws into the shoulders of another, completely crushing the armor on the dragon. The dragon that was clawed reached up and blew a puff of fire into the face of the attacker. They both broke apart and landed on the ground, snarling at each other. A small silver dragon in the sky came spiraling down, landing between the battling dragons. The little thing seemed to be only a baby. When it came into contact with the ground, it was knocked out, but not killed. This was the prophesized silver dragon, the dragon that would bring peace. The dragons with the silver armor grabbed the silver dragon and flew off. Another small dragon came spiraling down. However, this one was gold. This dragon was the other half to the silver one. They would bring peace together. The dragons that were battling the silver-armored dragons grabbed the gold dragon and flew off in the opposite direction. They were to be raised, away from each other until they were fourteen. Then, when they reached the age of fourteen, they would be introduced. ((Plot)) Okay, so there are the two dragon-shifter kinds that are battling each other. One side wears silver armor, they took the silver dragon, and the other dragons wear gold armor, they took the gold dragon. These dragons have been fighting each other for decades. There was always a prophecy foretold of two dragons, one gold and one silver, one boy and one girl, would bring peace to the dragon-shifters together. Both of the prophesized dragons are shifters. They normally walk around with humans, but when duty calls, they fly off in dragon form. However, the silver and gold dragons are supposed to fall in love to completely stop the war. That would show the ultimate affection between the two sides and stop the madness. ((Rules)) 1. Ask to join. 2. No gay/bi/lesbian characters. 3. Keep everything PG-13. 4. I will be playing the silver dragon-shifter. 5. Ask to be the gold-dragon shifter. 6. This is mainly a 1x1, but if you would like to join as a side character, you may. 7. This is mainly a romance, action rp. 8. The gold dragon shifter must be a boy. ((Character Bio Skelly)) Name: Age: (Must be fourteen, due to the plotline.) Gender: Looks: Dragon Looks: Personality: History: Power: (Only one for now. You may develop more throughout the rp.) Other:
Love is all we need~
5:56pm Feb 3 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Name: Felle Age: 14 Gender: Female Looks: Felle has long, snow white hair that is somewhat wavy. Her hair stops at her mid back. Her skin is an average color. Her eyes are a piercing blue. She has a few freckles splashed across her face. She stands at 5'3" and has very long legs. She is thin, due to having to fly. Dragon Looks: Felle, in dragon form, is a silver dragon. She has a muscular body and her claws are very sharp. Her teeth stay tucked underneath her gums, unlike most dragons' teeth. When she breathes fire, her fire is a blue color, not the usual reddish orange. Personality: Felle is a tomboy. She dresses fairly well, but refuses to wear dresses. She'd rather have her tongue cut out than admit that she's wrong. She is a quiet person, but when things get out of control, she quickly gets involved. History: Fell from the sky, thus receiving the name Felle and was raised by Conner, the leader of the silver-armored dragons. Power: Felle has the ability to read minds, but only vaguely. She hates doing it, but it happens a lot by accident. Other: Nope
Love is all we need~
6:22pm Feb 3 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((C'mon people. Bump.))
Love is all we need~
8:54pm Feb 3 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Love is all we need~
10:40pm Feb 3 2011
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Love is all we need~
11:04pm Feb 3 2011
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Love is all we need~
11:17pm Feb 3 2011
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Posts: 1,248
((can i join? and could i play asthe gold dragon?))
8:37am Feb 4 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((Sure, Tiger. That would be epically awesome.))
Love is all we need~
5:22pm Feb 4 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 694
((I'll join))
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
6:02pm Feb 4 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((Okay. You have to join as a side character now, though.))
Love is all we need~
11:01am Feb 5 2011
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Love is all we need~
6:11pm Feb 6 2011 (last edited on 11:07pm Feb 7 2011)
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Posts: 1,248
Name: Sorin Natsu (he prefers to be called Natsu) Age: 14 Gender: Male Looks: but with gold hair and his eyes are amber. Dragon Looks: He's a gold dragon. Very muscular body. He has two large horns on his head and large sharp claws on his feet. Down his neck, back and tail are some small spikes which are very sharp. He his fairly heavy so his wings are a lot larger then most and are very muscular. His scales cover his body except for the front of the neck, belly and underside of the tail which are covered by plates. The scales on his body are a brilliant gold and reflect the sun light when they are hit just right by the light. (i may add more) Personality: He's a little hard headed. He also has a gentle side which he doesn't like to show all that much. He can be very protective. He's not much of the violent type unless you anger him really badly. He enjoys reading and is acctually very shy. (I'll rp the rest out.) History: He was raised by Mikael, leader of the gold armored dragons mate, Lillian. Mikael also had a daughter and son which are both very close to Sorin. Power: He has not discovered his yet. Other: He doesn't really care much about the war. --------------------- Name:Tawny Age: 14 Gender: Female Looks: (her hair is actually a dark orange) Dragon Looks: Personality: Sweet but quick tempered. Hyper active in the extreme. Books bore her... a lot. (rp the rest out) History: Raised by her mother who's the mate of the gold-armor dragon leader. Rasied with her brothers Sorin and Vash. Power: Invisiblity(she's still working on it though) Other: She likes wearing Neko ear head bands. Searching for her brother who's missing. --------------------- Name: Mahtaul Age: 14 Gender: Female Looks: Dragon Looks: Personality: Loner. Doesn't talk much. (Rp the rest out.) History: Mystery. (She might tell people she is close to.) Power: Manipulating plants.(later on healing.) Other: Belongs to neither the gold or silver-armor dragons.

6:33pm Feb 6 2011
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Posts: 11,785
(Can the other dragons be any color? ouo)
9:10pm Feb 6 2011 (last edited on 9:47pm Feb 6 2011)
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Posts: 6,409
((Any color, yes, Rika. Accepted, Tiger. We shall start soon. Oh, and Tiger, what do you mean by what color are they? I'm confused.))
Love is all we need~
5:16pm Feb 7 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((Fine. I'll start now.)) Felle looked around her small home. Her father, well adoptive father, Conner, looked at her and patted her on the head. "Today's the day you have to leave on your own, Felle," he said, kissing her forehead in a fatherly way. "I know, Dad," she said, looking up at him. "We should get going." "Indeed," Conner said, grabbing the car keys. He walked to the door and opened it for Felle. Felle walked out of the door and Conner closed it behind him. They silently walked to the car and drove to the lake where the silver armored dragons had arranged a meeting for the gold and silver dragons to meet. This is where it would all start.
Love is all we need~
6:04pm Feb 7 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((This is a picture of what Felle looks like. Except she's not chibi. ))
Love is all we need~
11:17pm Feb 7 2011
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Posts: 1,248
Tawny was running through the forest searching for Natsu. "Natsu!" She yelled over and over but there was no reply. "That idoit! I'm going to kick his butt when I find him!" Her brother had decided to wander off while the dragons gathered for the meeting. Tawny walked a few more feet and found her self looking at a stream. "Huh. Wait a second! Natsu loves to read around these kind of areas." She looked around and soon found Natsu sitting on a tree branch reading a book. "Found you!" She yelled as she launched her self at him. Natsu knew Tawny was looking for him but didn't expect her to come out of no where like that and tackle him. He pushed Tawny off of him, stood up and brushed him self off. Looking at Tawny he frowned. She also frowned but said, "I know you don't want to go but you have to." He looked away and said, I know but I don't have to like it." He turned in the direction the meeting was and started to walk towards it. ((I'm going to bring Mahtaul in later.))
11:54pm Feb 7 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((I'll add in Altair later. If I may be permitted to join, at least. c:))
6:39pm Feb 8 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((You can join, Rika.)) Conner put two fingers to his mouth and whistled as loud as he could. The chattering shifters didn't hear the whistle. He then yelled, "HEY!" All of the shifters stopped and looked at him as if he was retarded. "The meeting must begin." Felle looked around, nervous. She wasn't sure that she was ready to leave, but it was her responsibility. "Since the beginning of time," Conner said, "the two sides have been at war. Until the prophetic dragons came along." A few people looked at Felle, causing her to blush. The only thing that looked prophetic about her was her snow white hair. "The prophecy says that the two dragons must meet at age fourteen and leave on their own. Then, when they leave, their quest will begin. However, there has been a new discovery." He took in a deep breath. "In the cave where we all found the prophecy, the ancient sc ript reads: Only love between the sides shall forever end the war. This has made most of us believe that the two dragons must fall in love to end it all." He continued on, searching the crowd for the gold dragon.
Love is all we need~
7:04pm Feb 8 2011
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Posts: 1,248
Tawny ran ahead of Natsu and laughed. "I bet I can get there before you do." She giggled. "Well of course you would. I wouldn't bother running to meet a fate I don't really want." He said with a harsh voice while looking at Tawny. She frowned and looked away. Then she looked up and smiled. "Hey we're almost there." Natsu looked ahead and saw the place where everyone was gathered. He groaned and slowed his pace. Mikael looked around for Sorin but didn't spot him. "Where is that boy?" He muttered to himself. Mikael looked over at Conner who was also glancing around for the boy. "If that boy doesn't show up soon...." He groaned and continued to search for Sorin.